//read in the configuration file
$filepath = "harvest.cfg";
$parsed_ini = parse_ini_file($filepath, true);
$sierra_info = $parsed_ini["sierra"];
$location = $parsed_ini["catalog"]["location"];
//$timestamp = time() - (2*24*60*60); // yesterday
$timestamp = $parsed_ini["catalog"]["last_harvested"];
$sierra = new Sierra($sierra_info['host'], $sierra_info['user'], $sierra_info['password']);
if (!$timestamp || $timestamp == '') {
    //full load
    echo "Running full export of marc files as no date specified\n";
    $new_timestamp = time();
    //removed the old include_options array from export functions.  No need to supply the record type here, as the default is 'bib'
    $results = $sierra->exportRecords($location);
} else {
    echo "Running incremental load to retrieve records after " . $timestamp . "\n";
    //convert to timestamp
    $contimestamp = strtotime($timestamp);
    echo "Converted timestamp from {$timestamp} to {$contimestamp} which is " . date("Y-m-d\\TH:i", $contimestamp) . "\n";
    //removed the old include_options array from export functions. No need to supply the record type here, as the default is 'bib'
    $results = $sierra->exportRecordsModifiedAfter($contimestamp, $location);
    $new_timestamp = time();
//we should only update the timestamp if the load was successful
//if ($results){
$new_timestamp = date("Y-m-d\\TH:i", $new_timestamp);
if (update_cfg($parsed_ini, $filepath, $new_timestamp)) {
    echo "\nWrote last date harvested to file: " . $new_timestamp;