Beispiel #1

error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
// show all errors but notices
require '../inc/functions.php';
require '../classes/session-class.php';
require '../classes/members-class.php';
## fire up the Sessions ##
$ses = new Session();
// create Session instance
// start session (name 'echelon', 0 => session cookie, path is echelon path so no access allowed oustide echelon path is allowed)
if ($_GET['t'] == 'install') {
    ## find the Echelon directory ##
    $install_dir = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
    $echelon_dir = preg_replace('#install/index.php#', '', $install_dir);
    ## Create an Echelon salt
    $ech_salt = genSalt(16);
    $ses_salt = randPass(6);
    ## Get the form information ##
    $email = cleanvar($_POST['email']);
    $db_host = cleanvar($_POST['db-host']);
    $db_user = cleanvar($_POST['db-user']);
    $db_pass = cleanvar($_POST['db-pass']);
    $db_name = cleanvar($_POST['db-name']);
    emptyInput($email, 'your email address');
    emptyInput($db_host, 'your email address');
    emptyInput($db_host, 'database hostname');
    emptyInput($db_user, 'database username');
    emptyInput($db_name, 'database name');
    // check the new email address is a valid email address
Beispiel #2
## If SSL required die if not an ssl connection ##
if ($https_enabled == 1) {
    if (!detectSSL() && !isError()) {
        // if this is not an SSL secured page and this is not the error page
require 'classes/session-class.php';
// class to deal with the management of sesssions
require 'classes/members-class.php';
// class to preform all B3 DB related actions
## fire up the Sessions ##
$ses = new Session();
// create Session instance
$ses->sesStart('echelon', 0, PATH);
// start session (name 'echelon', 0 => session cookie, path is echelon path so no access allowed oustide echelon path is allowed)
## create istance of the members class ##
$mem = new member($_SESSION['user_id'], $_SESSION['name'], $_SESSION['email']);
## Is B3 needed on this page ##
if ($b3_conn) {
    // This is to stop connecting to the B3 Db for non B3 Db connection pages eg. Home, Site Admin, My Account
    require 'classes/mysql-class.php';
    // class to preform all B3 DB related actions
    $db = DB_B3::getInstance($game_db_host, $game_db_user, $game_db_pw, $game_db_name, DB_B3_ERROR_ON);
    // create connection to the B3 DB
    // unset all the db info vars