Beispiel #1
$paramList = array();
// should be in order for display
$optionList = array();
usort($workerList, "WorkerCompare");
$k = 0;
foreach ($workerList as $worker) {
    $optionList[] = array($k, $worker->assignString());
    $paramList[$k] = $worker;
// workerList
// should be in order for display
$optionOutList = array();
usort($workerOutList, "WorkerCompare");
foreach ($workerOutList as $worker) {
    $shiftPreference = ShiftPreference::selectID($worker->workerid, $job->jobid);
    $workerstring = $worker->assignString();
    if ($shiftPreference->desirePercent != NULL) {
        $workerstring .= ' (' . $shiftPreference->desirePercent . '%)';
    $optionOutList[] = array($k, $workerstring);
    $paramList[$k] = $worker;
// workerOutList
// paramlist is a combination of the two; such that the posted PARAM_LIST_MULTIPLE is correct
$_SESSION[PARAM_LIST] = $paramList;
// ok, start the html
include 'section/header.php';
Beispiel #2
function setShiftPreferences($workerId, $expoId, $locations)
    $timePrefs = NewTimePreference::selectID($workerId, $expoId);
    $locationPrefs = JobPreference::selectID($workerId, $expoId);
    $jobs = Job::selectExpo($expoId);
    foreach ($jobs as $job) {
        $sp = new ShiftPreference();
        $sp->workerid = $workerId;
        $sp->jobid = $job->jobid;
        $sp->stationid = $job->stationid;
        $sp->expoid = $expoId;
        $station = Station::selectID($job->stationid);
        //time preference
        $timeZone = swwat_format_timezone($station->startTime);
        $startTime = swwat_format_epoch($station->startTime);
        $stopTime = swwat_format_epoch($station->stopTime);
        $zeroFlag = FALSE;
        $tdesire = 0;
        $count = 0;
        foreach ($timePrefs as $timePref) {
            $epoch = date_format(new DateTime($timePref->day, new DateTimeZone($timeZone)), 'U');
            for ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) {
                $startHour = $epoch;
                $endHour = strtotime("+1 hours", $epoch);
                if ($startHour >= $startTime && $endHour <= $stopTime) {
                    $field = 'hour' . ($i + 1);
                    $value = $timePref->{$field};
                    if ($value == 0) {
                        $zeroFlag = TRUE;
                    $tdesire += $value;
                $epoch = strtotime("+1 hours", $epoch);
        if ($zeroFlag || $count == 0) {
            $tdesire = 0;
        } else {
            $tdesire = $tdesire / $count;
        // location preference
        $index = array_search($station->location, $locations);
        $field = 'job' . ($index + 1);
        $ldesire = $locationPrefs->{$field};
        $desire = 0;
        if ($tdesire != 0 && $ldesire != 0) {
            $desire = ($tdesire + $ldesire) / 2;
        $sp->desirePercent = $desire;

// $Id: ShiftPreferenceExplicitAction.php 1800 2012-09-07 04:23:26Z preston $ Copyright (c) ConSked, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
include 'util/authenticate.php';
require_once 'db/ShiftPreference.php';
require_once 'db/StationJob.php';
require_once 'db/Worker.php';
require_once 'properties/constants.php';
require_once 'swwat/gizmos/parse.php';
require_once 'util/log.php';
require_once 'util/session.php';
 * This Controller is used by the StationViewPage's submit button
$author = getWorkerAuthenticated();
$job = getStationCurrent();
// note only works for CIW when station:job = 1:1
$preference = ShiftPreference::selectID($author->workerid, $job->jobid);
try {
    $desire = swwat_parse_integer(html_entity_decode($_POST[PARAM_DESIRE]), 3, FALSE);
} catch (ParseSWWATException $ex) {
    // ignore, but do nothing!
header('Location: StationViewPage.php');
include 'StationViewPage.php';
         } else {
             header('Location: SiteAdminPage.php');
             include 'SiteAdminPage.php';
     } else {
         // maybe the crew is not assigned to anything!
         if (!is_null($expo) && $expo->isRunning()) {
             header('Location: WorkerSchedulePage.php');
             include 'WorkerSchedulePage.php';
         } else {
             $expoList = Expo::selectWorker($worker->workerid);
             if (count($expoList) == 1) {
                 $future = $expoList[0]->isFuture();
                 $preferncesEntered = ShiftPreference::preferencesEntered($expoList[0]->expoid, $worker->workerid);
             if (count($expoList) == 1 && $future && !$preferencesEntered) {
                 header('Location: PreferenceWelcomePage.php');
                 include 'PreferenceWelcomePage.php';
             } else {
                 header('Location: WorkerViewPage.php');
                 include 'WorkerViewPage.php';
 } catch (RequirePasswordReset $ex) {
     header('Location: WorkerLoginChangePage.php');
Beispiel #5
function createStationPreferenceHTMLList($workerid, $jobid)
    $preference = ShiftPreference::selectID($workerid, $jobid);
    $_POST[PARAM_DESIRE] = $preference->desirePercent;
    echo '<form method="POST" name="stationviewpage_stationsetpreference_form" action="ShiftPreferenceExplicitAction.php">';
    swwat_createInputValidateInteger(PARAM_DESIRE, "stationviewpage_stationsetpreference_form", 3, FALSE);
    echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;<input class="fieldValue" type="Submit" value="Save Preference"/><p/>';
    echo '</form>';
Beispiel #6
function reviewActionContent($author, $expo)
    if (isset($_POST[PARAM_MAXHOURS]) && !is_null($_POST[PARAM_MAXHOURS])) {
        $author->updateMaxHours($expo->expoid, swwat_parse_string(html_entity_decode($_POST[PARAM_MAXHOURS])));
    $jobList = Job::selectExpo($expo->expoid);
    usort($jobList, "JobCompare");
    $prefJobidList = array();
    $prefDesireList = array();
    if (count($_POST) > 0) {
        $keys = array_keys($_POST);
        $values = array_values($_POST);
        for ($k = 0; $k < count($_POST); $k++) {
            if (strpos($keys[$k], 'title') !== false) {
                list($prefJobidList[], $prefDesireList[]) = explode(':', $values[$k]);
    $shiftpreference = new ShiftPreference();
    foreach ($jobList as $j) {
        $shiftpreference->workerid = $author->workerid;
        $shiftpreference->jobid = $j->jobid;
        $shiftpreference->stationid = $j->stationid;
        $shiftpreference->expoid = $j->expoid;
        $pos = array_search($j->jobid, $prefJobidList);
        if ($pos === false) {
            $shiftpreference->desirePercent = NULL;
        } else {
            $shiftpreference->desirePercent = $prefDesireList[$pos];
            if ($shiftpreference->desirePercent == 0) {
                $shiftpreference->desirePercent = NULL;
    // note post $shiftpreference save
    if ($expo->scheduleAssignAsYouGo) {
        if ($expo->scheduleWorkerReset) {
            $shifts = ShiftAssignment::selectWorker($expo->expoid, $author->workerid);
        FirstComeFirstServed::assignAsYouGo($expo, $author);
        if ($expo->scheduleVisible) {
            mailSchedule($expo, $author);
            header('Location: WorkerSchedulePage.php');
            include 'WorkerSchedulePage.php';
    // assignAsYouGo
 private static function select($sqlWorker, $sqlPrefs, $params)
     $workers = NULL;
     $prefList = NULL;
     try {
         $workers = simpleSelect("WorkerSchedule", $sqlWorker, $params);
         $prefList = simpleSelect("ShiftPreference", $sqlPrefs, $params);
     } catch (PDOException $pe) {
         logMessage('WorkerScheduleView::select(' . var_export($params, TRUE) . ')', $pe->getMessage());
     $workerList = array();
     foreach ($workers as $worker) {
         $workerList[$worker->workerid] = $worker;
     // $worker
     $workers = NULL;
     // gc
     foreach ($prefList as $preference) {
         if (array_key_exists($preference->workerid, $workerList)) {
             $worker = $workerList[$preference->workerid];
             $worker->jobPreferences[$preference->jobid] = $preference;
     // $preference
     foreach ($workerList as $worker) {
         $worker->jobPreferences = ShiftPreference::sort($worker->jobPreferences, FALSE);
     // $worker
     $prefList = NULL;
     // gc
     return $workerList;