  * Get link to shared list for current user
  * @param string $text [optional]
  * @return string 
 public static function getListLinkForCurrentUser($text = null)
     if (!Configuration::Privacy()->listIsPublic()) {
         return '';
     if (is_null($text)) {
         $text = Icon::$ATTACH;
     return '<a href="shared/' . SessionAccountHandler::getUsername() . '/" target="_blank" ' . Ajax::tooltip('', __('Public list'), false, true) . '>' . $text . '</a>';
echo System::getFullDomain();
" title="Runalyze">Runalyze</a>
if (SessionAccountHandler::isLoggedIn()) {
<a class="tab right" href="login.php?out" title="<?php 
		<i class="fa fa-fw fa-lg fa-sign-out"></i>&nbsp;<?php 
    echo Ajax::window('<a class="tab right b" href="' . ConfigTabs::$CONFIG_URL . '?key=config_tab_account"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-lg fa-user"></i>' . NBSP . SessionAccountHandler::getUsername() . '</a>');

	<span class="left b">
echo Ajax::window('<a class="tab" href="' . ConfigTabs::$CONFIG_URL . '"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-lg fa-cog"></i>' . NBSP . __('Configuration') . '</a>');
echo Ajax::window('<a class="tab" href="' . PluginTool::$DISPLAY_URL . '"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-lg fa-dashboard"></i>' . NBSP . __('Tools') . '</a>');
echo Ajax::window('<a class="tab" href="' . Frontend::$HELP_URL . '"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-lg fa-question-circle"></i>' . NBSP . __('Help') . '</a>');
  * Try to change password
 private function tryToChangePassword()
     if ($_POST['new_pw'] == $_POST['new_pw_repeat']) {
         $Account = DB::getInstance()->query('SELECT `password`, `salt` FROM `' . PREFIX . 'account`' . ' WHERE id = ' . SessionAccountHandler::getId())->fetch();
         if (AccountHandler::comparePasswords($_POST['old_pw'], $Account['password'], $Account['salt'])) {
             if (strlen($_POST['new_pw']) < AccountHandler::$PASS_MIN_LENGTH) {
                 ConfigTabs::addMessage(HTML::error(sprintf(__('The password has to contain at least %s characters.'), AccountHandler::$PASS_MIN_LENGTH)));
             } else {
                 AccountHandler::setNewPassword(SessionAccountHandler::getUsername(), $_POST['new_pw']);
                 ConfigTabs::addMessage(HTML::okay(__('Your password has been changed.')));
         } else {
             ConfigTabs::addMessage(HTML::error(__('You current password is wrong.')));
     } else {
         ConfigTabs::addMessage(HTML::error(__('The passwords have to be the same.')));