public static function getDbNo($identifier)
     $sign = $identifier;
     is_numeric($identifier) || ($sign = Sign::sign64($identifier));
     $tag = intval(Sign::mod($sign, AppConf::$dbConf['db_num'] * AppConf::$dbConf['tb_num']) / AppConf::$dbConf['tb_num']);
     return $tag;
Beispiel #2
 public function testEncode()
     $signature = Sign::encode("", "KEY");
     $this->assertEquals("405b4e6c5e0370034caa8d9261be1819", $signature);
     $signature = Sign::encode("", "a");
     $this->assertEquals("025b69987847314c3445f5cdb5c23830", $signature);
Beispiel #3
 public function signAction()
     $form = new SignForm();
     //password try and catch
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     if ($request->isPost()) {
         $user = new Sign();
         if ($form->isValid()) {
             // Redirect to profile page
             return $this->redirect()->toRoute('profile');
     return array('form' => $form);
Beispiel #4
 private function genRequestId()
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENTAPPID'])) {
         return intval($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENTAPPID']);
     $reqip = App::getClientIp();
     $time = gettimeofday();
     $time = $time['sec'] * 100 + $time['usec'];
     $ip = ip2long($reqip);
     $id = ($time ^ $ip) & 0xffffffff;
     $id = Sign::sign64($id . '_' . rand(1, 800000000));
     return $id;
//unicode private use area
$fswcm = '';
//signwriting cartesian markup
$fswpm = '';
//signwriting polar markup
$fbswml = '';
//binary signwriting markup
foreach ($units as $ubsw) {
    if (isPunc($ubsw)) {
        $fbsw .= $ubsw . ' ';
        $fupua .= bsw2utf($ubsw) . ' ';
        $fswcm .= bsw2utf($ubsw, 1);
        $fswpm .= bsw2utf($ubsw, 1);
        $fbswml .= '&lt;punc&gt;' . bsw2key($ubsw) . '&lt;/punc&gt;<br>';
    } else {
        $unit = new Sign($ubsw);
        $ubsw = moveBSW($unit->getBSW(), $unit->getCenterX(), $unit->getCenterY());
        $fbsw .= $ubsw . ' ';
        $fupua .= bsw2utf($ubsw) . ' ';
        $first = substr($ubsw, 0, 3);
        $cluster = bsw2cluster($ubsw);
        $seq = bsw2seq($ubsw);
        $chars = str_split($cluster, 3);
        $fswcm .= char2token($first);
        $fswpm .= char2token($first);
        $fbswml .= '&lt;sign lane="' . char2lane($first) . '"&gt;<br>';
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($chars); $i++) {
            //first 3 are symbol
            $sbsw = $chars[$i];
            $sbsw .= $chars[$i];
Beispiel #6
 $transid = $paylog->getVar('payid');
 $objid = $jieqiPayset[JIEQI_PAY_TYPE]['objid'];
 $money = $amount;
 $retweb = $jieqiPayset[JIEQI_PAY_TYPE]['payreturn'];
 $param = "op=" . $op . "&unitid=" . $unitid . "&transid=" . $transid . "&objid=" . $objid . "&money=" . $money . "&retweb=" . $retweb;
 // Using My Private Key File (here 100001 is a Test ID)
 $filename = JIEQI_ROOT_PATH . '/configs/pay/' . $jieqiPayset[JIEQI_PAY_TYPE]['prikeyfile'];
 $xmlKey = new KeyFile($filename);
 $xmlKey->getCRTPrivateKey($modulus, $p, $q, $dp, $dq, $invq);
 $sign = new Sign();
 $sign->setCRTPrivateKeyFromXML($modulus, $p, $q, $dp, $dq, $invq);
 $signData = $sign->getSign($param);
 $reqURL = $jieqiPayset[JIEQI_PAY_TYPE]['payurl'] . "?" . $param . "&sign=" . $signData;
 // let client redirect to 118PAY Gateway with params & sign
 //echo $reqURL;exit;
 header("Location: {$reqURL}");
 		$jieqiTpl =& JieqiTpl::getInstance();
 		$jieqiTpl->assign('url_pay', $jieqiPayset[JIEQI_PAY_TYPE]['payurl']);
 		$jieqiTpl->assign('buyname', $_SESSION['jieqiUserName']);
 		$jieqiTpl->assign('egold', $_REQUEST['egold']);
Beispiel #7
  * @param $mode
  * @param $action
  * @return string
 private static function sign_request($mode, $action)
     $url = $action;
     if (strpos($url, '?') !== false) {
         $url .= "&apiKey=" . \Itwapp::$apiKey;
     } else {
         $url .= "?apiKey=" . \Itwapp::$apiKey;
     $milliseconds = round(microtime(true) * 1000);
     $url .= "&timestamp=" . strval($milliseconds);
     $signature = Sign::encode($mode . ":" . $url, Itwapp::$secretKey);
     return $url . "&signature=" . $signature;
Beispiel #8
if ($unitid != $myunitid) {
if ($retcode == 12 || $paycode == 1 && $retcode == 0) {
    $query_string = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
    $pos = strpos($query_string, "&sign=");
    if ($pos == false) {
    } else {
        $param = substr($query_string, 0, $pos);
    $filename = JIEQI_ROOT_PATH . '/configs/pay/' . $jieqiPayset[JIEQI_PAY_TYPE]['pubkeyfile'];
    $xmlKey = new KeyFile($filename);
    $xmlKey->getPublicKey($modulus, $exp);
    $sign = new Sign();
    $sign->setPublicKeyFromXML($exp, $modulus);
    if (!$sign->VerifySign($param, $signData)) {
    } else {
        include_once $jieqiModules['pay']['path'] . '/class/paylog.php';
        $paylog_handler = JieqiPaylogHandler::getInstance('JieqiPaylogHandler');
        $orderid = intval($transid);
        $paylog = $paylog_handler->get($orderid);
        if (is_object($paylog)) {
            $buyname = $paylog->getVar('buyname');
            $buyid = $paylog->getVar('buyid');
            $payflag = $paylog->getVar('payflag');
            $egold = $paylog->getVar('egold');
            if ($payflag == 0) {
                include_once JIEQI_ROOT_PATH . '/class/users.php';
Beispiel #9
 public static function checkRetriPassParam($db, $euid, $code, $timestamp, $jump = 'reject')
     $now = time();
     if ($timestamp + AppConf::$emailRetriPassExpire < $now) {
         if (is_string($jump)) {
             throw new Exception("param {$jump} time expired [ now: {$now}, timestamp: " . "{$timestamp}, expire time: " . AppConf::$emailRetriPassExpire . ' ].', 1);
         throw new Exception("param time expired [ now: {$now}, timestamp: " . "{$timestamp}, expire time: " . AppConf::$emailRetriPassExpire . ' ].');
     $uid = Uc_Com_Utils::decodeUserId($euid);
     $sql = "SELECT uid, account, password, email, phone, qq, regist_time FROM uc_user_info WHERE uid = {$uid}";
     $dbRet = $db->query($sql, is_string($jump) ? 'error' : true);
     if (count($dbRet) <= 0) {
         if (is_string($jump)) {
             throw new Exception("nouser {$jump} such user does not exists [ uid: " . $uid . ' ].', 1);
         throw new Exception('nouser such user does not exists [ uid: ' . $uid . ' ].');
     $uInfo = $dbRet[0];
     $orgStr = AppConf::$emailVeriPrefix . '_' . $euid . '_' . $uInfo['account'] . '_' . $uInfo['password'] . '_' . $uInfo['email'] . '_' . $uInfo['phone'] . '_' . $uInfo['qq'] . '_' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $uInfo['regist_time']) . '_' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp);
     $str = md5(base64_encode($orgStr));
     $dbCode = Sign::sign64($str);
     if ($dbCode != $code) {
         if (is_string($jump)) {
             throw new Exception("param {$jump} invalid code [ uid: {$uid}, code: {$code}, db code: {$dbCode}, str: {$orgStr} ]", 1);
         throw new Exception("param invalid code [ uid: {$uid}, code: {$code}, db code: {$dbCode}, str: {$orgStr} ]");
     KC_LOG_DEBUG("check retrieve password params succ [ euid: {$euid}, uid: {$uid}, code: {$code}, str: {$orgStr} ].");
 public function __construct($bsw, $size = 1, $height = 1919, $spacing = 10, $offset = 50)
     //set variables//
     $this->bsw = $bsw;
     $this->size = $size;
     $this->height = $height / $size;
     $this->spacing = $spacing;
     $this->offset = $offset;
     $this->units = bsw2unit($bsw);
     //init variables
     $curH = $this->padding;
     $prev = '';
     $col = '';
     $posX = array();
     $posY = array();
     //punc vs sign, spacing and lanes
     $prev = '';
     $cnt = count($this->units);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
         $unitbsw = $this->units[$i];
         $chars = str_split($unitbsw, 3);
         $first = $chars[0];
         //unit type for spacing test later
         if (isPunc($first)) {
             $cur = "P";
             $lane = 0;
         } else {
             $cur = "S";
             $lane = char2lane($first);
         //adjust padding based on punc/sign order
         switch ($prev . $cur) {
             case 'SS':
                 //sign sign
                 $padding = $this->spacing * 2;
             case 'SP':
                 //sign punctuation
             //sign punctuation
             case 'PP':
                 //punctuation punctuation
                 $padding = $this->spacing;
             case 'PS':
                 //punctuation sign
                 $padding = $this->spacing * 3;
                 $padding = 0;
         $prev = $cur;
         if ($cur == "P") {
             $unit = new Symbol($unitbsw);
         } else {
             $unit = new Sign($first . bsw2cluster($unitbsw));
             $unitbsw = $unit->getBSW();
         if ($curH + $padding + $unit->getHeight() < $this->height) {
             //go ahead and add
             $col .= $unitbsw;
             //this is the value to center
             $posX[] = $unit->getCenterX() - $this->offset * $lane;
             $posY[] = $curH + $padding;
             $curH += $padding + $unit->getHeight();
         } else {
             //finalize column list
             $this->cols[] = $col;
             $this->posX[] = $posX;
             $this->posY[] = $posY;
             $col = '';
             $posX = array();
             $posY = array();
             $curH = $this->padding;
             $prev = '';
     if ($col) {
         $this->cols[] = $col;
         $this->posX[] = $posX;
         $this->posY[] = $posY;