function handleNzbAction($messageIds, array $currentSession, $action, Services_Providers_FullSpot $svcProvSpot, Services_Providers_Nzb $svcProvNzb)
     if (!is_array($messageIds)) {
         $messageIds = array($messageIds);
     # if
     # Make sure the user has the appropriate permissions
     $currentSession['security']->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_retrieve_nzb, '');
     if ($action != 'display') {
         $currentSession['security']->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_download_integration, $action);
     # if
      * Get all the full spots for all of the specified NZB files
     $nzbList = array();
     $fullSpot = array();
     foreach ($messageIds as $thisMsgId) {
         $fullSpot = $svcProvSpot->fetchFullSpot($thisMsgId, $currentSession['user']['userid']);
         if (!empty($fullSpot['nzb'])) {
             $nzbList[] = array('spot' => $fullSpot, 'nzb' => $svcProvNzb->fetchNzb($fullSpot));
         # if
     # foreach
      * send nzblist to NzbHandler plugin
     $nzbHandlerFactory = new Services_NzbHandler_Factory();
     $nzbHandler = $nzbHandlerFactory->build($this->_settings, $action, $currentSession['user']['prefs']['nzbhandling']);
     $nzbHandler->processNzb($fullSpot, $nzbList);
      * and mark the spot as downloaded
     if ($currentSession['user']['prefs']['keep_downloadlist']) {
         if ($currentSession['security']->allowed(SpotSecurity::spotsec_keep_own_downloadlist, '')) {
             $spotStateListDao = $this->_daoFactory->getSpotStateListDao();
             foreach ($messageIds as $thisMsgId) {
                 $spotStateListDao->addToDownloadList($thisMsgId, $currentSession['user']['userid']);
             # foreach
         # if
     # if
     # and send notifications
     $spotsNotifications = new SpotNotifications($this->_daoFactory, $this->_settings, $currentSession);
     $spotsNotifications->sendNzbHandled($action, $fullSpot);
 function getFullSpot(array $currentSession, $msgId, $markAsRead)
     # Make sure user has access to the spot
     $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_view_spotdetail, '');
     $svcNntpSpotReading = new Services_Nntp_SpotReading(Services_Nntp_EnginePool::pool($this->_settings, 'hdr'));
     $svcProvFullSpot = new Services_Providers_FullSpot($this->_daoFactory->getSpotDao(), $svcNntpSpotReading);
     $fullSpot = $svcProvFullSpot->fetchFullSpot($msgId, $currentSession['user']['userid']);
     # seen list
     if ($markAsRead) {
         if ($this->_spotSec->allowed(SpotSecurity::spotsec_keep_own_seenlist, '')) {
             if ($currentSession['user']['prefs']['keep_seenlist']) {
                  * Always update the seen stamp, this is used for viewing new comments
                  * and the likes
                 $this->_daoFactory->getSpotStateListDao()->addtoSeenList($msgId, $currentSession['user']['userid']);
             # if
         # if allowed
     # if
     return $fullSpot;
 public function postSpamReport(Services_User_Record $svcUserRecord, array $user, array $report)
     $result = new Dto_FormResult();
     $spotReportDao = $this->_daoFactory->getSpotReportDao();
     # Make sure the anonymous user and reserved usernames cannot post content
     if (!$svcUserRecord->allowedToPost($user)) {
         $result->addError(_("You need to login to be able to report spam"));
     # if
     # Retrieve the users' private key
     $user['privatekey'] = $svcUserRecord->getUserPrivateRsaKey($user['userid']);
     # Make sure no spam report has already been posted by this user to prevent flooding
     if ($spotReportDao->isReportPlaced($report['inreplyto'], $user['userid'])) {
         $result->addError(_('This spot has already been reported'));
     # if
      * We'll get the messageid's with <>'s but we always strip
      * them in Spotweb, so remove them
     $report['newmessageid'] = substr($report['newmessageid'], 1, -1);
     # retrieve the spot this is a report of
     $svcProvFullSpot = new Services_Providers_FullSpot($this->_daoFactory, $this->_nntp_hdr);
     $fullSpot = $svcProvFullSpot->fetchFullSpot($report['inreplyto'], $user['userid']);
     # we won't bother when the hashcash is not properly calculcated
     if (substr(sha1('<' . $report['newmessageid'] . '>'), 0, 4) != '0000') {
         $result->addError(_('Hash was not calculated properly'));
     # if
     # Body cannot be empty or very short
     $report['body'] = trim($report['body']);
     if (strlen($report['body']) < 2) {
         $result->addError(_('Please provide a reason why this Spot should be reported'));
     # if
     # controleer dat de messageid waarop we replyen overeenkomt
     # met het newMessageid om replay-attacks te voorkomen.
     $replyToPart = substr($report['inreplyto'], 0, strpos($report['inreplyto'], '@'));
     if (substr($report['newmessageid'], 0, strlen($replyToPart)) != $replyToPart) {
         $result->addError(_('Replay attack!?'));
     # if
      * Make sure the random message we require in the system has not been
      * used recently to prevent one calculated hashcash to be reused again
      * and again
     if (!$spotReportDao->isReportMessageIdUnique($report['newmessageid'])) {
         $result->addError(_('Replay attack!?'));
     # if
     # Make sure a newmessageid consists of a certain length
     if (strlen($report['newmessageid']) < 10) {
         $result->addError(_('MessageID too short!?'));
     # if
      * Body is UTF-8 (we instruct the browser to do everything in UTF-*), but
      * usenet wants its body in UTF-8.
      * The database requires UTF8 again, so we keep seperate bodies for 
      * the database and for the system
     $dbReport = $report;
     $report['body'] = utf8_decode($report['body']);
     $report['title'] = 'REPORT <' . $report['inreplyto'] . '> ' . $fullSpot['title'];
     # en post daadwerkelijk de report
     if ($result->isSuccess()) {
         $this->_nntp_post->reportSpotAsSpam($user, $this->_settings->get('privatekey'), $this->_settings->get('report_group'), $report);
         $spotReportDao->addPostedReport($user['userid'], $dbReport);
     # if
     return $result;
 public function postComment(Services_User_Record $svcUserRecord, array $user, array $comment)
     $result = new Dto_FormResult();
     $commentDao = $this->_daoFactory->getCommentDao();
     # Make sure the anonymous user and reserved usernames cannot post content
     if (!$svcUserRecord->allowedToPost($user)) {
         $result->addError(_("You need to login to be able to post comments"));
     # if
     # Retrieve the users' private key
     $user['privatekey'] = $svcUserRecord->getUserPrivateRsaKey($user['userid']);
      * We'll get the messageid's with <>'s but we always strip
      * them in Spotweb, so remove them
     $comment['newmessageid'] = substr($comment['newmessageid'], 1, -1);
     # we won't bother when the hashcash is not properly calculcated
     if (substr(sha1('<' . $comment['newmessageid'] . '>'), 0, 4) != '0000') {
         $result->addError(_('Hash was not calculated properly'));
     # if
     # Body cannot be either empty or very short
     $comment['body'] = trim($comment['body']);
     if (strlen($comment['body']) < 2) {
         $result->addError(_('Please enter a comment'));
     # if
     if (strlen($comment['body']) > 1024 * 10) {
         $result->addError(_('Comment is too long'));
     # if
     # Rating must be within range
     if ($comment['rating'] > 10 || $comment['rating'] < 0) {
         $result->addError(_('Invalid rating'));
     # if
      * The "newmessageid" is based upon the messageid we are replying to,
      * this is to make sure a user cannot reuse an calculated hashcash
      * for an spam attack on different posts
     $replyToPart = substr($comment['inreplyto'], 0, strpos($comment['inreplyto'], '@'));
     if (substr($comment['newmessageid'], 0, strlen($replyToPart)) != $replyToPart) {
         $result->addError(_('Replay attack!?'));
     # if
      * Make sure the random message we require in the system has not been
      * used recently to prevent one calculated hashcash to be reused again
      * and again
     if (!$commentDao->isCommentMessageIdUnique($comment['newmessageid'])) {
         $result->addError(_('Replay attack!?'));
     # if
     # Make sure a newmessageid contains a certain length
     if (strlen($comment['newmessageid']) < 10) {
         $result->addError(_('MessageID too short!?'));
     # if
     # Retrieve the spot to which we are commenting
     $svcProvFullSpot = new Services_Providers_FullSpot($this->_daoFactory->getSpotDao(), $this->_nntp_hdr);
     $fullSpot = $svcProvFullSpot->fetchFullSpot($comment['inreplyto'], $user['userid']);
     # Add the title as a comment property
     $comment['title'] = 'Re: ' . $fullSpot['title'];
      * Body is UTF-8 (we instruct the browser to do everything in UTF-8), but
      * usenet wants its body in iso-8859-1.
      * The database requires UTF8 again, so we keep seperate bodies for 
      * the database and for the system
     $dbComment = $comment;
     $comment['body'] = utf8_decode($comment['body']);
     # and actually post the comment
     if ($result->isSuccess()) {
         try {
             $this->_nntp_post->postComment($user, $this->_settings->get('privatekey'), $this->_settings->get('comment_group'), $comment);
             $commentDao->addPostedComment($user['userid'], $dbComment);
         } catch (Exception $x) {
         # catch
     # if
     return $result;
Beispiel #5
 $svcImage = new Services_Providers_SpotImage($svcPrvHttp, new Services_Nntp_SpotReading(Services_Nntp_EnginePool::pool($settings, 'bin')), $cacheDao);
 $counter = 0;
 while (true) {
     echo "Validating cache content, items " . ($counter - 1) * 1000 . ' to ' . $counter * 1000;
     $results = $dbConnection->arrayQuery("SELECT * FROM cache LIMIT 1001 OFFSET " . ($counter - 1) * 1000);
     foreach ($results as $cacheItem) {
         $cacheItem['metadata'] = unserialize($cacheItem['metadata']);
         try {
             $cacheDao->getCacheContent($cacheItem['id'], $cacheItem['cachetype'], $cacheItem['metadata']);
         } catch (CacheIsCorruptException $x) {
             echo PHP_EOL . '  Trying to fetch #' . $cacheItem['id'] . ' for ' . $cacheItem['resourceid'] . ' again, ';
             switch ($cacheItem['cachetype']) {
                 case Dao_Cache::SpotNzb:
                     try {
                         $fullSpot = $svcFullSpot->fetchFullSpot($cacheItem['resourceid'], 1);
                         $cacheInfo = $cacheDao->getCachedNzb($cacheItem['resourceid']);
                         echo 'retrieved NZB as ' . $cacheInfo['id'] . PHP_EOL;
                     } catch (Exception $x) {
                         echo 'error redownloading NZB: ' . $x->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
                     # catch
                 case Dao_Cache::SpotImage:
                     try {
                         $fullSpot = $svcFullSpot->fetchFullSpot($cacheItem['resourceid'], 1);
                         $cacheInfo = $cacheDao->getCachedSpotImage($cacheItem['resourceid']);
                         echo 'retrieved image as ' . $cacheInfo['id'] . PHP_EOL;
                     } catch (Exception $x) {