/** ************************************************************************
  * Recommended. This method is called when the parent class can't find a method
  * specifically build for a given column. Generally, it's recommended to include
  * one method for each column you want to render, keeping your package class
  * neat and organized. For example, if the class needs to process a column
  * named 'title', it would first see if a method named $this->column_title() 
  * exists - if it does, that method will be used. If it doesn't, this one will
  * be used. Generally, you should try to use custom column methods as much as 
  * possible. 
  * Since we have defined a column_title() method later on, this method doesn't
  * need to concern itself with any column with a name of 'title'. Instead, it
  * needs to handle everything else.
  * For more detailed insight into how columns are handled, take a look at 
  * WP_List_Table::single_row_columns()
  * @param array $item A singular item (one full row's worth of data)
  * @param array $column_name The name/slug of the column to be processed
  * @return string Text or HTML to be placed inside the column <td>
 function column_default($item, $column_name)
     switch ($column_name) {
         /* case 'firstname':
         			case 'lastname':
         				return $item->$column_name;
         			case 'status':
         			   return $item->$column_name;
         case 'subject':
             $sub = get_post_meta($item->ID, "_sendpress_subject", true);
             return $sub;
         case 'lastsend':
             $date = get_post_meta($item->ID, "send_date", true);
             if (!empty($date)) {
                 return date_i18n(get_option('date_format'), strtotime($date));
             return '';
         case 'created':
             return date_i18n(get_option('date_format'), strtotime($item->post_date));
         case 'actions':
             $a = '<div class="inline-buttons">';
             $a .= '<a class="btn btn-default view-btn" title="' . get_post_meta($item->ID, "_sendpress_subject", true) . '" href="' . get_permalink($item->ID) . '"><span class="glyphicon  glyphicon-eye-open"></span> ' . __('View', 'sendpress') . '</a> ';
             $editwindow = 'style';
             if (get_post_meta($item->ID, '_sendpress_system', true) == 'new') {
                 $editwindow = 'edit';
             $a .= '<a class="btn btn-primary" href="?page=' . SPNL()->validate->page($_REQUEST['page']) . '&view=' . $editwindow . '&emailID=' . $item->ID . '"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit"></span> ' . __('Edit', 'sendpress') . '</a> ';
             $a = apply_filters('sendpress_email_table', $a, $item);
             if (SendPress_Admin::access('Emails_Send')) {
                 $a .= '<a class="btn  btn-success " href="' . SendPress_Admin::link('Emails_Send') . '&emailID=' . $item->ID . '"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-send"></span> ' . __('Send', 'sendpress') . '</a>';
             $a .= '</div>';
             return $a;
             return print_r($item, true);
             //Show the whole array for troubleshooting purposes
  * Renders the view.
 function render($sp = false)
     if (SendPress_Admin::access($this)) {
     } else {
    function html($sp)
        global $post_ID, $post;
        $view = isset($_GET['view']) ? $_GET['view'] : '';
        $list = '';
        if (isset($_GET['emailID'])) {
            $emailID = SPNL()->validate->int($_GET['emailID']);
            $post = get_post($emailID);
            $post_ID = $post->ID;
        if ($post->post_type !== 'sp_newsletters') {
		<form method="POST" name="post" id="post">
		<div style="float:left">
			<a href="?page=sp-emails" class="spbutton supersize" >Edit Content</a>
		<div style="float:right;" class="btn-toolbar">
            <div id="sp-cancel-btn" class="btn-group">
                <a href="?page=<?php 
        echo SPNL()->validate->page($_GET['page']);
" id="cancel-update" class="btn btn-default"><?php 
        echo __('Cancel', 'sendpress');
            <div class="btn-group">
            <button class="btn btn-default " type="submit" value="save" name="submit"><i class="icon-white icon-ok"></i> <?php 
        echo __('Update', 'sendpress');
        if (SendPress_Admin::access('Emails_Send')) {
            <button class="btn btn-primary " type="submit" value="save-next" name="submit"><i class="icon-envelope icon-white"></i> <?php 
            echo __('Send', 'sendpress');
        require_once SENDPRESS_PATH . 'inc/forms/email-style.2.0.php';
        <div class="well clear">
        _e('Test This Email', 'sendpress');
            <p><input type="text" name="test-email" value="" class="sp-text" placeholder="Email to send test to." /></p>
            <button class="btn btn-success" name="submit" type="submit" value="send-test"><i class=" icon-white icon-inbox"></i> <?php 
        _e('Send Test', 'sendpress');
    function html()
        global $is_IE;
        global $post_ID, $post;
        if (  wp_is_mobile() &&
        	 ! ( $is_IE && preg_match( '/MSIE [5678]/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) ) ) {
        	$_wp_autoresize_on = true;
        $emailID = SPNL()->validate->_int('emailID');
        if ($emailID > 0) {
            $post = get_post($emailID);
            $post_ID = $post->ID;
        if ($post->post_type !== 'sp_newsletters') {
        $template_id = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_sendpress_template', true);
     <form method="post" id="post" role="form">
        <input type="hidden" name="post_ID" id="post_ID" value="<?php 
        echo $post->ID;
" />
        <input type="hidden" name="post_type" id="post_type" value="sp_newsletters" />
        <input type="hidden" name="action" id="action" value="save-email" />
       <div  >
       <div style="float:right;" class="btn-toolbar">
            <div id="sp-cancel-btn" class="btn-group">
        if ($post->post_status != 'sp-autoresponder') {
                <a href="?page=<?php 
            echo SPNL()->validate->page();
" id="cancel-update" class="btn btn-default"><?php 
            echo __('Cancel', 'sendpress');
        } else {
     		<a href="<?php 
            echo SendPress_Admin::link('Emails_Autoresponder');
" id="cancel-update" class="btn btn-default"><?php 
            echo __('Cancel', 'sendpress');
            <div class="btn-group">
             <button class="btn btn-default " type="submit" value="save" name="submit"><i class="icon-white icon-ok"></i> <?php 
        echo __('Update', 'sendpress');
        if (SendPress_Admin::access('Emails_Send') && $post->post_status != 'sp-autoresponder') {
            <button class="btn btn-primary " type="submit" value="save-next" name="submit"><i class="icon-envelope icon-white"></i> <?php 
            echo __('Send', 'sendpress');

        _e('Edit Email Content', 'sendpress');
        $this->panel_start('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-envelope"></span> ' . __('Subject', 'sendpress'));
        <input type="text" name="post_subject" size="30" tabindex="1" class="form-control" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr(htmlspecialchars(get_post_meta($post->ID, '_sendpress_subject', true)));
" id="email-subject" autocomplete="off" />
        <div class="sp-row">
<div class="sp-75 sp-first">
<!-- Nav tabs -->
        $enable_edits = SendPress_Option::get('enable_email_template_edit');
<ul class="nav nav-tabs">
  <li class="active"><a href="#content-area-one-tab" data-toggle="tab"><?php 
        _e('Main Content', 'sendpress');
        if ($enable_edits) {
  	<li><a href="#header-content" data-toggle="tab"><?php 
            _e('Header', 'sendpress');
  	<li><a href="#footer-content" data-toggle="tab"><?php 
            _e('Footer', 'sendpress');
  <li><a href="#messages" data-toggle="tab">Messages</a></li>
  <li><a href="#settings" data-toggle="tab">Settings</a></li>

<div class="tab-content" style="display:block;">
  <div class="tab-pane in active" id="content-area-one-tab">
        wp_editor($post->post_content, 'content_area_one_edit', array('dfw' => true, 'drag_drop_upload' => true, 'tabfocus_elements' => 'insert-media-button-1,save-post', 'editor_height' => 360, 'tinymce' => array('resize' => false, 'wp_autoresize_on' => !empty($_wp_autoresize_on) && get_user_setting('editor_expand', 'on') === 'on', 'add_unload_trigger' => false)));

        if ($enable_edits) {
		<div class="tab-pane" id="header-content">
            wp_editor(get_post_meta($post->ID, '_header_content', true), 'header_content_edit', array('dfw' => true, 'drag_drop_upload' => true, 'tabfocus_elements' => 'insert-media-button-1,save-post', 'editor_height' => 360, 'tinymce' => array('resize' => false, 'wp_autoresize_on' => !empty($_wp_autoresize_on) && get_user_setting('editor_expand', 'on') === 'on', 'add_unload_trigger' => false)));

		<div class="tab-pane" id="footer-content">
            wp_editor(get_post_meta($post->ID, '_footer_content', true), 'footer_content_edit', array('dfw' => true, 'drag_drop_upload' => true, 'tabfocus_elements' => 'insert-media-button-1,save-post', 'editor_height' => 360, 'tinymce' => array('resize' => false, 'wp_autoresize_on' => !empty($_wp_autoresize_on) && get_user_setting('editor_expand', 'on') === 'on', 'add_unload_trigger' => false)));

  <div class="tab-pane fade" id="messages"><?php 
        wp_editor($post->post_content, 'content-3');
  <div class="tab-pane fade" id="settings"><?php 
        wp_editor($post->post_content, 'content-4');

<div class="sp-25">

        $this->panel_start(__('Template', 'sendpress'));
	<select name="template" class="form-control">
        $args = array('post_type' => 'sp_template', 'post_status' => array('sp-standard'), 'posts_per_page' => -1);
        $the_query = new WP_Query($args);
        if ($the_query->have_posts()) {
            echo '<optgroup label="SendPress Templates">';
            while ($the_query->have_posts()) {
                $temp_id = $the_query->post->ID;
                $s = '';
                if ($temp_id == $template_id) {
                    $s = 'selected';
                echo '<option value="' . $temp_id . '" ' . $s . '>' . get_the_title() . '</option>';
            echo '</optgroup>';
        } else {
            echo '<option value="0" ></option>';
        $args = array('post_type' => 'sp_template', 'post_status' => array('sp-custom'), 'posts_per_page' => -1);
        $the_query = new WP_Query($args);
        if ($the_query->have_posts()) {
            echo '<optgroup label="Custom Templates">';
            while ($the_query->have_posts()) {
                $temp_id = $the_query->post->ID;
                $s = '';
                if ($temp_id == $template_id) {
                    $s = 'selected';
                echo '<option value="' . $temp_id . '" ' . $s . '>' . get_the_title() . '</option>';
            echo '</optgroup>';
<div class="well clear">
        _e('Test This Email', 'sendpress');
            <p><input type="text" name="test-email" value="" class="sp-text" placeholder="<?php 
        echo __('Insira um email para o envio de teste.', 'jaiminho');
." /></p>
            <button class="btn btn-success" name="submit" type="submit" value="send-test"><i class=" icon-white icon-inbox"></i> <?php 
        _e('Send Test', 'sendpress');

<div class="modal fade bs-modal-lg" id="sendpress-helper" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
	<div class="modal-dialog">
	<div class="modal-content">
	<div class="modal-header">
		<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">×</button>
		<ul class="nav nav-tabs" id="myTab">
			<li class="active tabs-first"><a href="#posts"><?php 
        _e('Single Post', 'sendpress');
		  	<li ><a href="#merge"><?php 
        _e('Personalize', 'sendpress');
		  <li><a href="#messages">Messages</a></li>
		  <li><a href="#settings">Settings</a></li>
	<div class="modal-body">

<div class="tab-content">
	 <div class="tab-pane active" id="posts">

  	<div id="search-header"><?php 
        _e('Search Posts', 'sendpress');
: <input type="text" name="q" id="sp-single-query"></div>
  	<div  id="sp-post-preview" class="well">
        _e('No Post Selected', 'sendpress');

        _e('Header HTML', 'sendpress');
	  	<label class="radio">
		  <input type="radio" name="headerOptions" id="optionsRadios1" value="h1" >
		<label class="radio">
		  <input type="radio" name="headerOptions" id="optionsRadios2" value="h2">
		<label class="radio">
		  <input type="radio" name="headerOptions" id="optionsRadios2" value="h3" checked>
		<label class="radio">
		  <input type="radio" name="headerOptions" id="optionsRadios2" value="h4">
		<label class="radio">
		  <input type="radio" name="headerOptions" id="optionsRadios2" value="h5">
		<label class="radio">
		  <input type="radio" name="headerOptions" id="optionsRadios2" value="h6">
        _e('Header Link', 'sendpress');
	  	<label class="radio">
		  <input type="radio" name="headerlinkOptions" id="optionsRadios2" value="link" checked>
        _e('Link Header to Post', 'sendpress');
		<label class="radio">
		  <input type="radio" name="headerlinkOptions" id="optionsRadios2" value="nolink">
        _e('Don\'t Link Header to Post', 'sendpress');
        _e('Post Content', 'sendpress');
	  	<label class="radio">
		  <input type="radio" name="optionsRadios" id="optionsRadios1" value="excerpt" checked>
        _e('Excerpt', 'sendpress');
		<label class="radio">
		  <input type="radio" name="optionsRadios" id="optionsRadios2" value="full">
        _e('Full Post', 'sendpress');
  	<button class="btn btn-mini btn-success sp-insert-code" id="sp-post-preview-insert" data-code=""><?php 
        _e('Insert', 'sendpress');
 	<div class="tab-pane " id="merge">
        _e('Subscriber specific content', 'sendpress');
  		<table class="table table-condensed table-striped">
        _e('Description', 'sendpress');
        _e('Code', 'sendpress');
        _e('First Name', 'sendpress');
      	<td class="text-right"><button class="btn btn-xs btn-success sp-insert-code" data-code="*|FNAME|*"><?php 
        _e('Insert', 'sendpress');
        _e('Last Name', 'sendpress');
      	<td class="text-right"><button class="btn btn-xs btn-success sp-insert-code" data-code="*|LNAME|*"><?php 
        _e('Insert', 'sendpress');
        _e('Email', 'sendpress');
      	<td class="text-right"><button class="btn btn-xs btn-success sp-insert-code"  data-code="*|EMAIL|*"><?php 
        _e('Insert', 'sendpress');

        _e('Site specific content', 'sendpress');
  		<table class="table table-condensed table-striped">
        _e('Description', 'sendpress');
        _e('Code', 'sendpress');
        _e('Website URL', 'sendpress');
      	<td class="text-right"><button class="btn btn-xs btn-success sp-insert-code" data-code="*|SITE:URL|*"><?php 
        _e('Insert', 'sendpress');
        _e('Website Title', 'sendpress');
      	<td class="text-right"><button class="btn btn-xs btn-success sp-insert-code" data-code="*|SITE:TITLE|*"><?php 
        _e('Insert', 'sendpress');
        _e('Website Description', 'sendpress');
      	<td class="text-right"><button class="btn btn-xs btn-success sp-insert-code"  data-code="*|SITE:DESCRIPTION|*"><?php 
        _e('Insert', 'sendpress');
        _e('Date and Time', 'sendpress');
  		<table class="table table-condensed table-striped">
        _e('Description', 'sendpress');
        _e('Code', 'sendpress');
        _e('Current Date', 'sendpress');
        _e('Format based on WordPress settings', 'sendpress');
      	<td class="text-right"><button class="btn btn-xs btn-success sp-insert-code" data-code="*|DATE|*"><?php 
        _e('Insert', 'sendpress');
        _e('Current Time', 'sendpress');
<br><small>5:16 pm</small></td>
      	<td>*|DATE:g:i a|*</td>
      	<td class="text-right"><button class="btn btn-xs btn-success sp-insert-code" data-code="*|DATE:g:i a|*"><?php 
        _e('Insert', 'sendpress');
        _e('Custom Date', 'sendpress');
<br><small>March 10, 2001, 5:16 pm</small></td>
      	<td>*|DATE:F j, Y, g:i a|*</td>
      	<td class="text-right"><button class="btn btn-xs btn-success sp-insert-code" data-code="*|DATE:F j, Y, g:i a|*"><?php 
        _e('Insert', 'sendpress');

  <div class="tab-pane" id="messages">...</div>
  <div class="tab-pane" id="settings">...</div>
	<div class="modal-footer">
	 	<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary" data-dismiss="modal"><?php 
        _e('Close', 'sendpress');
    function styler_menu($active)
		<div id="styler-menu">
			<div style="float:right;" class="btn-group">
        if ($this->_current_view == 'edit-email') {
					<a href="#" id="save-update" class="btn btn-primary btn-large "><i
							class="icon-white icon-ok"></i> <?php 
            echo __('Update', 'sendpress');
</a><a href="#"
					                                                                                         class="btn btn-primary btn-large"><i
							class="icon-ok icon-white"></i> <?php 
            echo __('Save & Next', 'sendpress');
        if ($this->_current_view == 'style') {
					<a href="#" id="save-update" class="btn btn-primary btn-large "><i
							class="icon-white icon-ok"></i> <?php 
            echo __('Update', 'sendpress');
            if (SendPress_Admin::access('Emails_Send')) {
						<a href="#" id="save-send-email" class="btn btn-primary btn-large "><i
								class="icon-envelope icon-white"></i> <?php 
                echo __('Send', 'sendpress');
        if ($this->_current_view == 'styles') {
					<a href="#" id="save-update" class="btn btn-primary btn-large "><i
							class="icon-white icon-ok"></i> <?php 
            echo __('Update', 'sendpress');
</a><a href="#"
					                                                                                         class="btn btn-primary btn-large "><i
							class="icon-envelope icon-white"></i> <?php 
            echo __('Send', 'sendpress');
        if ($this->_current_view == 'send') {
					<a href="?page=<?php 
            echo SPNL()->validate->page($_GET['page']);
            echo $_GET['emailID'];
					   class="btn btn-primary btn-large "><i
							class="icon-white icon-pencil"></i> <?php 
            echo __('Edit', 'sendpress');
</a><a href="#"
					                                                                                           class="btn btn-primary btn-large"><i
							class="icon-white icon-envelope"></i> <?php 
            echo __('Send', 'sendpress');
        if ($this->_current_view == 'create') {
					<a href="#" id="save-update" class="btn btn-primary btn-large"><i
							class="icon-ok icon-white"></i> <?php 
            echo __('Save & Next', 'sendpress');
			<div id="sp-cancel-btn" style="float:right; margin-top: 5px;">
				<a href="?page=<?php 
        echo SPNL()->validate->page($_GET['page']);
" id="cancel-update"
        echo __('Cancel', 'sendpress');