/** * Returns unique movie object as a parent canvas for all swf objects. * * @return SWFMovie */ public function getDocument() { if ($this->movie === null) { ming_setscale(1.0); $this->movie = new SWFMovie(); $this->movie->setDimension($this->modifyCoordinate($this->options->width), $this->modifyCoordinate($this->options->height)); $this->movie->setRate(1); $this->movie->setBackground(255, 255, 255); } return $this->movie; }
/** * Draw an image * * The image will be inlined in the SVG document using data URL scheme. For * this the mime type and base64 encoded file content will be merged to * URL. * * @param mixed $file Image file * @param ezcGraphCoordinate $position Top left position * @param float $width Width of image in destination image * @param float $height Height of image in destination image * @return void */ public function drawImage($file, ezcGraphCoordinate $position, $width, $height) { $movie = $this->getDocument(); $imageData = getimagesize($file); if ($imageData[2] !== IMAGETYPE_JPEG && $imageData[2] !== IMAGETYPE_PNG) { throw new ezcGraphFlashBitmapTypeException($imageData[2]); } // Try to create a new SWFBitmap object from provided file $bitmap = new SWFBitmap(fopen($file, 'rb')); // Add the image to the movie $object = $this->movie->add($bitmap); // Image size is calculated on the base of a tick size of 20, so // that we need to transform this, to our tick size. $factor = $this->modifyCoordinate(1) / 20; $object->scale($factor, $factor); // Scale by ratio of requested and original image size $object->scale($width / $imageData[0], $height / $imageData[1]); // Move object to the right position $object->moveTo($this->modifyCoordinate($position->x), $this->modifyCoordinate($position->y)); // Create, set and return unique ID $object->setName($id = 'ezcGraphImage_' . $this->id++); return $id; }
private function _flash() { $spacing = 5; $codewidth = ($this->width - $spacing * 5) / 4; $strforswdaction = ''; for ($i = 0; $i <= 3; $i++) { $strforswdaction .= $this->swfcode($codewidth, $spacing, $this->_code[$i], $i + 1); } ming_setScale(20.0); ming_useswfversion(6); $movie = new SWFMovie(); $movie->setDimension($this->width, $this->height); $movie->setBackground(255, 255, 255); $movie->setRate(31); $fontcolor = '0x' . sprintf('%02s', dechex(mt_rand(0, 255))) . sprintf('%02s', dechex(mt_rand(0, 128))) . sprintf('%02s', dechex(mt_rand(0, 255))); $strAction = "\n\t\t_root.createEmptyMovieClip ( 'triangle', 1 );\n\t\twith ( _root.triangle ) {\n\t\tlineStyle( 3, {$fontcolor}, 100 );\n\t\t{$strforswdaction}\n\t\t}\n\t\t"; $movie->add(new SWFAction(str_replace("\r", "", $strAction))); header('Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash'); $movie->output(); }
#!/usr/bin/php -c. <?php $srcdir = $argv[1]; $m = new SWFMovie(9); $m->setBackground(0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc); $s = new SWFShape(); $img = new SWFBitmap($srcdir . "/../Media/image01.dbl"); $fill = $s->addFill($img, SWFFILL_TILED_BITMAP); $s->setRightFill($fill); $w = $img->getWidth(); $h = $img->getHeight(); $s->drawLine($w, 0); $s->drawLine(0, $h); $s->drawLine(-$w, 0); $s->drawLine(0, -$h); $cm = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) { $cm[$i] = 0.1; } $cmf = new SWFFilterMatrix(5, 4, $cm); $filter = new SWFFilter(SWFFILTER_TYPE_COLORMATRIX, $cmf); $bu = new SWFButton(); $bu->addCharacter($s, SWFBUTTON_UP | SWFBUTTON_HIT | SWFBUTTON_OVER | SWFBUTTON_DOWN); $item = $m->add($bu); $item->addFilter($filter); $m->save("test05.swf");
<?php include_once '../init_constants.php'; // this can stay since it's only called via web ming_useswfversion(6); $parts = explode('/', $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']); $swf = $parts[count($parts) - 1]; $swfBase = basename($swf, '.swf'); $swfParts = explode('_', $swfBase); $height = array_pop($swfParts); $width = array_pop($swfParts); $m = new SWFMovie(); $m->setDimension($width, $height); $m->setrate(30); $m->add(new SWFAction('this.createEmptyMovieClip("container_mc", 1);')); $m->add(new SWFAction('__d = new Date();')); $m->add(new SWFAction('loadMovie("http://' . FF_SERVER_NAME . '/swf/slideshow/slide_show_prototype.swf?__dynTS="+__d.getTime(),"container_mc");')); $m->setBackground(0, 0, 0); $m->save($finalPath = PATH_HOMEROOT . PATH_SWF . '/container/dynamic/' . $swf); echo $finalPath . ' was created. <a href="javascript:history.go(-1);">Go back</a>.';
<?php $f = new SWFFont(dirname(__FILE__) . '/i/captcha/fonts/anke_calligraph.ttf'); $m = new SWFMovie(); $m->setRate(24.0); $m->setDimension(520, 320); $m->setBackground(251, 121, 34); function text($r, $g, $b, $a, $rot, $x, $y, $scale, $string) { global $f, $m; $t = new SWFText(); $t->setFont($f); $t->setColor($r, $g, $b, $a); $t->setHeight(96); $t->moveTo(-$t->getWidth($string) / 2, 32); $t->addString($string); $i = $m->add($t); $i->rotateTo($rot); $i->moveTo($x, $y); $i->scale($scale, $scale); return $i; } $colorr[1] = 255 * 0.85; $colorg[1] = 255 * 0.85; $colorb[1] = 255 * 0.85; $colorr[2] = 255 * 0.9; $colorg[2] = 255 * 0.9; $colorb[2] = 255 * 0.9; $colorr[3] = 255 * 0.95; $colorg[3] = 255 * 0.95; $colorb[3] = 255 * 0.95;
#!/usr/bin/php -c. <?php $m = new SWFMovie(); /* SWF_SETBACKGROUNDCOLOR */ $m->setBackground(0xff, 0xff, 0xff); /* SWF_DEFINESPRITE */ /* MovieClip 1 */ $character1 = new SWFMovieClip(); /* 1 frames */ /* SWF_SHOWFRAME */ $character1->nextFrame(); /* end of clip frame 1 */ /* SWF_END */ /* SWF_PLACEOBJECT2 */ /* PlaceFlagHasCharacter */ $m->add($character1); /* PlaceFlagHasMatrix */ /* outputSWF_MATRIX is broken, so it is being skipped.. */ /* SWF_SHOWFRAME */ $m->nextFrame(); /* end of frame 1 */ /* SWF_END */ $m->save("test02.swf");
#!/usr/bin/php -c. <?php $m = new SWFMovie(8); $import = $m->importChar("test.swf", "test"); $m->add($import); $m->save("test02.swf");
} else { dheader('Content-type: image/jpeg'); imagejpeg($im, '', 100); } imagedestroy($im); } } elseif ($seccodedata['type'] == 2 && extension_loaded('ming')) { $spacing = 5; $codewidth = ($seccodedata['width'] - $spacing * 5) / 4; $strforswdaction = ''; for ($i = 0; $i <= 3; $i++) { $strforswdaction .= seccode_swfcode($codewidth, $spacing, $seccode[$i], $i + 1); } ming_setScale(20.0); ming_useswfversion(6); $movie = new SWFMovie(); $movie->setDimension($seccodedata['width'], $seccodedata['height']); $movie->setBackground(255, 255, 255); $movie->setRate(31); $fontcolor = '0x' . sprintf('%02s', dechex(mt_rand(0, 255))) . sprintf('%02s', dechex(mt_rand(0, 128))) . sprintf('%02s', dechex(mt_rand(0, 255))); $strAction = "\r\n\t_root.createEmptyMovieClip ( 'triangle', 1 );\r\n\twith ( _root.triangle ) {\r\n\tlineStyle( 3, {$fontcolor}, 100 );\r\n\t{$strforswdaction}\r\n\t}\r\n\t"; $movie->add(new SWFAction(str_replace("\r", "", $strAction))); header('Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash'); $movie->output(); } else { $numbers = array('B' => array('00', 'fc', '66', '66', '66', '7c', '66', '66', 'fc', '00'), 'C' => array('00', '38', '64', 'c0', 'c0', 'c0', 'c4', '64', '3c', '00'), 'E' => array('00', 'fe', '62', '62', '68', '78', '6a', '62', 'fe', '00'), 'F' => array('00', 'f8', '60', '60', '68', '78', '6a', '62', 'fe', '00'), 'G' => array('00', '78', 'cc', 'cc', 'de', 'c0', 'c4', 'c4', '7c', '00'), 'H' => array('00', 'e7', '66', '66', '66', '7e', '66', '66', 'e7', '00'), 'J' => array('00', 'f8', 'cc', 'cc', 'cc', '0c', '0c', '0c', '7f', '00'), 'K' => array('00', 'f3', '66', '66', '7c', '78', '6c', '66', 'f7', '00'), 'M' => array('00', 'f7', '63', '6b', '6b', '77', '77', '77', 'e3', '00'), 'P' => array('00', 'f8', '60', '60', '7c', '66', '66', '66', 'fc', '00'), 'Q' => array('00', '78', 'cc', 'cc', 'cc', 'cc', 'cc', 'cc', '78', '00'), 'R' => array('00', 'f3', '66', '6c', '7c', '66', '66', '66', 'fc', '00'), 'T' => array('00', '78', '30', '30', '30', '30', 'b4', 'b4', 'fc', '00'), 'V' => array('00', '1c', '1c', '36', '36', '36', '63', '63', 'f7', '00'), 'W' => array('00', '36', '36', '36', '77', '7f', '6b', '63', 'f7', '00'), 'X' => array('00', 'f7', '66', '3c', '18', '18', '3c', '66', 'ef', '00'), 'Y' => array('00', '7e', '18', '18', '18', '3c', '24', '66', 'ef', '00'), '2' => array('fc', 'c0', '60', '30', '18', '0c', 'cc', 'cc', '78', '00'), '3' => array('78', '8c', '0c', '0c', '38', '0c', '0c', '8c', '78', '00'), '4' => array('00', '3e', '0c', 'fe', '4c', '6c', '2c', '3c', '1c', '1c'), '6' => array('78', 'cc', 'cc', 'cc', 'ec', 'd8', 'c0', '60', '3c', '00'), '7' => array('30', '30', '38', '18', '18', '18', '1c', '8c', 'fc', '00'), '8' => array('78', 'cc', 'cc', 'cc', '78', 'cc', 'cc', 'cc', '78', '00'), '9' => array('f0', '18', '0c', '6c', 'dc', 'cc', 'cc', 'cc', '78', '00')); foreach ($numbers as $i => $number) { for ($j = 0; $j < 6; $j++) { $a1 = substr('012', mt_rand(0, 2), 1) . substr('012345', mt_rand(0, 5), 1); $a2 = substr('012345', mt_rand(0, 5), 1) . substr('0123', mt_rand(0, 3), 1); mt_rand(0, 1) == 1 ? array_push($numbers[$i], $a1) : array_unshift($numbers[$i], $a1);
<?php require 'XML/RSS.php'; $r =& new XML_RSS('slashdot.rdf'); $r->parse(); $allItems = $r->getItems(); $itemCount = count($allItems); $width = 1000; $m = new SWFMovie(); $m->setDimension($width, 70); $m->setBackground(0xcf, 0xcf, 0xcf); $f = new SWFFont("../../../fonts/Techno.fdb"); $hit = new SWFShape(); $hit->setRightFill($hit->addFill(0, 0, 0)); $hit->movePenTo(-($width / 2), -30); $hit->drawLine($width, 0); $hit->drawLine(0, 60); $hit->drawLine(-$width, 0); $hit->drawLine(0, -60); $x = 0; // build the buttons foreach ($allItems as $Item) { $title = $Item['title']; $link = $Item['link']; // get the text $t = new SWFText(); $t->setFont($f); $t->setHeight(50); $t->setColor(0, 0, 0); $t->moveTo(-$f->getWidth($title) / 2, 25); $t->addString($title);
<?php $m = new SWFMovie(); $m->setDimension(400, 100); $m->setBackground(0xff, 0xff, 0xff); $m->add(new SWFBitmap(fopen("img/xampp-logo.jpg", "rb"))); for ($i = 0; $i <= 100; $i++) { $m->add(new SWFAction("alpha = {$i};")); $m->nextFrame(); } header('Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash'); $m->output();
#!/usr/bin/php -c. <?php $m = new SWFMovie(); /* SWF_SETBACKGROUNDCOLOR */ $m->setBackground(0xff, 0xff, 0xff); /* SWF_PROTECT */ $m->protect("foobar"); /* SWF_SHOWFRAME */ $m->nextFrame(); /* end of frame 1 */ /* SWF_END */ $m->save("test02.swf");
<?php $s = new SWFShape(); $s->setLine(4, 0x7f, 0, 0); $s->setRightFill($s->addFill(0xff, 0, 0)); $s->movePenTo(10, 10); $s->drawLineTo(310, 10); $s->drawLineTo(310, 230); $s->drawCurveTo(10, 230, 10, 10); $m = new SWFMovie(); $m->setDimension(320, 240); $m->setRate(12.0); $m->add($s); $m->nextFrame(); header('Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash'); $m->output();
#!/usr/bin/php -c. <?php $srcdir = $argv[1]; $mediadir = $srcdir . "/../Media"; $m = new SWFMovie(); $f = new SWFFont($mediadir . "/font01.fdb"); $t = new SWFText(1); $t->setFont($f); $t->setHeight(20); $t->setColor(0x0, 0x0, 0xff); $t->moveTo(100, 100); $t->addString("Static Text"); $tf = new SWFTextField(SWFTEXTFIELD_NOEDIT); $tf->setFont($f); $tf->setHeight(20); $tf->setColor(0xff, 0x0, 0x0); $tf->addString("Readonly Textfield"); $m->add($t); $it = $m->add($tf); $it->moveTo(100, 120); $m->nextFrame(); /* end of frame 1 */ $m->save("test05.swf");
#!/usr/bin/php -c. <?php $m = new SWFMovie(); /* SWF_SETBACKGROUNDCOLOR */ $m->setBackground(0xff, 0xff, 0xff); /* SWF_FRAMELABEL */ $m->namedAnchor('frame0'); /* SWF_SHOWFRAME */ $m->nextFrame(); /* end of frame 1 */ /* SWF_END */ $m->save("test02.swf");
<?php $s = new SWFShape(); $fp = fopen('../../intro/php-big.jpg', 'r'); $jpg = new SWFBitmap($fp); $w = $jpg->getWidth(); $h = $jpg->getHeight(); $f = $s->addFill($jpg); $f->moveTo(-$w / 2, -$h / 2); $s->setRightFill($f); $s->movePenTo(-$w / 2, -$h / 2); $s->drawLine($w, 0); $s->drawLine(0, $h); $s->drawLine(-$w, 0); $s->drawLine(0, -$h); $p = new SWFSprite(); $i = $p->add($s); for ($step = 0; $step < 360; $step += 2) { $p->nextFrame(); $i->rotate(-2); } $m = new SWFMovie(); $i = $m->add($p); $i->moveTo(230, 120); $m->setRate(100); $m->setDimension($w * 1.8, $h * 1.8); header('Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash'); $m->output(6);
if ($idy > $maxy) { $maxy = $idy; } } } $widthx = $maxx - $minx; $widthy = $maxy - $miny; $cellw = 70; $cellh = 30; $celltmargin = 20; $celllmargin = 10; $imgwx = $cellw * ($widthx + 2); $imgwy = $cellh * ($widthy + 2); Ming_setScale(20.0); ming_useswfversion(5); $m = new SWFMovie(); $m->setDimension($imgwx, $imgwy); $font = new SWFFont("img/Arial.fdb"); $connections = new SWFShape(); foreach ($map as $idx => $x) { foreach ($x as $idy => $device) { $celx = $idx - $minx; $cely = $idy - $miny; if (preg_match('/^n/', $device)) { $device = str_replace('n', '', $device); list($nodeid, $device, $linktype) = explode('.', $device); $nodemap[$nodeid]['x'] = $celx; $nodemap[$nodeid]['y'] = $cely; $nodemap[$nodeid]['device'] = $device; $nodemap[$nodeid]['linktype'] = $linktype; } else {
#!/usr/bin/php -c. <?php $m = new SWFMovie(8); $m->setBackground(0, 0, 0); $m->save("test07.swf");
#!/usr/bin/php -c. <?php $m = new SWFMovie(8); $shape1 = new SWFShape(); $shape1->setLine2(1, SWF_LINESTYLE_FLAG_HINTING, 0, 25, 0, 0, 128); $shape1->movePenTo(5, 5); $shape1->drawLineTo(50, 30); $item = $m->add($shape1); $m->nextFrame(); $m->replace($item, $shape1); $m->nextFrame(); $m->save("test02.swf");
ming_useswfversion(4); $s = new SWFShape(); $f = $s->addFill(0xff, 0, 0); $s->setRightFill($f); $s->movePenTo(-500, -500); $s->drawLineTo(500, -500); $s->drawLineTo(500, 500); $s->drawLineTo(-500, 500); $s->drawLineTo(-500, -500); $p = new SWFSprite(); $i = $p->add($s); $i->setDepth(1); $p->nextFrame(); for ($n = 0; $n < 5; ++$n) { $i->rotate(-15); $p->nextFrame(); } $m = new SWFMovie(); $m->setBackground(0xff, 0xff, 0xff); $m->setDimension(6000, 4000); $i = $m->add($p); $i->setDepth(1); $i->moveTo(-500, 2000); $i->setName("box"); $m->add(new SWFAction("/box.x += 3;")); $m->nextFrame(); $m->add(new SWFAction("gotoFrame(0); play();")); $m->nextFrame(); header('Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash'); $m->output();
#!/usr/bin/php <?php $srcdir = $argv[1]; $mediadir = $srcdir . "/../Media"; $m = new SWFMovie(8); ming_setscale(1.0); /*Unknown block type 69*/ /* SWF_DEFINELOSSLESS */ /* Bitmap 1 (lossless). To extract:*/ /* swfextract -p 1 -o character1.png $swf*/ $character1 = new SWFBitmap($mediadir . '/image01.png'); /* SWF_DEFINESHAPE3 */ /* Shape 2 (TYPE=3, RECT=-10,2010 -10,2010)*/ $character2 = new SWFShape(); /*1 fillstyle(s)*/ /* BitmapID: 1 */ $character2_f0 = $character2->addBitmapFill($character1, SWFFILL_CLIPPED_BITMAP); $character2_f0->scaleTo(20.0); /*1 linestyles(s)*/ $character2_l0_width = 20; $character2_l0_red = 0x0; $character2_l0_green = 0x0; $character2_l0_blue = 0x0; $character2_l0_alpha = 0xff; /* StateLineStyle: 1 */ $character2->setLine($character2_l0_width, $character2_l0_red, $character2_l0_green, $character2_l0_blue, $character2_l0_alpha); $character2->setRightFill($character2_f0); $character2->drawLine(2000, 0); $character2->drawLine(0, 2000); $character2->drawLine(-2000, 0); $character2->drawLine(0, -2000);
<?php echo "extension_dir={$extension_dir}<br>"; if (!extension_loaded('ming')) { $exLoad = "fal"; $retDL = dl('php_ming.so'); echo "retDL={$retDL}<br>"; } else { $exLoad = "tru"; } echo "exLoad={$exLoad}<br>"; exit; $mov = new SWFMovie(); $mov->setDimension(); header('Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash'); $mov->output();
#!/usr/bin/php -c. <?php $m = new SWFMovie(7); /* SWF_SETBACKGROUNDCOLOR */ $m->setBackground(0xff, 0xff, 0xff); /* SWF_SHOWFRAME */ $m->nextFrame(); /* end of frame 1 */ /* SWF_END */ $m->save("test05.swf");
#!/usr/bin/php -c. <?php $m = new SWFMovie(); $s = new SWFShape(); $s->setLine(1, 255, 0, 0, 255); $s->setRightFill(255, 255, 0, 255); $s->drawLine(100, 0); $s->drawLine(0, 40); $s->drawLineTo(0, 0); $b = new SWFButton(); $br1 = $b->addCharacter($s, SWFBUTTON_HIT | SWFBUTTON_UP | SWFBUTTON_OVER | SWFBUTTON_DOWN); $br2 = $b->addCharacter($s, SWFBUTTON_OVER | SWFBUTTON_DOWN); $br2->rotate(10); $br2->move(20, 0); $br3 = $b->addCharacter($s, SWFBUTTON_DOWN); $br3->rotate(20); $br3->move(40, 0); $d = $m->add($b); $d->moveTo(50, 100); $m->addExport($b, "ButtonExport"); $m->writeExports(); $m->nextFrame; $m->save("test02.swf"); ?>
<?php include('../Arabic.php'); $Arabic = new Arabic('ArGlyphs'); $text_before = 'اللغة العربية'; $text_after = $Arabic->utf8Glyphs($text_before); $f = new SWFFont(dirname(__FILE__).'/GD/ae_AlHor.ttf'); $m = new SWFMovie(); $m->setRate(24.0); $m->setDimension(520, 320); $m->setBackground(105, 121, 47); // This functions was based on the example from // http://ming.sourceforge.net/examples/animation.html function text($r, $g, $b, $a, $rot, $x, $y, $scale, $string) { global $f, $m; $t = new SWFText(); $t->setFont($f); $t->setColor($r, $g, $b, $a); $t->setHeight(96); $t->moveTo(-($t->getWidth($string)) / 5, 32); $t->addUTF8String($string); $i = $m->add($t); $i->rotateTo($rot); $i->moveTo($x, $y); $i->scale($scale, $scale);
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. // $values["A"] = rand(20, 230); $values["B"] = rand(20, 230); $values["C"] = rand(20, 230); $values["D"] = rand(20, 230); $values["E"] = rand(20, 230); $values["F"] = rand(20, 270); $values["G"] = rand(20, 270); $values["H"] = rand(20, 270); $max = 270; $width = 540; $height = 320; $m = new SWFMovie(); $m->setDimension($width, $height); $m->setBackground(251, 121, 34); $m->setRate(30.0); $font = new SWFFont("BabelSans-B.fdb"); $g = new SWFGradient(); $g->addEntry(0.0, 0, 0, 0); $g->addEntry(1.0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff); function box($w, $h) { global $g; $s = new SWFShape(); $f = $s->addFill($g, SWFFILL_LINEAR_GRADIENT); $f->scaleTo(0.05); $s->setRightFill($f); //$s->setRightFill($s->addFill(255,255,255));
#!/usr/bin/php -c. <?php $srcdir = $argv[1]; $mediadir = $srcdir . "/../Media"; $m = new SWFMovie(8); $b = new SWFBitmap($mediadir . '/image01.jpeg'); $m->addExport($b, "BitmapExport"); $m->writeExports(); $m->save("test02.swf");
#!/usr/bin/php -c. <?php $m = new SWFMovie(8); $m->save("test06.swf");
function imageSWF() { /* parse arguments */ $numargs = func_num_args(); $image = func_get_arg(0); $swfname = ""; if ($numargs > 1) { $swfname = func_get_arg(1); } /* image must be in jpeg and convert jpeg to SWFBitmap can be done by buffering it */ ob_start(); imagejpeg($image); $buffimg = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $img = new SWFBitmap($buffimg); $w = $img->getWidth(); $h = $img->getHeight(); $movie = new SWFMovie(); $movie->setDimension($w, $h); $movie->add($img); if ($swfname) { $movie->save($swfname); } else { $movie->output; } }
//echo "t_min=$t_min<br>"; //echo "t_max=$t_max<br>"; //echo "wndd_min=$wndd_min<br>"; //echo "wndd_max=$wndd_max<br>"; //echo "wnds_min=$wnds_min<br>"; //echo "wnds_max=$wnds_max<br>"; /* set the graph's x and y dimensions */ $gx = 800; $gy = 240; /* Time to create the $gx x $gy image */ /* first creat a blank image */ $im = new SWFShape(); /* use a 1 pixel width black pen */ $im->setLine(1, 0, 0, 0); /* use a white background */ $mve = new SWFMovie(); $mve->setDimension($gx, $gy); $mve->setBackground(255, 255, 255); /* here's a small pallete to use for the graphs (RGB values) */ //black = (0,0,0); //brown = (255,255,0); //$red = (255,0,0); //$yellow = (224,252,24); //$green = (0,255,0); //$drkGreen = (0,190,0); //$blue = (0,0,255); //$grey = (128,128,128); //$ltGrey = (192,192,192); //$ltrGrey = (224,224,224); /* For a 100 x 100 image: (0,0) is the upper left hand corner,