Beispiel #1
  * @param $state
  * @throws Exception
 public function finalStep(&$state)
     SimpleSAML\Logger::debug("authwindowslive oauth: Using this verification code [" . $state['authwindowslive:verification_code'] . "]");
     // retrieve Access Token
     // documentation at:
     $postData = 'client_id=' . urlencode($this->key) . '&client_secret=' . urlencode($this->secret) . '&scope=' . urlencode('') . '&grant_type=authorization_code' . '&redirect_uri=' . urlencode(SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleUrl('authwindowslive') . '/linkback.php') . '&code=' . urlencode($state['authwindowslive:verification_code']);
     $context = array('http' => array('method' => 'POST', 'header' => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'content' => $postData));
     $result = \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::fetch('', $context);
     $response = json_decode($result, true);
     // error checking of $response to make sure we can proceed
     if (!array_key_exists('access_token', $response)) {
         throw new Exception('[' . $response['error'] . '] ' . $response['error_description'] . "\r\nNo access_token returned - cannot proceed\r\n" . implode(', ', $response['error_codes']));
     SimpleSAML\Logger::debug("authwindowslive: Got an access token from the OAuth service provider [" . $response['access_token'] . "]");
     // documentation at:
     $opts = array('http' => array('header' => "Accept: application/json\r\nAuthorization: Bearer " . $response['access_token'] . "\r\n"));
     $data = \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::fetch('', $opts);
     $userdata = json_decode($data, true);
     // this is the simplest case
     if (!array_key_exists('@odata.context', $userdata) || array_key_exists('error', $userdata)) {
         throw new Exception('Unable to retrieve userdata from Microsoft Graph [' . $userdata['error']['code'] . '] ' . $userdata['error']['message']);
     $attributes = array();
     $attributes['windowslive_targetedID'] = array('!' . (!empty($userdata['id']) ? $userdata['id'] : 'unknown'));
     foreach ($userdata as $key => $value) {
         if (is_string($value)) {
             $attributes['windowslive.' . $key] = array((string) $value);
     SimpleSAML\Logger::debug('LiveID Returned Attributes: ' . implode(", ", array_keys($attributes)));
     $state['Attributes'] = $attributes;
Beispiel #2
  * Start the logout operation.
  * @param array       &$state The logout state.
  * @param string|null $assocId The SP we are logging out from.
 public function startLogout(array &$state, $assocId)
     assert('is_string($assocId) || is_null($assocId)');
     $associations = $this->idp->getAssociations();
     if (count($associations) === 0) {
     foreach ($associations as $id => &$association) {
         $idp = SimpleSAML_IdP::getByState($association);
         $association['core:Logout-IFrame:Name'] = $idp->getSPName($id);
         $association['core:Logout-IFrame:State'] = 'onhold';
     $state['core:Logout-IFrame:Associations'] = $associations;
     if (!is_null($assocId)) {
         $spName = $this->idp->getSPName($assocId);
         if ($spName === null) {
             $spName = array('en' => $assocId);
         $state['core:Logout-IFrame:From'] = $spName;
     } else {
         $state['core:Logout-IFrame:From'] = null;
     $params = array('id' => SimpleSAML_Auth_State::saveState($state, 'core:Logout-IFrame'));
     if (isset($state['core:Logout-IFrame:InitType'])) {
         $params['type'] = $state['core:Logout-IFrame:InitType'];
     $url = SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleURL('core/idp/logout-iframe.php', $params);
Beispiel #3
  * Create an output from a configuration object.
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $config The configuration object.
  * @return mixed A new instance of the configured class.
 private static function createOutput(SimpleSAML_Configuration $config)
     $cls = $config->getString('class');
     $cls = SimpleSAML\Module::resolveClass($cls, 'Stats_Output', 'SimpleSAML_Stats_Output');
     $output = new $cls($config);
     return $output;
 * Hook to do sanitycheck
 * @param array &$hookinfo  hookinfo
function core_hook_sanitycheck(&$hookinfo)
    assert('array_key_exists("errors", $hookinfo)');
    assert('array_key_exists("info", $hookinfo)');
    $config = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getInstance();
    if ($config->getString('auth.adminpassword', '123') === '123') {
        $hookinfo['errors'][] = '[core] Password in config.php is not set properly';
    } else {
        $hookinfo['info'][] = '[core] Password in config.php is set properly';
    if ($config->getString('technicalcontact_email', '*****@*****.**') === '*****@*****.**') {
        $hookinfo['errors'][] = '[core] In config.php technicalcontact_email is not set properly';
    } else {
        $hookinfo['info'][] = '[core] In config.php technicalcontact_email is set properly';
    if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.3', '>=')) {
        $hookinfo['info'][] = '[core] You are running a PHP version suitable for SimpleSAMLphp.';
    } else {
        $hookinfo['errors'][] = '[core] You are running an old PHP installation. Please check the requirements for your SimpleSAMLphp version and upgrade.';
    $info = array();
    $mihookinfo = array('info' => &$info);
    $availmodules = SimpleSAML\Module::getModules();
    SimpleSAML\Module::callHooks('moduleinfo', $mihookinfo);
    foreach ($info as $mi => $i) {
        if (isset($i['dependencies']) && is_array($i['dependencies'])) {
            foreach ($i['dependencies'] as $dep) {
                if (!in_array($dep, $availmodules)) {
                    $hookinfo['errors'][] = '[core] Module dependency not met: ' . $mi . ' requires ' . $dep;
 * Hook to inject HTML content into all pages...
 * @param array &$hookinfo  hookinfo
function portal_hook_htmlinject(&$hookinfo)
    assert('array_key_exists("pre", $hookinfo)');
    assert('array_key_exists("post", $hookinfo)');
    assert('array_key_exists("page", $hookinfo)');
    $links = array('links' => array());
    SimpleSAML\Module::callHooks('frontpage', $links);
    $portalConfig = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getOptionalConfig('module_portal.php');
    $allLinks = array();
    foreach ($links as $ls) {
        $allLinks = array_merge($allLinks, $ls);
    $pagesets = $portalConfig->getValue('pagesets', array(array('frontpage_welcome', 'frontpage_config', 'frontpage_auth', 'frontpage_federation')));
    SimpleSAML\Module::callHooks('portalextras', $pagesets);
    $portal = new sspmod_portal_Portal($allLinks, $pagesets);
    if (!$portal->isPortalized($hookinfo['page'])) {
    // Include jquery UI CSS files in header
    $hookinfo['jquery']['css'] = TRUE;
    // Header
    $hookinfo['pre'][] = '<div id="portalmenu" class="ui-tabs ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all">' . $portal->getMenu($hookinfo['page']) . '<div id="portalcontent" class="ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom">';
    // Footer
    $hookinfo['post'][] = '</div></div>';
 * Hook to add the modinfo module to the frontpage.
 * @param array &$links  The links on the frontpage, split into sections.
function statistics_hook_frontpage(&$links)
    assert('array_key_exists("links", $links)');
    $links['config']['statistics'] = array('href' => SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleURL('statistics/showstats.php'), 'text' => array('en' => 'Show statistics', 'no' => 'Vis statistikk'), 'shorttext' => array('en' => 'Statistics', 'no' => 'Statistikk'));
    $links['config']['statisticsmeta'] = array('href' => SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleURL('statistics/statmeta.php'), 'text' => array('en' => 'Show statistics metadata', 'no' => 'Vis statistikk metadata'), 'shorttext' => array('en' => 'Statistics metadata', 'no' => 'Statistikk metadata'));
  * Loads and merges in a file with a attribute map.
  * @param string $fileName Name of attribute map file. Expected to be in the attributemap directory in the root
  * of the SimpleSAMLphp installation, or in the root of a module.
  * @throws Exception If the filter could not load the requested attribute map file.
 private function loadMapFile($fileName)
     $config = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getInstance();
     $m = explode(':', $fileName);
     if (count($m) === 2) {
         // we are asked for a file in a module
         if (!SimpleSAML\Module::isModuleEnabled($m[0])) {
             throw new Exception("Module '{$m['0']}' is not enabled.");
         $filePath = SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleDir($m[0]) . '/attributemap/' . $m[1] . '.php';
     } else {
         $filePath = $config->getPathValue('attributenamemapdir', 'attributemap/') . $fileName . '.php';
     if (!file_exists($filePath)) {
         throw new Exception('Could not find attribute map file: ' . $filePath);
     $attributemap = null;
     include $filePath;
     if (!is_array($attributemap)) {
         throw new Exception('Attribute map file "' . $filePath . '" didn\'t define an attribute map.');
     if ($this->duplicate) {
         $this->map = array_merge_recursive($this->map, $attributemap);
     } else {
         $this->map = array_merge($this->map, $attributemap);
  * Process an authentication response.
  * This function saves the state, and if necessary redirects the user to the page where the user
  * is informed about the expiry date of his/her certificate.
  * @param array $state  The state of the response.
 public function process(&$state)
     if (isset($state['isPassive']) && $state['isPassive'] === TRUE) {
         // We have a passive request. Skip the warning
     if (!isset($_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_CERT']) || $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_CERT'] == '') {
     $client_cert = $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_CERT'];
     $client_cert_data = openssl_x509_parse($client_cert);
     if ($client_cert_data == FALSE) {
         SimpleSAML\Logger::error('authX509: invalid cert');
     $validTo = $client_cert_data['validTo_time_t'];
     $now = time();
     $daysleft = (int) (($validTo - $now) / (24 * 60 * 60));
     if ($daysleft > $this->warndaysbefore) {
         // We have a certificate that will be valid for some time. Skip the warning
     SimpleSAML\Logger::warning('authX509: user certificate expires in ' . $daysleft . ' days');
     $state['daysleft'] = $daysleft;
     $state['renewurl'] = $this->renewurl;
     /* Save state and redirect. */
     $id = SimpleSAML_Auth_State::saveState($state, 'warning:expire');
     $url = SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleURL('authX509/expirywarning.php');
     \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::redirectTrustedURL($url, array('StateId' => $id));
  * Process a authentication response.
  * This function checks how long it is since the last time the user was authenticated.
  * If it is to short a while since, we will show a warning to the user.
  * @param array $state  The state of the response.
 public function process(&$state)
     if (!array_key_exists('PreviousSSOTimestamp', $state)) {
          * No timestamp from the previous SSO to this SP. This is the first
          * time during this session.
     $timeDelta = time() - $state['PreviousSSOTimestamp'];
     if ($timeDelta >= 10) {
         // At least 10 seconds since last attempt
     if (array_key_exists('Destination', $state) && array_key_exists('entityid', $state['Destination'])) {
         $entityId = $state['Destination']['entityid'];
     } else {
         $entityId = 'UNKNOWN';
     SimpleSAML\Logger::warning('WarnShortSSOInterval: Only ' . $timeDelta . ' seconds since last SSO for this user from the SP ' . var_export($entityId, TRUE));
     // Save state and redirect
     $id = SimpleSAML_Auth_State::saveState($state, 'core:short_sso_interval');
     $url = SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleURL('core/short_sso_interval.php');
     \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::redirectTrustedURL($url, array('StateId' => $id));
Beispiel #10
  * Retrieve our singleton instance.
  * @return SimpleSAML_Store|false  The data store, or false if it isn't enabled.
 public static function getInstance()
     if (self::$instance !== null) {
         return self::$instance;
     $config = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getInstance();
     $storeType = $config->getString('store.type', null);
     if ($storeType === null) {
         $storeType = $config->getString('session.handler', 'phpsession');
     switch ($storeType) {
         case 'phpsession':
             // we cannot support advanced features with the PHP session store
             self::$instance = false;
         case 'memcache':
             self::$instance = new SimpleSAML_Store_Memcache();
         case 'sql':
             self::$instance = new SimpleSAML_Store_SQL();
             // datastore from module
             $className = SimpleSAML\Module::resolveClass($storeType, 'Store', 'SimpleSAML_Store');
             self::$instance = new $className();
     return self::$instance;
Beispiel #11
  * Retrieve our singleton instance.
  * @return SimpleSAML_Store|false  The data store, or false if it isn't enabled.
 public static function getInstance()
     if (self::$instance !== null) {
         return self::$instance;
     $config = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getInstance();
     $storeType = $config->getString('store.type', null);
     if ($storeType === null) {
         $storeType = $config->getString('session.handler', 'phpsession');
     switch ($storeType) {
         case 'phpsession':
             // we cannot support advanced features with the PHP session store
             self::$instance = false;
         case 'memcache':
             self::$instance = new SimpleSAML_Store_Memcache();
         case 'sql':
             self::$instance = new SimpleSAML_Store_SQL();
             // datastore from module
             try {
                 $className = SimpleSAML\Module::resolveClass($storeType, 'Store', 'SimpleSAML_Store');
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $c = $config->toArray();
                 $c['store.type'] = 'phpsession';
                 throw new SimpleSAML\Error\CriticalConfigurationError("Invalid 'store.type' configuration option. Cannot find store '{$storeType}'.", null, $c);
             self::$instance = new $className();
     return self::$instance;
Beispiel #12
 public function finalStep(&$state)
     SimpleSAML\Logger::debug("oauth wrap:  Using this verification code [" . $state['authwindowslive:wrap_verification_code'] . "]");
     // Retrieve Access Token
     // Documentation at:
     $postData = 'wrap_client_id=' . urlencode($this->key) . '&wrap_client_secret=' . urlencode($this->secret) . '&wrap_callback=' . urlencode(SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleUrl('authwindowslive') . '/linkback.php') . '&wrap_verification_code=' . urlencode($state['authwindowslive:wrap_verification_code']);
     $context = array('http' => array('method' => 'POST', 'header' => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'content' => $postData));
     $result = \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::fetch('', $context);
     parse_str($result, $response);
     // error checking of $response to make sure we can proceed
     if (!array_key_exists('wrap_access_token', $response)) {
         throw new Exception('[' . $response['error_code'] . '] ' . $response['wrap_error_reason'] . "\r\nNo wrap_access_token returned - cannot proceed\r\n" . $response['internal_info']);
     SimpleSAML\Logger::debug("Got an access token from the OAuth WRAP service provider [" . $response['wrap_access_token'] . "] for user [" . $response['uid'] . "]");
     // Documentation at:
     $opts = array('http' => array('header' => "Accept: application/json\r\nAuthorization: WRAP access_token=" . $response['wrap_access_token'] . "\r\n"));
     $data = \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::fetch('' . $response['uid'] . '/Profiles', $opts);
     $userdata = json_decode($data, TRUE);
     $attributes = array();
     $attributes['windowslive_uid'] = array($response['uid']);
     $attributes['windowslive_targetedID'] = array('!' . $response['uid']);
     $attributes['windowslive_user'] = array($response['uid'] . '');
     if (array_key_exists('Entries', $userdata)) {
         foreach ($userdata['Entries'][0] as $key => $value) {
             if (is_string($value)) {
                 $attributes['windowslive.' . $key] = array((string) $value);
         if (array_key_exists('Emails', $userdata['Entries'][0])) {
             $attributes['windowslive_mail'] = array($userdata['Entries'][0]['Emails'][0]['Address']);
     SimpleSAML\Logger::debug('LiveID Returned Attributes: ' . implode(", ", array_keys($attributes)));
     $state['Attributes'] = $attributes;
  * When the process logic determines that the user is not
  * authorized for this service, then forward the user to
  * an 403 unauthorized page.
  * Separated this code into its own method so that child
  * classes can override it and change the action. Forward
  * thinking in case a "chained" ACL is needed, more complex
  * permission logic.
  * @param array $request
 protected function unauthorized(&$request)
     SimpleSAML\Logger::error('ExpectedAuthnContextClassRef: Invalid authentication context: ' . $this->AuthnContextClassRef . '. Accepted values are: ' . var_export($this->accepted, true));
     $id = SimpleSAML_Auth_State::saveState($request, 'saml:ExpectedAuthnContextClassRef:unauthorized');
     $url = SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleURL('saml/sp/wrong_authncontextclassref.php');
     \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::redirectTrustedURL($url, array('StateId' => $id));
 * Hook to run a cron job.
 * @param array &$croninfo  Output
function sanitycheck_hook_cron(&$croninfo)
    assert('array_key_exists("summary", $croninfo)');
    assert('array_key_exists("tag", $croninfo)');
    SimpleSAML\Logger::info('cron [sanitycheck]: Running cron in cron tag [' . $croninfo['tag'] . '] ');
    try {
        $sconfig = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getOptionalConfig('config-sanitycheck.php');
        $cronTag = $sconfig->getString('cron_tag', null);
        if ($cronTag === null || $cronTag !== $croninfo['tag']) {
        $info = array();
        $errors = array();
        $hookinfo = array('info' => &$info, 'errors' => &$errors);
        SimpleSAML\Module::callHooks('sanitycheck', $hookinfo);
        if (count($errors) > 0) {
            foreach ($errors as $err) {
                $croninfo['summary'][] = 'Sanitycheck error: ' . $err;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $croninfo['summary'][] = 'Error executing sanity check: ' . $e->getMessage();
 public function authenticate(&$state)
     // We are going to need the authId in order to retrieve this authentication source later
     $state[self::AUTHID] = $this->authId;
     $id = SimpleSAML_Auth_State::saveState($state, self::STAGEID);
     $url = SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleURL('InfoCard/login-infocard.php');
     \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::redirectTrustedURL($url, array('AuthState' => $id));
 * Hook to add the modinfo module to the frontpage.
 * @param array &$links  The links on the frontpage, split into sections.
function core_hook_frontpage(&$links)
    assert('array_key_exists("links", $links)');
    $links['links']['frontpage_welcome'] = array('href' => SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleURL('core/frontpage_welcome.php'), 'text' => '{core:frontpage:welcome}', 'shorttext' => '{core:frontpage:welcome}');
    $links['links']['frontpage_config'] = array('href' => SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleURL('core/frontpage_config.php'), 'text' => '{core:frontpage:configuration}', 'shorttext' => '{core:frontpage:configuration}');
    $links['links']['frontpage_auth'] = array('href' => SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleURL('core/frontpage_auth.php'), 'text' => '{core:frontpage:auth}', 'shorttext' => '{core:frontpage:auth}');
    $links['links']['frontpage_federation'] = array('href' => SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleURL('core/frontpage_federation.php'), 'text' => '{core:frontpage:federation}', 'shorttext' => '{core:frontpage:federation}');
Beispiel #17
 public function getRule($preferRule)
     $rule = $this->resolveSelectedRule($preferRule);
     $statrulesConfig = $this->statconfig->getConfigItem('statrules');
     $statruleConfig = $statrulesConfig->getConfigItem($rule);
     $presenterClass = SimpleSAML\Module::resolveClass($statruleConfig->getValue('presenter', 'statistics:BaseRule'), 'Statistics_Rulesets');
     $statrule = new $presenterClass($this->statconfig, $statruleConfig, $rule, $this->available);
     return $statrule;
Beispiel #18
  * Initialize processing of the redirect test.
  * @param array &$state  The state we should update.
 public function process(&$state)
     assert('array_key_exists("Attributes", $state)');
     // To check whether the state is saved correctly
     $state['Attributes']['RedirectTest1'] = array('OK');
     // Save state and redirect
     $id = SimpleSAML_Auth_State::saveState($state, 'exampleauth:redirectfilter-test');
     $url = SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleURL('exampleauth/redirecttest.php');
     \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::redirectTrustedURL($url, array('StateId' => $id));
Beispiel #19
  * Process a authentication response.
  * This function saves the state, and redirects the user to the page where the user
  * can authorize the release of the attributes.
  * @param array $state  The state of the response.
 public function process(&$state)
     if (isset($state['isPassive']) && $state['isPassive'] === TRUE) {
         // We have a passive request. Skip the warning
     // Save state and redirect.
     $id = SimpleSAML_Auth_State::saveState($state, 'warning:request');
     $url = SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleURL('preprodwarning/showwarning.php');
     \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::redirectTrustedURL($url, array('StateId' => $id));
Beispiel #20
  * Redirect to page setting CDC.
  * @param array &$state  The request state.
 public function process(&$state)
     if (!isset($state['Source']['entityid'])) {
         SimpleSAML\Logger::warning('saml:CDC: Could not find IdP entityID.');
     // Save state and build request
     $id = SimpleSAML_Auth_State::saveState($state, 'cdc:resume');
     $returnTo = SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleURL('cdc/resume.php', array('domain' => $this->domain));
     $params = array('id' => $id, 'entityID' => $state['Source']['entityid']);
     $this->client->sendRequest($returnTo, 'append', $params);
  * Log-in using Facebook platform
  * @param array &$state  Information about the current authentication.
 public function authenticate(&$state)
     // We are going to need the authId in order to retrieve this authentication source later
     $state[self::AUTHID] = $this->authId;
     $stateID = SimpleSAML_Auth_State::saveState($state, self::STAGE_INIT);
     $facebook = new sspmod_authfacebook_Facebook(array('appId' => $this->api_key, 'secret' => $this->secret), $state);
     $linkback = SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleURL('authfacebook/linkback.php', array('AuthState' => $stateID));
     $url = $facebook->getLoginUrl(array('redirect_uri' => $linkback, 'scope' => $this->req_perms));
     SimpleSAML_Auth_State::saveState($state, self::STAGE_INIT);
  * The inner workings of the module. Check client's subnet and redirect
  * to an authentication page protected with "HTTP Negotiate" authentication
  * or a fallback authentication source.
  * @param array &$state Information about the current authentication.
 public function authenticate(&$state)
     $state['negotiateserver:AuthID'] = $this->authId;
     $state['negotiateserver:AuthFallback'] = $this->auth_fallback;
     if (!$this->checkClientSubnet()) {
     $stateId = SimpleSAML_Auth_State::saveState($state, 'negotiateserver:Negotiate');
     $returnTo = SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleURL('negotiateserver/resume.php', array('State' => $stateId));
     $authPage = SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleURL('negotiateserver/preauth.php');
     \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::redirectTrustedURL($authPage, array('State' => $stateId, 'ReturnTo' => $returnTo));
Beispiel #23
  * Log-in using MySpace platform
  * @param array &$state  Information about the current authentication.
 public function authenticate(&$state)
     // We are going to need the authId in order to retrieve this authentication source later
     $state[self::AUTHID] = $this->authId;
     $consumer = new sspmod_oauth_Consumer($this->key, $this->secret);
     // Get the request token
     $requestToken = $consumer->getRequestToken('');
     SimpleSAML\Logger::debug("Got a request token from the OAuth service provider [" . $requestToken->key . "] with the secret [" . $requestToken->secret . "]");
     $state['authmyspace:requestToken'] = $requestToken;
     $stateID = SimpleSAML_Auth_State::saveState($state, self::STAGE_INIT);
     SimpleSAML\Logger::debug('authmyspace auth state id = ' . $stateID);
     // Authorize the request token
     $consumer->getAuthorizeRequest('', $requestToken, TRUE, SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleUrl('authmyspace') . '/linkback.php?stateid=' . $stateID);
function SimpleSAML_exception_handler($exception)
    SimpleSAML\Module::callHooks('exception_handler', $exception);
    if ($exception instanceof SimpleSAML_Error_Error) {
    } elseif ($exception instanceof Exception) {
        $e = new SimpleSAML_Error_Error('UNHANDLEDEXCEPTION', $exception);
    } else {
        if (class_exists('Error') && $exception instanceof Error) {
            $code = $exception->getCode();
            $errno = $code > 0 ? $code : E_ERROR;
            $errstr = $exception->getMessage();
            $errfile = $exception->getFile();
            $errline = $exception->getLine();
            SimpleSAML_error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline);
Beispiel #25
  * Log-in using Twitter platform
  * @param array &$state  Information about the current authentication.
 public function authenticate(&$state)
     // We are going to need the authId in order to retrieve this authentication source later
     $state[self::AUTHID] = $this->authId;
     $stateID = SimpleSAML_Auth_State::saveState($state, self::STAGE_INIT);
     $consumer = new sspmod_oauth_Consumer($this->key, $this->secret);
     // Get the request token
     $linkback = SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleURL('authtwitter/linkback.php', array('AuthState' => $stateID));
     $requestToken = $consumer->getRequestToken('', array('oauth_callback' => $linkback));
     SimpleSAML\Logger::debug("Got a request token from the OAuth service provider [" . $requestToken->key . "] with the secret [" . $requestToken->secret . "]");
     $state['authtwitter:authdata:requestToken'] = $requestToken;
     SimpleSAML_Auth_State::saveState($state, self::STAGE_INIT);
     // Authorize the request token
     $url = '';
     if ($this->force_login) {
         $url = \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::addURLParameters($url, array('force_login' => 'true'));
     $consumer->getAuthorizeRequest($url, $requestToken);

 * Show a warning to an user about the SP requesting SSO a short time after
 * doing it previously.
 * @package SimpleSAMLphp
if (!array_key_exists('StateId', $_REQUEST)) {
    throw new SimpleSAML_Error_BadRequest('Missing required StateId query parameter.');
$id = $_REQUEST['StateId'];
$state = SimpleSAML_Auth_State::loadState($id, 'core:short_sso_interval');
$session = SimpleSAML_Session::getSessionFromRequest();
if (array_key_exists('continue', $_REQUEST)) {
    // The user has pressed the continue/retry-button
$globalConfig = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getInstance();
$t = new SimpleSAML_XHTML_Template($globalConfig, 'core:short_sso_interval.php');
$t->data['target'] = SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleURL('core/short_sso_interval.php');
$t->data['params'] = array('StateId' => $id);
$t->data['trackId'] = $session->getTrackID();
Beispiel #27

 * Show a 403 Forbidden page about not authorized to access an application.
 * @package SimpleSAMLphp
if (!array_key_exists('StateId', $_REQUEST)) {
    throw new SimpleSAML_Error_BadRequest('Missing required StateId query parameter.');
$state = SimpleSAML_Auth_State::loadState($_REQUEST['StateId'], 'authorize:Authorize');
$globalConfig = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getInstance();
$t = new SimpleSAML_XHTML_Template($globalConfig, 'authorize:authorize_403.php');
if (isset($state['Source']['auth'])) {
    $t->data['LogoutURL'] = SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleURL('core/authenticate.php', array('as' => $state['Source']['auth'])) . "&logout";
header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden');
 * Hook to add the modinfo module to the frontpage.
 * @param array &$links  The links on the frontpage, split into sections.
function sanitycheck_hook_frontpage(&$links)
    assert('array_key_exists("links", $links)');
    $links['config']['santitycheck'] = array('href' => SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleURL('sanitycheck/index.php'), 'text' => array('en' => 'Sanity check of your SimpleSAMLphp setup'), 'shorttext' => array('en' => 'SanityCheck'));
  * Prompt the user with a list of authentication sources.
  * This method saves the information about the configured sources,
  * and redirects to a page where the user must select one of these
  * authentication sources.
  * This method never return. The authentication process is finished
  * in the delegateAuthentication method.
  * @param array &$state	 Information about the current authentication.
 public function authenticate(&$state)
     $state[self::AUTHID] = $this->authId;
     $state[self::SOURCESID] = $this->sources;
     /* Save the $state array, so that we can restore if after a redirect */
     $id = SimpleSAML_Auth_State::saveState($state, self::STAGEID);
     /* Redirect to the select source page. We include the identifier of the
     		saved state array as a parameter to the login form */
     $url = SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleURL('multiauth/selectsource.php');
     $params = array('AuthState' => $id);
     // Allowes the user to specify the auth souce to be used
     if (isset($_GET['source'])) {
         $params['source'] = $_GET['source'];
     \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::redirectTrustedURL($url, $params);
     /* The previous function never returns, so this code is never
     		executed */
Beispiel #30

$faventry = NULL;
foreach ($this->data['idplist'] as $tab => $slist) {
    if (!empty($this->data['preferredidp']) && array_key_exists($this->data['preferredidp'], $slist)) {
        $faventry = $slist[$this->data['preferredidp']];
if (!array_key_exists('header', $this->data)) {
    $this->data['header'] = 'selectidp';
$this->data['header'] = $this->t($this->data['header']);
$this->data['jquery'] = array('core' => TRUE, 'ui' => TRUE, 'css' => TRUE);
$this->data['head'] = '<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" type="text/css" href="' . SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleUrl('discopower/style.css') . '" />';
$this->data['head'] .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleUrl('discopower/js/jquery.livesearch.js') . '"></script>';
$this->data['head'] .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleUrl('discopower/js/' . $this->data['score'] . '.js') . '"></script>';
$this->data['head'] .= '<script type="text/javascript">

$(document).ready(function() {
	$("#discotabs").tabs({ selected: ' . $this->data['defaulttab'] . ' }); ';
$i = 0;
foreach ($this->data['idplist'] as $tab => $slist) {
    $this->data['head'] .= "\n" . '$("#query_' . $tab . '").liveUpdate("#list_' . $tab . '")' . ($i++ == 0 && empty($faventry) ? '.focus()' : '') . ';';
$this->data['head'] .= '

if (!empty($faventry)) {
    $this->data['autofocus'] = 'favouritesubmit';