public function scopedProfileIn($section)
     $key = 'section.' . ltrim($section, '.');
     return $this->sprofiler->scopedProfileIn($key);
Beispiel #2
  * Return the text of a template, after recursively
  * replacing any variables or templates within the template.
  * @param array $piece The parts of the template
  *   $piece['title']: the title, i.e. the part before the |
  *   $piece['parts']: the parameter array
  *   $piece['lineStart']: whether the brace was at the start of a line
  * @param PPFrame $frame The current frame, contains template arguments
  * @throws Exception
  * @return string The text of the template
 public function braceSubstitution($piece, $frame)
     // Flags
     // $text has been filled
     $found = false;
     // wiki markup in $text should be escaped
     $nowiki = false;
     // $text is HTML, armour it against wikitext transformation
     $isHTML = false;
     // Force interwiki transclusion to be done in raw mode not rendered
     $forceRawInterwiki = false;
     // $text is a DOM node needing expansion in a child frame
     $isChildObj = false;
     // $text is a DOM node needing expansion in the current frame
     $isLocalObj = false;
     # Title object, where $text came from
     $title = false;
     # $part1 is the bit before the first |, and must contain only title characters.
     # Various prefixes will be stripped from it later.
     $titleWithSpaces = $frame->expand($piece['title']);
     $part1 = trim($titleWithSpaces);
     $titleText = false;
     # Original title text preserved for various purposes
     $originalTitle = $part1;
     # $args is a list of argument nodes, starting from index 0, not including $part1
     # @todo FIXME: If piece['parts'] is null then the call to getLength()
     # below won't work b/c this $args isn't an object
     $args = null == $piece['parts'] ? array() : $piece['parts'];
     $profileSection = null;
     // profile templates
     # SUBST
     if (!$found) {
         $substMatch = $this->mSubstWords->matchStartAndRemove($part1);
         # Possibilities for substMatch: "subst", "safesubst" or FALSE
         # Decide whether to expand template or keep wikitext as-is.
         if ($this->ot['wiki']) {
             if ($substMatch === false) {
                 $literal = true;
                 # literal when in PST with no prefix
             } else {
                 $literal = false;
                 # expand when in PST with subst: or safesubst:
         } else {
             if ($substMatch == 'subst') {
                 $literal = true;
                 # literal when not in PST with plain subst:
             } else {
                 $literal = false;
                 # expand when not in PST with safesubst: or no prefix
         if ($literal) {
             $text = $frame->virtualBracketedImplode('{{', '|', '}}', $titleWithSpaces, $args);
             $isLocalObj = true;
             $found = true;
     # Variables
     if (!$found && $args->getLength() == 0) {
         $id = $this->mVariables->matchStartToEnd($part1);
         if ($id !== false) {
             $text = $this->getVariableValue($id, $frame);
             if (MagicWord::getCacheTTL($id) > -1) {
             $found = true;
     # MSG, MSGNW and RAW
     if (!$found) {
         # Check for MSGNW:
         $mwMsgnw = MagicWord::get('msgnw');
         if ($mwMsgnw->matchStartAndRemove($part1)) {
             $nowiki = true;
         } else {
             # Remove obsolete MSG:
             $mwMsg = MagicWord::get('msg');
         # Check for RAW:
         $mwRaw = MagicWord::get('raw');
         if ($mwRaw->matchStartAndRemove($part1)) {
             $forceRawInterwiki = true;
     # Parser functions
     if (!$found) {
         $colonPos = strpos($part1, ':');
         if ($colonPos !== false) {
             $func = substr($part1, 0, $colonPos);
             $funcArgs = array(trim(substr($part1, $colonPos + 1)));
             for ($i = 0; $i < $args->getLength(); $i++) {
                 $funcArgs[] = $args->item($i);
             try {
                 $result = $this->callParserFunction($frame, $func, $funcArgs);
             } catch (Exception $ex) {
                 throw $ex;
             # The interface for parser functions allows for extracting
             # flags into the local scope. Extract any forwarded flags
             # here.
     # Finish mangling title and then check for loops.
     # Set $title to a Title object and $titleText to the PDBK
     if (!$found) {
         $ns = NS_TEMPLATE;
         # Split the title into page and subpage
         $subpage = '';
         $relative = $this->maybeDoSubpageLink($part1, $subpage);
         if ($part1 !== $relative) {
             $part1 = $relative;
             $ns = $this->mTitle->getNamespace();
         $title = Title::newFromText($part1, $ns);
         if ($title) {
             $titleText = $title->getPrefixedText();
             # Check for language variants if the template is not found
             if ($this->getConverterLanguage()->hasVariants() && $title->getArticleID() == 0) {
                 $this->getConverterLanguage()->findVariantLink($part1, $title, true);
             # Do recursion depth check
             $limit = $this->mOptions->getMaxTemplateDepth();
             if ($frame->depth >= $limit) {
                 $found = true;
                 $text = '<span class="error">' . wfMessage('parser-template-recursion-depth-warning')->numParams($limit)->inContentLanguage()->text() . '</span>';
     # Load from database
     if (!$found && $title) {
         $profileSection = $this->mProfiler->scopedProfileIn($title->getPrefixedDBkey());
         if (!$title->isExternal()) {
             if ($title->isSpecialPage() && $this->mOptions->getAllowSpecialInclusion() && $this->ot['html']) {
                 // Pass the template arguments as URL parameters.
                 // "uselang" will have no effect since the Language object
                 // is forced to the one defined in ParserOptions.
                 $pageArgs = array();
                 $argsLength = $args->getLength();
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $argsLength; $i++) {
                     $bits = $args->item($i)->splitArg();
                     if (strval($bits['index']) === '') {
                         $name = trim($frame->expand($bits['name'], PPFrame::STRIP_COMMENTS));
                         $value = trim($frame->expand($bits['value']));
                         $pageArgs[$name] = $value;
                 // Create a new context to execute the special page
                 $context = new RequestContext();
                 $context->setRequest(new FauxRequest($pageArgs));
                 $ret = SpecialPageFactory::capturePath($title, $context);
                 if ($ret) {
                     $text = $context->getOutput()->getHTML();
                     $found = true;
                     $isHTML = true;
             } elseif (MWNamespace::isNonincludable($title->getNamespace())) {
                 $found = false;
                 # access denied
                 wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": template inclusion denied for " . $title->getPrefixedDBkey() . "\n");
             } else {
                 list($text, $title) = $this->getTemplateDom($title);
                 if ($text !== false) {
                     $found = true;
                     $isChildObj = true;
             # If the title is valid but undisplayable, make a link to it
             if (!$found && ($this->ot['html'] || $this->ot['pre'])) {
                 $text = "[[:{$titleText}]]";
                 $found = true;
         } elseif ($title->isTrans()) {
             # Interwiki transclusion
             if ($this->ot['html'] && !$forceRawInterwiki) {
                 $text = $this->interwikiTransclude($title, 'render');
                 $isHTML = true;
             } else {
                 $text = $this->interwikiTransclude($title, 'raw');
                 # Preprocess it like a template
                 $text = $this->preprocessToDom($text, self::PTD_FOR_INCLUSION);
                 $isChildObj = true;
             $found = true;
         # Do infinite loop check
         # This has to be done after redirect resolution to avoid infinite loops via redirects
         if (!$frame->loopCheck($title)) {
             $found = true;
             $text = '<span class="error">' . wfMessage('parser-template-loop-warning', $titleText)->inContentLanguage()->text() . '</span>';
             wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": template loop broken at '{$titleText}'\n");
     # If we haven't found text to substitute by now, we're done
     # Recover the source wikitext and return it
     if (!$found) {
         $text = $frame->virtualBracketedImplode('{{', '|', '}}', $titleWithSpaces, $args);
         if ($profileSection) {
         return array('object' => $text);
     # Expand DOM-style return values in a child frame
     if ($isChildObj) {
         # Clean up argument array
         $newFrame = $frame->newChild($args, $title);
         if ($nowiki) {
             $text = $newFrame->expand($text, PPFrame::RECOVER_ORIG);
         } elseif ($titleText !== false && $newFrame->isEmpty()) {
             # Expansion is eligible for the empty-frame cache
             $text = $newFrame->cachedExpand($titleText, $text);
         } else {
             # Uncached expansion
             $text = $newFrame->expand($text);
     if ($isLocalObj && $nowiki) {
         $text = $frame->expand($text, PPFrame::RECOVER_ORIG);
         $isLocalObj = false;
     if ($profileSection) {
     # Replace raw HTML by a placeholder
     if ($isHTML) {
         $text = $this->insertStripItem($text);
     } elseif ($nowiki && ($this->ot['html'] || $this->ot['pre'])) {
         # Escape nowiki-style return values
         $text = wfEscapeWikiText($text);
     } elseif (is_string($text) && !$piece['lineStart'] && preg_match('/^(?:{\\||:|;|#|\\*)/', $text)) {
         # Bug 529: if the template begins with a table or block-level
         # element, it should be treated as beginning a new line.
         # This behavior is somewhat controversial.
         $text = "\n" . $text;
     if (is_string($text) && !$this->incrementIncludeSize('post-expand', strlen($text))) {
         # Error, oversize inclusion
         if ($titleText !== false) {
             # Make a working, properly escaped link if possible (bug 23588)
             $text = "[[:{$titleText}]]";
         } else {
             # This will probably not be a working link, but at least it may
             # provide some hint of where the problem is
             preg_replace('/^:/', '', $originalTitle);
             $text = "[[:{$originalTitle}]]";
         $text .= $this->insertStripItem('<!-- WARNING: template omitted, ' . 'post-expand include size too large -->');
     if ($isLocalObj) {
         $ret = array('object' => $text);
     } else {
         $ret = array('text' => $text);
     return $ret;
 public function scopedProfileIn($section)
     return $this->sprofiler->scopedProfileIn($section);