  * Action permettant de créer un data set.
  * @param sfWebRequest $request
 public function execute($request)
     // On détermine le type de contenu retourné.
     // On authentifie l'utilisateur.
     $this->getUser()->signIn($this->user, true);
     // On déclare le résultat à retourner.
     $resultat = array("not_found" => true);
     /** @var EiExcelRequestsTable $table */
     $table = EiExcelRequestsTable::getInstance();
     // TODO: Amélioration de l'appel EI_EXCEL_REQUESTS NATIVE REQUEST.
     // Mise à jour des états des demandes qui ont plus de 1 jour.
     $sqlUpdate = "UPDATE ei_excel_requests SET state = 1 WHERE created_at <= DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -3 MINUTE);";
     // Exécution.
     /** @var EiExcelRequests $requete */
     $requete = $table->getLastUserRequest($this->user->getEiUser()->getRefId(), $this->user->getEiUser()->getUserId());
     if ($requete != null && $requete->getProfil() != null && $requete->getScenario() != null) {
         $resultat = array("id" => $requete->getId(), "project_id" => $requete->getProjectId(), "project_ref" => $requete->getProjectRef(), "project_name" => $requete->getScenario()->getEiProjet()->getName(), "profile_id" => $requete->getProfileId(), "profile_ref" => $requete->getProfileRef(), "profile_name" => $requete->getProfil()->getName(), "scenario_id" => $requete->getScenario()->getId(), "scenario_name" => $requete->getScenario()->getNomScenario(), "scenario_url" => $this->generateUrl("projet_new_eiversion", array("action" => "editVersionWithoutId", "project_id" => $requete->getProjectId(), "project_ref" => $requete->getProjectRef(), "profile_name" => $requete->getProfil()->getName(), "profile_id" => $requete->getProfileId(), "profile_ref" => $requete->getProfileRef(), "ei_scenario_id" => $requete->getScenario()->getId()), true), "ei_data_set_id" => $requete->getEiDataSetId(), "ei_data_set_name" => $requete->getEiDataSetId() != "" ? $requete->getEiDataSet()->getName() : "", "ei_data_set_desc" => $requete->getEiDataSetId() != "" ? $requete->getEiDataSet()->getDescription() : "", "ei_test_set_id" => $requete->getEiTestSetId(), "state" => $requete->getState());
         if ($requete->getEiTestSetId() == "") {
         if ($requete->getEiDataSetId() == "") {
     return $this->renderText(json_encode($resultat));
 public function preExecute()
     /** @var EiUserTable $table */
     $table = Doctrine_Core::getTable('EiUser');
     $this->token = $this->getRequest()->getParameter("token");
     $this->user = $table::getInstance()->getUserByTokenApi($this->token);
     $this->forward404If(is_bool($this->user) && $this->user === false, "You are not allowed to access this page.");
     $this->user = $this->user->getGuardUser();
  * Action permettant de créer un data set.
  * @param sfWebRequest $request
 public function execute($request)
     $this->ei_scenario = Doctrine_Core::getTable('EiScenario')->find($this->scenario->getId());
     $this->forward404Unless(Doctrine_Core::getTable("EiProjectUser")->getEiProjet($this->ei_scenario->getProjectId(), $this->ei_scenario->getProjectRef(), $this->user->getEiUser()));
     /** @var EiDataSetStructure $ei_root_node */
     $ei_root_node = Doctrine_Core::getTable("EiDataSetStructure")->getRoot($this->ei_scenario->getId());
     /** @var DOMDocument $xsd */
     $xsd = EiDataSetStructure::createXSD($ei_root_node);
     $xsd->formatOutput = true;
     $xsd = $xsd->saveXML();
     $response = $this->getResponse();
     $response->setHttpHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="' . $this->ei_scenario->getNomScenario() . '-XSD.xsd');
     return sfView::NONE;
  * Action permettant de retourner la description et les notices d'une fonction.
  * En POST, le matching est directement réalisé.
  * @param sfWebRequest $request
 public function execute($request)
     // On détermine le type de contenu retourné.
     $this->getUser()->signIn($this->user, true);
     // Récupération du JDT.
     $test_set_id = $request->getParameter("ei_test_set_id");
     $testSet = Doctrine_Core::getTable('EiTestSet')->find($test_set_id);
     // Récupération de la fonction.
     $function_id = $request->getParameter("function_id");
     $function_ref = $request->getParameter("function_ref");
     // Récupération du projet.
     $project_id = $request->getParameter("project_id");
     $project_ref = $request->getParameter("project_ref");
     $project = Doctrine_Core::getTable('EiProjet')->findOneByProjectIdAndRefId($project_id, $project_ref);
     // Récupération du profil.
     $profile_id = $request->getParameter("profile_id");
     $profile_ref = $request->getParameter("profile_ref");
     /** @var EiProfil $profile */
     $profile = Doctrine_Core::getTable('EiProfil')->findOneByProfileIdAndProfileRefAndProjectIdAndProjectRef($profile_id, $profile_ref, $project_id, $project_ref);
     //Recherche des paramètres de profil à utiliser pour interpreter des éventuels paramètres variables
     $profileParams = $profile->getParamsWithName($this->user->getEiUser());
     //Récupération de l'oracle du jeu de test ( notice  du jeu de test)
     $oracle = $testSet->getTestSetOracle($project, $project->getDefaultNoticeLang(), $function_id, $function_ref, false);
     $oracle = isset($oracle[0]) ? $oracle[0] : $oracle;
     // Récupération des paramètres d'entrée.
     $params = Doctrine_Core::getTable('EiTestSetParam')->getParamForTestSetAndEiTestFunction($test_set_id, $oracle['ei_test_set_function_id']);
     $paramsOut = Doctrine_Core::getTable('EiFunctionHasParam')->findByFunctionRefAndFunctionIdAndParamType($function_ref, $function_id, 'OUT');
     // Transformation de la notice
     $noticeDesc = MyFunction::parseAndExtractParamsValue($oracle["description"], $params, $profileParams);
     $noticeExp = MyFunction::parseAndExtractParamsValue($oracle["expected"], $params, $profileParams);
     if ($paramsOut != null && $paramsOut->count() > 0) {
         $tmpParams = array();
         /** @var EiFunctionHasParam $param */
         foreach ($paramsOut as $param) {
             $tmpParams[] = array("name" => $param->getName(), "value" => $param->getDefaultValue());
         $paramsOut = $tmpParams;
     } else {
         $paramsOut = array();
     return $this->renderText(json_encode(array("func_desc" => $oracle["func_desc"], "notice_desc" => $noticeDesc, "notice_expected" => $noticeExp, "in_params" => $params, 'out_params' => $paramsOut)));
  * Action permettant de créer un data set.
  * @param sfWebRequest $request
 public function execute($request)
     $this->logger = sfContext::getInstance()->getLogger();
     $this->logger->info("---   DEBUT SAUVEGARDE DATA SET");
     $this->getUser()->signIn($this->user, true);
     // On récupère le noeud parent du scénario.
     $noeud_id = $this->scenario->getEiNode()->getId();
     $noeud_parent = Doctrine_Core::getTable("EiNode")->findOneByRootIdAndType($noeud_id, "EiDataSetFolder");
     $noeud_parent_id = $noeud_parent->getId();
     // Récupération du nom & description.
     $nom = $request->getPostParameter("name");
     $desc = $request->getPostParameter("description");
     // On récupère le data set source (si enregistrement).
     $dataSetSourceId = $request->getPostParameter("jddSource");
     // On récupère le data set template source (si enregistrement).
     $dataSetTemplateSourceId = $request->getPostParameter("jddTemplateSource");
     // On récupère le dossier où enregistrer le JDD.
     $dataSetDirId = $request->getPostParameter("jddDir");
     // On décode le fichier.
     $request->setParameter("file", str_replace("%3E", ">", str_replace("%3C", "<", $request->getParameter("file"))));
     // LOGS
     $this->logger->info("-- NOM : " . $nom);
     $this->logger->info("-- DESCRIPTION : " . $desc);
     $this->logger->info("-- JDD SOURCE ID : " . $dataSetSourceId);
     $this->logger->info("-- JDD TEMPLATE SOURCE ID : " . $dataSetTemplateSourceId);
     $this->logger->info("-- NOEUD ID PARENT : " . $noeud_parent_id);
     $this->logger->info("---   FIN SAUVEGARDE DATA SET");
     $request->setParameter("ei_user", $this->user->getEiUser());
     $request->setParameter("name", $nom);
     $request->setParameter("description", $desc);
     $request->setParameter("ei_node_parent_id", $noeud_parent_id);
     if ($dataSetSourceId != null && $dataSetSourceId != -1) {
         $request->setParameter("dataSetSource", $dataSetSourceId);
     if ($dataSetTemplateSourceId != null && $dataSetTemplateSourceId != -1) {
         $request->setParameter("dataSetTemplateSource", $dataSetTemplateSourceId);
     if ($dataSetDirId != null && $dataSetDirId != -1) {
         $oJddDir = Doctrine_Core::getTable("EiNode")->find($dataSetDirId);
         if ($oJddDir != null && $oJddDir->getObjId() != "") {
             $request->setParameter("dataSetDir", $dataSetDirId);
             $request->setParameter("ei_node_parent_id", $dataSetDirId);
     $chronometre = new Chronometre();
     $chronometre->lancerChrono("PERFORMANCE CREATION JDD");
     try {
         $content = $this->getController()->getPresentationFor("eidataset", "lightCreateFromXml");
     } catch (Exception $exc) {
         $this->logger->info("--- ERREUR : " . $exc->getMessage() . " ---");
     // Fin mesure
     return $this->renderText($content);
  * Adds an object to the instance pool.
  * Propel keeps cached copies of objects in an instance pool when they are retrieved
  * from the database.  In some cases -- especially when you override doSelect*()
  * methods in your stub classes -- you may need to explicitly add objects
  * to the cache in order to ensure that the same objects are always returned by doSelect*()
  * and retrieveByPK*() calls.
  * @param      SfGuardUser $value A SfGuardUser object.
  * @param      string $key (optional) key to use for instance map (for performance boost if key was already calculated externally).
 public static function addInstanceToPool(SfGuardUser $obj, $key = null)
     if (Propel::isInstancePoolingEnabled()) {
         if ($key === null) {
             $key = (string) $obj->getId();
         // if key === null
         self::$instances[$key] = $obj;
Beispiel #7
 public function executeAddNewSubscriber(sfWebRequest $request)
     $this->minyan = Utils::extractDomainObjectFromRequest($request, 'Minyan', 'minyanId', true);
     $this->form = new SignupForm();
     if ($request->isMethod('post')) {
         if ($this->form->isValid()) {
             $fields = $this->form->getValues();
             $con = Doctrine::getConnectionByTableName('SfGuardUser');
             try {
                 $this->logMessage("Executing signup for new user for minyan {$this->minyan->getName()}: {$fields['email']}", 'notice');
                 $sgu = new SfGuardUser();
                 $contactMethods = $request->getParameter('contact_method');
                 foreach ($contactMethods as $name => $method) {
                     $contactMethods[$name] = Utils::toBoolean($method);
                 $minyanUser = new MinyanUser();
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $this->logMessage("Problem when signing up user {$fields['email']}: {$e->getMessage()}", 'notice');
                 throw $e;
             MAMUtils::sendInternalEmail("New Make a Minyan User Alert for minyan {$this->minyan->getName()}! - {$sgu->getFullName()}", "");
             //send email
             $options = array();
             $options['template'] = 'welcomeToMinyan';
             $options['subject'] = 'Welcome!';
             $options['minyan'] = $this->minyan;
             $options['user'] = $sgu;
             $options['minyanUser'] = $minyanUser;
             $options['first_name'] = $sgu->getFirstName();
             $options['to'] = $sgu->getUsername();
             $this->logMessage('Welcome email sent to ' . $sgu->getUsername(), 'notice');
             $this->getUser()->setFlash('subscribersSuccess', 'Added ' . $sgu->getUsername() . ' successfully!');
             echo Utils::ajaxResponse(true, $this->minyan->getId());
             return sfView::NONE;
Beispiel #8
  * Executes index action
  * @param sfRequest $request A request object
 public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
     $this->form = new SignupForm();
     if ($request->isMethod('post')) {
         if ($this->form->isValid()) {
             $fields = $this->form->getValues();
             $con = Doctrine::getConnectionByTableName('SfGuardUser');
             try {
                 $this->logMessage("Executing signup for new user: {$fields['email']}", 'notice');
                 $sgu = new SfGuardUser();
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $this->logMessage("Problem when signing up user {$fields['email']}: {$e->getMessage()}", 'notice');
                 throw $e;
             MAMUtils::sendInternalEmail("New Make a Minyan User Alert! - {$sgu->getFullName()}, Plan: {$this->plan['name']}", "");
             //send email
             $options = array();
             $options['template'] = 'welcome';
             $options['subject'] = 'Welcome!';
             $options['first_name'] = $sgu->getFirstName();
             $options['to'] = $sgu->getUsername();
             $this->logMessage('Welcome email sent to ' . $sgu->getUsername(), 'notice');
 public function executeRegister()
     if ($this->getRequest()->getMethod() != sfRequest::POST) {
         return sfView::SUCCESS;
     $user = new SfGuardUser();
     $profile = new UserProfile();
     $profile->setGender($this->getRequestParameter('gender') ? $this->getRequestParameter('gender') : null);
     $profile->setBirthday($this->getRequestParameter('birthday') ? $this->getRequestParameter('birthday') : null);
     $this->getRequest()->setAttribute('email', $profile->getEmail());
     $this->getRequest()->setAttribute('full_name', $profile->getFullName());
     $this->getRequest()->setAttribute('activation_key', $profile->getConfirmation());
     $raw_email = $this->sendEmail('mail', 'register');
     $this->logMessage($raw_email, 'debug');
     $this->setFlash('info', 'We sent a confirmation email to your email address.');
     $this->forward('site', 'message');