  * Insert a new ShopCategory into the database.
  * @static
  * @param   string      $catName    The new ShopCategory name
  * @param   integer     $catParent  The parent ShopCategory ID
  * @return  integer                 The ID of the new ShopCategory,
  *                                  or 0 on failure.
  * @author  Unknown <*****@*****.**> (Original author)
  * @author  Reto Kohli <*****@*****.**> (Made static)
 static function InsertNewCat($catName, $catParent)
     $objCategory = new ShopCategory($catName, '', $catParent);
     if ($objCategory->store()) {
         return $objCategory->id();
     return 0;
Beispiel #2
  * Insert or update a ShopCategory with data provided in the request.
  * @return  boolean                 True on success, null on noop,
  *                                  false otherwise.
  * @author  Reto Kohli <*****@*****.**> (parts)
 function store_category()
     global $_ARRAYLANG;
     if (empty($_POST['bcategory'])) {
         //DBG::log("store_category(): Nothing to do");
         return null;
     $category_id = intval($_POST['category_id']);
     $name = contrexx_input2raw($_POST['name']);
     $active = isset($_POST['active']);
     $virtual = isset($_POST['virtual']);
     $parentid = intval($_POST['parent_id']);
     $picture = contrexx_input2raw($_POST['image_href']);
     $long = contrexx_input2raw($_POST['desc']);
     $objCategory = null;
     if ($category_id > 0) {
         // Update existing ShopCategory
         $objCategory = ShopCategory::getById($category_id);
         if (!$objCategory) {
             return \Message::error(sprintf($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_CATEGORY_MISSING'], $category_id));
         // Check validity of the IDs of the category and its parent.
         // If the values are identical, leave the parent ID alone!
         if ($category_id != $parentid) {
     } else {
         // Add new ShopCategory
         $objCategory = new ShopCategory($name, $long, $parentid, $active, 0);
     // Ignore the picture if it's the default image!
     // Storing it would be pointless, and we should
     // use the picture of a contained Product instead.
     if ($picture && ($picture == self::$defaultImage || !self::moveImage($picture))) {
         $picture = '';
     if (!$objCategory->store()) {
         return \Message::error($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_DATABASE_QUERY_ERROR']);
     if ($picture) {
         //DBG::log("store_category(): Making thumb");
         $objImage = new \ImageManager();
         if (!$objImage->_createThumbWhq(\Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate()->getWebsiteImagesShopPath() . '/', \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate()->getWebsiteImagesShopWebPath() . '/', $picture, \Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::getValue('thumbnail_max_width', 'Shop'), \Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::getValue('thumbnail_max_height', 'Shop'), \Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::getValue('thumbnail_quality', 'Shop'))) {
     // Avoid showing/editing the modified ShopCategory again.
     // view_categories() tests the $_REQUEST array!