* Authors:
*	 Justin Kelly, Nicolas Ruflin
* Last edited:
* 	 2007-07-19
* License:
*	 GPL v2 or above
* Website:
* 	http://www.simpleinvoices.org
//stop the direct browsing to this file - let index.php handle which files get displayed

$SI_PRODUCTS = new SimpleInvoices_Db_Table_Products();
$SI_SYSTEM_DEFAULTS = new SimpleInvoices_Db_Table_SystemDefaults();
$SI_CUSTOMERS = new SimpleInvoices_Db_Table_Customers();
$SI_TAX = new SimpleInvoices_Db_Table_Tax();
$SI_BILLER = new SimpleInvoices_Db_Table_Biller();
$SI_PREFERENCES = new SimpleInvoices_Db_Table_Preferences();

$billers = $SI_BILLER->fetchAllActive();
$customers = $SI_CUSTOMERS->fetchAllActive();
$taxes = $SI_TAX->fetchAllActive();
$products = $SI_PRODUCTS->findActive();
$preferences = $SI_PREFERENCES->fetchAllActive();
$defaults = $SI_SYSTEM_DEFAULTS->fetchAll();

$defaultBiller = $SI_BILLER->getDefault();
Beispiel #2

//stop the direct browsing to this file - let index.php handle which files get displayed

$SI_PRODUCTS = new SimpleInvoices_Db_Table_Products();

# Deal with op and add some basic sanity checking

$op = !empty( $_POST['op'] ) ? addslashes( $_POST['op'] ) : NULL;

#insert product
$saved = false;

if (  $op === 'insert_product' ) {

    $data = array(
        'description'       => $_POST['description'],
        'detail'            => $_POST['detail'],
        'unit_price'        => $_POST['unit_price'],
        'default_tax_id'    => $_POST['default_tax_id'],
        'default_tax_id_2'  => NULL,
        'cost'              => $_POST['cost'],
        'reorder_level'     => $_POST['reoder_level'],
        'custom_field1'     => $_POST['custom_field1'],
        'custom_field2'     => $_POST['custom_field2'],
        'custom_field3'     => $_POST['custom_field3'],
        'custom_field4'     => $_POST['custom_field4'],
        'notes'             => $_POST['notes'],
        'enabled'           => 1,
//stop the direct browsing to this file - let index.php handle which files get displayed

$SI_PRODUCTS = new SimpleInvoices_Db_Table_Products();
$SI_CUSTOM_FIELDS = new SimpleInvoices_Db_Table_CustomFields();

#get the invoice id
$product_id = $_GET['id'];

$product = $SI_PRODUCTS->getProductById($product_id);

#get custom field labels
$customFieldLabel = $SI_CUSTOM_FIELDS->getLabels();

$pageActive = "products";

$smarty->assign('pageActive', $pageActive);
$smarty -> assign('product',$product);
$smarty -> assign('customFieldLabel',$customFieldLabel);

$sql = "select * from ".TB_PREFIX."products_attributes";
$sth =  dbQuery($sql);
$attributes = $sth->fetchAll();
$smarty -> assign("attributes", $attributes);

$sql_matrix = "select * from ".TB_PREFIX."products_matrix where product_id = $product_id order by id";
$sth_matrix =  dbQuery($sql_matrix);
$matrix = $sth_matrix->fetchAll();
$smarty -> assign("matrix", $matrix);
Beispiel #4

//stop the direct browsing to this file - let index.php handle which files get displayed

$SI_PRODUCTS = new SimpleInvoices_Db_Table_Products();

# Deal with op and add some basic sanity checking

$op = !empty( $_POST['op'] ) ? addslashes( $_POST['op'] ) : NULL;

#insert product
$saved = false;

if (  $op === 'insert_product' ) {
    $data = array(
        'description'       => $_POST['description'],
        'detail'            => $_POST['detail'],
        'unit_price'        => $_POST['unit_price'],
        'default_tax_id'    => $_POST['default_tax_id'],
        'default_tax_id_2'  => NULL,
        'cost'              => $_POST['cost'],
        'reorder_level'     => $_POST['reoder_level'],
        'custom_field1'     => $_POST['custom_field1'],
        'custom_field2'     => $_POST['custom_field2'],
        'custom_field3'     => $_POST['custom_field3'],
        'custom_field4'     => $_POST['custom_field4'],
        'notes'             => $_POST['notes'],
        'enabled'           => 1,
	function updateInvoiceItem($id,$quantity,$product_id,$tax_id,$description,$attr1="",$attr2="",$attr3="", $unit_price="") {
        $SI_PRODUCTS = new SimpleInvoices_Db_Table_Products();
        $SI_TAX = new SimpleInvoices_Db_Table_Tax();
			$attr1 = explode("-",$attr1);
			$attr1 = $attr1[2];
			//echo "Attr1: ".$attr1." ";

			$attr2 = explode("-",$attr2);
			$attr2 = $attr2[2];
			//echo "Attr2 : ".$attr2." ";

			$attr3 = explode("-",$attr3);
			$attr3 = $attr3[2];
			//echo "Attr3 : ".$attr3;
			//echo "<br /><br />";

		$product = $SI_PRODUCTS->getProductById($product_id);
		($unit_price == "") ? $product_unit_price = $product['unit_price'] : $product_unit_price = $unit_price ;
		$tax = $SI_TAX->getTaxRateById($tax_id);
		$total_invoice_item_tax = $product_unit_price * $tax['tax_percentage'] / 100;	//:100?
		$tax_amount = $total_invoice_item_tax * $quantity;
		$total_invoice_item = $total_invoice_item_tax + $product_unit_price;
		$total = $total_invoice_item * $quantity;
		$gross_total = $product_unit_price * $quantity;
		if ($db_server == 'mysql' && !_invoice_items_check_fk(
			null, $product_id, $tax_id, 'update')) {
			return null;

		$sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREFIX."invoice_items 
		SET quantity =  :quantity,
		product_id = :product_id,
		unit_price = :unit_price,
		tax_id = :tax_id,
		tax = :tax,
		tax_amount = :tax_amount,
		gross_total = :gross_total,
		description = :description,
		total = :total,			
		attribute_1 = :attr1,			
		attribute_2 = :attr2,			
		attribute_3 = :attr3			
		WHERE id = :id";
		//echo $sql;
		return dbQuery($sql,
			':quantity', $quantity,
			':product_id', $product_id,
			':unit_price', $product_unit_price,
			':tax_id', $tax_id,
			':tax', $tax[tax_percentage],
			':tax_amount', $tax_amount,
			':gross_total', $gross_total,
			':description', $description,
			':total', $total,
			':id', $id,
			':attr1', $attr1,
			':attr2', $attr2,
			':attr3', $attr3

//stop the direct browsing to this file - let index.php handle which files get displayed

$SI_PRODUCTS = new SimpleInvoices_Db_Table_Products();
$number_of_rows = $SI_PRODUCTS->getCount();

$smarty -> assign("number_of_rows",$number_of_rows);

$pageActive = "products";
$smarty->assign('pageActive', $pageActive);
Beispiel #7
* Script: save.php
* 	Invoice save file
* License:
*	 GPL v3 or above
* Website:
* 	http://www.simpleinvoices.or

//stop the direct browsing to this file - let index.php handle which files get displayed

$SI_PRODUCTS = new SimpleInvoices_Db_Table_Products();
$SI_INVOICES = new SimpleInvoices_Db_Table_Invoices();

$pageActive = "invoices";

$smarty->assign('pageActive', $pageActive);

# Deal with op and add some basic sanity checking

if(!isset( $_POST['type']) && !isset($_POST['action'])) {
	exit("no save action");

$saved = false;
$type = $_POST['type'];
Beispiel #8

//stop the direct browsing to this file - let index.php handle which files get displayed

$SI_PRODUCTS = new SimpleInvoices_Db_Table_Products();
$SI_SYSTEM_DEFAULTS = new SimpleInvoices_Db_Table_SystemDefaults();
$SI_TAX = new SimpleInvoices_Db_Table_Tax();
$SI_BILLER = new SimpleInvoices_Db_Table_Biller();
$SI_PREFERENCES = new SimpleInvoices_Db_Table_Preferences();

$debtor = getTopDebtor();
$customer = getTopCustomer();
$biller = getTopBiller();

$billers = $SI_BILLER->fetchAll();
$customers = customer::get_all();
$taxes = $SI_TAX->fetchAll();
$products = $SI_PRODUCTS->fetchAll();
$preferences = $SI_PREFERENCES->fetchAll();
$defaults = $SI_SYSTEM_DEFAULTS->fetchAll();

if ($billers == null OR $customers == null OR $taxes == null OR $products == null OR $preferences == null)
    $first_run_wizard =true;
    $smarty -> assign("first_run_wizard",$first_run_wizard);

$smarty -> assign("mysql",$mysql);
$smarty -> assign("db_server",$db_server);