Beispiel #1
 public function fire($job, $data)
     $job_record = \SeatQueueInformation::where('jobID', '=', $job->getJobId())->first();
     // Check that we have a valid jobid
     if (!$job_record) {
         // Sometimes the jobs get picked up faster than the submitter could write a
         // database entry about it. So, just wait 5 seconds before we come back and
         // try again
     // We place the actual API work in our own try catch so that we can report
     // on any critical errors that may have occurred.
     // By default Laravel will requeue a failed job based on --tries, but we
     // dont really want failed api jobs to continually poll the API Server
     try {
         $job_record->status = 'Working';
         $job_record->output = 'Started Teamspeak transfer';
         $eveTransfer = new EveApi\Eve\TeamspeakTransfer();
         \Log::info("done with TS update");
         $job_record->status = 'Done';
         $job_record->output = null;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $job_record->status = 'Error';
         $job_record->output = 'Last status: ' . $job_record->output . PHP_EOL . 'Error: ' . $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL . 'File: ' . $e->getFile() . ':' . $e->getLine() . PHP_EOL . 'Trace: ' . $e->getTraceAsString() . PHP_EOL . 'Previous: ' . $e->getPrevious();
Beispiel #2
 public static function addToQueue($queue, $ownerID, $vCode, $api, $scope)
     // Prepare the auth array
     if ($vCode != null) {
         $auth = array('keyID' => $ownerID, 'vCode' => $vCode);
     } else {
         $auth = array();
     // Check the databse if there are jobs outstanding ie. they have the status
     // Queued or Working. If not, we will queue a new job, else just capture the
     // jobID and return that
     $jobID = \SeatQueueInformation::where('ownerID', '=', $ownerID)->where('api', '=', $api)->whereIn('status', array('Queued', 'Working'))->first();
     // Check if the $jobID was found, else, queue a new job
     if (!$jobID) {
         $jobID = \Queue::push($queue, $auth);
         \SeatQueueInformation::create(array('jobID' => $jobID, 'ownerID' => $ownerID, 'api' => $api, 'scope' => $scope, 'status' => 'Queued'));
     } else {
         // To aid in potential capacity debugging, lets write a warning log entry so that a user
         // is able to see that a new job was not submitted
         \Log::warning('A new job was not submitted due a similar one still being outstanding. Details: ' . $jobID, array('src' => __CLASS__));
         // Set the jobID to the ID from the database
         $jobID = $jobID->jobID;
     return $jobID;
Beispiel #3
 public function fire($job, $data)
     $job_record = \SeatQueueInformation::where('jobID', '=', $job->getJobId())->first();
     // Check that we have a valid jobid
     if (!$job_record) {
         // Sometimes the jobs get picked up faster than the submitter could write a
         // database entry about it. So, just wait 5 seconds before we come back and
         // try again
     // We place the actual API work in our own try catch so that we can report
     // on any critical errors that may have occurred.
     // By default Laravel will requeue a failed job based on --tries, but we
     // dont really want failed api jobs to continually poll the API Server
     try {
         $job_record->status = 'Working';
         $job_record->output = 'Started RefTypes Update';
         $job_record->output = 'Started ErrorList Update';
         $job_record->output = 'Started ConquerableStationList Update';
         $job_record->output = 'Started AllianceList Update';
         $job_record->status = 'Done';
         $job_record->output = null;
     } catch (\Seat\EveApi\Exception\APIServerDown $e) {
         // The API Server is down according to \Seat\EveApi\bootstrap().
         // Due to this fact, we can simply take this job and put it
         // back in the queue to be processed later.
         $job_record->status = 'Queued';
         $job_record->output = 'The API Server appears to be down. Job has been re-queued.';
         // Re-queue the job to try again in 10 minutes
         $job->release(60 * 10);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $job_record->status = 'Error';
         $job_record->output = 'Last status: ' . $job_record->output . PHP_EOL . 'Error: ' . $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL . 'File: ' . $e->getFile() . ':' . $e->getLine() . PHP_EOL . 'Trace: ' . $e->getTraceAsString() . PHP_EOL . 'Previous: ' . $e->getPrevious();
Beispiel #4
 public function fire($job, $data)
     $job_record = \SeatQueueInformation::where('jobID', '=', $job->getJobId())->first();
     // Check that we have a valid jobid
     if (!$job_record) {
         // Sometimes the jobs get picked up faster than the submitter could write a
         // database entry about it. So, just wait 5 seconds before we come back and
         // try again
     // We place the actual API work in our own try catch so that we can report
     // on any critical errors that may have occurred.
     // By default Laravel will requeue a failed job based on --tries, but we
     // dont really want failed api jobs to continually poll the API Server
     try {
         $job_record->status = 'Working';
         $job_record->output = 'Started Starbase Fuel Check';
         $job_record->output = 'Started Starbase Status Check';
         $job_record->output = 'Started API Banned Calls Check';
         $job_record->output = 'Started Key Check';
         $job_record->output = 'Started Corporation Member Check';
         $job_record->status = 'Done';
         $job_record->output = null;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $job_record->status = 'Error';
         $job_record->output = 'Last status: ' . $job_record->output . PHP_EOL . 'Error: ' . $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL . 'File: ' . $e->getFile() . ':' . $e->getLine() . PHP_EOL . 'Trace: ' . $e->getTraceAsString() . PHP_EOL . 'Previous: ' . $e->getPrevious();
Beispiel #5
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function fire()
     // Connect to the Redis backend using Predis
     $redis = new \Predis\Client(array('host' => \Config::get(''), 'port' => \Config::get('database.redis.default.port')));
     // Count the amount of jobs in the queue by
     // issuing a Redis LRANGE command:
     $redis_count = count($redis->lrange('queues:default', 0, -1));
     $this->line('Redis reports ' . $redis_count . ' jobs in the queue (queues:default)');
     // Get the Queued job count from the database
     $db_info = \SeatQueueInformation::where('status', '=', 'Queued')->count();
     $this->line('The database reports ' . $db_info . ' queued jobs');
     // If the amount of jobs in the redis queue does
     // not match that of the database, just warn
     // about this.
     if ($db_info != $redis_count) {
         $this->info('[!] The redis & db queued counts are not the same. This is not always a bad thing');
     // Get the Done job count frmo the database
     $db_info = \SeatQueueInformation::where('status', '=', 'Done')->count();
     $this->line('The database reports ' . $db_info . ' done jobs');
     // Get the Error job count from the database
     $db_info = \SeatQueueInformation::where('status', '=', 'Error')->count();
     // If there are Error jobs, loop over them and
     // print the status details
     if ($db_info > 0) {
         $this->comment('Current error-state jobs (' . $db_info . '):');
         foreach (\SeatQueueInformation::where('status', '=', 'Error')->get() as $row) {
             $this->line('OwnerID: ' . $row->ownerID . ' | Scope: ' . $row->scope . ' | API: ' . $row->api . ' | Status: "' . str_limit($row->output, 20, '...') . '" | Created: ' . Carbon::parse($row->created_at)->diffForHumans() . ' | Last updated: ' . Carbon::parse($row->updated_at)->diffForHumans());
     } else {
         $this->line('The database reports ' . $db_info . ' error jobs');
     // Get the Working jobs from the database
     $db_info = \SeatQueueInformation::where('status', '=', 'Working')->count();
     if ($db_info > 0) {
         $this->comment('Current working-state jobs (' . $db_info . '):');
         foreach (\SeatQueueInformation::where('status', '=', 'Working')->get() as $row) {
             $this->line('OwnerID: ' . $row->ownerID . ' | Scope: ' . $row->scope . ' | API: ' . $row->api . ' | Status: "' . $row->output . '" | Created: ' . Carbon::parse($row->created_at)->diffForHumans() . ' | Last updated: ' . Carbon::parse($row->updated_at)->diffForHumans());
     } else {
         $this->line('The database reports ' . $db_info . ' working jobs');
Beispiel #6
 public function fire($job, $data)
     $keyID = $data['keyID'];
     $vCode = $data['vCode'];
     $job_record = \SeatQueueInformation::where('jobID', '=', $job->getJobId())->first();
     // Check that we have a valid jobid
     if (!$job_record) {
         // Sometimes the jobs get picked up faster than the submitter could write a
         // database entry about it. So, just wait 5 seconds before we come back and
         // try again
     // We place the actual API work in our own try catch so that we can report
     // on any critical errors that may have occurred.
     // By default Laravel will requeue a failed job based on --tries, but we
     // dont really want failed api jobs to continually poll the API Server
     try {
         $job_record->status = 'Working';
         $job_record->output = 'Started AccountBalance Update';
         EveApi\Character\AccountBalance::Update($keyID, $vCode);
         $job_record->output = 'Started AssetList Update';
         EveApi\Character\AssetList::Update($keyID, $vCode);
         $job_record->output = 'Started CharacterSheet Update';
         EveApi\Character\CharacterSheet::Update($keyID, $vCode);
         $job_record->output = 'Started ContactList Update';
         EveApi\Character\ContactList::Update($keyID, $vCode);
         $job_record->output = 'Started ContactNotifications Update';
         EveApi\Character\ContactNotifications::Update($keyID, $vCode);
         $job_record->output = 'Started Contracts Update';
         EveApi\Character\Contracts::Update($keyID, $vCode);
         $job_record->output = 'Started IndustryJobs Update';
         EveApi\Character\IndustryJobs::Update($keyID, $vCode);
         $job_record->output = 'Started CharacterInfo Update';
         EveApi\Character\Info::Update($keyID, $vCode);
         $job_record->output = 'Started KillMails Update';
         EveApi\Character\KillMails::Update($keyID, $vCode);
         $job_record->output = 'Started MailMessages Update';
         EveApi\Character\MailMessages::Update($keyID, $vCode);
         $job_record->output = 'Started MailingLists Update';
         EveApi\Character\MailingLists::Update($keyID, $vCode);
         $job_record->output = 'Started Notifications Update';
         EveApi\Character\Notifications::Update($keyID, $vCode);
         $job_record->output = 'Started PlanetaryColonies Update';
         EveApi\Character\PlanetaryColonies::Update($keyID, $vCode);
         $job_record->output = 'Started MarketOrders Update';
         EveApi\Character\MarketOrders::Update($keyID, $vCode);
         $job_record->output = 'Started Research Update';
         EveApi\Character\Research::Update($keyID, $vCode);
         $job_record->output = 'Started SkillInTraining Update';
         EveApi\Character\SkillInTraining::Update($keyID, $vCode);
         $job_record->output = 'Started SkillQueue Update';
         EveApi\Character\SkillQueue::Update($keyID, $vCode);
         $job_record->output = 'Started Standings Update';
         EveApi\Character\Standings::Update($keyID, $vCode);
         $job_record->output = 'Started UpcomingCalendarEvents Update';
         EveApi\Character\UpcomingCalendarEvents::Update($keyID, $vCode);
         $job_record->output = 'Started WalletJournal Update';
         EveApi\Character\WalletJournal::Update($keyID, $vCode);
         $job_record->output = 'Started WalletTransactions Update';
         EveApi\Character\WalletTransactions::Update($keyID, $vCode);
         $job_record->status = 'Done';
         $job_record->output = null;
     } catch (\Seat\EveApi\Exception\APIServerDown $e) {
         // The API Server is down according to \Seat\EveApi\bootstrap().
         // Due to this fact, we can simply take this job and put it
         // back in the queue to be processed later.
         $job_record->status = 'Queued';
         $job_record->output = 'The API Server appears to be down. Job has been re-queued.';
         // Re-queue the job to try again in 10 minutes
         $job->release(60 * 10);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $job_record->status = 'Error';
         $job_record->output = 'Last status: ' . $job_record->output . PHP_EOL . 'Error: ' . $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL . 'File: ' . $e->getFile() . ':' . $e->getLine() . PHP_EOL . 'Trace: ' . $e->getTraceAsString() . PHP_EOL . 'Previous: ' . $e->getPrevious();
Beispiel #7
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function fire()
     // Log what we are going to do in the laravel.log file
     \Log::info('Started command ' . $this->name, array('src' => __CLASS__));
     // Grab the 'Queued' or 'Working' jobs that we have record
     // of so that we can process a time related check on
     // them
     foreach (\SeatQueueInformation::where('status', 'Queued')->orWhere('status', 'Working')->get() as $job) {
         // We want to preserve the job status that we had for
         // some debugging reasons, so lets set the new
         // message added to it.
         $new_output = '60 Minute Job Runtime Limit Exceeded. The last status was: ' . $job->output;
         // If the Job has been in the queue for more than 1 hour,
         // move it over to a Error status.
         if (\Carbon\Carbon::now()->diffInMinutes($job['updated_at']) > 60) {
             \SeatQueueInformation::where('jobID', '=', $job['jobID'])->update(array('status' => 'Error', 'output' => $new_output));
Beispiel #8
 public function getDeleteQueuedJob($id)
     if (!\Auth::isSuperUser()) {
     // Get the Redis JobID from the databse for this jib
     $redis_job_id = \SeatQueueInformation::where('id', $id)->pluck('jobID');
     // Connect to redis and loop over the queued jobs, looking for the job
     $redis = new Predis\Client(array('host' => Config::get(''), 'port' => Config::get('database.redis.default.port')));
     // Loop over the jobs in redis, looking for the one we want to delete
     foreach ($redis->lrange('queues:default', 0, -1) as $redis_job) {
         // Delete it if we match the jobID
         if (strpos($redis_job, $redis_job_id)) {
             $redis->lrem('queues:default', 0, $redis_job);
     // Delete if from the database too
     \SeatQueueInformation::where('status', 'Queued')->where('id', $id)->delete();
     return Response::json();