Beispiel #1
function shLoadURLCache()
    global $shURLDiskCache, $shURLCacheFileName, $shURLTotalCount, $shURLMemCache, $shURLRam, $shCacheFileLocked;
    static $shDiskCacheLoaded = false;
    if (!$shDiskCacheLoaded) {
        $shCacheFileLocked = false;
        _log('Cache not loaded - trying to load ' . $shURLCacheFileName);
        if (file_exists($shURLCacheFileName)) {
            $startMem = function_exists('memory_get_usage') ? memory_get_usage() : 'unavailable';
            _log('Including cache file (mem = ' . $startMem . ')');
            $GLOBALS['shURLDiskCache'] = array();
            // erase global, not local copy
            $lock =& Shlock::getInstance();
            // we try lock the cache file until the end of the request
            // so as to avoid other concurrent requests writing to it
            // while we have some pending data
            if ($lock && $lock->acquire('shCacheContent')) {
                $shCacheFileLocked = true;
            include $shURLCacheFileName;
            $endMem = function_exists('memory_get_usage') ? memory_get_usage() : 'unavailable';
            $shURLRam = $startMem == 'unavailable' ? $startMem : $endMem - $startMem;
            $shDiskCacheLoaded = !empty($shURLDiskCache);
            $shURLTotalCount = !empty($shURLDiskCache) ? count($shURLDiskCache) : 0;
            _log('Cache file included : ' . ($startMem == 'unavailable' ? $startMem : $endMem - $startMem) . ' bytes used, ' . $shURLTotalCount . ' URLs');
        } else {
            // cache file not there, create it
            $now = time();
            $sefConfig =& Sh404sefFactory::getConfig();
            $cache = '<?php // shCache : URL cache file for sh404SEF
//' . $sefConfig->version . '    
if (!defined(\'_JEXEC\')) die(\'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.\');
$shURLCacheCreationDate = ' . $now . ';' . "\n";
            $cache .= "\n" . '?' . '>';
            // lock cache file before using it
            $lock =& Shlock::getInstance();
            if ($lock && $lock->acquire('shCacheContent')) {
                $shCacheFileLocked = true;
                $cacheFile = fopen($shURLCacheFileName, 'ab');
                if ($cacheFile) {
                    fwrite($cacheFile, $cache);
            $GLOBALS['shURLDiskCache'] = array();
            $shDiskCacheLoaded = true;
            // we don't want to try again if it failed first time
            _log('Cache file does not exists');
Beispiel #2
function shWriteURLCacheToDisk()
    global $shURLDiskCache, $shURLMemCache, $shURLCacheFileName, $shURLCacheCreationDate;
    $sefConfig =& shRouter::shGetConfig();
    if (!count($shURLMemCache)) {
    // nothing to do, no new URL to write to disk
    $now = time();
    if (!file_exists($shURLCacheFileName)) {
        $cache = '<?php // shCache : URL cache file for sh404SEF
//' . $sefConfig->version . '    
if (!defined(\'_JEXEC\')) die(\'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.\');
$shURLCacheCreationDate = ' . $now . ';' . "\n";
    } else {
        $cache = '<?php' . "\n";
        // check cache TTL
        if (empty($shURLCacheCreationDate)) {
            // file exists, but creation date is missing : we are upgrading from a previous version
            $status = stat($shURLCacheFileName);
            // lets's read from file status : use last change date as creation date
            if (!empty($status)) {
                $shURLCacheCreationDate = $status[9];
                $cache .= "\n" . '$shURLCacheCreationDate=' . $shURLCacheCreationDate . ";\n";
        if (SH404SEF_URL_CACHE_TTL && mt_rand(1, SH404SEF_URL_CACHE_WRITES_TO_CHECK_TTL) == 1) {
            // probability = 1/SH404SEF_WRITES_TO_CLEAN_LOGS
            if (!empty($shURLCacheCreationDate)) {
                // if we have a valid creation date, check  TTL
                if ($now - $shURLCacheCreationDate > SH404SEF_URL_CACHE_TTL * 86400) {
                    // cache must be cleared
                    $GLOBALS['shURLDiskCache'] = array();
                    $shURLCacheCreationDate = $now;
                    $cache = '<?php // shCache : URL cache file for sh404SEF
//' . $sefConfig->version . '    
if (!defined(\'_JEXEC\')) die(\'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.\');
$shURLCacheCreationDate = ' . $now . ';' . "\n";
    $count = count($shURLDiskCache);
    $cache .= sh_var_export($shURLMemCache, $count);
    // only need to write memory cache, ie: those URL added since last read of cache from disk
    $cache .= "\n" . '?' . '>';
    // lock cache file before using it
    $lock =& Shlock::getInstance();
    if ($lock && $lock->acquire('shCacheContent')) {
        $cacheFile = fopen($shURLCacheFileName, 'ab');
        if ($cacheFile) {
            fwrite($cacheFile, $cache);