Beispiel #1
if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'])) {
    echo 'The scheduler can only be called by CLI!';
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// Init
$starttime = microtime() + time();
$sdl = new scheduler();
$sdl->log('<br><b>-------------------------------------------------------------</b><br>' . '<b>Starting Install BOTs at ' . date('d.m.y H:i:s', time()) . '</b>', INSTALL_LOG_FILE_NPC);
// create sql-object for db-connection
$db = new sql($config['server'] . ":" . $config['port'], $config['game_database'], $config['user'], $config['password']);
$game = new game();
// Install Quark BOT
$quark = new Ferengi($db, $sdl);
// Install SevenOfNine BOT
$borg = new Borg($db, $sdl);
// Install Settlers BOT
$settlers = new Settlers($db, $sdl);
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// Quit and close log
$sdl->log('<b>Finished Install BOTs in <font color=#009900>' . round(microtime() + time() - $starttime, 4) . ' secs</font><br>Executed Queries: <font color=#ff0000>' . $db->i_query . '</font></b>', INSTALL_LOG_FILE_NPC);