public function actionEditmoreinfo($user_id) { $user_more_info = UserInfoAR::model()->findByPk($user_id); $this->assign('user_more', $user_more_info); $maritalStatus = MaritalStatus::model()->findAll(); // 'MaritalStatus', 'marital_status_id'), $hometown = Hometown::model()->findAll(); // 'Province', 'hometown_id'), $nation = Nation::model()->findAll(); // 'Nation', 'nation_id'), $bodyType = BodyType::model()->findAll(); // 'BodyType', 'body_type_id'), $education = Education::model()->findAll(); // 'Education', 'education_id'), $school = School::model()->findAll(); // 'School', 'school_id'), $province = Province::model()->findAll(); // 'Province', 'province_id'), $job = Job::model()->findAll(); // '$maritalSta, $this->assign('maritalStatus', $maritalStatus); $this->assign('hometown', $hometown); $this->assign('nation', $nation); $this->assign('bodyType', $bodyType); $this->assign('education', $education); $this->assign('school', $school); $this->assign('province', $province); $this->assign('job', $job); }
/** * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable. * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised. * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be loaded * @return School the loaded model * @throws CHttpException */ public function loadModel($id) { $model = School::model()->findByPk($id); if ($model === null) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } return $model; }
/** * Returns array of all schools */ public static function getAllSchools() { $schools = School::model()->findAll(); $schoolNames = array(); foreach ($schools as $school) { $schoolNames[] = $school->name; } return $schoolNames; }
public function actionGetSchoolList() { ini_set("log_errors", 1); ini_set("error_log", "/tmp/php-error.log"); $maxmarkers = 5000; $result = array(); $result['SchoolList'] = array(); if (empty($_POST)) { $result['IsError'] = true; $result['Message'] = '数据接收失败'; } else { $result['IsError'] = false; //type $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); if ($_POST['type'] == 's') { $criteria->addCondition('type =1'); } if ($_POST['type'] == 'e') { $criteria->addCondition('type =0'); } if (!empty($_POST['province'])) { $criteria->addCondition('province="' . $_POST['province'] . '"'); } $chinese = preg_match("/\\p{Han}+/u", $_POST['xingzhi']); //XingZhi if (!empty($_POST['xingzhi']) && !$chinese) { $criteria->addCondition("xingzhi like '" . $_POST['xingzhi'] . "%'"); } //Pingfen if (!empty($_POST['pingfen']) && intval($_POST['pingfen']) > 0) { $criteria->addCondition("pingfen >='" . $_POST['pingfen'] . "'"); } //Rank //$criteria->order = "paiming ASC"; $criteria->addCondition("paiming >=1"); //End of Condition $count = School::model()->count($criteria); //Display school list if maxmarker is less $criteria->order = "paiming"; $school = School::model()->findAll($criteria); foreach ($school as $val) { $paiming = !empty($val->paiming) ? $val->paiming : '无'; $rating = !empty($val->pingfen) ? $val->pingfen : '无'; $result["SchoolList"][] = array($paiming, $val->school, $val->grade, $val->address, $val->city, $val->tel, $val->id); } } echo json_encode($result); }
public function importCompetitiors($competition_id, $competition_category_id, $content) { $lines = explode("\n", $content); $header = explode(';', $lines[0]); $competition_questions = CompetitionQuestionCategory::model()->with('competitionQuestion')->with('competitionQuestion.question')->findAll('competition_category_id=:competition_category_id and competitionQuestion.competition_id=:competition_id', array(':competition_category_id' => $competition_category_id, ':competition_id' => $competition_id)); $questions_to_import = array(); foreach ($competition_questions as $cq) { if ($cq == null) { $cq = new CompetitionQuestionCategory(); } $questions_to_import[trim($cq->competitionQuestion->question->title)] = $cq->competition_question_id; } echo 'Question to import:<br />'; pre_print($questions_to_import); // map fields $colQuestionMap = array(); $found_c = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($header); ++$i) { $col = explode('(', $header[$i]); $c = trim($col[0]); if (isset($questions_to_import[$c])) { $colQuestionMap[$i] = $questions_to_import[$c]; $found_c[] = $c; } } if (count($colQuestionMap) != count($questions_to_import)) { echo 'Question to import and question in CSV does not match!'; echo 'Question to import:<br />'; pre_print($questions_to_import); echo 'Found questions: <br />'; pre_print($found_c); echo 'CSV header line cols: <br />'; pre_print($header); echo 'Question column mapping found:<br />'; pre_print($colQuestionMap); die; } else { echo 'Question column exist, we can start importing.<br />'; } // check for required columns $required_fields = array('Priimek' => -1, 'Ime' => -1, 'Mentor' => -1, 'Šola' => -1, 'Spol' => -1, 'Razred' => -1); $required_keys = array_keys($required_fields); // not required fields $required_fields['ID1'] = -1; $required_fields['ID2'] = -1; $required_keys2 = array_keys($required_fields); for ($i = 0; $i < count($header); ++$i) { if (in_array(trim($header[$i]), $required_keys2)) { $required_fields[trim($header[$i])] = $i; } } $missing_fields = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($required_keys); ++$i) { if ($required_fields[$required_keys[$i]] == -1) { $missing_fields[] = $required_keys[$i]; } } if (count($missing_fields) > 0) { echo 'Some required fields are missing:<br />'; pre_print($missing_fields); die; } $competition = Competition::model()->findByPk($competition_id); if ($competition == null) { echo 'Provided Competition does not exist!'; die; } $competitionCategory = CompetitionCategory::model()->findByPk($competition_category_id); if ($competitionCategory == null) { echo 'Provided Competition Category does not exist!'; die; } for ($i = 1; $i < count($lines); ++$i) { if (trim($lines[$i]) == '') { continue; } $cols = explode(';', $lines[$i]); $cu = new CompetitionUser(); $cu->competition_category_id = $competition_category_id; $cu->competition_id = $competition_id; $cu->first_name = $cols[$required_fields['Ime']]; $cu->last_name = $cols[$required_fields['Priimek']]; $cu->gender = $cols[$required_fields['Spol']] == 'M' ? 0 : 1; $cu->class = $cols[$required_fields['Razred']]; $sc = School::model()->find('name=:name', array(':name' => trim($cols[$required_fields['Šola']]))); if ($sc == null) { echo 'Provided school not found in database! School name: ', $cols[$required_fields['Šola']], '<br />'; die; } $cu->school_id = $sc->id; $scm = SchoolMentor::model()->with('user.profile')->find('school_id=:school_id and CONCAT_WS(\' \', `profile`.`last_name`, `profile`.`first_name`) LIKE :mentor', array(':school_id' => $sc->id, ':mentor' => trim($cols[$required_fields['Mentor']]))); if ($scm == null) { echo 'Provided school mentor not found in database! School name: ', $cols[$required_fields['Šola']], ', School mentor: ', $cols[$required_fields['Mentor']], '<br />'; die; } // ali je šola prijavljena na tekmovanje za to kategorijo $ccs = CompetitionCategorySchool::model()->find('competition_id=:competition_id and competition_category_id=:competition_category_id and school_id=:school_id', array(':competition_id' => $competition_id, ':competition_category_id' => $competition_category_id, ':school_id' => $sc->id)); if ($ccs == null) { echo 'Provided school is not competing in this category! School name: ', $cols[$required_fields['Šola']], ', Competition: ', $competition->name, ', Competition category: ', $competitionCategory->name, '<br />'; die; } // ali je mentor prijavljen na tej šoli za to tekmovalno kategorijo $ccsm = CompetitionCategorySchoolMentor::model()->find('competition_category_school_id=:competition_category_school_id and user_id=:user_id', array(':competition_category_school_id' => $ccs->id, ':user_id' => $scm->user_id)); if ($ccsm == null) { echo 'Provided mentor is not competing on this school on this competition in this category! School mentor: ', $cols[$required_fields['Mentor']], ', School name: ', $cols[$required_fields['Šola']], ', Competition: ', $competition->name, ', Competition category: ', $competitionCategory->name, '<br />'; die; } $cu->competition_category_school_mentor_id = $ccsm->id; $cu->start_time = null; $cu->finish_time = null; $cu->finished = 2; if (isset($cols[$required_fields['ID1']])) { $cut = CompetitionUser::model()->findByPk($cols[$required_fields['ID1']]); if ($cut != null) { if ($cut == null) { $cut = new CompetitionUser(); } $cu->start_time = $cut->start_time; $cu->finish_time = $cut->finish_time; $cut->disqualified_reason = 'Prenos v pravilno kategorijo tekmovanja'; $cut->disqualified_request = 1; $cut->disqualified = 1; $cut->save(); } } if (isset($cols[$required_fields['ID2']])) { $cut = CompetitionUser::model()->findByPk($cols[$required_fields['ID2']]); if ($cut != null) { if ($cut == null) { $cut = new CompetitionUser(); } if ($cu->start_time == null) { $cu->start_time = $cut->start_time; $cu->finish_time = $cut->finish_time; } else { $time_diff1 = strtotime($cu->finish_time) - strtotime($cu->start_time); $time_diff2 = strtotime($cut->finish_time) - strtotime($cut->start_time); if ($time_diff2 > $time_diff1) { $cu->start_time = $cut->start_time; $cu->finish_time = $cut->finish_time; } } $cut->disqualified_reason = 'Prenos v pravilno kategorijo tekmovanja'; $cut->disqualified_request = 1; $cut->disqualified = 1; $cut->save(); } } // ali tekmovalec s temi podatki že obstaja $cuc = CompetitionUser::model()->find('competition_id=:competition_id and competition_category_id=:competition_category_id and competition_category_school_mentor_id=:competition_category_school_mentor_id and school_id=:school_id and first_name=:first_name and last_name=:last_name and gender=:gender and class=:class', array(':competition_id' => $competition_id, ':competition_category_id' => $competition_category_id, ':competition_category_school_mentor_id' => $cu->competition_category_school_mentor_id, ':school_id' => $cu->school_id, ':last_name' => $cu->last_name, ':first_name' => $cu->first_name, ':gender' => $cu->gender, ':class' => $cu->class)); if ($cuc != null) { echo 'Competition User already exists, skipping...'; continue; } $cu->save(); // import answers $question_keys = array_keys($colQuestionMap); for ($k = 0; $k < count($question_keys); ++$k) { $cuq = new CompetitionUserQuestion(); $cuq->competition_user_id = $cu->id; $cuq->competition_question_id = $colQuestionMap[$question_keys[$k]]; $cuq->ordering = $k + 1; $cuq->random_seed = number_format(mt_rand(0, mt_getrandmax() - 1) / mt_getrandmax(), 9, '.', ''); $cuq->last_change = $cu->finish_time; $custom_answer_ex = explode('|', $cols[$question_keys[$k]]); $custom_answer = trim($custom_answer_ex[0]); $cuq->custom_answer = $custom_answer; $cuq->save(); } echo 'Successfully imported user with ID: ', $cu->id, '<br />'; } }
?> "><?php echo $js->username; ?> </a></td> <td><?php echo $js->first_name . " " . $js->last_name; ?> </td> <td><?php $educ = Education::model()->findByAttributes(array('FK_user_id' => $js->id)); $school = ""; if ($educ) { $school = School::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $educ->FK_school_id))->name; } echo $school; ?> </td> <td class="info1"> <?php $temp = StudentSkillMap::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('userid' => $js->id)); foreach ($temp as $one) { echo Skillset::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $one->skillid))->name . " - "; } ?> </td> </tr> <?php
public function import($content) { $header_cols = array('name' => 0, 'school_category_id' => 1, 'level_of_education' => 2, 'post' => 3, 'postal_code' => 4, 'municipality_id' => 5, 'region_id' => 6, 'country_id' => 7); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); $lines = explode("\n", $content); for ($i = 1; $i < count($lines); ++$i) { if (trim($lines[$i]) == '') { continue; } $cols = explode(";", $lines[$i]); // država $country_id = 0; $country = Country::model()->find('country=:country', array(':country' => trim($cols[$header_cols['country_id']]))); if ($country == null) { echo Yii::t('app', 'Country does not exist! Country: ') . trim($cols[$header_cols['country_id']]); die; } $country_id = $country->id; // regija $region = Region::model()->find('name=:name and country_id=:country_id', array(':name' => trim($cols[$header_cols['region_id']]), ':country_id' => $country_id)); if ($region == null) { $region = new Region(); $region->country_id = $country_id; $region->name = trim($cols[$header_cols['region_id']]); $region->save(); } $region_id = $region->id; // občina $municipality = Municipality::model()->find('name=:name and country_id=:country_id', array(':name' => trim($cols[$header_cols['municipality_id']]), ':country_id' => $country_id)); if ($municipality == null) { $municipality = new Municipality(); $municipality->country_id = $country_id; $municipality->name = trim($cols[$header_cols['municipality_id']]); $municipality->save(); } $municipality_id = $municipality->id; $school_name = trim($cols[$header_cols['name']]); if ($school_name[0] == '"') { $school_name = mb_substr($school_name, 1, mb_strlen($school_name, 'UTF-8') - 2, 'UTF-8'); } $school_name = str_replace('""', '"', $school_name); $school = School::model()->find('name=:name and country_id=:country_id', array(':name' => $school_name, ':country_id' => $country_id)); if ($school == null) { $school = new School(); $school->name = $school_name; $school->country_id = $country_id; $school->municipality_id = $municipality_id; $school->region_id = $region_id; $school->post = trim($cols[$header_cols['post']]); $school->postal_code = trim($cols[$header_cols['postal_code']]); $school->school_category_id = (int) trim($cols[$header_cols['school_category_id']]); $school->level_of_education = (int) trim($cols[$header_cols['level_of_education']]); $school->save(); echo 'Imported: ', $school_name, "<br />\n"; if (count($school->errors) > 0) { print_r($school->errors); die; } } else { echo 'Already imported: ', $school_name, "<br />\n"; } } }
public static function SyncZavodiWhereKategorijaActive() { $schoolCategories = SchoolCategory::model()->findAll('active=:active', array(':active' => 1)); $kategorije = array(); $kategorija_map = array(); foreach ($schoolCategories as $schoolCategory) { $kategorije[] = $schoolCategory->name; $kategorija_map[$schoolCategory->name] = $schoolCategory->id; } echo "Current categories for sync:<br />"; pre_print($kategorije); $list = self::GetRegZavod(); if (!isset($list['return'])) { return array(); } $list = $list['return']; echo "Current schools to sync:<br />"; $country = Country::model()->find('country=:country', array(':country' => 'Slovenija')); if ($country == null) { echo "Add country Slovenija!<br />\n"; die; } $country_id = $country->id; // cache all občine $municipalities = Municipality::model()->findAll('country_id=:country_id', array(':country_id' => $country_id)); $municipality_map = array(); foreach ($municipalities as $municipality) { $municipality_map[$municipality->name] = $municipality->id; } // cache all regije $regions = Region::model()->findAll('country_id=:country_id', array(':country_id' => $country_id)); $region_map = array(); foreach ($regions as $region) { $region_map[$region->name] = $region->id; } $counter = 0; $updated = 0; $inserted = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($list); ++$i) { if (in_array($list[$i]['KATEGORIJA'], $kategorije)) { $counter++; $el = $list[$i]; $school = School::model()->find('name=:name and country_id=:country_id', array(':name' => trim($el['ZAVOD_NAZIV']), ':country_id' => $country_id)); if ($school == null) { $school = new School(); $school->name = trim($el['ZAVOD_NAZIV']); $school->country_id = $country_id; $inserted++; } $school->school_category_id = $kategorija_map[trim($el['KATEGORIJA'])]; // občina if (!isset($municipality_map[trim($el['OBCINANAZIV'])])) { $municipality = new Municipality(); $municipality->name = trim($el['OBCINANAZIV']); $municipality->country_id = $country_id; $municipality->save(); $municipality_map[trim($el['OBCINANAZIV'])] = $municipality->id; } $school->municipality_id = $municipality_map[trim($el['OBCINANAZIV'])]; // regija if (!isset($region_map[trim($el['REGIJANAZIV'])])) { $region = new Region(); $region->name = trim($el['REGIJANAZIV']); $region->country_id = $country_id; $region->save(); $region_map[trim($el['REGIJANAZIV'])] = $region->id; } $school->region_id = $region_map[trim($el['REGIJANAZIV'])]; $school->post = trim($el['POSTANAZIV']); $school->postal_code = trim($el['POSTASIFRA']); $school->identifier = trim($el['ZAVPRS']); $school->headmaster = trim($el['ZAVRAVN']); if (isset($el['ZAVDAVST'])) { $school->tax_number = trim($el['ZAVDAVST']); } if ($school->save()) { $updated++; } } } echo 'Found schools to sync: ', $counter, "<br />\n"; echo 'New schools imported: ', $inserted, "<br />\n"; echo 'Updated schools: ', $updated - $inserted, "<br />\n"; }
/** * 重置某个园所有未激活用户的密码为手机后四位 * GET /school/{schoolId}/user/reset */ public function actionRestresetpassword() { // check school if (isset($_GET['schoolId'])) { $school = School::model()->findByPk($_GET['schoolId']); if ($school == null || $school->archived == 0) { return $this->sendResponse(404, 'school is not found'); } } $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->compare('archived', 1); $criteria->order = 'created_time desc'; if (isset($_GET['schoolId'])) { $criteria->compare('school_id', $_GET['schoolId']); } $criteria->compare('open_id', null); $users = User::model()->findAll($criteria); $count = 0; foreach ($users as $user) { if ($user->open_id != null) { continue; } $password = substr($user->mobile, -4); if ($user->password != User::model()->encrypt($password)) { $count++; $user->username = trim($user->username); $user->mobile = trim($user->mobile); $user->password = $password; if (!$user->save()) { return $this->sendResponse(500, 'failed to reset password ' . $user->id); } else { /* Notification::addNotification( $user->id, "您的优购优惠券管理后台激活密码已重置为您手机号码的后四位,请使用新密码激活您在优购优惠券管理后台的账号。如需帮助,请发邮件至。对您造成的不便深表歉意。", 1 );*/ } } } echo CJSON::encode($count); }
public function GetSchoolName($id) { $school = School::model()->findByPk($id); if ($school != null) { return $school->name; } else { return ''; } }
public function importMentorsWithCodes($competition_id, $country_id, $csv) { $country = Country::model()->findByPk($country_id); if ($country == null) { echo 'Country does not exist!'; die; } header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); if ($country->country == 'Srbija') { // popravek imen kategorij, ki se parsajo $cols = array('E-poštni naslov' => 'email', 'Telefon' => 'phone', 'Ime' => 'name', 'Priimek' => 'surname', 'Država' => 'country', 'Ime škole' => 'school', 'Koordinator' => 'coordinator_on_school', 'Uporabniško ime' => 'username', 'Geslo' => 'password', 'Dabarčić' => 'category_name_Dabarčić', 'Mladi dabar' => 'category_name_Mladi dabar', 'Dabar' => 'category_name_Dabar', 'Stariji dabar' => 'category_name_Stariji dabar'); } else { $cols = array('E-poštni naslov' => 'email', 'Telefonska številka' => 'phone', 'Ime' => 'name', 'Priimek' => 'surname', 'Država' => 'country', 'Šola' => 'school', 'Koordinator' => 'coordinator_on_school', 'Uporabniško ime' => 'username', 'Geslo' => 'password', 'Bobrček' => 'category_name_Bobrček', 'Mladi bober' => 'category_name_Mladi bober', 'Bober' => 'category_name_Bober', 'Stari bober' => 'category_name_Stari bober'); } $lines = explode("\n", trim($csv)); $header_line = $lines[0]; $header_cols = explode(';', trim($header_line)); $keys = array_keys($cols); $cols_matrix = array(); $index = 0; foreach ($header_cols as $h_cols) { $h_cols = trim($h_cols); if (in_array($h_cols, $keys)) { $cols_matrix[$index] = $cols[$h_cols]; echo "Found:", $h_cols, "<br />"; } else { echo "Not found:", $h_cols, "<br />"; } $index++; } if (count($cols_matrix) != count($cols)) { echo 'One of required header columns is missing. Required columns: ', implode(', ', $keys), "<br />"; echo 'Got cols: ', implode(', ', $header_cols), "<br />"; echo 'Cols matrix: ', implode(', ', $cols_matrix), "<br />"; die; } // pre_print($cols_matrix); $datas = array(); for ($i = 1; $i < count($lines); ++$i) { $col = explode(';', trim($lines[$i])); $data = array(); $index = 0; foreach ($col as $c) { $data[$cols_matrix[$index]] = trim($c); if (count(explode('category_name_', $cols_matrix[$index])) > 1 && in_array($data[$cols_matrix[$index]], array('srednja šola', 'osnovna šola', 'srednja šola)', 'osnovna šola)', 'Samo za srednje', 'Samo za osnovne'))) { $data[$cols_matrix[$index]] = ''; } else { if ($cols_matrix[$index] == 'coordinator_on_school') { if ($data[$cols_matrix[$index]] != '') { $data['coordinator'] = true; } else { $data['coordinator'] = false; } } else { if ($cols_matrix[$index] == 'school') { $school_name = trim($data['school']); if ($school_name[0] == '"') { $school_name = mb_substr($school_name, 1, mb_strlen($school_name, 'UTF-8') - 2, 'UTF-8'); } $school_name = str_replace('""', '"', $school_name); $school_check = School::model()->find('name=:name', array(':name' => $school_name)); if ($school_check != null) { $data['school_id'] = $school_check->id; } else { echo 'Šola ne obstaja! Šola: ', $data['school'], '<br />'; } } else { if ($cols_matrix[$index] == 'username') { $data[$cols_matrix[$index]] = str_replace('.', '', $data[$cols_matrix[$index]]); $data[$cols_matrix[$index]] = str_replace('á', 'a', $data[$cols_matrix[$index]]); } } } } $index++; } if ($data['email'] == '' && $data['name'] == '') { continue; } if (count($data) != count($keys) + 2) { echo 'Record is invalid, it does not have all required fields. Skipping...<br />'; echo count($data), ' vs. ', count($keys) + 2, '...<br />'; pre_print($keys); pre_print($data); continue; } $datas[] = $data; } // pre_print($datas); // category matching to ids in database $category_matching = array(); foreach ($cols_matrix as $mc) { $ex = explode('category_name_', $mc); if (count($ex) > 1) { $category_name = $ex[1]; $competitionCategory = CompetitionCategory::model()->find('name=:name', array(':name' => $category_name)); if ($competitionCategory == null) { echo 'Competition category ', $category_name, ' not found in database!<br />'; die; } else { $category_matching[$category_name] = $competitionCategory->id; } } } foreach ($datas as $data) { // check if user with this email already exists $check_email = User::model()->find('email=:email', array(':email' => $data['email'])); $user_id = 0; if ($check_email != null) { echo 'User with email ', $data['email'], ' is already in system. Skipping importing user...<br />'; $user_id = $check_email->id; } // check username $check_username = User::model()->find('username=:username', array(':username' => $data['username'])); if ($check_username != null) { echo 'User with username ', $data['username'], ' is already in system. Skipping importing user...<br />'; $user_id = $check_username->id; } // check if school exist if (!isset($data['school_id'])) { echo 'School ID not known! <br />'; continue; } if ($user_id == 0) { $user = new User(); $user->username = $data['username']; $user->password = $this->encrypting($data['password']); $user->email = $data['email']; $user->activkey = $this->encrypting(microtime() . $data['password']); $user->createtime = time(); $user->superuser = 0; $user->status = 1; $user->create_at = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); if ($user->save()) { $user_id = $user->id; $profile = new Profile(); $profile->user_id = $user->id; $profile->first_name = $data['name']; $profile->last_name = $data['surname']; $country = Country::model()->find('country=:country', array(':country' => $data['country'])); if ($country != null) { $country_id = $country->id; } else { $country_id = 1; } $profile->country_id = $country_id; $profile->language_id = 1; $profile->user_role = 5; $profile->timezone = 'Europe/Ljubljana'; $profile->phone_number = $data['phone']; if (!$profile->save()) { echo 'Error saving user profile!<br />'; pre_print($data); die; } } else { echo 'Error saving user!<br />'; pre_print($user->errors); pre_print($data); die; } } if ($user_id != 0) { // add user as mentor to school $school_mentor_id = 0; $schoolMentor = SchoolMentor::model()->find('user_id=:user_id and school_id=:school_id', array(':user_id' => $user_id, ':school_id' => $data['school_id'])); if ($schoolMentor == null) { $schoolMentor = new SchoolMentor(); $schoolMentor->user_id = $user_id; $schoolMentor->school_id = $data['school_id']; if (isset($data['coordinator']) && $data['coordinator']) { $schoolMentor->coordinator = 1; } $schoolMentor->active = 1; $schoolMentor->activatedBy = 1; $schoolMentor->activated_timestamp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); if ($schoolMentor->save()) { $school_mentor_id = $schoolMentor->id; } else { echo 'Error adding user id ', $user_id, ' to be school mentor at school id ', $data['school_id'], '<br />'; die; } } else { $school_mentor_id = $schoolMentor->id; } // preveri ali je šola že prijavljena na tekmovanje s to kategorijo $competitionCategoryId = 0; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (trim($value) == '') { continue; } $ex = explode('category_name_', $key); if (count($ex) > 1) { $competitionCategoryId = $category_matching[$ex[1]]; $competitionCategorySchool = CompetitionCategorySchool::model()->find('competition_id=:cid and competition_category_id=:ccid and school_id=:school_id', array(':cid' => $competition_id, ':school_id' => $data['school_id'], ':ccid' => $competitionCategoryId)); if ($competitionCategorySchool == null) { $competitionCategorySchool = new CompetitionCategorySchool(); $competitionCategorySchool->competition_id = $competition_id; $competitionCategorySchool->competition_category_id = $competitionCategoryId; $competitionCategorySchool->school_id = $data['school_id']; if (!$competitionCategorySchool->save()) { echo 'Error adding competiton category to school, school id: ', $data['school_id'], ', competiton_category_id: ', $competitionCategoryId, '<br />'; die; } } // shranimo mentorja in njegovo tekmovalno kodo $competitionCategorySchoolMentorCheck = CompetitionCategorySchoolMentor::model()->find('access_code=:access_code', array(':access_code' => $value)); if ($competitionCategorySchoolMentorCheck == null) { $competitionCategorySchoolMentor = new CompetitionCategorySchoolMentor(); $competitionCategorySchoolMentor->user_id = $user_id; $competitionCategorySchoolMentor->competition_category_school_id = $competitionCategorySchool->id; $competitionCategorySchoolMentor->access_code = $value; if (!$competitionCategorySchoolMentor->save()) { echo 'Error adding access code for user!<br />'; pre_print($data); die; } } else { if ($competitionCategorySchoolMentorCheck->user_id == $user_id && $competitionCategorySchoolMentorCheck->competition_category_school_id == $competitionCategorySchool->id) { // ok } else { echo 'Error adding access code! Access code already in use.<br />'; pre_print($data); die; } } } } } } }
protected function beforeDelete() { //ko co id teacher nhu o afterSave nen phai get lay $getID= PostsComments::model()->findAll( array("condition"=>"commentId=$this->id")); $li = CHtml::listData($getID,'postId','commentId'); $key=key($li); $model2 = School::model()->findAll( array("condition"=>"id = $key",'select'=>'rate1,rate2,rate3,rate4,rate5,count',)); if ($model2<>NULL) { self::minusPointTeacher($model2,$key); } $models = Teacher::model()->findAll( array("condition"=>"id = $key",'select'=>'rate1,rate2,rate3,rate4,rate5,count',)); if ($models<>NULL) { self::minusPointSchool($models,$key); } return parent::beforeDelete(); }
public function actionRegisterLinkedIn() { // if user canceled, redirect to home page if (isset($_GET['oauth_problem'])) { $problem = $_GET['oauth_problem']; if ($problem == 'user_refused') { $this->redirect('/JobFair/index.php'); } } if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } //edit by Manuel making the link dynamic, using Yii $config['base_url'] = 'http://' . Yii::app()->request->getServerName() . '/JobFair/index.php/user/auth1.php'; $config['callback_url'] = 'http://' . Yii::app()->request->getServerName() . '/JobFair/index.php/user/RegisterLinkedIn'; $config['linkedin_access'] = '2rtmn93gu2m4'; $config['linkedin_secret'] = 'JV0fYG9ls3rclP8v'; include_once Yii::app()->basePath . "/views/user/linkedin.php"; # First step is to initialize with your consumer key and secret. We'll use an out-of-band oauth_callback $linkedin = new LinkedIn($config['linkedin_access'], $config['linkedin_secret'], $config['callback_url']); //$linkedin->debug = true; if (isset($_REQUEST['oauth_verifier'])) { $_SESSION['oauth_verifier'] = $_REQUEST['oauth_verifier']; $linkedin->request_token = unserialize($_SESSION['requestToken']); $linkedin->oauth_verifier = $_SESSION['oauth_verifier']; $linkedin->getAccessToken($_REQUEST['oauth_verifier']); $_SESSION['oauth_access_token'] = serialize($linkedin->access_token); header("Location: " . $config['callback_url']); exit; } else { $linkedin->request_token = unserialize($_SESSION['requestToken']); $linkedin->oauth_verifier = $_SESSION['oauth_verifier']; $linkedin->access_token = unserialize($_SESSION['oauth_access_token']); } # You now have a $linkedin->access_token and can make calls on behalf of the current member $xml_response = $linkedin->getProfile("~:(id,first-name,last-name,headline,picture-url,industry,email-address,languages,phone-numbers,skills,educations,location:(name),positions,picture-urls::(original))"); $data = simplexml_load_string($xml_response); // get user by linkedinid $model = new User(); $user = User::model()->findByAttributes(array('linkedinid' => $data->id)); // check if user exits in database, if so login if ($user != null) { if ($user->disable != 1) { $identity = new UserIdentity($user->username, ''); if ($identity->authenticateOutside()) { Yii::app()->user->login($identity); } $this->redirect("/JobFair/index.php/home/studenthome"); return; } else { $this->redirect("/JobFair/index.php/site/page?view=disableUser"); return; } // register } else { // print "<pre>"; print_r('user is null');print "</pre>"; // check that there is no duplicate user if so link to that account $duplicateUser = User::model()->findByAttributes(array('email' => $data->{'email-address'})); if ($duplicateUser != null) { // get username and link the accounts $username = $duplicateUser->username; $user = User::model()->find("username=:username", array(':username' => $username)); $user->linkedinid = $data->{'id'}; $user->save(false); $user_id = $user->id; // ------------------BASIC INFO--------------- $basic_info = null; $basic_info = BasicInfo::model()->findByAttributes(array('userid' => $user_id)); if ($basic_info == null) { $basic_info = new BasicInfo(); } $basic_info->userid = $user_id; $basic_info->save(false); // ------------------BASIC INFO ----------------- // -----------------EDUCATION ---------------------- // get number of educations to add $educ_count = $data->educations['total']; // delete current educations $delete_educs = Education::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('FK_user_id' => $user_id)); foreach ($delete_educs as $de) { $de->delete(); } // add educations for ($i = 0; $i < $educ_count; $i++) { // first check if current education is in school table. if not, add it $current_school_name = $data->educations->education[$i]->{'school-name'}; $school_exists = School::model()->findByAttributes(array('name' => $current_school_name)); if ($school_exists == null) { $new_school = new School(); $new_school->name = $current_school_name; $new_school->save(); $school_id = School::model()->findByAttributes(array('name' => $current_school_name))->id; } else { $school_id = $school_exists->id; } // now ready to add new education $new_educ = new Education(); $new_educ->degree = $data->educations->education[$i]->degree; $new_educ->major = $data->educations->education[$i]->{'field-of-study'}; // $model->admission_date=date('Y-m-d',strtotime($model->admission_date)); $new_educ->graduation_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($data->educations->education[$i]->{'end-date'}->year)); // print "<pre>"; print_r($new_educ->graduation_date);print "</pre>";return; $new_educ->FK_school_id = $school_id; $new_educ->FK_user_id = $user_id; $new_educ->additional_info = $data->educations->education[$i]->notes; $new_educ->save(false); } // -----------------EDUCATION ---------------------- // -----------------EXPERIENCE ------------------- // get number of educations to add $pos_count = $data->positions['total']; // delete current positions $delete_pos = Experience::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('FK_userid' => $user_id)); foreach ($delete_pos as $de) { $de->delete(); } for ($i = 0; $i < $pos_count; $i++) { $new_pos = new Experience(); $new_pos->FK_userid = $user_id; $new_pos->company_name = $data->positions->position[$i]->company->name; $new_pos->job_title = $data->positions->position[$i]->title; $new_pos->job_description = $data->positions->position[$i]->summary; $temp_start_date = $data->positions->position[$i]->{'start-date'}->month . '/01/' . $data->positions->position[$i]->{'start-date'}->year; $new_pos->startdate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($temp_start_date)); if ($data->positions->position[$i]->{'is-current'} == 'true') { $new_pos->enddate = ''; } else { $temp_end_date = $data->positions->position[$i]->{'end-date'}->month . '/01/' . $data->positions->position[$i]->{'end-date'}->year; $new_pos->enddate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($temp_end_date)); } $new_pos->city = ''; $new_pos->state = ''; $new_pos->save(false); } // -----------------EXPERIENCE ------------------- // ----------------------SKILLS---------------------- // get number of educations to add $linkedin_skill_count = $data->skills['total']; for ($i = 0; $i < $linkedin_skill_count; $i++) { // check if skill exists in skill set table, if not, add it to skill set table if (Skillset::model()->findByAttributes(array('name' => $data->skills->skill[$i]->skill->name)) == null) { $new_skill = new Skillset(); $new_skill->name = $data->skills->skill[$i]->skill->name; $new_skill->save(false); //echo 'New Skill ' . $new_skill->attributes; } // check if student has that skill, if not add it to student-skill-map table if (StudentSkillMap::model()->findByAttributes(array('userid' => $user_id, 'skillid' => Skillset::model()->findByAttributes(array('name' => $data->skills->skill[$i]->skill->name))->id)) == null) { $new_sdnt_skill = new StudentSkillMap(); $new_sdnt_skill->userid = $user_id; $new_sdnt_skill->skillid = Skillset::model()->findByAttributes(array('name' => $data->skills->skill[$i]->skill->name))->id; $new_sdnt_skill->ordering = $i + 1; $new_sdnt_skill->save(false); echo 'New Skill for student' . $new_sdnt_skill->attributes; } } // ----------------------SKILLS---------------------- if ($duplicateUser->disable != 1) { $identity = new UserIdentity($duplicateUser->username, ''); if ($identity->authenticateOutside()) { Yii::app()->user->login($identity); } $mesg = "LinkedIn"; //get variables $mesg = "LinkedIn"; $phone = $data->{'phone-numbers'}->{'phone-number'}->{'phone-number'}; if ($phone != null) { $phone = strip_tags($data->{'phone-numbers'}->{'phone-number'}->{'phone-number'}->asXML()); } $city = $data->location->name; if ($city != null) { $city = strip_tags($data->location->name->asXML()); } $state = ''; $about_me = $data->headline; if ($about_me != null) { $about_me = strip_tags($data->headline->asXML()); } $picture = $data->{'picture-urls'}->{'picture-url'}[0]; if ($picture != null) { $picture = strip_tags($data->{'picture-urls'}->{'picture-url'}[0]->asXML()); } $this->actionLinkTo($data->{'email-address'}, $data->{'first-name'}, $data->{'last-name'}, $picture, $mesg, $phone, $city, $state, $about_me); return; } else { $this->redirect("/JobFair/index.php/site/page?view=disableUser"); return; } } // Populate user attributes $model->FK_usertype = 1; $model->registration_date = new CDbExpression('NOW()'); $model->activation_string = 'linkedin'; $model->username = $data->{'email-address'}[0]; $model->first_name = $data->{'first-name'}; $model->last_name = $data->{'last-name'}; $model->email = $data->{'email-address'}; $model->image_url = $data->{'picture-urls'}->{'picture-url'}[0]; $model->linkedinid = $data->id; //Hash the password before storing it into the database $hasher = new PasswordHash(8, false); $model->password = $hasher->HashPassword('tester'); $model->activated = 1; $model->has_viewed_profile = 1; $model->save(false); // // ------------------BASIC INFO--------------- $basic_info = null; $basic_info = BasicInfo::model()->findByAttributes(array('userid' => $model->id)); if ($basic_info == null) { $basic_info = new BasicInfo(); } $basic_info->userid = $model->id; $basic_info->phone = $data->{'phone-numbers'}->{'phone-number'}->{'phone-number'}; $basic_info->city = $data->location->name; $basic_info->state = ''; $basic_info->about_me = $data->headline; $basic_info->save(false); // ------------------BASIC INFO ----------------- // -----------------EDUCATION ---------------------- // get number of educations to add $educ_count = $data->educations['total']; // delete current educations $delete_educs = Education::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('FK_user_id' => $model->id)); foreach ($delete_educs as $de) { $de->delete(); } // add educations for ($i = 0; $i < $educ_count; $i++) { // first check if current education is in school table. if not, add it $current_school_name = $data->educations->education[$i]->{'school-name'}; $school_exists = School::model()->findByAttributes(array('name' => $current_school_name)); if ($school_exists == null) { $new_school = new School(); $new_school->name = $current_school_name; $new_school->save(); $school_id = School::model()->findByAttributes(array('name' => $current_school_name))->id; } else { $school_id = $school_exists->id; } // now ready to add new education $new_educ = new Education(); $new_educ->degree = $data->educations->education[$i]->degree; $new_educ->major = $data->educations->education[$i]->{'field-of-study'}; // $model->admission_date=date('Y-m-d',strtotime($model->admission_date)); $new_educ->graduation_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($data->educations->education[$i]->{'end-date'}->year)); // print "<pre>"; print_r($new_educ->graduation_date);print "</pre>";return; $new_educ->FK_school_id = $school_id; $new_educ->FK_user_id = $model->id; $new_educ->additional_info = $data->educations->education[$i]->notes; $new_educ->save(false); } // -----------------EDUCATION ---------------------- // -----------------EXPERIENCE ------------------- // get number of educations to add $pos_count = $data->positions['total']; // delete current positions $delete_pos = Experience::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('FK_userid' => $model->id)); foreach ($delete_pos as $de) { $de->delete(); } for ($i = 0; $i < $pos_count; $i++) { $new_pos = new Experience(); $new_pos->FK_userid = $model->id; $new_pos->company_name = $data->positions->position[$i]->company->name; $new_pos->job_title = $data->positions->position[$i]->title; $new_pos->job_description = $data->positions->position[$i]->summary; $temp_start_date = $data->positions->position[$i]->{'start-date'}->month . '/01/' . $data->positions->position[$i]->{'start-date'}->year; $new_pos->startdate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($temp_start_date)); if ($data->positions->position[$i]->{'is-current'} == 'true') { $new_pos->enddate = ''; } else { $temp_end_date = $data->positions->position[$i]->{'end-date'}->month . '/01/' . $data->positions->position[$i]->{'end-date'}->year; $new_pos->enddate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($temp_end_date)); } $new_pos->city = ''; $new_pos->state = ''; $new_pos->save(false); } // -----------------EXPERIENCE ------------------- // ----------------------SKILLS---------------------- // get number of educations to add $linkedin_skill_count = $data->skills['total']; for ($i = 0; $i < $linkedin_skill_count; $i++) { // check if skill exists in skill set table, if not, add it to skill set table if (Skillset::model()->findByAttributes(array('name' => $data->skills->skill[$i]->skill->name)) == null) { $new_skill = new Skillset(); $new_skill->name = $data->skills->skill[$i]->skill->name; $new_skill->save(false); //echo 'New Skill ' . $new_skill->attributes; } // check if student has that skill, if not add it to student-skill-map table if (StudentSkillMap::model()->findByAttributes(array('userid' => $model->id, 'skillid' => Skillset::model()->findByAttributes(array('name' => $data->skills->skill[$i]->skill->name))->id)) == null) { $new_sdnt_skill = new StudentSkillMap(); $new_sdnt_skill->userid = $model->id; $new_sdnt_skill->skillid = Skillset::model()->findByAttributes(array('name' => $data->skills->skill[$i]->skill->name))->id; $new_sdnt_skill->ordering = $i + 1; $new_sdnt_skill->save(false); } } // ----------------------SKILLS---------------------- // LOGIN $user = User::model()->find("username=:username", array(':username' => $model->username)); $identity = new UserIdentity($user->username, 'tester'); if ($identity->authenticate()) { Yii::app()->user->login($identity); } $this->redirect("/JobFair/index.php/user/ChangeFirstPassword"); } }
public function actionEmployersearch() { $srch_keyword = $_POST['skillkeyword']; // Get skill keyword to search $pieces = trim($srch_keyword); $pieces = explode(" ", $pieces); // split words to search $count = sizeof($pieces); // get number of word to search $query = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if ($i == $count - 1) { $query = $query . 'name like \'%' . $pieces[$i] . '%\''; } else { $query = $query . 'name like \'%' . $pieces[$i] . '%\' OR '; } } $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->condition = $query; $results = array(); if ($srch_keyword != null) { $skillsArray = Skillset::model()->findAll($criteria); foreach ($skillsArray as $sk) { $student_ids = StudentSkillMap::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('skillid' => $sk->id)); // search student skill map for students with that skill foreach ($student_ids as $tmp) { $duplicate = 0; if (sizeof($results) > 0) { foreach ($results as $t) { if ($t->id == $tmp->userid) { $duplicate = 1; } } } if ($duplicate == 0) { $results[] = User::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $tmp->userid)); } } } $school_id = School::model()->findAll($criteria); // get school ID foreach ($school_id as $si) { $student_ids = Education::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('FK_school_id' => $si->id)); // search educations with school ID foreach ($student_ids as $tmp) { $duplicate = 0; if (sizeof($results) > 0) { foreach ($results as $t) { if ($t->id == $tmp->FK_user_id) { $duplicate = 1; } } } if ($duplicate == 0) { $results[] = User::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $tmp->FK_user_id)); } } } } if (isset($_GET['user'])) { $username = $_GET['user']; } else { $username = Yii::app()->user->name; } $user = User::model()->find("username=:username", array(':username' => $username)); // pass user $skills = Skillset::getNames(); // pass skills $universites = School::getAllSchools(); // pass companies // foreach ($results as $tr){ // print "<pre>"; print_r($tr->attributes);print "</pre>"; // } // return; $this->render('employerSearchResults', array('results' => $results, 'skills' => $skills, 'universities' => $universites, 'user' => $user)); }
public function actionGetSchoolMap() { $_POST = (array) json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true); $postParms = !empty($_POST['parms']) ? $_POST['parms'] : array(); $maxmarkers = 200; $result = array(); $result['SchoolList'] = array(); if (empty($_POST)) { $result['IsError'] = true; $result['Message'] = '数据接收失败'; } else { $result['IsError'] = false; //type $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); if ($postParms['type'] == TRUE) { //secondary school $criteria->addCondition('type =1'); } /* if($postParms['type'] == FALSE ) { //elementary school $criteria->addCondition('type =0'); } */ $chinese = preg_match("/\\p{Han}+/u", $postParms['xingzhi']); //XingZhi if (!empty($postParms['xingzhi']) && !$chinese) { $criteria->addCondition("xingzhi like '" . $postParms['xingzhi'] . "%'"); } //Pingfen if (!empty($postParms['pingfen']) && intval($postParms['pingfen']) > 0) { $criteria->addCondition("pingfen >='" . $postParms['pingfen'] . "'"); } //Rank if (!empty($postParms['rank']) && intval($postParms['rank']) > 0) { //$criteria->order = "paiming ASC"; $criteria->addCondition("paiming <='" . $postParms['rank'] . "'"); } //lat and long selection if (!empty($postParms['bounds'])) { $latlon = explode(',', $postParms['bounds']); $minLat = floatval($latlon[0]); $maxLat = floatval($latlon[2]); $minLon = floatval($latlon[1]); $maxLon = floatval($latlon[3]); $criteria->addCondition("lat <= :maxLat"); $criteria->params += array(':maxLat' => $maxLat); $criteria->addCondition("lat >= :minLat"); $criteria->params += array(':minLat' => $minLat); $criteria->addCondition("lng <= :maxLon"); $criteria->params += array(':maxLon' => $maxLon); $criteria->addCondition("lng >= :minLon"); $criteria->params += array(':minLon' => $minLon); } //Filter Invalid Lat $criteria->addCondition("lat > 20"); //End of Condition $count = School::model()->count($criteria); //Display grid list if # of maxmarker is large if ($count >= $maxmarkers) { $result['type'] = "grid"; $criteria->addCondition("pingfen >0"); error_log("Count:" . $count . "Grid Mode"); $criteria->limit = 2000; $school = School::model()->findAll($criteria); $result['Message'] = '成功'; $gridx = $postParms['gridx'] ? $postParms['gridx'] : 5; $gridy = $postParms['gridy'] ? $postParms['gridy'] : 5; $tiley = ($maxLat - $minLat) / $gridy; $tilex = ($maxLon - $minLon) / $gridx; //Generate grid center Lat/Lng for ($x = 1; $x <= $gridx; $x++) { for ($y = 1; $y <= $gridy; $y++) { $gridCenterlat = $minLat + $tiley / 2 + ($y - 1) * $tiley; $gridCenterlng = $minLon + $tilex / 2 + ($x - 1) * $tilex; $result['gridList']["G" . $x . $y]['GeocodeLat'] = $gridCenterlat; $result['gridList']["G" . $x . $y]['GeocodeLng'] = $gridCenterlng; } } //Get count of school in each tile foreach ($school as $val) { $gridlat = ceil(($val->lat - $minLat) / $tiley); $gridlng = ceil(($val->lng - $minLon) / $tilex); $rating = $val->pingfen; $result['gridList']["G" . $gridlng . $gridlat]['GridName'] = "G" . $gridlng . $gridlat; $result['gridList']["G" . $gridlng . $gridlat]['SchoolCount']++; $result['gridList']["G" . $gridlng . $gridlat]['TotalRating'] += $rating; } } //Display school list if maxmarker is less if ($count < $maxmarkers) { $result['type'] = "school"; $criteria->order = "paiming"; $school = School::model()->findAll($criteria); $result['Message'] = '成功'; foreach ($school as $val) { $schoolList = array(); $schoolList['School'] = $val->school; $schoolList['Paiming'] = !empty($val->paiming) ? $val->paiming : '无'; $schoolList['Pingfen'] = !empty($val->pingfen) ? $val->pingfen : '无'; $schoolList['Grade'] = $val->grade; $schoolList['City'] = $val->city; $schoolList['Zip'] = $val->zip; $schoolList['Province'] = $val->province; $schoolList['Tel'] = $val->tel; $schoolList['Address'] = $val->address; $schoolList['Lat'] = $val->lat; $schoolList['Lng'] = $val->lng; $schoolList['URL'] = $val->url; $schoolList['Schoolnumber'] = $val->schoolnumber; $result['SchoolList'][] = $schoolList; } } } echo json_encode($result); }
public function actionLoadSchools() { $userData = Yii::app()->getRequest()->getPost('Profile', array()); $country_id = isset($userData['country_id']) ? $userData['country_id'] : 0; if ($country_id != 0) { $data = School::model()->findAll('country_id=:country_id', array(':country_id' => $country_id)); $listData = array(); foreach ($data as $models) { $value = $models['id']; $coordinator = SchoolMentor::model()->find('school_id=:school_id', array(':school_id' => $value)); if ($coordinator != null || $coordinator != 0) { $name = $coordinator->user->profile->first_name; $lastName = $coordinator->user->profile->last_name; $text = $models['name'] . ' ( ' . Yii::t('app', 'Coordinator') . ': ' . $name . ' ' . $lastName . ' )'; } else { $text = $models['name']; } $listData[$value] = $text; } $data = $listData; // $data = CHtml::listData($data,"id","name"); echo CHtml::tag('option', array('value' => 'choose'), Yii::t('app', 'choose'), true); foreach ($data as $value => $name) { //CHtml::encode($name) echo CHtml::tag('option', array('value' => $value), $name, true); } } else { echo 'Invalid country'; } }