Beispiel #1
  * Delete the given NGI and cascade delete all of the NGI's child entities. 
  * These include Sites, Services, EndpointLocations, Downtimes that will be 
  * orphaned, CertificationStatusLogs and Roles that previously linked to the 
  * deleted owned entities. 
  * @param \NGI $ngi
  * @param \User $user - must be an admin user 
  * @param boolean $logNgiSiteServiceInArchives Record the deletion of the ngi, 
  * its child sites and services in the archive tables. 
  * @throws \org\gocdb\services\Exception
 public function deleteNgi(\NGI $ngi, \User $user = null, $logNgiSiteServiceInArchives = true)
     require_once __DIR__ . '/../DAOs/SiteDAO.php';
     require_once __DIR__ . '/../DAOs/ServiceDAO.php';
     require_once __DIR__ . '/../DAOs/NGIDAO.php';
     require_once __DIR__ . '/ServiceService.php';
     //Check the portal is not in read only mode, throws exception if it is
     //Throws exception if user is not an administrator
     try {
         $ngiDAO = new \NGIDAO();
         $siteDAO = new \SiteDAO();
         $serviceDAO = new \ServiceDAO();
         //Archive ngi
         if ($logNgiSiteServiceInArchives) {
             $ngiDAO->addNGIToArchive($ngi, $user);
         //delete each child site
         foreach ($ngi->getSites() as $site) {
             //Archive site
             if ($logNgiSiteServiceInArchives) {
                 $siteDAO->addSiteToArchive($site, $user);
             //delete each child service
             foreach ($site->getServices() as $service) {
                 //archive the srvice
                 if ($logNgiSiteServiceInArchives) {
                     $serviceDAO->addServiceToArchive($service, $user);
                 //remove the service (and any downtimes only associated with it)
             //remove the site
         //remove the NGI
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
Beispiel #2
  * Deletes a service 
  * @param \Service $s To be deleted
  * @param \User $user Making the request
  * @param $isTest when unit testing this allows for true to be supplied and this method
  * will not attempt to archive the service which can easily cause errors for service objects without
  * a full set of information 
  * @throws \Exception If user can't be authorized
 public function deleteService(\Service $s, \User $user = null, $isTest = false)
     require_once __DIR__ . '/../DAOs/ServiceDAO.php';
     //Check the portal is not in read only mode, throws exception if it is
     //$this->editAuthorization($se, $user);
     if (count($this->authorizeAction(\Action::EDIT_OBJECT, $s, $user)) == 0) {
         throw new \Exception("You do not have permission to remove" . $s->getHostName());
     try {
         $serviceDAO = new \ServiceDAO();
         //Archive site - if this is a test then don't archive
         if ($isTest == false) {
             //Create entry in audit table
             $serviceDAO->addServiceToArchive($s, $user);
         //Break links with downtimes and remove downtimes only associated
         //with this service, then remove service
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
  * Delete both services and enure the DAO cascade deletes both servcies 
  * joined endpoints and downtimes, leaving only the sites and the single orphan downtime. 
 public function testServiceDAO_removeService1And2AndJoinedDTs()
     print __METHOD__ . "\n";
     include __DIR__ . '/resources/sampleFixtureData4.php';
     $serviceDao = new ServiceDAO();
     // use DB connection to check data has been deleted
     $con = $this->getConnection();
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('results_table', "SELECT * FROM EndpointLocations");
     $this->assertTrue($result->getRowCount() == 0);
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('results_table', "SELECT * FROM Downtimes");
     $this->assertTrue($result->getRowCount() == 1);
     // orphanDT
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('results_table', "SELECT * FROM Sites");
     $this->assertTrue($result->getRowCount() == 2);
     // site1 and site2
  * Delete both Services but not the ngi  
  * @see testRolesCascadeDelete_OnOwnedEntityDeletion1
 public function testRolesCascadeDelete_OnOwnedEntityDeletion2()
     print __METHOD__ . "\n";
     include __DIR__ . '/resources/sampleFixtureData1.php';
     $siteDAO = new SiteDAO();
     $serviceDAO = new ServiceDAO();
     $ngiDAO = new NGIDAO();
     // ordering of removal is NOT significant here !
     //$ngiDAO->removeNGI($ngi); // don't remove NGI
     // Need to clear the identity map (all objects become detached) so that
     // when we re-fetch the user, it will be looked from db not served by entity map
     // Need to re-fetch the user from the DB again, if don't, then user already
     // has his eargerly fetched roles present in UserProxy object
     $userWithRoles = $this->em->find("User", $userId);
     // user should have 2 remaining roles still from ngi
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($userWithRoles->getRoles()));
     $testConn = $this->getConnection();
     $result = $testConn->createQueryTable('results_table', "SELECT * FROM Roles");
     $this->assertTrue($result->getRowCount() == 2);
     $result = $testConn->createQueryTable('results_table', "SELECT * FROM NGIs");
     $this->assertTrue($result->getRowCount() == 1);
Beispiel #5
  * Test the ServiceDAO->removeService(); 
  * Impt: A cascade=remove is configured between Service and EndpointLocation 
  * so that when a Service is removed, its associated ELs are also removed. 
  * <p>
  * Note, no cascade remove behaviour is configured between EndpointLocation and 
  * Downtime because we need to have fine-grained programmatic control over 
  * which downtimes are deleted when a service EL is deleted (i.e. we only 
  * want to delete those DTs that exclusively link to one EL only and which 
  * would subsequently be orphaned). We do this managed deletion of DTs in ServiceDAO->removeService();  
 public function testServiceDAO_removeService()
     print __METHOD__ . "\n";
     include __DIR__ . '/resources/sampleFixtureData1.php';
     // Impt: When deleting a service, we can't rely solely on the
     // 'onDelete=cascade' defined on the 'EndpointLocation->service'
     // to correctly cascade-delete the EL. This is because downtimes can also be linked
     // to the EL.  Therefore, if we don't invoke an $em->remove() on the EL
     // (either via cascade="remove" or manually invoking em->remove() on each EL),
     // Doctrine will not have flagged the EL as removed and so will not automatically delete the
     // relevant row(s) in 'DOWNTIMES_ENDPOINTLOCATIONS' join table.
     // This would cause a FK integrity/violation constraint exception
     // This is why we need to do a managed delete using the ServiceDAO
     $serviceDao = new ServiceDAO();
     // use DB connection to check data has been deleted
     $con = $this->getConnection();
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('results_table', "SELECT * FROM EndpointLocations");
     $this->assertTrue($result->getRowCount() == 0);
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('results_table', "SELECT * FROM Downtimes");
     $this->assertTrue($result->getRowCount() == 0);