Beispiel #1
function createSystem()
    global $settings;
    global $_testInstall_Ok;
    try {
         * The settings system is used to create a lot of output,
         * we swallow it all
         * Get the schema version and other constants
        require_once "lib/Bootstrap.php";
        $bootstrap = new Bootstrap();
         * Now create the database
        $dbsettings = $_SESSION['spotsettings']['db'];
        $dbCon = dbeng_abs::getDbFactory($dbsettings['engine']);
        $dbCon->connect($dbsettings['host'], $dbsettings['user'], $dbsettings['pass'], $dbsettings['dbname']);
        $daoFactory = Dao_Factory::getDAOFactory($dbsettings['engine']);
         * The database must exist before we can get the Service_Settings_Base instance
        $dbStruct = SpotStruct_abs::factory($dbsettings['engine'], $daoFactory->getConnection());
        $spotSettings = $bootstrap->getSettings($daoFactory, false);
        $svcUpgradeBase = new Services_Upgrade_Base($daoFactory, $spotSettings, $dbsettings['engine']);
         * Create all the different settings (only the default) ones
         * Create the users
         * print all the output as HTML comment for debugging
        $dbCreateOutput = ob_get_contents();
         * Now it is time to do something with
         * the information the user has given to us
         * Update the NNTP settings in the databas
        $spotSettings->set('nntp_nzb', $_SESSION['spotsettings']['nntp']['nzb']);
        $spotSettings->set('nntp_hdr', $_SESSION['spotsettings']['nntp']['hdr']);
        $spotSettings->set('nntp_post', $_SESSION['spotsettings']['nntp']['post']);
         * Create the given user
        $svcUserRecord = new Services_User_Record($daoFactory, $spotSettings);
        $spotUser = $_SESSION['spotsettings']['adminuser'];
         * and actually add the user
        $spotUser['userid'] = $svcUserRecord->createUserRecord($spotUser)->getData('userid');
         * When the new user was created a random password was assigned, 
         * so now have to set the supplied password
        # Change the administrators' account password to that of this created user
        $adminUser = $svcUserRecord->getUser(SPOTWEB_ADMIN_USERID);
        $adminUser['newpassword1'] = $spotUser['newpassword1'];
        # update the settings with our system type and our admin id
        $spotSettings->set('custom_admin_userid', $spotUser['userid']);
        $spotSettings->set('systemtype', $spotUser['systemtype']);
        # Set the system type
         * Create the necessary database connection information
        $dbConnectionString = '';
        switch ($_SESSION['spotsettings']['db']['engine']) {
            case 'pdo_mysql':
                $dbConnectionString .= "\$dbsettings['engine'] = 'pdo_mysql';" . PHP_EOL;
                $dbConnectionString .= "\$dbsettings['host'] = '" . $_SESSION['spotsettings']['db']['host'] . "';" . PHP_EOL;
                $dbConnectionString .= "\$dbsettings['dbname'] = '" . $_SESSION['spotsettings']['db']['dbname'] . "';" . PHP_EOL;
                $dbConnectionString .= "\$dbsettings['user'] = '******'spotsettings']['db']['user'] . "';" . PHP_EOL;
                $dbConnectionString .= "\$dbsettings['pass'] = '******'spotsettings']['db']['pass'] . "';" . PHP_EOL;
                # mysql
            # mysql
            case 'pdo_pgsql':
                $dbConnectionString .= "\$dbsettings['engine'] = 'pdo_pgsql';" . PHP_EOL;
                $dbConnectionString .= "\$dbsettings['host'] = '" . $_SESSION['spotsettings']['db']['host'] . "';" . PHP_EOL;
                $dbConnectionString .= "\$dbsettings['dbname'] = '" . $_SESSION['spotsettings']['db']['dbname'] . "';" . PHP_EOL;
                $dbConnectionString .= "\$dbsettings['user'] = '******'spotsettings']['db']['user'] . "';" . PHP_EOL;
                $dbConnectionString .= "\$dbsettings['pass'] = '******'spotsettings']['db']['pass'] . "';" . PHP_EOL;
                # pdo_pgsql
        # switch
        # Try to create the file for the user
        @file_put_contents("", "<?php" . PHP_EOL . $dbConnectionString);
        $createdDbSettings = file_exists("");
        showTemplate("", array('createdDbSettings' => $createdDbSettings, 'dbCreateOutput' => $dbCreateOutput, 'dbConnectionString' => $dbConnectionString));
    } catch (Exception $x) {
        showTemplate("", array('x' => $x));
    # exception
Beispiel #2
      * the user with
     $apiKey = $req->getDef('apikey', '');
     $userSession = $svcUserAuth->verifyApi($apiKey);
      * If the session failed or the the user doesn't have access
      * to retrieve spots, let the user know
     if ($userSession == false || !$userSession['security']->allowed(SpotSecurity::spotsec_retrieve_spots, '')) {
         throw new PermissionDeniedException(SpotSecurity::spotsec_retrieve_spots, '');
     # if
     # Add the user's ip addres, we need it for sending notifications
     $userSession['session'] = array('ipaddr' => '');
 } else {
     $userSession['user'] = $svcUserRecord->getUser(SPOTWEB_ADMIN_USERID);
     $userSession['security'] = new SpotSecurity($daoFactory->getUserDao(), $daoFactory->getAuditDao(), $settings, $userSession['user'], '');
     $userSession['session'] = array('ipaddr' => '');
 # if
  * We normally check whether we are not running already, because
  * this would mean it will mess up all sorts of things like
  * comment calculation, but a user can force our hand
 $forceMode = SpotCommandline::get('force');
  * Do we need to debuglog this session? Generates loads of
  * output
 $debugLog = SpotCommandline::get('debug');
 function render()
     # Make sure the result is set to 'not submitted' per default
     $result = new Dto_FormResult('notsubmitted');
     # Validate proper permissions
     if ($this->_userIdToEdit == $this->_currentSession['user']['userid']) {
         $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_edit_own_userprefs, '');
     } else {
         $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_edit_other_users, '');
     # if
     # Instantiate the user system as necessary for the management of user preferences
     $svcUserRecord = new Services_User_Record($this->_daoFactory, $this->_settings);
     # set the page title
     $this->_pageTitle = "spot: edit user preferences";
     # retrieve the to-edit user
     $spotUser = $svcUserRecord->getUser($this->_userIdToEdit);
     if ($spotUser === false) {
         $result->addError(sprintf(_('User %d can not be found'), $this->_userIdToEdit));
     # if
      * bring the forms' action into the local scope for
      * easier access
     $formAction = $this->_editUserPrefsForm['action'];
      * Check to see if a file was uploaded, if so, handle any associated errors
     $avatarFileName = '';
     if ($formAction == 'edit') {
         $uploadHandler = new Services_Providers_FileUpload('edituserprefsform', 'avatar');
         if ($uploadHandler->isUploaded()) {
             if (!$uploadHandler->success()) {
                 $result->addError(_('Unable to update avatar') . '(' . $uploadHandler->errorText() . ')');
             } else {
                 $avatarFileName = $uploadHandler->getTempName();
             # else
         # if
     # if
     # Are we trying to submit this form, or only rendering it?
     if (!empty($formAction) && !$result->isError()) {
         switch ($formAction) {
             case 'edit':
                 $svcActn_EditUserPrefs = new Services_Actions_EditUserPrefs($this->_daoFactory, $this->_settings, $this->_spotSec);
                 $result = $svcActn_EditUserPrefs->editUserPref($this->_editUserPrefsForm, $this->_tplHelper->getTemplatePreferences(), $spotUser, $avatarFileName);
                 # case 'edit'
             # case 'edit'
             case 'cancel':
                 # case 'cancel'
         # switch
     # if
     #- display stuff -#
     $this->template('edituserprefs', array('edituserprefsform' => $spotUser['prefs'], 'spotuser' => $spotUser, 'dialogembedded' => $this->_dialogembedded, 'http_referer' => $this->_editUserPrefsForm['http_referer'], 'result' => $result));
Beispiel #4
 function render()
     $result = new Dto_FormResult('notsubmitted');
     # check the users' permissions
     if ($this->_userIdToEdit == $this->_currentSession['user']['userid']) {
         $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_edit_own_user, '');
     } else {
         $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_edit_other_users, '');
     # if
     # Instantiate the service userrecord object
     $svcUserRecord = new Services_User_Record($this->_daoFactory, $this->_settings);
     # and create a nice and shiny page title
     $this->_pageTitle = "spot: edit user";
     # get the users' group membership
     $spotUser = $svcUserRecord->getUser($this->_userIdToEdit);
     $groupMembership = $svcUserRecord->getUserGroupMemberShip($this->_userIdToEdit);
      * bring the forms' action into the local scope for 
      * easier access
     $formAction = $this->_editUserForm['action'];
     # Only perform certain validations when the form is actually submitted
     if (!empty($formAction)) {
         switch ($formAction) {
             case 'delete':
                 $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_delete_user, '');
                 if ($this->_userIdToEdit == $this->_currentSession['user']['userid']) {
                     $result->addError('Cannot delete your own user');
                 } else {
                     $result = $svcUserRecord->removeUser($this->_userIdToEdit);
                 // removeUser
                 # case delete
             # case delete
             case 'edit':
                 # Mangle the grouplisting we get from the form to an usable format for the system
                 $groupList = array();
                 if (isset($this->_editUserForm['grouplist'])) {
                     foreach ($this->_editUserForm['grouplist'] as $val) {
                         if ($val != 'dummy') {
                             $groupList[] = array('groupid' => $val, 'prio' => count($groupList));
                         # if
                     # foreach
                 # if
                 $this->_editUserForm['userid'] = $this->_userIdToEdit;
                 $result = $svcUserRecord->updateUserRecord($this->_editUserForm, $groupList, $this->_spotSec->allowed(SpotSecurity::spotsec_edit_groupmembership, ''));
                 # case 'edit'
             # case 'edit'
             case 'removeallsessions':
                 $svcUserAuth = new Services_User_Authentication($this->_daoFactory, $this->_settings);
                 $result = $svcUserAuth->removeAllUserSessions($spotUser['userid']);
                 # case 'removeallsessions'
             # case 'removeallsessions'
             case 'resetuserapi':
                 $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_consume_api, '');
                 $result = $svcUserRecord->resetUserApi($spotUser);
                 # case resetuserapi
         # switch
     # if
     #- display stuff -#
     $this->template('edituser', array('edituserform' => $spotUser, 'result' => $result, 'groupMembership' => $groupMembership));