function mod_rewrite_enabled() { $suSU = new SettingsUtilities(); $b_mod_rewrite = $suSU->b_mod_rewrite_enabled(); if (!$b_mod_rewrite) { array_push($this->sa_instructions, "mod_rewrite is not enabled."); } }
function html_make_settings_form($jo_settings) { $html_form = ""; $suSU = new SettingsUtilities(); $html_form .= '<h4>Settings</h4>'; $html_form .= '<div class="alert alert-info">Only some settings can be edited at the moment, if you feel confident you can edit theme directly in the settings datastore.</div><hr/>'; $html_form .= '<form role="form" method="post" action="index.php">'; # # make tabs # # tab menu $html_form .= '<ul class="nav nav-tabs">'; $html_form .= '<li class="active"><a href="#general" data-toggle="tab">General</a></li>'; $html_form .= '<li><a href="#images" data-toggle="tab">Images</a></li>'; $html_form .= '<li><a href="#flot" data-toggle="tab">Flot</a></li>'; $html_form .= '</ul>'; # tabs $html_form .= '<div class="tab-content">'; # # general tab # $html_form .= '<div class="tab-pane active" id="general">'; # upload dir $html_form .= '<div class="form-group"><label for="setting_upload_dir">Upload folder (file path, relative from root)</label><input type="text" class="form-control input-sm" id="setting_upload_dir" placeholder="relative upload directory" disabled value="' . $jo_settings->upload_dir . '"></div>'; # website name $html_form .= '<div class="form-group"><label for="setting_website_name">Website name</label><input type="text" name="site_name" class="form-control input-sm" id="setting_website_name" placeholder="website name" value="' . $jo_settings->site_name . '"></div>'; # template $html_form .= '<div class="form-group input-group-sm">'; $html_form .= '<label for="setting_theme_name">Theme</label>'; $html_form .= '<select name="theme" class="form-control" id="settings_theme">'; $file_utility = new FileBrowser(); $sa_dirs = $file_utility->sa_themes_available(); foreach ($sa_dirs as $s_theme_dir) { $s_selected = ''; if ($s_theme_dir === $jo_settings->theme) { $s_selected = 'selected '; } $html_form .= '<option ' . $s_selected . 'value="' . $s_theme_dir . '" >' . $s_theme_dir . '</option>'; } $html_form .= '</select>'; $html_form .= '</div>'; $html_form .= '</div>'; # # images tab # $html_form .= '<div class="tab-pane" id="images">'; # thumbs $html_form .= '<h5>Thumbnail sizes</h5>'; foreach ($jo_settings->thumb_sizes as $o_thumb_size) { $html_form .= '<div class="row form-group"><div class="col-xs-12"><label>' . $o_thumb_size->name . '</label><input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="" value="' . $o_thumb_size->name . '" disabled></div></div><div class="row form-group"><div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6"><label>max width (blank for none)</label><input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="" value="' . $o_thumb_size->max_width . '" disabled></div><div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6"><label>max height (blank for none)</label><input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="" value="' . $o_thumb_size->max_height . '" disabled></div></div>'; } $html_form .= '</div>'; # # flot tab # $html_form .= '<div class="tab-pane" id="flot">'; $html_form .= '<table class="table table-condensed"><thead><tr><th>Property</th><th>Value</th></tr></thead><tbody>'; // flot version $html_form .= '<tr><td>flot version</td><td><span class="label label-primary">' . $suSU->s_literal_flot_version() . '</span></td></tr>'; // max execution time $html_form .= '<tr><td>PHP max execution time (seconds)</td><td>' . $suSU->i_max_execution_time() . '</td></tr>'; // max input post time $html_form .= '<tr><td>PHP max input time (seconds)</td><td>' . $suSU->i_max_input_time() . '</td></tr>'; // post_max_size $html_form .= '<tr><td>PHP post max size</td><td>' . $suSU->i_post_max_size() . '</td></tr>'; // upload_max_filesize $html_form .= '<tr><td>PHP upload max filesize</td><td>' . $suSU->i_upload_max_filesize() . '</td></tr>'; // www write perms $b_write_perms = $suSU->b_root_write_permission(); $s_write_perms = $b_write_perms ? '<i class="green glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></i>' : '<i class="red glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></i>'; $html_form .= '<tr><td>www write permission</td><td>' . $s_write_perms . '</td></tr>'; /* if(!$b_write_perms){ foreach ($suSU->sa_unwritable_dirs as $s_path) { $html_form .= $s_path.'<br/>'; } } */ // mod_rewrite enabled $b_mod_rewrite = $suSU->b_mod_rewrite_enabled(); $s_mod_rewrite = $b_mod_rewrite ? '<i class="green glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></i>' : '<i class="red glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></i>'; $html_form .= '<tr><td>mod_rewrite enabled</td><td>' . $s_mod_rewrite . '</td></tr>'; $html_form .= '</tbody></table>'; $html_form .= '<hr/>'; $s_update_enabled = $b_write_perms ? '' : ' disabled'; $html_form .= '<a class="btn btn-info" href="' . S_BASE_EXTENSION . 'flot-admin/admin/update.php" target="_blank" ' . $s_update_enabled . '><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-cloud-download"></i> update flot</a>'; $html_form .= '<hr/>'; $html_form .= '</div>'; $html_form .= '</div>'; # save $html_form .= '<div class="form-group">'; $html_form .= '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success pull-right"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-floppy-disk"></i> save</button>'; $html_form .= '</div>'; # hidden elements $html_form .= '<input type="hidden" name="section" value="settings">'; $html_form .= '</form>'; return $html_form; }
<?php // include core $s_b_p = str_replace($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], "", str_replace("\\", "/", $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) . '/'; require $s_b_p . 'flot_flot/core/base.php'; require_once S_BASE_PATH . 'flot_flot/core/flot.php'; $flot = new Flot(); // if authorized if (!$flot->b_is_user_admin()) { # forward them to login page $flot->_page_change("/flot_flot/admin/login.php"); } else { $sfSF = new SettingsUtilities(); $fuFU = new FileUtilities(); $s_start_version = $sfSF->s_literal_flot_version(); // // do update // // download new flot $s_download_to = S_BASE_PATH . 'flot_flot' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'temp' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ''; $s_unzip_to = S_BASE_PATH . 'flot_flot' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'temp' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'new_flot' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ''; echo "download to: " . $s_download_to . "<br/>"; echo "download from: " . FLOT_DOWNLOAD_URL . "<br/>"; file_put_contents($s_download_to, fopen(FLOT_DOWNLOAD_URL, 'r')); // unpack $zip = new ZipArchive(); $res = $zip->open($s_download_to); if ($res === TRUE) { $zip->extractTo($s_unzip_to); $zip->close(); echo 'unpacked flot<br/>';
</div> <div class="modal-footer" id="flot_modal_footer"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="admin_header" class="clearer"> <div class="left_col clearer"> <a href="/flot_flot/admin/"> <?php $suSU = new SettingsUtilities(); ?> <img src="<?php echo S_BASE_EXTENSION; ?> flot_flot/admin/images/flot.png" style=" max-height: 35px; margin-left: 20px; " alt="flot version <?php echo $suSU->s_literal_flot_version(); ?> " title="flot version <?php echo $suSU->s_literal_flot_version(); ?> "/> </a>