Beispiel #1
 function getFullSpot($msgId, $ourUserId, $nntp)
     SpotTiming::start('SpotsOverview::' . __FUNCTION__);
     $fullSpot = $this->_db->getFullSpot($msgId, $ourUserId);
     if (empty($fullSpot)) {
          * Retrieve a full loaded spot from the NNTP server
         $newFullSpot = $nntp->getFullSpot($msgId);
          * If the current spotterid is empty, we probably now
          * have a spotterid because we have the fullspot.
         if (empty($fullSpot['spotterid']) && $newFullSpot['verified']) {
             $spotSigning = Services_Signing_Base::newServiceSigning();
             $newFullSpot['spotterid'] = $spotSigning->calculateSpotterId($newFullSpot['user-key']['modulo']);
              * Update the spotterid in the spots table so it can be filtered later on
         # if
          * We ask our DB to retrieve the fullspot again, this ensures
          * us all information is present and in always the same format
         $fullSpot = $this->_db->getFullSpot($msgId, $ourUserId);
     # if
      * We'll overwrite our spot info from the database with some information we parse from the 
      * XML. This is necessary because the XML contains better encoding.
      * For example take the titel from spot
      * We cannot use all information from the XML because because some information just
      * isn't present in the XML file
     $spotParser = new SpotParser();
     $parsedXml = $spotParser->parseFull($fullSpot['fullxml']);
     $fullSpot = array_merge($parsedXml, $fullSpot);
     $fullSpot['title'] = $parsedXml['title'];
      * When we retrieve a fullspot entry but there is no spot entry the join in our DB query
      * causes us to never get the spot, hence we throw this exception
     if (empty($fullSpot)) {
         throw new Exception("Spot is not in our Spotweb database");
     # if
     SpotTiming::stop('SpotsOverview::' . __FUNCTION__, array($msgId, $ourUserId, $nntp, $fullSpot));
     return $fullSpot;
Beispiel #2
 function render()
     $formMessages = array('errors' => array(), 'info' => array());
     # Controleer de users' rechten
     $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_report_spam, '');
     # Sportparser is nodig voor het escapen van de random string
     $spotParser = new SpotParser();
     # spot signing is nodig voor het RSA signen van de spot en dergelijke
     $spotSigning = Services_Signing_Base::newServiceSigning();
     # creeer een default report
     $report = array('body' => 'This is SPAM!', 'inreplyto' => $this->_inReplyTo, 'newmessageid' => '', 'randomstr' => '');
     # reportpost verzoek was standaard niet geprobeerd
     $postResult = array();
     # zet de page title
     $this->_pageTitle = "report: report spot";
      * bring the forms' action into the local scope for 
      * easier access
     $formAction = $this->_reportForm['action'];
     # Make sure the anonymous user and reserved usernames cannot post content
     $spotUser = new SpotUserSystem($this->_db, $this->_settings);
     if (!$spotUser->allowedToPost($this->_currentSession['user'])) {
         $postResult = array('result' => 'notloggedin');
         $formAction = '';
     # if
     if ($formAction == 'post') {
         # Notificatiesysteem initialiseren
         $spotsNotifications = new SpotNotifications($this->_db, $this->_settings, $this->_currentSession);
         # zorg er voor dat alle variables ingevuld zijn
         $report = array_merge($report, $this->_reportForm);
         # vraag de users' privatekey op
         $this->_currentSession['user']['privatekey'] = $this->_db->getUserPrivateRsaKey($this->_currentSession['user']['userid']);
         # het messageid krijgen we met <>'s, maar we werken
         # in spotweb altijd zonder, dus die strippen we
         $report['newmessageid'] = substr($report['newmessageid'], 1, -1);
         # valideer of we dit report kunnen posten, en zo ja, doe dat dan
         $spotPosting = new SpotPosting($this->_db, $this->_settings);
         $formMessages['errors'] = $spotPosting->reportSpotAsSpam($this->_currentSession['user'], $report);
         if (empty($formMessages['errors'])) {
             $postResult = array('result' => 'success');
             # en verstuur een notificatie
         } else {
             $postResult = array('result' => 'failure');
         # else
     # if
     #- display stuff -#
     $this->template('spamreport', array('postreportform' => $report, 'formmessages' => $formMessages, 'postresult' => $postResult));
Beispiel #3
function createSystem()
    global $settings;
    global $_testInstall_Ok;
    try {
         * The settings system is used to create a lot of output,
         * we swallow it all
         * Now create the database ...
        $settings['db'] = $_SESSION['spotsettings']['db'];
        $spotUpgrader = new SpotUpgrader($settings['db'], $settings);
         * and create all the different settings (only the default) ones
         * Create the users
         * print all the output as HTML comment for debugging
        $dbCreateOutput = ob_get_contents();
         * Now it is time to do something with
         * the information the user has given to us
        $db = new SpotDb($_SESSION['spotsettings']['db']);
         * add the database settings to the main settings array for now
        $settings['db'] = $_SESSION['spotsettings']['db'];
        /* and create the database settings */
        $spotSettings = SpotSettings::singleton($db, $settings);
         * Update the NNTP settings in the databas
        $spotSettings->set('nntp_nzb', $_SESSION['spotsettings']['nntp']['nzb']);
        $spotSettings->set('nntp_hdr', $_SESSION['spotsettings']['nntp']['hdr']);
        $spotSettings->set('nntp_post', $_SESSION['spotsettings']['nntp']['post']);
         * Create the given user
        $spotUserSystem = new SpotUserSystem($db, $spotSettings);
        $spotUser = $_SESSION['spotsettings']['adminuser'];
         * Create a private/public key pair for this user
        $spotSigning = Services_Signing_Base::newServiceSigning();
        $userKey = $spotSigning->createPrivateKey($spotSettings->get('openssl_cnf_path'));
        $spotUser['publickey'] = $userKey['public'];
        $spotUser['privatekey'] = $userKey['private'];
         * and actually add the user
        $userId = $spotUserSystem->addUser($spotUser);
        # Change the administrators' account password to that of this created user
        $adminUser = $spotUserSystem->getUser(SPOTWEB_ADMIN_USERID);
        $adminUser['newpassword1'] = $spotUser['newpassword1'];
        # update the settings with our system type and our admin id
        $spotSettings->set('custom_admin_userid', $userId);
        $spotSettings->set('systemtype', $spotUser['systemtype']);
        # Set the system type
         * Create the necessary database connection information
        $dbConnectionString = '';
        switch ($_SESSION['spotsettings']['db']['engine']) {
            case 'mysql':
                $dbConnectionString .= "\$dbsettings['engine'] = 'mysql';" . PHP_EOL;
                $dbConnectionString .= "\$dbsettings['host'] = '" . $_SESSION['spotsettings']['db']['host'] . "';" . PHP_EOL;
                $dbConnectionString .= "\$dbsettings['dbname'] = '" . $_SESSION['spotsettings']['db']['dbname'] . "';" . PHP_EOL;
                $dbConnectionString .= "\$dbsettings['user'] = '******'spotsettings']['db']['user'] . "';" . PHP_EOL;
                $dbConnectionString .= "\$dbsettings['pass'] = '******'spotsettings']['db']['pass'] . "';" . PHP_EOL;
                # mysql
            # mysql
            case 'postgresql':
                $dbConnectionString .= "\$dbsettings['engine'] = 'pdo_pgsql';" . PHP_EOL;
                $dbConnectionString .= "\$dbsettings['host'] = '" . $_SESSION['spotsettings']['db']['host'] . "';" . PHP_EOL;
                $dbConnectionString .= "\$dbsettings['dbname'] = '" . $_SESSION['spotsettings']['db']['dbname'] . "';" . PHP_EOL;
                $dbConnectionString .= "\$dbsettings['user'] = '******'spotsettings']['db']['user'] . "';" . PHP_EOL;
                $dbConnectionString .= "\$dbsettings['pass'] = '******'spotsettings']['db']['pass'] . "';" . PHP_EOL;
                # postgresql
        # switch
        # Try to create the file for the user
        @file_put_contents("", "<?php" . PHP_EOL . $dbConnectionString);
        $createdDbSettings = file_exists("");

			<table summary="PHP settings">
				<tr> <th colspan='2'> Installation succesful </th> </tr>
				<tr> <td colspan='2'> Spotweb has been installed succesfuly! </td> </tr>
				<tr> <td colspan='2'> &nbsp; </td> </tr>
        if (!$createdDbSettings) {
						<td> &rarr; </td>
								You need to create a textfile with the database settings in it. Please copy & paste the below
							exactly in a file called <i></i>.
            echo "&lt;?php " . PHP_EOL . $dbConnectionString;
						<td> &rarr; </td>
							Spotweb retrieves its information from the newsservers, this is called "retrieving" or retrieval of Spots.
							You need to schedule a retrieval job to run <i>retrieve.php</i> on a regular basis. The first time retrieval
							is run this can take up to several hours before completion.

        echo '<!-- ' . $dbCreateOutput . ' -->';
    } catch (Exception $x) {
			<div id='error'><?php 
        echo $x->getMessage();
        echo $x->getTraceAsString();
			<br /><br />
    # exception
Beispiel #4
 function render()
     $formMessages = array('errors' => array(), 'info' => array());
     # Validate proper permissions
     $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_post_comment, '');
     # Sportparser is nodig voor het escapen van de random string
     $spotParser = new SpotParser();
     # spot signing is nodig voor het RSA signen van de spot en dergelijke
     $spotSigning = Services_Signing_Base::newServiceSigning();
     # creeer een default comment zodat het form altijd
     # de waardes van het form kan renderen
     $comment = array('body' => '', 'rating' => 0, 'inreplyto' => $this->_inReplyTo, 'newmessageid' => '', 'randomstr' => '');
     # postcomment verzoek was standaard niet geprobeerd
     $postResult = array();
     # zet de page title
     $this->_pageTitle = "spot: post comment";
      * bring the forms' action into the local scope for 
      * easier access
     $formAction = $this->_commentForm['action'];
     # Make sure the anonymous user and reserved usernames cannot post content
     $spotUser = new SpotUserSystem($this->_db, $this->_settings);
     if (!$spotUser->allowedToPost($this->_currentSession['user'])) {
         $postResult = array('result' => 'notloggedin');
         $formAction = '';
     # if
     if ($formAction == 'post') {
         # zorg er voor dat alle variables ingevuld zijn
         $comment = array_merge($comment, $this->_commentForm);
         # vraag de users' privatekey op
         $this->_currentSession['user']['privatekey'] = $spotUser->getUserPrivateRsaKey($this->_currentSession['user']['userid']);
         # het messageid krijgen we met <>'s, maar we werken
         # in spotweb altijd zonder, dus die strippen we
         $comment['newmessageid'] = substr($comment['newmessageid'], 1, -1);
         # valideer of we deze comment kunnen posten, en zo ja, doe dat dan
         $spotPosting = new SpotPosting($this->_db, $this->_settings);
         $formMessages['errors'] = $spotPosting->postComment($this->_currentSession['user'], $comment);
         if (empty($formMessages['errors'])) {
             /* Format the body so we can have smilies and stuff be shown in the template */
             $tmpBody = $this->_tplHelper->formatContent($comment['body']);
             /* Try to create the avatar */
             if (!empty($this->_currentSession['user']['avatar'])) {
                 $comment['user-avatar'] = $this->_currentSession['user']['avatar'];
             } else {
                 $spotSigning = Services_Signing_Base::newServiceSigning();
                 $tmpKey = $spotSigning->getPublicKey($this->_currentSession['user']['privatekey']);
                 $comment['user-key'] = $tmpKey['publickey'];
             # else
             $commentImage = $this->_tplHelper->makeCommenterImageUrl($comment);
             /* and return the result to the system */
             $postResult = array('result' => 'success', 'user' => $this->_currentSession['user']['username'], 'spotterid' => $spotSigning->calculateSpotterId($this->_currentSession['user']['publickey']), 'rating' => $comment['rating'], 'body' => $tmpBody, 'commentimage' => $commentImage);
         } else {
             $postResult = array('result' => 'failure');
         # else
     # if
     #- display stuff -#
     $this->template('postcomment', array('postcommentform' => $comment, 'formmessages' => $formMessages, 'postresult' => $postResult));
Beispiel #5
 function updateUserPreferences()
     $userList = $this->_db->getUserList();
     # loop through every user and fix it
     foreach ($userList as $user) {
          * Because we do not get all users' properties from
          * getUserList, retrieve the users' settings from scratch
         $user = $this->_db->getUser($user['userid']);
         # set the users' preferences
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs'], 'perpage', 25);
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs'], 'date_formatting', 'human');
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs'], 'normal_template', 'we1rdo');
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs'], 'mobile_template', 'we1rdo');
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs'], 'tablet_template', 'we1rdo');
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs'], 'count_newspots', true);
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs'], 'mouseover_subcats', true);
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs'], 'keep_seenlist', true);
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs'], 'auto_markasread', true);
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs'], 'keep_downloadlist', true);
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs'], 'keep_watchlist', true);
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs'], 'nzb_search_engine', 'nzbindex');
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs'], 'show_filesize', true);
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs'], 'show_reportcount', true);
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs'], 'show_nzbbutton', true);
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs'], 'show_multinzb', true);
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs'], 'customcss', '');
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs'], 'newspotdefault_tag', $user['username']);
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs'], 'newspotdefault_body', '');
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs'], 'user_language', 'nl_NL');
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs'], 'show_avatars', true);
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs'], 'usemailaddress_for_gravatar', true);
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['nzbhandling'], 'action', 'disable');
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['nzbhandling'], 'local_dir', '/tmp');
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['nzbhandling'], 'prepare_action', 'merge');
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['nzbhandling'], 'command', '');
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['nzbhandling']['sabnzbd'], 'url', '');
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['nzbhandling']['sabnzbd'], 'apikey', '');
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['nzbhandling']['nzbget'], 'host', '');
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['nzbhandling']['nzbget'], 'port', '');
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['nzbhandling']['nzbget'], 'username', '');
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['nzbhandling']['nzbget'], 'password', '');
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['nzbhandling']['nzbget'], 'timeout', 15);
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['notifications']['boxcar'], 'email', '');
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['notifications']['growl'], 'host', '');
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['notifications']['growl'], 'password', '');
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['notifications']['nma'], 'api', '');
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['notifications']['notifo'], 'username', '');
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['notifications']['notifo'], 'api', '');
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['notifications']['prowl'], 'apikey', '');
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['notifications']['twitter'], 'screen_name', '');
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['notifications']['twitter'], 'request_token', '');
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['notifications']['twitter'], 'request_token_secret', '');
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['notifications']['twitter'], 'access_token', '');
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['notifications']['twitter'], 'access_token_secret', '');
         $notifProviders = Notifications_Factory::getActiveServices();
         foreach ($notifProviders as $notifProvider) {
             $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['notifications'][$notifProvider], 'enabled', false);
             $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['notifications'][$notifProvider]['events'], 'watchlist_handled', false);
             $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['notifications'][$notifProvider]['events'], 'nzb_handled', false);
             $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['notifications'][$notifProvider]['events'], 'retriever_finished', false);
             $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['notifications'][$notifProvider]['events'], 'report_posted', false);
             $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['notifications'][$notifProvider]['events'], 'spot_posted', false);
             $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['notifications'][$notifProvider]['events'], 'user_added', false);
             $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs']['notifications'][$notifProvider]['events'], 'newspots_for_filter', false);
         // foreach
         # make sure a sort preference is defined. An empty field means relevancy
         $this->setSettingIfNot($user['prefs'], 'defaultsortfield', '');
         # Remove deprecated preferences
         $this->unsetSetting($user['prefs'], 'search_url');
         $this->unsetSetting($user['prefs'], 'template');
         $this->unsetSetting($user['prefs']['notifications'], 'libnotify');
         # Make sure the user has a valid RSA key
         if ($user['userid'] > 2) {
             $rsaKey = $this->_db->getUserPrivateRsaKey($user['userid']);
             if (empty($rsaKey)) {
                 # Creer een private en public key paar voor deze user
                 $spotSigning = Services_Signing_Base::newServiceSigning();
                 $userKey = $spotSigning->createPrivateKey($this->_settings->get('openssl_cnf_path'));
                 $this->_db->setUserRsaKeys($user['userid'], $userKey['public'], $userKey['private']);
             # if
         # if
         # update the user record in the database
     # foreach
Beispiel #6
 function createServerKeys($openSslCnfPath)
     $spotSigning = Services_Signing_Base::newServiceSigning();
     $x = $spotSigning->createPrivateKey($openSslCnfPath);
     $this->setIfNot('publickey', $x['public']);
     $this->setIfNot('privatekey', $x['private']);
Beispiel #7
 function getCleanRandomString($len)
     $spotParser = new SpotParser();
     $spotSigning = Services_Signing_Base::newServiceSigning();
     return substr($spotParser->specialString(base64_encode($spotSigning->makeRandomStr($len))), 0, $len);
Beispiel #8
 function render()
     $formMessages = array('errors' => array(), 'info' => array());
     # Controleer de users' rechten
     $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_create_new_user, '');
     # creeer een default spotuser zodat het form altijd
     # de waardes van het form kan renderen
     $spotUser = array('username' => '', 'firstname' => '', 'lastname' => '', 'mail' => '');
     # createuser resultaat is standaard niet geprobeerd
     $createResult = array();
     # Instantieer het Spot user system
     $spotUserSystem = new SpotUserSystem($this->_db, $this->_settings);
     # zet de page title
     $this->_pageTitle = "spot: create user";
      * bring the forms' action into the local scope for 
      * easier access
     $formAction = $this->_createUserForm['action'];
     # Is dit een submit van een form, of nog maar de aanroep?
     if ($formAction == 'create') {
         # userid zetten we altijd op false voor het maken van een
         # nieuwe user, omdat validateUserRecord() anders denkt
         # dat we een bestaande user aan het bewerken zijn en we bv.
         # het mailaddress niet controleren op dubbelen behalve 'zichzelf'
         $this->_createUserForm['userid'] = false;
         # creeer een random password voor deze user
         $spotUser['newpassword1'] = substr($spotUserSystem->generateUniqueId(), 1, 9);
         $spotUser['newpassword2'] = $spotUser['newpassword1'];
         # valideer de user
         $spotUser = array_merge($spotUser, $this->_createUserForm);
         $formMessages['errors'] = $spotUserSystem->validateUserRecord($spotUser, false);
         # Is er geen andere user met dezelfde username?
         $userIdForName = $this->_db->findUserIdForName($spotUser['username']);
         if (!empty($userIdForName)) {
             $formMessages['errors'][] = sprintf(_("'%s' already exists"), $spotUser['username']);
         # if
         if (empty($formMessages['errors'])) {
             # Creer een private en public key paar voor deze user
             $spotSigning = Services_Signing_Base::newServiceSigning();
             $userKey = $spotSigning->createPrivateKey($this->_settings->get('openssl_cnf_path'));
             $spotUser['publickey'] = $userKey['public'];
             $spotUser['privatekey'] = $userKey['private'];
             # Notificatiesysteem initialiseren
             $spotsNotifications = new SpotNotifications($this->_db, $this->_settings, $this->_currentSession);
             # voeg de user toe
             # als het toevoegen van de user gelukt is, laat het weten
             $createResult = array('result' => 'success');
             $formMessages['info'][] = sprintf(_("User <strong>&quot;%s&quot;</strong> successfully added"), $spotUser['username']);
             $formMessages['info'][] = sprintf(_("Password: <strong>&quot;%s&quot;</strong>"), $spotUser['newpassword1']);
             # verstuur een e-mail naar de nieuwe gebruiker als daar om is gevraagd
             $sendMail = isset($this->_createUserForm['sendmail']);
             if ($sendMail || $this->_settings->get('sendwelcomemail')) {
             # if
             # en verstuur een notificatie
             $spotsNotifications->sendUserAdded($spotUser['username'], $spotUser['newpassword1']);
         } else {
             $createResult = array('result' => 'failure');
         # else
     # if
     #- display stuff -#
     $this->template('createuser', array('createuserform' => $spotUser, 'formmessages' => $formMessages, 'createresult' => $createResult));
Beispiel #9
require_once "NNTP/Client.php";
require_once "lib/exceptions/CustomException.php";
require_once "lib/exceptions/NntpException.php";
require_once "lib/services/Signing/Services_Signing_Base.php";
require_once "lib/SpotSecurity.php";
require_once "lib/SpotTiming.php";
require_once "settings.php";
require_once "lib/SpotDb.php";
define('USERID', 30);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
echo "Included PHP classes... " . PHP_EOL;
$db = new SpotDb($settings['db']);
echo "Connected to the database.." . PHP_EOL;
$spotSettings = SpotSettings::singleton($db, $settings);
$spotSigning = Services_Signing_Base::newServiceSigning();
$spotPosting = new SpotPosting($db, $spotSettings);
$spotUserSystem = new SpotUserSystem($db, $spotSettings);
echo "Initialized classes.." . PHP_EOL;
$rsaKeys = $spotSettings->get('rsa_keys');
$retriever = new SpotRetriever_Spots($spotSettings->get('nntp_hdr'), $db, $spotSettings, $rsaKeys, '', $spotSettings->get('retrieve_full'));
$msgdata = $retriever->connect($spotSettings->get('hdr_group'));
# Connct thru our own NNTP session to the server so we have an XOVER list
$headerServer = $spotSettings->get('nntp_hdr');
$spotnntp = new SpotNntp($spotSettings->get('nntp_hdr'));
# $spotnntp->selectGroup($spotSettings->get('hdr_group'));
$hdrList = $spotnntp->getOverview(3042000, 3042636);
foreach ($hdrList as $msgid => $msgheader) {
    $spotParser = new SpotParser();
Beispiel #10
 function __construct()
     $this->_spotSigning = Services_Signing_Base::newServiceSigning();
Beispiel #11
 function render()
     $formMessages = array('errors' => array(), 'info' => array());
     # Validate proper permissions
     $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_post_spot, '');
     # Sportparser is nodig voor het escapen van de random string
     $spotParser = new SpotParser();
     # spot signing is nodig voor het RSA signen van de spot en dergelijke
     $spotSigning = Services_Signing_Base::newServiceSigning();
     # creeer een default spot zodat het form altijd
     # de waardes van het form kan renderen
     $spot = array('title' => '', 'body' => '', 'category' => 0, 'subcata' => '', 'subcatb' => array(), 'subcatc' => array(), 'subcatd' => array(), 'subcatz' => '', 'tag' => '', 'website' => '', 'newmessageid' => '', 'randomstr' => '');
     # postspot verzoek was standaard niet geprobeerd
     $postResult = array();
      * bring the forms' action into the local scope for 
      * easier access
     $formAction = $this->_spotForm['action'];
     # zet de page title
     $this->_pageTitle = "spot: post";
     # Make sure the anonymous user and reserved usernames cannot post content
     $spotUser = new SpotUserSystem($this->_db, $this->_settings);
     if (!$spotUser->allowedToPost($this->_currentSession['user'])) {
         $postResult = array('result' => 'notloggedin');
         $formAction = '';
     # if
     # zorg er voor dat alle variables ingevuld zijn
     $spot = array_merge($spot, $this->_spotForm);
     # If user tried to submit, validate the file uploads
     if ($formAction == 'post') {
         # Make sure an NZB file was provided
         if (!isset($_FILES['newspotform']) || $_FILES['newspotform']['error']['nzbfile'] != UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
             $formMessages['errors'][] = _('Please select NZB file');
             $postResult = array('result' => 'failure');
             $formAction = '';
         # if
         # Make sure an imgae file was provided
         if (!isset($_FILES['newspotform']) || $_FILES['newspotform']['error']['imagefile'] != UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
             $formMessages['errors'][] = _('Please select a picture');
             $postResult = array('result' => 'failure');
             $formAction = '';
         # if
         # Make sure the subcategorie are in the proper format
         if (is_array($spot['subcata']) || is_array($spot['subcatz']) || !is_array($spot['subcatb']) || !is_array($spot['subcatc']) || !is_array($spot['subcatd'])) {
             $formMessages['errors'][] = _('Invalid subcategories given ');
             $postResult = array('result' => 'failure');
             $formAction = '';
         # if
     # if
     if ($formAction == 'post') {
         # Notificatiesysteem initialiseren
         $spotsNotifications = new SpotNotifications($this->_db, $this->_settings, $this->_currentSession);
         # en creer een grote lijst met spots
         $spot['subcatlist'] = array_merge(array($spot['subcata']), $spot['subcatb'], $spot['subcatc'], $spot['subcatd']);
         # vraag de users' privatekey op
         $this->_currentSession['user']['privatekey'] = $spotUser->getUserPrivateRsaKey($this->_currentSession['user']['userid']);
         # het messageid krijgen we met <>'s, maar we werken
         # in spotweb altijd zonder, dus die strippen we
         $spot['newmessageid'] = substr($spot['newmessageid'], 1, -1);
         # valideer of we deze spot kunnen posten, en zo ja, doe dat dan
         $spotPosting = new SpotPosting($this->_db, $this->_settings);
         $formMessages['errors'] = $spotPosting->postSpot($this->_currentSession['user'], $spot, $_FILES['newspotform']['tmp_name']['imagefile'], $_FILES['newspotform']['tmp_name']['nzbfile']);
         if (empty($formMessages['errors'])) {
             $postResult = array('result' => 'success', 'user' => $this->_currentSession['user']['username'], 'spotterid' => $spotSigning->calculateSpotterId($this->_currentSession['user']['publickey']), 'body' => $spot['body']);
             $formMessages['info'][] = _('Spot has been successfully uploaded. It can take some time before it is shown');
             # en verstuur een notificatie
         } else {
             $postResult = array('result' => 'failure');
         # else
     # if
     #- display stuff -#
     $this->template('newspot', array('postspotform' => $spot, 'formmessages' => $formMessages, 'postresult' => $postResult));
Beispiel #12
 function getFullSpot($msgId)
     SpotTiming::start('SpotNntp::' . __FUNCTION__);
     # initialize some variables
     $spotSigning = Services_Signing_Base::newServiceSigning();
     $spot = array('fullxml' => '', 'user-signature' => '', 'user-key' => '', 'verified' => false, 'messageid' => $msgId, 'spotterid' => '', 'xml-signature' => '', 'moderated' => 0, 'user-avatar' => '');
     # Vraag de volledige article header van de spot op
     SpotTiming::start('SpotNntp::' . __FUNCTION__ . '->getHeader()');
     $header = $this->getHeader('<' . $msgId . '>');
     SpotTiming::stop('SpotNntp::' . __FUNCTION__ . '->getHeader()', array($header));
     # Parse de header
     SpotTiming::start('SpotNntp::' . __FUNCTION__ . '->parseHeader()');
     $spot = array_merge($spot, $this->parseHeader($header, $spot));
     SpotTiming::stop('SpotNntp::' . __FUNCTION__ . '->parseHeader()', array($spot));
     # Valideer de signature van de XML, deze is gesigned door de user zelf
     SpotTiming::start('SpotNntp::' . __FUNCTION__ . '->verifyFullSpot()');
     $spot['verified'] = $spotSigning->verifyFullSpot($spot);
     SpotTiming::stop('SpotNntp::' . __FUNCTION__ . '->verifyFullSpot()', array($spot));
     # als de spot verified is, toon dan de spotterid van deze user
     if ($spot['verified']) {
         $spot['spotterid'] = $spotSigning->calculateSpotterId($spot['user-key']['modulo']);
     # if
     # Parse nu de XML file, alles wat al gedefinieerd is eerder wordt niet overschreven
     SpotTiming::start('SpotNntp::' . __FUNCTION__ . '->parseFull()');
     $spot = array_merge($this->_spotParser->parseFull($spot['fullxml']), $spot);
     SpotTiming::stop('SpotNntp::' . __FUNCTION__ . '->parseFull()', array($spot));
     SpotTiming::stop('SpotNntp::' . __FUNCTION__, array($spot));
     return $spot;