// Adding 'json' to the end will return the data as a decoded_json array
	$args = array(
	'dummyvar1'   => 'Other data',
	'dummyvar2'   => 'More stuff',
	$locations = $ev->call('users/locales/list', $args, 'json');
	if ( PEAR::isError($locations) ) {
	print("An error occurred: " . $locations->getMessage() . "\n");
	} else {
	print("<br>API Results for locale request are:\n<br>\n");
	print array_to_html(5, $locations[locale]);
// Just do a simple lookup
$ev_noauth = new Services_Eventful($app_key);
$args = array('location' => 'San Antonio, ', 'page_size' => 50);
$event_info = $ev_noauth->call('events/search', $args, "json");
//if ( PEAR::isError($event_info) ) {
//	print("An error occurred: " . $locations->getMessage() . "\n");
//	} else {
print "<br>API Results for event lookup:\n<br>\n";
$data = $event_info;
//$num = $data['page_size'];
$i = 0;
while ($i < $num) {
    //echo $data['events']['event'][$i]['title']." <br>";
//print_r ($json);

require dirname(__FILE__) . '../Eventful.php';
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE);
echo "<title>Eventful PHP API Testing - image upload with Oauth </title>\n";
echo "<p><center>Evenful PHP API testing - image upload with Oauth </center></p>";
// Enter your application key here. (See http://api.eventful.com/keys/)
// Authentication is required for some API methods.
$conskey = 'Your Consumer Key Goes Here';
$conssec = 'Your Consumer Key Goes Here';
$oauth_token = 'Your OAuth Token Goes Here';
$oauth_token_secret = 'Your OAuth Secret Token Goes Here';
$app_key = 'Your App Key Goes Here';
$ev = new Services_Eventful($app_key, '');
$l = $ev->setup_Oauth($conskey, $conssec, $oauth_token, $oauth_token_secret);
if (PEAR::isError($l)) {
    print "Can't setup oauth in: " . $l->getMessage() . "\n";
if (!empty($_FILES)) {
    // Set the image to upload and the caption here
    print "<br>API Results for uploading new file:\n<br>\n";
    $args = array('caption' => $_POST['caption'], 'image_file' => "{$_FILES['image_file']['tmp_name']}");
    $results = $ev->call('images/new', $args, 'json');
    print "<br>Results for uploading new file:\n<br>\n";
<form action="" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
Beispiel #3
function eventfulAPI_findEvents($queryString, $optionsArray)
    $app_key = 'NzRqz6hgC5t3ZR8B';
    // Filter Parameters
    $q = urlencode(strtolower($queryString));
    $userLat = $optionsArray['userLat'];
    $userLong = $optionsArray['userLng'];
    $filterCity = $optionsArray['city'];
    $filterState = $optionsArray['state'];
    $filterDate = $optionsArray['date'];
    $filterRadius = $optionsArray['radius'];
    if ($q == $filterCity) {
        $q == null;
    // Just do a simple lookup
    $ev_noauth = new Services_Eventful($app_key);
    $args = array('keywords' => "{$q}", 'location' => "{$filterCity}, {$filterState}", 'within' => "{$filterRadius}", 'units' => "mi", 'sort_order' => "date", 'page_size' => 100);
    $data = $ev_noauth->call('events/search', $args, "json");
    $num = $data['page_size'];
    $gEvents = array();
    $i = 0;
    // Loop through Json Results from CURL resuest
    while ($i < $num) {
        $externalId = empty($data['events']['event'][$i]['id']) ? null : $data['events']['event'][$i]['id'];
        $city = empty($data['events']['event'][$i]['city_name']) ? null : $data['events']['event'][$i]['city_name'];
        $state = empty($data['events']['event'][$i]['region_abbr']) ? null : $data['events']['event'][$i]['region_abbr'];
        $date = empty($data['events']['event'][$i]['start_time']) ? null : $data['events']['event'][$i]['start_time'];
        $desc = empty($data['events']['event'][$i]['description']) ? null : $data['events']['event'][$i]['description'];
        $title = empty($data['events']['event'][$i]['title']) ? null : $data['events']['event'][$i]['title'];
        $venueExternalId = empty($data['events']['event'][$i]['venue_id']) ? null : $data['events']['event'][$i]['venue_id'];
        $venueName = empty($data['events']['event'][$i]['venue_name']) ? null : $data['events']['event'][$i]['venue_name'];
        $venueAddress = empty($data['events']['event'][$i]['venue_address']) ? null : $data['events']['event'][$i]['venue_address'];
        $country = empty($data['events']['event'][$i]['country_abbr']) ? null : $data['events']['event'][$i]['country_abbr'];
        $postalCode = empty($data['events']['event'][$i]['postal_code']) ? null : $data['events']['event'][$i]['postal_code'];
        $defaultDomain = empty($data['events']['event'][$i]['default_domain']) ? "http://eventful.com" : $data['events']['event'][$i]['default_domain'];
        $venueExternalUrl = empty($data['events']['event'][$i]['venue_url']) ? null : $data['events']['event'][$i]['venue_url'];
        $latitude = empty($data['events']['event'][$i]['latitude']) ? null : $data['events']['event'][$i]['latitude'];
        $longitude = empty($data['events']['event'][$i]['longitude']) ? null : $data['events']['event'][$i]['longitude'];
        $timezone = empty($data['events']['event'][$i]['olson_path']) ? null : $data['events']['event'][$i]['olson_path'];
        $startTime = empty($data['events']['event'][$i]['start_time']) ? null : $data['events']['event'][$i]['start_time'];
        $endTime = empty($data['events']['event'][$i]['stop_time']) ? null : $data['events']['event'][$i]['stop_time'];
        $minPrice = null;
        $maxPrice = null;
        $channel = null;
        $eventExternalUrl = empty($data['events']['event'][$i]['url']) ? null : $data['events']['event'][$i]['url'];
        $imageExternalUrl = empty($data['events']['event'][$i]['image']) ? null : $data['events']['event'][$i]['image'];
        $geoParent = empty($data['events']['event'][$i]['geocode_type']) ? null : $data['events']['event'][$i]['geocode_type'];
        $currentEvent = true;
        if (!empty($startTime)) {
            $currentUnixTime = strtotime("now");
            $eventUnixTime = strtotime($startTime);
            $currentEvent = $currentUnixTime > $eventUnixTime ? false : true;
        if (null != $latitude && null != $longitude && null != $userLat && null != $userLong) {
            $distance = distanceInMiles($userLat, $userLong, $latitude, $longitude);
        } else {
            $distance = null;
        if (!empty($externalId) && $currentEvent) {
            if (empty($filterRadius) || $distance <= $filterRadius && $distance > 0) {
                $gEvent = new gEvent();
                $gEvent->setDistance(number_format((double) $distance, 2, '.', ''));
                $gEvent->setStart_date_day(convertDateToDayOptions($startTime, $timezone));
                $gEvent->setPrice_range($minPrice . " - " . $maxPrice);
                if (substr($gEvent->getPrice_range(), 0, 2) === "0 ") {
                } else {
                    if ($gEvent->getPrice_range() !== null) {
                $minorGenre = array();
                $majorGenre = array();
                // Populate image links found
                $gEventImages = array();
                if (isset($imageExternalUrl)) {
                    $image = $data['events']['event'][$i]['image']['medium'];
                    $gImage = new gEventImage();
                    array_push($gEventImages, $gImage);
                } else {
                    $gImage = new gEventImage();
                    $searchImageQuery = explode("[", $desc);
                    $searchImageQuery = explode("-", $searchImageQuery[0]);
                    $searchImageQuery = urlencode($searchImageQuery[0]);
                    $searchImageUrl = "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/images?v=1.0&q={$searchImageQuery}";
                    $googleImageUrl = googleImageSearch($searchImageUrl);
                    array_push($gEventImages, $gImage);
                //Populate performers found
                $gEventPerformers = array();
                if (isset($data['events']['event'][$i]['performers']['performer'])) {
                    foreach ($data['events']['event'][$i]['performers']['performer'] as $performer) {
                        if (isset($performer) && isset($performer['id'])) {
                            $gPerformer = new gEventPerformer();
                            array_push($gEventPerformers, $gPerformer);
                // Push gEvent object onto arraylist of gEvent objects
                array_push($gEvents, $gEvent);
    return $gEvents;