function plgSh404sefAnalyticsCustomVars(&$customVars, $sefConfig)
    // add custom variable : page creation time
    if ($sefConfig->analyticsEnableTimeCollection) {
        $profiler =& JProfiler::getInstance('sh404sef_profiler');
        $pageCreationTime = $profiler->getBuffer();
        //extract Data
        $pageCreationTime = str_replace('sh404sef_profiler : ', '', $pageCreationTime[0]);
        $tmp = explode(', ', $pageCreationTime);
        // we may have memory report attached
        $time = str_replace(' seconds', '', $tmp[0]);
        // classify exact time into predefined categories for encoding
        $time = Sh404sefHelperAnalytics::classifyTime($time);
        // same for memory used
        $memory = empty($tmp[1]) ? 0 : sh404sefHelperAnalytics::classifyMemory(str_replace(' MB', '', trim($tmp[1])));
        // store results into incoming array
        $customVars[SH404SEF_ANALYTICS_TIME_CUSTOM_VAR]->name = 'Page creation time and ram';
        $customVars[SH404SEF_ANALYTICS_TIME_CUSTOM_VAR]->value = ($time << 4) + $memory;
    // add custom variable : user logged in
    if ($sefConfig->analyticsEnableUserCollection) {
        $user = JFactory::getUser();
        $customVars[SH404SEF_ANALYTICS_USER_CUSTOM_VAR]->name = 'Logged-in user';
        $userType = empty($user->usertype) ? 'anonymous' : $user->usertype;
        $customVars[SH404SEF_ANALYTICS_USER_CUSTOM_VAR]->value = htmlentities($userType, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
    return true;
Beispiel #2
  * Prepare and display the control panel
  * dashboard, which is a simplified view
  * of main analytics results
  * @param string $tpl layout name
 private function _makeViewDashboard($tpl)
     // get configuration object
     $sefConfig =& Sh404sefFactory::getConfig();
     // push it into to the view
     $this->assignRef('sefConfig', $sefConfig);
     // get analytics data using helper, possibly from cache
     $analyticsData = Sh404sefHelperAnalytics::getData($this->options);
     // push analytics stats into view
     $this->assign('analytics', $analyticsData);
Beispiel #3
 public function display($tpl = null)
     // prepare the view, based on request
     // do we force reading updates from server ?
     $options = Sh404sefHelperAnalytics::getRequestOptions();
     $method = '_makeView' . ucfirst($options['report']);
     if (is_callable(array($this, $method))) {
     // push display options into template
     $this->assign('options', $options);
     // add our javascript
     JHTML::script('cp.js', Sh404sefHelperGeneral::getComponentUrl() . '/assets/js/');
     // add Joomla calendar behavior, needed to input start and end dates
     if ($options['showFilters'] == 'yes') {
     // add our own css
     JHtml::styleSheet('cp.css', Sh404sefHelperGeneral::getComponentUrl() . '/assets/css/');
     // add tooltips handler
     // add title
     $app =& JFactory::getApplication();
     $title = Sh404sefHelperGeneral::makeToolbarTitle(JText16::_('COM_SH404SEF_ANALYTICS_MANAGER'), $icon = 'sh404sef', $class = 'sh404sef-toolbar-title');
     $app->set('JComponentTitle', $title);
     // add a div to display our ajax-call-in-progress indicator
     // Get the JComponent instance of JToolBar
     $bar =& JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar');
     $bar->addButtonPath(JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'classes');
     $html = '<div id="sh-progress-cpprogress"></div>';
     $bar->appendButton('custom', $html, 'sh-progress-button-cpprogress');
     // add quick control panel loader
     $js = 'window.addEvent(\'domready\', function(){  shSetupAnalytics({report:" ' . $options['report'] . '"});});';
     $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
     // flag to know if we should display placeholder for ajax fillin
     $this->assign('isAjaxTemplate', true);
     parent::display($tpl = null);
   * Connects to analytics supplier
   * Meant to be overloaded by adapter
   * @param $config , sef config object, holding connecton parameters
  protected function _connect() {

    // get the http client
    $hClient = & Sh404sefHelperAnalytics::getHttpClient();

    // establish connection with available methods
    $adapters = array( 'Sh_Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Curl', 'Sh_Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Socket');
    $rawResponse = null;

    // perform connect request
    foreach( $adapters as $adapter) {
      try {
        $hClient->setAdapter( $adapter);
        $rawResponse = $hClient->request();
      } catch (Exception $e) {  // need that to be Exception, so as to catch Sh_Zend_Exceptions.. as well
        // we failed, let's try another method
        //echo '<br />exception in _connect' . $e->getMessage();

    // return if error
    if (empty( $rawResponse)) {
      $msg = 'unknown code';
      throw new Sh404sefExceptionDefault( JText::sprintf('COM_SH404SEF_ERROR_CHECKING_ANALYTICS', $msg));
    if (!is_object( $rawResponse) || $rawResponse->isError()) {
      $msg = method_exists( $rawResponse, 'getStatus') ? $rawResponse->getStatus() : 'unknown code';
      throw new Sh404sefExceptionDefault( JText::sprintf('COM_SH404SEF_ERROR_CHECKING_ANALYTICS', $msg));

    // success, return response
    return $rawResponse;

Beispiel #5
    case 'ga:visits':
        $title = JText16::_('COM_SH404SEF_ANALYTICS_DATA_VISITS_DESC_RAW');
    case 'ga:visitors':
        $title = JText16::_('COM_SH404SEF_ANALYTICS_DATA_VISITORS_DESC_RAW');
    case 'ga:pageviews':
        $title = '';
$title = Sh404sefHelperAnalytics::getDataTypeTitle() . (empty($title) ? '' : '::' . $title);

  <div  class="hasAnalyticsTip" title="<?php 
echo $title;
" >

echo '<legend>' . Sh404sefHelperAnalytics::getDataTypeTitle() . '</legend>';
echo '<div class="analytics-report-image"><img src="' . $this->analytics->analyticsData->images['visits'] . '" /></div>';

  * prepare html filters to allow user to select the way she likes
  * to view reports
 protected function _prepareFilters()
     // array to hold various filters
     $filters = array();
     // find if we must display all filters. On dashboard, only a reduced set
     $allFilters = $this->_options['showFilters'] == 'yes';
     // select account to retrieve data for (or rather, profile
     $customSubmit = ' onchange="shSetupAnalytics({' . ($allFilters ? '' : 'showFilters:\'no\'') . '});"';
     $select = Sh404sefHelperHtml::buildSelectList($this->_accounts, $this->_options['accountId'], 'accountId', $autoSubmit = false, $addSelectAll = false, $selectAllTitle = '', $customSubmit);
     $filters[] = JText::_('COM_SH404SEF_ANALYTICS_ACCOUNT') . ':&nbsp;' . $select;
     // dashboard only has account selection, no room for anything else
     // only shows main selection drop downs on analytics view
     if ($allFilters) {
         // select start date
         $select = JHTML::_('calendar', $this->_options['startDate'], 'startDate', 'startDate', '%Y-%m-%d', 'class="textinput"');
         $filters[] = '&nbsp;' . JText::_('COM_SH404SEF_ANALYTICS_START_DATE') . ':&nbsp;' . $select;
         // select end date
         $select = JHTML::_('calendar', $this->_options['endDate'], 'endDate', 'endDate', '%Y-%m-%d', 'class="textinput"');
         $filters[] = '&nbsp;' . JText::_('COM_SH404SEF_ANALYTICS_END_DATE') . ':&nbsp;' . $select;
         // select groupBy (day, week, month)
         $select = Sh404sefHelperAnalytics::buildAnalyticsGroupBySelectList($this->_options['groupBy'], 'groupBy', $autoSubmit = false, $addSelectAll = false, $selectAllTitle = '', $customSubmit);
         $filters[] = '&nbsp;' . JText::_('COM_SH404SEF_ANALYTICS_GROUP_BY') . ':&nbsp;' . $select;
         // add a click to update link
         $filters[] = '&nbsp;<a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="javascript: shSetupAnalytics({forced:1' . ($allFilters ? '' : ',showFilters:\'no\'') . '});" > [' . JText::_('COM_SH404SEF_CHECK_ANALYTICS') . ']</a>';
     } else {
         // on dashboard, there is no date select, so we must display the date range
         $filters[] = '&nbsp;' . JText::_('COM_SH404SEF_ANALYTICS_DATE_RANGE') . '&nbsp;<div class="largertext">' . $this->_options['startDate'] . '&nbsp;&nbsp;>>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $this->_options['endDate'] . '</div>';
     return $filters;
Beispiel #7
  * Search for current site in account list, in order
  * to find its Google id. If not found, defaults to
  * first site in list
  * @param array of object $accounts
 public static function getDefaultAccountId($accounts)
     $id = 0;
     if (!empty($accounts)) {
         // search for current site
         $current = Sh404sefHelperAnalytics::getWebsiteName();
         foreach ($accounts as $account) {
             if (strpos($current, $account->title) !== false or strpos(str_replace('www.', '', $current), $account->title) !== false) {
                 $id = $account->id;
         // default to first account if no match found
         $id = empty($id) ? $accounts[0]->id : $id;
     return $id;
// Security check to ensure this file is being included by a parent file.
if (!defined('_JEXEC')) {
    die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.');

  <div class="hasAnalyticsTip width-100" title="<?php 
echo $title;
       <fieldset class="adminform">
echo JText::_('COM_SH404SEF_ANALYTICS_REPORT_SOURCES') . JText::_('COM_SH404SEF_ANALYTICS_REPORT_BY_LABEL') . Sh404sefHelperAnalytics::getDataTypeTitle();
          <ul class="adminformlist">
              <div class="analytics-report-image"><img src="<?php 
echo $this->analytics->analyticsData->images['sources'];
" /></div>
Beispiel #9

 * SEF module for Joomla!
 * @author      $Author: shumisha $
 * @copyright   Yannick Gaultier - 2007-2010
 * @package     sh404SEF-15
 * @license GNU/GPL
 * @version     $Id: default_sources.php 1600 2010-09-03 10:55:18Z silianacom-svn $
// Security check to ensure this file is being included by a parent file.
if (!defined('_JEXEC')) {
    die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.');

  <div class="hasAnalyticsTip" title="<?php 
echo $title;
       <fieldset >
echo '<legend>' . JText16::_('COM_SH404SEF_ANALYTICS_REPORT_SOURCES') . JText16::_('COM_SH404SEF_ANALYTICS_REPORT_BY_LABEL') . Sh404sefHelperAnalytics::getDataTypeTitle() . '</legend>';
echo '<div class="analytics-report-image"><img src="' . $this->analytics->analyticsData->images['sources'] . '" /></div>';
 protected function _query($type)
     //perform request
     $response = $this->_client->request();
     // check if authentified
     // analyze response
     $parser = new DOMDocument();
     $this->_rawData[$type] = $parser->getElementsByTagName('entry');
Beispiel #11
    die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.');
switch ($this->sefConfig->analyticsDashboardDataType) {
    case 'ga:visits':
        $title = JText::_('COM_SH404SEF_ANALYTICS_DATA_VISITS_DESC_RAW');
    case 'ga:visitors':
    case 'ga:pageviews':
        $title = '';
echo Sh404sefHelperAnalytics::getDataTypeTitle();
    <div class="analytics-report-image">
    	<img rel="tooltip" <?php 
echo Sh404sefHelperHtml::wrapBootstrapTipTitle(Sh404sefHelperAnalytics::getDataTypeTitle(), $title);
echo $this->analytics->analyticsData->images['visits'];
" />
Beispiel #12
  * Connects to analytics supplier
  * Meant to be overloaded by adapter
  * @param $config , sef config object, holding connecton parameters
 protected function _connect()
     // get the http client
     $hClient = Sh404sefHelperAnalytics::getHttpClient();
     // establish connection with available methods
     $adapters = array('Zendshl_Http_Client_Adapter_Curl', 'Zendshl_Http_Client_Adapter_Socket');
     $rawResponse = null;
     // perform connect request
     foreach ($adapters as $adapter) {
         try {
             $rawResponse = $hClient->request();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // we failed, let's try another method
     // return if error
     if (empty($rawResponse)) {
         $msg = 'unknown code';
         ShlSystem_Log::debug('sh404sef', '%s::%s::%d: %s', __CLASS__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, JText::sprintf('COM_SH404SEF_ERROR_CHECKING_ANALYTICS', $msg));
         throw new Sh404sefExceptionDefault(JText::sprintf('COM_SH404SEF_ERROR_CHECKING_ANALYTICS', $msg));
     if (!is_object($rawResponse) || $rawResponse->isError()) {
         $msg = method_exists($rawResponse, 'getStatus') ? $rawResponse->getStatus() : 'unknown code';
         ShlSystem_Log::debug('sh404sef', '%s::%s::%d: %s', __CLASS__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, JText::sprintf('COM_SH404SEF_ERROR_CHECKING_ANALYTICS', $msg));
         throw new Sh404sefExceptionDefault(JText::sprintf('COM_SH404SEF_ERROR_CHECKING_ANALYTICS', $msg));
     // success, return response
     return $rawResponse;
Beispiel #13
 public function display($tpl = null)
     // version prefix
     $this->joomlaVersionPrefix = Sh404sefHelperGeneral::getJoomlaVersionPrefix();
     // prepare the view, based on request
     // do we force reading updates from server ?
     $options = Sh404sefHelperAnalytics::getRequestOptions();
     // push display options into template
     $this->assign('options', $options);
     // Get the JComponent instance of JToolBar
     $bar = JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar');
     if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge')) {
         $document = JFactory::getDocument();
         // render submenu sidebar
         $this->sidebar = Sh404sefHelperHtml::renderSubmenu();
         // add custom css
         JHtml::styleSheet(Sh404sefHelperGeneral::getComponentUrl() . '/assets/css/' . $this->joomlaVersionPrefix . '_list.css');
         // add modal css and js
         // add title
         JToolbarHelper::title('sh404SEF: ' . JText::_('COM_SH404SEF_ANALYTICS_MANAGER'), 'sh404sef-toolbar-title');
         // needed javascript
         JHtml::_('formbehavior.chosen', 'select');
         // add Joomla calendar behavior, needed to input start and end dates
         if ($options['showFilters'] == 'yes') {
         // add quick control panel loader
         $js = 'jQuery(document).ready(function(){  shSetupAnalytics({report:" ' . $options['report'] . '"});});';
         $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     } else {
         // add Joomla calendar behavior, needed to input start and end dates
         if ($options['showFilters'] == 'yes') {
         // add tooltips handler
         // add title
         $app = JFactory::getApplication();
         $title = Sh404sefHelperGeneral::makeToolbarTitle(JText::_('COM_SH404SEF_ANALYTICS_MANAGER'), $icon = 'sh404sef', $class = 'sh404sef-toolbar-title');
         JFactory::getApplication()->JComponentTitle = $title;
         // add quick control panel loader
         $js = 'window.addEvent(\'domready\', function(){  shSetupAnalytics({report:" ' . $options['report'] . '"});});';
         $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     // call methods to prepare display based on report type
     $method = '_makeView' . ucfirst($options['report']);
     if (is_callable(array($this, $method))) {
     // add our javascript
     JHTML::script(Sh404sefHelperGeneral::getComponentUrl() . '/assets/js/' . $this->joomlaVersionPrefix . '_cp.js');
     // add our own css
     JHtml::styleSheet(Sh404sefHelperGeneral::getComponentUrl() . '/assets/css/' . $this->joomlaVersionPrefix . '_cp.css');
     // flag to know if we should display placeholder for ajax fillin
     $this->assign('isAjaxTemplate', true);