Beispiel #1
  * This method is normally used to take a peak at a url, and only get the HTTP response headers, without the body
  * This is used by clients to determine if a remote file was changed, so they can use a local cached version, instead of downloading it again
  * @param string $uri
  * @return void
 protected function httpHead($uri)
     $node = $this->tree->getNodeForPath($uri);
     /* This information is only collection for File objects.
      * Ideally we want to throw 405 Method Not Allowed for every
      * non-file, but MS Office does not like this
     if ($node instanceof IFile) {
         $headers = $this->getHTTPHeaders($this->getRequestUri());
         if (!isset($headers['Content-Type'])) {
             $headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream';
Beispiel #2
     * Starts the DAV Server
     * @return void
    function exec() {

        try {

            // If nginx (pre-1.2) is used as a proxy server, and SabreDAV as an
            // origin, we must make sure we send back HTTP/1.0 if this was
            // requested.
            // This is mainly because nginx doesn't support Chunked Transfer
            // Encoding, and this forces the webserver SabreDAV is running on,
            // to buffer entire responses to calculate Content-Length.

            // Setting the base url
            $this->invokeMethod($this->httpRequest, $this->httpResponse);

        } catch (\Exception $e) {

            try {
                $this->emit('exception', [$e]);
            } catch (\Exception $ignore) {
            $DOM = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
            $DOM->formatOutput = true;

            $error = $DOM->createElementNS('DAV:', 'd:error');
            $error->setAttribute('xmlns:s', self::NS_SABREDAV);

            $h = function($v) {

                return htmlspecialchars($v, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');


            if (self::$exposeVersion) {
                $error->appendChild($DOM->createElement('s:sabredav-version', $h(Version::VERSION)));

            $error->appendChild($DOM->createElement('s:exception', $h(get_class($e))));
            $error->appendChild($DOM->createElement('s:message', $h($e->getMessage())));
            if ($this->debugExceptions) {
                $error->appendChild($DOM->createElement('s:file', $h($e->getFile())));
                $error->appendChild($DOM->createElement('s:line', $h($e->getLine())));
                $error->appendChild($DOM->createElement('s:code', $h($e->getCode())));
                $error->appendChild($DOM->createElement('s:stacktrace', $h($e->getTraceAsString())));

            if ($this->debugExceptions) {
                $previous = $e;
                while ($previous = $previous->getPrevious()) {
                    $xPrevious = $DOM->createElement('s:previous-exception');
                    $xPrevious->appendChild($DOM->createElement('s:exception', $h(get_class($previous))));
                    $xPrevious->appendChild($DOM->createElement('s:message', $h($previous->getMessage())));
                    $xPrevious->appendChild($DOM->createElement('s:file', $h($previous->getFile())));
                    $xPrevious->appendChild($DOM->createElement('s:line', $h($previous->getLine())));
                    $xPrevious->appendChild($DOM->createElement('s:code', $h($previous->getCode())));
                    $xPrevious->appendChild($DOM->createElement('s:stacktrace', $h($previous->getTraceAsString())));

            if ($e instanceof Exception) {

                $httpCode = $e->getHTTPCode();
                $e->serialize($this, $error);
                $headers = $e->getHTTPHeaders($this);

            } else {

                $httpCode = 500;
                $headers = [];

            $headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml; charset=utf-8';


