public function load_cib() { $res = ShellExec::exec_cibadmin(); if (count($res) < 2) { Logger::error('ha', "cib.class.php::get_cib() - An error has occured, please check permissions on ulteo-ovd.conf or if 'cibadmin -Q' work fine"); return false; } $this->xml->loadXML(implode("", $res)); $racine = $this->xml->documentElement; $this->get_gen_attribute(); return true; }
public static function exec_set_conf_file($content) { $cmd = 'set_conf_file ' . $content; return ShellExec::exec_cmd($cmd); }
unset($_POST["hostname"]); if (isset($action)) { switch ($action) { case "register": if (isset($hostname) && isset($client_ip) && secure_insert($SQL, $table, $hostname, $client_ip)) { echo "ok"; } else { echo "error"; } break; case "enable": if (isset($hostname) && isset($client_ip) && isset($passwd)) { Logger::warning('ha', "Configuration files has been written!"); set_response_xml(0, _("Host activation has been done successfully!")); $ret = ShellExec::exec_shell_cmd("register", $client_ip, $hostname, $passwd); } else { set_response_xml(1, _("An error occured in POST request activation!")); } break; case "disable": $ret = ShellExec::exec_shell_cmd("unregister", "0", "0", "0"); set_response_xml(0, _("Deleting host has been done successfully!")); break; default: set_response_xml(1, _("Request is not well formatted!")); break; } } else { set_response_xml(1, _("Request is not well formatted!")); } die;
function writeVarsToConfFile($vars) { $content = ""; foreach ($vars as $k => $v) { $content .= $k . "=" . $v . ":"; } $ret = ShellExec::exec_set_conf_file($content); }
function action_to_hosts($action, $host) { Logger::warning('ha', "status.php::action to host requested standby='" . $action . "' to host '" . $host . "'"); $ret = ShellExec::exec_action_to_host($action, $host); }
/** * [runTask 运行任务] * @param [type] $taskId [description] * @param [type] $ipList [description] * @param [type] $cmd [description] * @param [type] $timeout [description] * @return [array] [ip:ok, failed, overtime] */ public function runTask($taskId, $ipList, $cmd, $timeout = null) { $this->logger->info("START RUN TASK:{$taskId}"); if (empty($timeout)) { $timeout = $this->timeout; } //执行命令 $shellCmd = 'mkdir -p /tmp/pkg_tools_v3/;' . 'rsync -a #rsyncd_svr#::pkg_home/pkg_tools/ /tmp/pkg_tools_v3/;' . 'cd /tmp/pkg_tools_v3/;' . "{$cmd};" . 'cd scan_pkg;' . './ >/dev/null 2>&1 & '; $this->logger->info("command:{$shellCmd}"); $shellRun = new ShellExec(); $taskList = $shellRun->runCmd($shellCmd, $ipList); $this->logger->info('TASK LIST:' . json_encode($taskList)); //初始化任务状态 已启动 foreach ($taskList as $shellTaskId => $taskInfo) { foreach ($taskInfo['ip_status'] as $ip => $info) { $status = 'started'; $msg = 'task type:' . $taskInfo['type'] . ';' . 'shell taskid:' . $shellTaskId; $this->logger->info("ip:{$ip}, msg:{$msg}, status:{$status}"); $this->updateStatus($ip, $taskId, $status, $msg, $msg); } } $startTime = time(); $ipStatus = array(); $done = array(); $overtime = false; while (true) { $useTime = time() - $startTime; if ($useTime >= $timeout) { $overtime = true; break; } //获取任务执行情况 $taskList = $shellRun->getTaskInfo($taskList); $this->logger->info("taskList info" . json_encode($taskList)); $finished = true; foreach ($taskList as $shellTaskId => $taskInfo) { if ($taskInfo['status'] != 'ok') { $finished = false; } foreach ($taskInfo['ip_status'] as $ip => $info) { if (array_key_exists($ip, $done) && $done[$ip] == true) { continue; } if (strpos($info['status'], 'fail') !== false) { //失败的 $done[$ip] = true; $status = 'failed'; $msg = $info['msg']; $this->logger->info("ip:{$ip}, taskid:{$taskId}, status:{$status}, msg:{$msg}"); $this->updateStatus($ip, $taskId, $status, $msg, $msg); } elseif ($info['status'] == 'ok') { //成功的则获取命令输出并更新到数据库 $done[$ip] = true; //匹配成功的输出 两种:result 或 resultLine $matchCount = preg_match_all('/result%%(\\w+)%%(.*)%%/', $info['msg'], $matches); if ($matchCount > 0) { $result = end($matches[1]); $msg = end($matches[2]); } if ($result == 'success') { $status = 'ok'; } else { $status = 'failed'; } $matchCount = preg_match_all('/%%resultLine%%([^%]*)%%([^%]*)%%([^%]*)%%([^%]*)%%([^%]*)%%([^%]*)%%([^%]*)%%/', $info['msg'], $matches); if ($matchCount > 0) { $result = end($matches[6]); $start = end($matches[7]); if ($result == 'success') { if (empty($start)) { $status = 'ok'; } else { $status = 'failed'; $msg = $start; } } else { $status = 'failed'; } } $this->logger->info("ip:{$ip}, taskid:{$taskId}, status:{$status}, msg:{$msg}"); $this->updateStatus($ip, $taskId, $status, $msg, $info['msg']); } } } if ($finished == true) { break; } sleep(3); } $this->logger->info('task list:' . json_encode($taskList)); $resultArray = array(); //因为超时退出时, 将未结束的ip设置为fail if ($overtime == true) { $this->logger->info('overtime, set undone ip failed'); foreach ($ipList as $ip) { $toSelect = array('task_id' => $taskId, 'ip' => $ip); $dbRes = $this->database->selectValue($toSelect, Conf::get('mysqlTaskResultTableName')); $status = 'ok'; foreach ($dbRes as $index => $ipTaskInfo) { if ($ipTaskInfo['status'] != 'ok' && $ipTaskInfo['status'] != 'failed') { $ip = $ipTaskInfo['ip']; $status = 'failed'; $msg = 'shell run timeout'; $resultArray[$ip] = 'overtime'; $this->logger->info("ip:{$ip}, taskid:{$taskId}, status:{$status}, msg:{$msg}"); $this->updateStatus($ip, $taskId, $status, $msg, $msg); } else { $resultArray[$ip] = $ipTaskInfo['status']; } } } } $this->updateTaskStatus($taskId); return $resultArray; }
$res = ShellExec::exec_clean_logs(); } } if (isset($_GET["warn"])) { $severity[] = "WARN"; $warn = 1; } if (isset($_GET["info"])) { $severity[] = "info"; $info = 1; } page_header(); echo '<div>'; echo '<h1>' . _('High Availability logs') . '</h1>'; echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="media/style/media-ha.css" />'; $res = ShellExec::exec_view_logs($severity); echo '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3" border="0"><tr><td>'; echo '<form name="mod_ha_logs" action="logs.php" method="get">'; if ($warn) { echo '<input type="checkbox" name="warn" value="1" checked="checked" /> ' . _('Show alerts') . ' '; } else { echo '<input type="checkbox" name="warn" value="1" /> ' . _('Show alerts') . ' '; } if ($info) { echo '<input type="checkbox" name="info" value="1" checked="checked" /> ' . _('Show information') . ' '; } else { echo '<input type="checkbox" name="info" value="1" /> ' . _('Show informations') . ' '; } echo '<input type="submit" value="reload" /> '; echo '</form></td><td>'; echo '<form name="mod_ha_logs" action="logs.php" method="post">';