Beispiel #1
require_once "adminsetup.php";
// message is used to provide feedback to the user
//eg. if we get here from an expired session
$message = '';
// Authentication class required for admin functions
require_once $include_dir . "SimpleAuth.php";
// add this here as not required for some pages (which use Quiz.php instead)
require_once $include_dir . "Quizzes.php";
// must add this before we require the menu
$admin_menu = 'home';
/*** Authentication ***/
// user must be logged in for any admin functions
// this needs to be before we output anything as it uses sessions (cookies)
$auth = new SimpleAuth($settings->getSetting('admin_login_username'), $settings->getSetting('admin_login_password'), $settings->getSetting('admin_login_expirytime'));
// if not logged in redirect to login page
$status = $auth->checkLogin();
if ($status != 1) {
    // no from as use default which goes back to this page
    header("Location: " . ADMIN_LOGIN_FILE . "?status={$status}&location=aupgrade");
    // header will redirect to a new page so we just close this script
    //Important to stop script here
// If we reach here then login was successful
$sessionUsername = $auth->getUser();
// Have we get the filename of the old version in the post
if (isset($_POST['oldfile']) && $_POST['oldfile'] != "") {
    $oldfile = $_POST['oldfile'];
    // check that the file exists
    if (!file_exists($oldfile)) {
        printMenu("File does not exist - please try again");