public function addAction() { global $_F; $_F["debug"] = true; if ($this->isPost()) { $manager = $_POST['manager']; $password = FRequest::getPostString('password'); $manager['password'] = md5($password); if (trim($manager[username]) == '') { return $this->error('用户名不能为空!', '/admin/manager/edit'); } if (trim($manager[email]) == '') { return $this->error('邮箱不能为空!', '/admin/manager/edit'); } if ($password == '') { return $this->error('密码不能为空!', '/admin/manager/edit'); } $username = FDB::fetch("select username from manager where username ='******'"); if ($username) { return $this->error('用户名重复!', '/admin/manager/edit'); } $email = FDB::fetch("select email from manager where email ='" . trim($manager[email]) . "'"); if ($email) { return $this->error('邮箱重复!', '/admin/manager/edit'); } // 添加管理员用户 $user_id = Service_Edit::addUser(); if ($user_id <= 0) { return $this->error('添加管理员失败', '/admin/manager/edit'); } $manager["user_id"] = $user_id; $quanxianid = FRequest::getPostString('quanxianid'); $quanxianidx = FRequest::getPostString('quanxianidx'); if ($quanxianid && count($quanxianid) > 0) { $top_menus_id = implode(",", $quanxianid); } if ($quanxianidx && count($quanxianidx) > 0) { $left_menus_id = implode(",", $quanxianidx); } $manager['top_menus_id'] = $top_menus_id; $manager['left_menus_id'] = $left_menus_id; $result = $this->db_manager->insert($manager); if ($result) { return $this->success('添加成功!', '/admin/manager/list'); } } }
/** * 根据时间进行统计 */ public function doReportByTimeAction() { global $_F; $_F["debug"] = true; $report_log = new FLogger("report_log"); // 获取统计的日期 $time_str = FRequest::getString('time'); $report_log->append("~~~~~统计开始 by time,时间:" . $time_str); echo "~~~~~统计开始 by time,时间:" . $time_str . "<br>"; $tm = date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", strtotime($time_str)); echo $tm . "<br>"; $b = time(); for ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) { $stm = date("Y-m-d H:00:00", strtotime($tm) + $i * 3600); $etm = date("Y-m-d H:00:00", strtotime($tm) + ($i + 1) * 3600); // echo($stm."----".$etm."<br>"); Service_Edit::statistics($stm, $etm); } $e = time(); $report_log->append("~~~~~统计结束,时间:" . $time_str . "---- cost : " . ($e - $b)); echo "~~~~~统计结束,时间:" . $time_str . "---- cost : " . ($e - $b); }
/** * 按时间地区在线人数 */ public function zaixianAction() { $c_uid = CommonUtil::getDefStr(FRequest::getString('c_uid'), ""); $c_sid = CommonUtil::getDefStr(FRequest::getString('c_sid'), ""); $stats_date = FRequest::getString('stats_date'); $province = FRequest::getString('province'); $user_type = CommonUtil::getComParam(FRequest::getInt('user_type'), -1); $this->assign('sc_uid', $c_uid); $this->assign('sc_sid', $c_sid); $this->assign('stats_date', $stats_date); $this->assign('province', $province); $this->assign('user_type', $user_type); $table = new FTable("user_province_area"); $user_province = $table->groupBy("province")->order(array("id" => "asc"))->select(); $this->assign('user_province', $user_province); $data = array(); $data_1 = array(); $data_2 = array(); $where = array("s.key" => "on_top_users"); if ($c_uid != "") { $where["channel"] = $c_uid; } if ($c_sid != "") { $where["sub_channel"] = $c_sid; } if ($province) { $where["province"] = $province; } if ($user_type >= 0) { // $where["user_type"] = $user_type; } if ($stats_date && $stats_date != "") { $where["tm"] = array('like' => $stats_date); $where["s.interval"] = "hour"; } else { $where["s.interval"] = "day"; } $fields = array("", "s.key", "s.gender", "sum(s.value) as sum"); $table2 = new FTable("Stat", "s", FDB::$DB_MUMU_STAT); $total_rs = $table2->fields($fields)->where($where)->groupBy("")->order(array("" => "desc"))->select(); $total = count($total_rs); $kaishi_time = $total_rs[30][tm]; $jieshu_time = $total_rs[0][tm]; /* if ($total>30) { $jieshu_time=$total_rs[29][tm]; } else { $jieshu_time=$total_rs[$total-1][tm]; }*/ // echo($kaishi_time.$jieshu_time); if ($total > 0) { $query_str = " >= '" . $kaishi_time . "' and <= '" . $jieshu_time . "' "; $where["str"] = $query_str; } $table = new FTable("Stat", "s", FDB::$DB_MUMU_STAT); $Stat = $table->fields($fields)->where($where)->groupBy(",s.key,s.gender")->order(array("" => "desc"))->select(); $Stats = array(); foreach ($Stat as &$s) { $sub_arr = array(); $s["tm"] = $s["tm"]; if (array_key_exists($s["tm"], $Stats)) { $sub_arr = $Stats[$s["tm"]]; } array_push($sub_arr, $s); $Stats[$s["tm"]] = $sub_arr; } $Stats2 = array(); foreach ($Stats as &$s) { $sub_arr = array("tm" => ""); foreach ($s as &$s_x) { $sub_arr["tm"] = $s_x["tm"]; $stats_key = $s_x["key"] . "_" . $s_x["gender"]; $sub_arr[$stats_key] = $s_x["sum"]; } $data[$sub_arr["tm"]] = $sub_arr["tm"]; if ($sub_arr["on_top_users_1"]) { $data_1[$sub_arr["tm"]] = $sub_arr["on_top_users_1"]; } else { $data_1[$sub_arr["tm"]] = 0; } if ($sub_arr["on_top_users_2"]) { $data_2[$sub_arr["tm"]] = $sub_arr["on_top_users_2"]; } else { $data_2[$sub_arr["tm"]] = 0; } array_push($Stats2, $sub_arr); } $data1 = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($data as $d) { if ($stats_date && $stats_date != "") { $data1[$i] = substr(substr($d, 0, 13), -2); } else { $data1[$i] = substr($d, 0, 10); } $i++; } $data1_1 = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($data_1 as $d) { $data1_1[$i] = $d; $i++; } $data1_2 = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($data_2 as $d) { $data1_2[$i] = $d; $i++; } $spmList = Service_Edit::getAllSpm(); $this->assign('spmarr', json_encode($spmList)); $c_names = Service_Edit::getSpmMap($spmList); $this->assign('spmList', $c_names); $this->assign("data_1", json_encode(array_reverse($data1_1))); $this->assign("data_2", json_encode(array_reverse($data1_2))); $this->assign("data", json_encode(array_reverse($data1))); $this->display('admin/user_spread_zaixian'); }
public function addUpdateAction() { if ($this->isPost()) { return; } $ver = CommonUtil::getComParam(FRequest::getInt("ver"), 0); if ($ver == 0) { $this->error("ver 版本错误"); return; } $table = new FTable("app_version_config"); $app_data = $table->where(array("ver" => $ver))->find(); $summary_arr = explode("\n", $app_data["summary"]); $app_data["summary"] = $summary_arr; $table2 = new FTable("app_version"); $update_data = $table2->where(array("ver" => $ver))->order(array("tm" => "desc"))->select(); $this->assign("update_data", $update_data); $this->assign("app_version", $app_data); $spmList = Service_Edit::getAllSpm(); $this->assign('spmarr', json_encode($spmList)); $c_names = Service_Edit::getSpmMap($spmList); $this->assign('spmList', $c_names); $this->display("add_version"); }
/** * 用户地区分部或者年龄分部 */ public function ageSpreadAction() { $c_uid = CommonUtil::getDefStr(FRequest::getString('c_uid'), ""); $c_sid = CommonUtil::getDefStr(FRequest::getString('c_sid'), ""); $stats_date = FRequest::getString('stats_date'); $this->assign('sc_uid', $c_uid); $this->assign('sc_sid', $c_sid); $this->assign('stats_date', $stats_date); $where = array("um.uid" => array("gt" => 5000000)); if ($c_uid != "") { $where["um.channel_uid"] = $c_uid; } if ($c_sid != "") { $where["um.channel_sid"] = $c_sid; } if ($stats_date) { $stm = date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", strtotime($stats_date)); // 昨天凌晨 $etm = date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", strtotime($stats_date . "+1 day")); $where["str"] = " um.reg_time > '" . $stm . "' and um.reg_time < '" . $etm . "'"; } // 查询用户省份数据 $user_table = new FTable("user_main", "um"); $data = $user_table->fields(array("(YEAR(curdate())-YEAR(ud.birthday)) as age", "um.gender", "count(*) as num"))->leftJoin("user_detail", "ud", "um.uid = ud.uid")->groupBy("um.gender,YEAR(ud.birthday)")->where($where)->select(); // echo(json_encode($data)); $user_table2 = new FTable("user_main", "um"); $data2 = $user_table2->fields(array("(YEAR(curdate())-YEAR(ud.birthday)) as age", "count(*) as num"))->leftJoin("user_detail", "ud", "um.uid = ud.uid")->groupBy("YEAR(ud.birthday)")->where($where)->order(array("num" => "desc"))->limit(30)->select(); $rs = array("default" => array("1" => 0, "2" => 0)); $p_arr = array(); foreach ($data2 as $ages) { $age = $ages["age"]; if (!$age || empty($age)) { $age = "缺省"; } array_push($p_arr, $age); } foreach ($data as $d) { $rm = array("1" => 0, "2" => 0); $age = $d["age"]; if (!$age || empty($age)) { $age = "缺省"; } $gender = $d["gender"]; if (array_key_exists($age, $rs)) { $rm = $rs[$age]; } $rm[$gender] += $d["num"]; $rs[$age] = $rm; } $data_1 = array(); $data_2 = array(); foreach ($p_arr as $p) { $d = $rs[$p]; $d_1 = 0; $d_2 = 0; if ($d && $d["1"]) { $d_1 = $d["1"]; } if ($d && $d["2"]) { $d_2 = $d["2"]; } $data_1[count($data_1)] = $d_1; $data_2[count($data_2)] = $d_2; } $spmList = Service_Edit::getAllSpm(); $this->assign('spmarr', json_encode($spmList)); $c_names = Service_Edit::getSpmMap($spmList); $this->assign('spmList', $c_names); $this->assign("data_1", json_encode($data_1)); $this->assign("data_2", json_encode($data_2)); $this->assign("ages", json_encode($p_arr)); $this->display('admin/user_age_spread'); }
/** * 主报表查询 */ public function reportAction() { //global $_F; //$_F["debug"] = true; $page_size = 30; $page = max(1, FRequest::getInt('page')); $c_uid = CommonUtil::getDefStr(FRequest::getString('c_uid'), ""); $user_gender = CommonUtil::getComParam(FRequest::getInt('user_gender'), -1); $stats_date = FRequest::getString('stats_date'); $stats_key = FRequest::getString('stats_key'); $province = FRequest::getString('province'); $ver = FRequest::getString('ver'); $table = new FTable("user_province_area"); $user_province = $table->groupBy("province")->order(array("id" => "asc"))->select(); $this->assign('user_province', $user_province); $this->assign('province', $province); $this->assign('ver', $ver); if (!$stats_key) { $stats_key = "online_award_users"; // $stats_key="on_top_users"; // $this->showMessage("查询留存不能为空",error,"/admin/ReportLiucun/default"); // // return; // exit; } $where = array("s.interval" => "day"); if ($c_uid != "") { $where["channel"] = $c_uid; } if ($user_gender >= 0) { $where["gender"] = $user_gender; } if ($province) { $where["province"] = $province; } if ($ver) { $where["ver"] = $ver; } $stats_key0 = $stats_key . "_lc_0"; $stats_key1 = $stats_key . "_lc_1"; $stats_key2 = $stats_key . "_lc_2"; $stats_key3 = $stats_key . "_lc_3"; $stats_key4 = $stats_key . "_lc_4"; $stats_key5 = $stats_key . "_lc_5"; $stats_key6 = $stats_key . "_lc_6"; $stats_key7 = $stats_key . "_lc_7"; $stats_key15 = $stats_key . "_lc_15"; $stats_key30 = $stats_key . "_lc_30"; $stats_key_array = array("'register'", "'" . $stats_key0 . "'", "'" . $stats_key1 . "'", "'" . $stats_key2 . "'", "'" . $stats_key3 . "'", "'" . $stats_key4 . "'", "'" . $stats_key5 . "'", "'" . $stats_key6 . "'", "'" . $stats_key7 . "'", "'" . $stats_key15 . "'", "'" . $stats_key30 . "'"); $fields = array("", "s.key", "sum(s.value) as sum"); //echo(json_encode($stats_key_array)); $where["s.key"] = array('in' => $stats_key_array); $datetime_riqi_qiantian = date("Y-m-d", time() - 86400); $query_str = " <= '" . $datetime_riqi_qiantian . " 00:00:00' "; $where["str"] = $query_str; $table2 = new FTable("Stat", "s", FDB::$DB_MUMU_STAT); $total_rs = $table2->fields($fields)->where($where)->groupBy("")->order(array("" => "desc"))->select(); //echo(json_encode($where)); $total = count($total_rs); $jieshu_time = $total_rs[$page_size * $page - $page_size][tm]; if ($page_size * $page > $total) { $kaishi_time = $total_rs[$total - 1][tm]; } else { $kaishi_time = $total_rs[$page_size * $page - 1][tm]; } //echo($kaishi_time.$jieshu_time); if ($total > 0) { $query_str = " >= '" . $kaishi_time . "' and <= '" . $jieshu_time . "' "; $where["str"] = $query_str; } $table = new FTable("Stat", "s", FDB::$DB_MUMU_STAT); $Stat = $table->fields($fields)->where($where)->groupBy(",s.key")->order(array("" => "desc"))->select(); $Stats = array(); foreach ($Stat as &$s) { $sub_arr = array(); $s["tm"] = substr($s["tm"], 0, 10); if (array_key_exists($s["tm"], $Stats)) { $sub_arr = $Stats[$s["tm"]]; } array_push($sub_arr, $s); $Stats[$s["tm"]] = $sub_arr; // $where[""] = $s["tm"]; // $where["s.key"] = "register"; // $table = new FTable("Stat","s",FDB::$DB_MUMU_STAT); // $data = $table->fields(array("sum(s.value) as sum" )) ->where($where)->find(); // $s["register"] = $data["sum"]; // // // if ($stats_key) { $where["s.key"] = $stats_key1; } // $table1 = new FTable("Stat","s",FDB::$DB_MUMU_STAT); // $data1 = $table1->fields(array("sum(s.value) as sum" )) ->where($where)->find(); // $s["stats_key1"] = $data1["sum"]; // if ($stats_key) { $where["s.key"] = $stats_key2; } // $table2 = new FTable("Stat","s",FDB::$DB_MUMU_STAT); // $data2 = $table2->fields(array("sum(s.value) as sum" )) ->where($where)->find(); // $s["stats_key2"] = $data2["sum"]; // if ($stats_key) { $where["s.key"] = $stats_key3; } // $table3 = new FTable("Stat","s",FDB::$DB_MUMU_STAT); // $data3 = $table3->fields(array("sum(s.value) as sum")) ->where($where)->find(); // $s["stats_key3"] = $data3["sum"]; // if ($stats_key) { $where["s.key"] = $stats_key4; } // $table4 = new FTable("Stat","s",FDB::$DB_MUMU_STAT); // $data4 = $table4->fields(array("sum(s.value) as sum")) ->where($where)->find(); // $s["stats_key4"] = $data4["sum"]; // if ($stats_key) { $where["s.key"] = $stats_key5; } // $table5 = new FTable("Stat","s",FDB::$DB_MUMU_STAT); // $data5 = $table5->fields(array("sum(s.value) as sum")) ->where($where)->find(); // $s["stats_key5"] = $data5["sum"]; // if ($stats_key) { $where["s.key"] = $stats_key6; } // $table6 = new FTable("Stat","s",FDB::$DB_MUMU_STAT); // $data6 = $table6->fields(array("sum(s.value) as sum")) ->where($where)->find(); // $s["stats_key6"] = $data6["sum"]; // if ($stats_key) { $where["s.key"] = $stats_key7; } // $table7 = new FTable("Stat","s",FDB::$DB_MUMU_STAT); // $data7 = $table7->fields(array("sum(s.value) as sum")) ->where($where)->find(); // $s["stats_key7"] = $data7["sum"]; // if ($stats_key) { $where["s.key"] = $stats_key15; } // $table15 = new FTable("Stat","s",FDB::$DB_MUMU_STAT); // $data15 = $table15->fields(array("sum(s.value) as sum")) ->where($where)->find(); // $s["stats_key15"] = $data15["sum"]; // if ($stats_key) { $where["s.key"] = $stats_key30; } // $table30 = new FTable("Stat","s",FDB::$DB_MUMU_STAT); // $data30 = $table30->fields(array("sum(s.value) as sum")) ->where($where)->find(); // $s["stats_key30"] = $data30["sum"]; //$s["stats_date"] = substr($s["tm"],0,10); } /*print_r($Stats);*/ $Stats2 = array(); foreach ($Stats as &$s) { $sub_arr = array("tm" => "", "register" => 0, $stats_key0 => 0, $stats_key1 => 0, $stats_key2 => 0, $stats_key3 => 0, $stats_key4 => 0, $stats_key5 => 0, $stats_key6 => 0, $stats_key7 => 0, $stats_key15 => 0, $stats_key30 => 0); foreach ($s as &$s_x) { $sub_arr["tm"] = $s_x["tm"]; if ($s_x["key"] == "register") { $sub_arr["register"] = $s_x["sum"]; } if ($s_x["key"] == $stats_key0) { $sub_arr[$stats_key0] = $s_x["sum"]; } if ($s_x["key"] == $stats_key1) { $sub_arr[$stats_key1] = $s_x["sum"]; } if ($s_x["key"] == $stats_key2) { $sub_arr[$stats_key2] = $s_x["sum"]; } if ($s_x["key"] == $stats_key3) { $sub_arr[$stats_key3] = $s_x["sum"]; } if ($s_x["key"] == $stats_key4) { $sub_arr[$stats_key4] = $s_x["sum"]; } if ($s_x["key"] == $stats_key5) { $sub_arr[$stats_key5] = $s_x["sum"]; } if ($s_x["key"] == $stats_key6) { $sub_arr[$stats_key6] = $s_x["sum"]; } if ($s_x["key"] == $stats_key7) { $sub_arr[$stats_key7] = $s_x["sum"]; } if ($s_x["key"] == $stats_key15) { $sub_arr[$stats_key15] = $s_x["sum"]; } if ($s_x["key"] == $stats_key30) { $sub_arr[$stats_key30] = $s_x["sum"]; } } array_push($Stats2, $sub_arr); } //echo(json_encode($Stats2)); // $total = count($Stats); $page_info = FPager::getPagerInfo($total, $page, $page_size); $spmList = Service_Edit::getAllSpm(); $this->assign('spmarr', json_encode($spmList)); $c_names = Service_Edit::getSpmMap($spmList); $this->assign('spmList', $c_names); $this->assign('page_info', $page_info); $this->assign('Stat', $Stats2); $this->assign('stats_key', $stats_key); $this->assign('sc_uid', $c_uid); $this->assign('user_gender', $user_gender); $this->assign('stats_date', $stats_date); $this->assign('stats_key0', $stats_key0); $this->assign('stats_key1', $stats_key1); $this->assign('stats_key2', $stats_key2); $this->assign('stats_key3', $stats_key3); $this->assign('stats_key4', $stats_key4); $this->assign('stats_key5', $stats_key5); $this->assign('stats_key6', $stats_key6); $this->assign('stats_key7', $stats_key7); $this->assign('stats_key15', $stats_key15); $this->assign('stats_key30', $stats_key30); $this->display('admin/stats_liucun'); }