Beispiel #1
  * Creates an entry in the site archive table, to enable auditing of 
  * deletion. Authorisation must have already been performed and the values come from 
  * an existing object and so are assumed to be valid. May not work if unregistered
  * users are ever allowed to delete things.
  * @param \Site $site
  * @param \User $user	 
 public function addSiteToArchive(\Site $site, \User $user)
     $archievedSite = new \ArchivedSite();
Beispiel #2
function submit(\Site $site, \User $user = null)
    //Only administrators can delete sites, double check user is an administrator
    //save name to display later
    $params['Name'] = $site->getName();
    //remove Site
    try {
        \Factory::getSiteService()->deleteSite($site, $user);
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        show_view('error.php', $e->getMessage());
    show_view('/site/deleted_site.php', $params);
 function FormSiteGeneral(&$template, $siteAdmin = null, $action = null)
     parent::Form($template, $action);
     // site selected for mod, display site info in form input
     if (!is_null($siteAdmin)) {
         $siteSelect = new Site($siteAdmin);
         $this->valueName = $siteSelect->getName();
         $urls = $siteSelect->getUrls();
         $this->valueMainUrl = $urls[0];
         $this->valueLogo = $siteSelect->getLogo();
         $this->idPdf = $siteSelect->getIdPdf();
         $this->pathTheme = $siteSelect->getPathTheme();
         $params = $siteSelect->getParams();
         $this->valueRecordGet = $params['params_choice'];
         $this->valueVariableNames = $params['params_names'];
         $this->siteAdmin = $siteAdmin;
 public function copySite(Site $s, $new_name, $seconds = 10)
     if (!is_numeric($seconds) || !$seconds > 0) {
         throw new e\UnacceptableValueException(S_SPAN . c\M::UNACCEPTABLE_SECONDS . E_SPAN);
     $this->service->siteCopy($s->getId(), $s->getName(), $new_name);
     // wait until it is done
     if ($this->service->isSuccessful()) {
         return $this;
     throw new e\SiteCreationFailureException(S_SPAN . c\M::SITE_CREATION_FAILURE . E_SPAN . $this->service->getMessage());
 function needConfirmation($type, $idDependOnType)
     $confirmed = $this->request->getConfirmedState();
     if ($confirmed == 1) {
         return true;
     } else {
         switch ($type) {
             case 'site':
                 $o_site = new Site($idDependOnType);
                 $subStr = sprintf($GLOBALS['lang']['generique_siteno'], '<b>"' . $o_site->getName() . '"</b>');
             case 'newsletter':
                 $subStr = sprintf($GLOBALS['lang']['generique_newsletterno'], '<b>"' . $this->site->getNewsletterName($idDependOnType) . '"</b>');
             case 'partner':
                 $subStr = sprintf($GLOBALS['lang']['generique_partnerno'], '<b>"' . $this->site->getPartnerNameFromId($idDependOnType) . '"</b>');
             case 'user':
                 $subStr = sprintf($GLOBALS['lang']['generique_user'], '<b>"' . $idDependOnType . '"</b>');
             case 'pdf':
                 $pdfDb = new PdfConfigDb($this->site->id);
                 $o_pdf = $pdfDb->getPdf($idDependOnType);
                 $subStr = sprintf($GLOBALS['lang']['generique_pdfno'], '<b>"' . $o_pdf->pdfName . '"</b>');
         $this->tpl->assign('message', sprintf($GLOBALS['lang']['admin_deleteconfirm'], $subStr));
         $this->tpl->assign("confirmation", $type);
         // flag smarty
         $this->tpl->template = "admin/ask_confirmation.tpl";
         return false;
 function display()
     $viewAllDetail = false;
     $paramAll = getRequestVar('all', 0, 'int');
     if ($paramAll == 1) {
         $viewAllDetail = true;
     $period = $this->request->getPeriod();
     $idSite = $this->request->getSiteId();
     $idSite = getRequestVar('site', -1, 'int');
     		$rssHash = Request :: getRssHash();
     		if ($rssHash == "xxx") {
     			$urlStartGraph = "";
     		} else {
     			$urlStartGraph = PHPMV_URL; //Request::getCurrentCompletePath();
     			$urlStartGraph .= "/index.php?site=".$idSite."&rss_hash=".$rssHash;
     			$urlStartGraph .= "&date=".getRequestVar("date", date("Y-m-d"), "string")."&period=".$period."&mod=view_graph";
     $pdf = new GenerePDF("P", "mm");
     		$pdf->AddFont("DejaVuSans", "", "DejaVuSans.php");
     		$pdf->AddFont("DejaVuSans", "B", "DejaVuSans.php");
     		$pdf->AddFont("DejaVuSans", "I", "DejaVuSans.php");
     		$pdf->AddFont("DejaVuSans", "BI", "DejaVuSans.php");
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     		$pdf->AddFont("SILEOT", "I", "SILEOT.php");
     		$pdf->AddFont("SILEOT", "BI", "SILEOT.php");
     		$pdf->phpmvFont = "SILEOT";
     $pdf->currentModule = $this;
     if ($idSite > 0) {
         $site = new Site($idSite);
         $pdf->currentSite = $site;
     } else {
         $pdf->currentSite = null;
     $pdf->period = $period;
     $pdf->literalDate = getLiteralDate($period, $this->request->getDate());
     if (isset($GLOBALS["lang"]["text_dir"])) {
         $pdf->direction = $GLOBALS["lang"]["text_dir"];
     } else {
         $pdf->direction = "ltr";
     //$pdf->direction = "rtl";
     // Set PDF propertes data
     if ($idSite != -1) {
         $titre = "Statistics of " . $site->getName();
     } else {
         $titre = $pdf->pmvTranslate("summary_title");
     $pdf->SetFont($pdf->phpmvFont, "", 8);
     // *******************************************************
     // Sites Summary
     // *******************************************************
     $pdf->titrePage1 = "summary_title";
     if ($idSite > 0) {
         $zoom = $this->data->getVisitsStatistics();
         if (!isset($zoom["nb_vis"])) {
             $txtNoVisit = $pdf->pmvTranslate("aucunvisiteur_titre");
             $pdf->SetFont($pdf->phpmvFont, "", 14);
             $pdf->SetTextColor(255, 0, 0);
             $w = $pdf->GetStringWidth($txtNoVisit) + 6;
             $pdf->SetX((210 - $w) / 2);
             $pdf->Cell($w, 8, $txtNoVisit, "", 0, "C", 0);
         } else {
             // Summary Link
             $linkP1 = $pdf->AddLink();
             $pdf->Cell(80, PDF_DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT, $pdf->pmvTranslate("visites_titre"), "0", "", "L", 0, $linkP1);
             $linkP2 = $pdf->AddLink();
             $pdf->Cell(80, PDF_DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT, $pdf->pmvTranslate("frequence_titre"), "0", "", "L", 0, $linkP2);
             $linkP3 = $pdf->AddLink();
             $pdf->Cell(80, PDF_DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT, $pdf->pmvTranslate("pagesvues_titre"), "0", "", "L", 0, $linkP3);
             $linkP4 = $pdf->AddLink();
             $pdf->Cell(80, PDF_DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT, $pdf->pmvTranslate("suivi_titre"), "0", "", "L", 0, $linkP4);
             $linkP5 = $pdf->AddLink();
             $pdf->Cell(80, PDF_DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT, $pdf->pmvTranslate("provenance_titre"), "0", "", "L", 0, $linkP5);
             $linkP6 = $pdf->AddLink();
             $pdf->Cell(80, PDF_DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT, $pdf->pmvTranslate("configurations_titre"), "0", "", "L", 0, $linkP6);
             $linkP7 = $pdf->AddLink();
             $pdf->Cell(80, PDF_DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT, $pdf->pmvTranslate("affluents_titre"), "0", "", "L", 0, $linkP7);
             // *******************************************************
             // Statistics
             // *******************************************************
             $pdf->titrePage1 = "visites_titre";
             // *******************************************************
             // Frequency
             // *******************************************************
             $pdf->titrePage1 = "frequence_titre";
             // *******************************************************
             //  Pages views Information
             // *******************************************************
             $pdf->titrePage1 = "pagesvues_titre";
             // *******************************************************
             // Visitor movement
             // *******************************************************
             $pdf->titrePage1 = "suivi_titre";
             // Get data
             // *******************************************************
             //  Provenance
             // *******************************************************
             $pdf->titrePage1 = "provenance_titre";
             // setDisplayDataArray ($id, $headline, $data, $text)
             //{pmv_data_array	data=$continentcountries id=continent template="common/display_data_array.tpl"
             // *******************************************************
             // Settings
             // *******************************************************
             $pdf->titrePage1 = "configurations_titre";
             // *******************************************************
             // Referers
             // *******************************************************
             $pdf->titrePage1 = "affluents_titre";
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     $w = $pdf->GetStringWidth($twtTime) + 6;
     $pdf->SetX((210 - $w) / 2);
     $pdf->Write(3, $twtTime);
     // *******************************************************
     // Output PDF
     // *******************************************************
     $pdf->Output("stats-site{$idSite}.pdf", "D");
 public function setDefaultSite(Site $site = NULL)
     if (isset($site)) {
         $this->getProperty()->defaultSiteId = $site->getId();
         $this->getProperty()->defaultSiteName = $site->getName();
     } else {
         $this->getProperty()->defaultSiteId = NULL;
         $this->getProperty()->defaultSiteName = NULL;
     return $this;
Beispiel #8
  * @covers pgn\tags\Site::getName
 public function testGetName()
     $expected = 'Site';
     $result = $this->object->getName();
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
 function display()
     $viewAllDetail = false;
     $paramAll = getRequestVar('all', 0, 'int');
     if ($paramAll == 1) {
         $viewAllDetail = true;
     $period = $this->request->getPeriod();
     $idSite = $this->request->getSiteId();
     $idSite = getRequestVar('site', -1, 'int');
     $idPdf = getRequestVar('idPdf', -2, 'int');
     //$pdf = new GenerePDF("P", "mm");
     $pdf = new GenerePDF('P', 'mm', 'A4', true, "UTF-8");
     // patch by HonestQiao
     if ($GLOBALS['lang']['lang_iso'] == 'zh') {
         $pdf->phpmvFont = "GB";
     // patch by HonestQiao
     if (isset($GLOBALS["lang"]["text_dir"])) {
         $pdf->direction = $GLOBALS["lang"]["text_dir"];
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         $pdf->direction = "ltr";
     // ENGLISH
     		$l = Array();
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     //  fin specifique TCPDF
     $pdf->currentModule = $this;
     if ($idSite > 0) {
         $site = new Site($idSite);
         $pdf->currentSite = $site;
     } else {
         $pdf->currentSite = null;
     $pdf->period = $period;
     $pdf->date = $this->request->getDate();
     $pdf->literalDate = getLiteralDate($period, $this->request->getDate());
     // Set PDF propertes data
     if ($idSite != -1) {
         $titre = "Statistics of " . $site->getName();
     } else {
         $titre = $pdf->pmvTranslate("summary_title");
     $pdf->SetFont($pdf->phpmvFont, "", 8);
     $firstPageOk = false;
     if ($idSite <= 0) {
         // *******************************************************
         // Sites Summary
         // *******************************************************
         $pdf->titrePage1 = "summary_title";
         $firstPageOk = true;
     } else {
         $zoom = $this->data->getVisitsStatistics();
         if (!isset($zoom["nb_vis"])) {
             $pdf->titrePage1 = "summary_title";
             $firstPageOk = true;
             $txtNoVisit = $pdf->pmvTranslate("aucunvisiteur_titre");
         } else {
             $confPf = new PdfConfigDb($idSite, true);
             if ($idPdf == -2) {
                 // No PDF
                 // Get default site pdf
                 $idPdf = $site->getIdPdf();
             $paramShowPdf = $confPf->getPdf($idPdf);
             if ($paramShowPdf == null) {
                 //print("take defaut<br>");
                 $paramShowPdf = $confPf->getDefaultPdf();
             } else {
                 $paramShowPdf = $paramShowPdf->pdfParam;
             $confShowPdf = $confPf->getChoixPdf();
             $pdfLink = array();
             // Create all links object
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                     $pdfLink[$key] = $pdf->AddLink();
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             // Generate page
             foreach ($paramShowPdf as $keyTab => $info) {
                 $key = $info[PDF_INDEX_KEY];
                 if ($key == "PG0") {
                     $pdf->titrePage1 = "summary_title";
                     $firstPageOk = true;
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                     $firstPageOk = $pdf->setPageSummary($paramShowPdf, $confShowPdf, $pdfLink, $firstPageOk);
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                         $pdf->{$confShowPdf}[$key]["FCT"]($info[PDF_INDEX_INT] == "true");
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                         $pdf->{$confShowPdf}[$key]["FCT"]($info[PDF_INDEX_ALL] == "true");
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     $pdf->Write(3, $twtTime);
     // *******************************************************
     // Output PDF
     // *******************************************************
     //echo "fin : " . $pdf->traceMsg;
     // stats-siteX.pdf
     $pdf->Output("stats-site{$idSite}.pdf", "D");