Beispiel #1
 public static function getInstance($x, $y, $id, $text, $style = null)
     $t = new SVGText('<text></text>');
     $t->setAttribute('style', $style);
     $t->addChild('tspan', $text);
     return $t;
Beispiel #2
require_once "../svglib/svglib.php";
$svg = SVGDocument::getInstance();
$svg->setTitle("Javascript example");
#add some javascript functions
$svg->addScript("\n    function changeColor(evt, element)\n    {\n        destination = document.getElementById('destination');\n\n        if ( evt.ctrlKey )\n        {\n   =;\n        }\n        else\n        {\n   =;\n        }\n\n        evt.preventDefault();\n        return false;\n    }\n");
#mount a simple color array
$colors[] = 'red';
$colors[] = 'green';
$colors[] = 'blue';
$colors[] = 'yellow';
$colors[] = 'orange';
$colors[] = 'gray';
$colors[] = 'black';
$colors[] = 'white';
$text = SVGText::getInstance(10, 25, null, 'Left click for fill - control click for stroke');
foreach ($colors as $line => $color) {
    $rect = SVGRect::getInstance($line * 60 + 10, 40, null, 50, 50);
    $style = new SVGStyle();
    $style->setStroke("darkGray", 1);
    $rect->addOnclick("return changeColor(evt,this);");
    $rect->addAttribute("onmouseover", " = 'lightGray';");
    $rect->addAttribute("onmouseout", " = 'gray';");
$rect = SVGRect::getInstance(140, 100, 'destination', 200, 200);
$style = new SVGStyle();
$ellipse = SVGEllipse::getInstance(200, 200, 100, 40);
$ellipse->rotate(-30, 200, 200);
$style2 = new SVGStyle();
$style2->setStroke('blue', 3);
$style = new SVGStyle();
#create a style object
#set fill and stroke
#create a text
$text = SVGText::getInstance(22, 50, 'myText', 'This is a text', $style);
#$svg->addShape( SVGPath::getInstance( array('m 58,480','639,1'), 'myPath', 'fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1px;') );#create a path
$svg->addShape(SVGLine::getInstance(50, 50, 500, 500, null, $style));
#many types of output
try {
    $svg->asXML(getcwd() . '/output/output.svg');
    #example how to using SVG Inkscape
    #define('INKSCAPE_PATH', 'H:\ferramentas\Inkscape\inkscape' );
    #$svg->export( getcwd() . '/output/inkscape.png', null, null, true, SVGDocument::EXPORT_TYPE_INKSCAPE );
    #$svg->export( getcwd() . '/output/output.png' ); #png
    $svg->export(getcwd() . '/output/output.jpg');
    $svg->export(getcwd() . '/output/output.gif');
Beispiel #4
 public function onCreate()
     if (!$this->getMaxY()) {
     if (!$this->getMaxX()) {
     $this->setWidth($this->getMaxX() + 100 . 'px');
     $this->setHeight($this->getMaxY() + 100 . 'px');
     $clipPath = SVGClipPath::getInstance('clipPath');
     $clipRect = SVGRect::getInstance(0, 0, null, $this->getWidth(), $this->getHeight());
     $backGroup = SVGGroup::getInstance('backGroup');
     $line1 = SVGLine::getInstance($this->startX, $this->startY, $this->startX, $this->maxY + $this->startY, null, new SVGStyle(array('stroke' => 'black', 'stroke-width' => 1)));
     $line2 = SVGLine::getInstance($this->startX, $this->maxY + $this->startY, $this->maxX + $this->startX, $this->maxY + $this->startY, null, new SVGStyle(array('stroke' => 'black', 'stroke-width' => 1)));
     #vertical counter
     for ($i = 0; $i <= $this->maxY; $i += 25) {
         $text = SVGText::getInstance($this->startX - 30, $this->startY + $i, null, $this->maxY - $i);
     #horizontal counter
     for ($i = 0; $i <= $this->maxX; $i += 50) {
         $text = SVGText::getInstance($this->startX + $i, $this->startY + $this->maxY + 20, null, $i);
     $data = $this->getData();
     $mainGroup = SVGGroup::getInstance('mainGroup');
     $mainGroup->setStyle(new SVGStyle(array('clip-path' => 'url(#clipPath)')));
     if (is_array($data)) {
         foreach ($data as $obj) {
             $itemData = $obj->data;
             $style = $obj->style;
             if (!$style) {
                 $style = new SVGStyle(array('stroke' => 'blue', 'fill' => 'blue', 'stroke-width' => 1));
             if (is_array($itemData)) {
                 foreach ($itemData as $line => $info) {
                     $previous = $this->normalizeLineData(@$itemData[$line - 1]);
                     $info = $this->normalizeLineData($info);
                     $line = SVGLine::getInstance($previous[0], $previous[1], $info[0], $info[1], null, $style);
                     //$this->addShape( $line );
                     $circle = SVGCircle::getInstance($info[0], $info[1], 3, null, $style);
                     $circle->setTitle($info[0] . ',' . $info[1]);
                     $circle->addAttribute("onmouseover", " = 'lightGray';");
                     $circle->addAttribute("onmouseout", " = 'gray';");
                     //$this->addShape( $circle );
     $this->addScript("\n    var width = \$('svg').attr('width').replace('px','');\n    \$('svg #clippath rect').attr('width',0);\n    var anim = setInterval('slideRight()', 1);\n\n    function slideRight()\n    {\n        var currentWidth = parseInt( \$('svg #clippath rect').attr('width') );\n        currentWidth += 1;\n\n        \$('svg #clippath rect').attr('width',currentWidth );\n\n        if ( currentWidth >= width )\n        {\n            clearInterval(anim);\n        }\n    }\n");
     /* $this->addScript( "
               $('svg #mainGroup').hide();
               setTimeout('showGraph()', 500);
               function showGraph()
               $('svg #mainGroup').hide();
               $('svg #mainGroup').show('slow');
               }" ); */
Beispiel #5
 private function parseText()
     $o = Scale::getInstance();
      * The style options deserve some comments. The monospace and font-size
      * choices are not accidental. This gives the best sort of estimation
      * for font size to scale that I could come up with empirically.
      * N.B. This might change with different scales. I kind of feel like this
      * is a bug waiting to be filed, but whatever.
     $fSize = 0.95 * $o->yScale;
     $this->svgObjects->setOption('fill', 'black');
     $this->svgObjects->setOption('style', "font-family:LMMono10,monospace;font-size:{$fSize}px");
      * Text gets the same scanning treatment as boxes. We do left-to-right
      * scanning, which should probably be configurable in case someone wants
      * to use this with e.g. Arabic or some other right-to-left language.
      * Either way, this isn't UTF-8 safe (thanks, PHP!!!), so that'll require
      * thought regardless.
     $boxes = $this->svgObjects->getGroup('boxes');
     $bound = count($boxes);
     foreach ($this->grid as $row => $line) {
         $cols = count($line);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $cols; $i++) {
             if ($this->getChar($row, $i) != ' ') {
                 /* More magic numbers that probably need research. */
                 $t = new SVGText($i - 0.6, $row + 0.3);
                 /* Time to figure out which (if any) box we live inside */
                 $tP = $t->getPoint();
                 $maxPoint = new Point(-1, -1);
                 $boxQueue = array();
                 for ($j = 0; $j < $bound; $j++) {
                     if ($boxes[$j]->hasPoint($tP->gridX, $tP->gridY)) {
                         $boxPoints = $boxes[$j]->getPoints();
                         $boxTL = $boxPoints[0];
                          * This text is in this box, but it may still be in a more
                          * specific nested box. Find the box with the highest top
                          * left X,Y coordinate. Keep a queue of boxes in case the top
                          * most box doesn't have a fill.
                         if ($boxTL->y > $maxPoint->y && $boxTL->x > $maxPoint->x) {
                             $maxPoint->x = $boxTL->x;
                             $maxPoint->y = $boxTL->y;
                             $boxQueue[] = $boxes[$j];
                 if (count($boxQueue) > 0) {
                      * Work backwards through the boxes to find the box with the most
                      * specific fill.
                     for ($j = count($boxQueue) - 1; $j >= 0; $j--) {
                         $fill = $boxQueue[$j]->getOption('fill');
                         if ($fill == 'none' || $fill == null) {
                         if (substr($fill, 0, 1) != '#') {
                             if (!isset($GLOBALS['A2S_colors'][strtolower($fill)])) {
                             } else {
                                 $fill = $GLOBALS['A2S_colors'][strtolower($fill)];
                         } else {
                             if (strlen($fill) != 4 && strlen($fill) != 7) {
                         if ($fill) {
                             /* Attempt to parse the fill color */
                             if (strlen($fill) == 4) {
                                 $cR = hexdec(str_repeat($fill[1], 2));
                                 $cG = hexdec(str_repeat($fill[2], 2));
                                 $cB = hexdec(str_repeat($fill[3], 2));
                             } elseif (strlen($fill) == 7) {
                                 $cR = hexdec(substr($fill, 1, 2));
                                 $cG = hexdec(substr($fill, 3, 2));
                                 $cB = hexdec(substr($fill, 5, 2));
                              * This magic is gleaned from the working group paper on
                              * accessibility at The recommended
                              * contrast is a brightness difference of at least 125 and a
                              * color difference of at least 500. Since our default color
                              * is black, that makes the color difference easier.
                             $bFill = ($cR * 299 + $cG * 587 + $cB * 114) / 1000;
                             $bDiff = $cR + $cG + $cB;
                             $bText = 0;
                             if ($bFill - $bText < 125 || $bDiff < 500) {
                                 /* If black is too dark, white will work */
                                 $t->setOption('fill', '#fff');
                             } else {
                                 $t->setOption('fill', '#000');
                     if ($j < 0) {
                         $t->setOption('fill', '#000');
                 } else {
                     /* This text isn't inside a box; make it black */
                     $t->setOption('fill', '#000');
                 /* We found a stringy character, eat it and the rest. */
                 $str = $this->getChar($row, $i++);
                 while ($i < count($line) && $this->getChar($row, $i) != ' ') {
                     $str .= $this->getChar($row, $i++);
                     /* Eat up to 1 space */
                     if ($this->getChar($row, $i) == ' ') {
                         $str .= ' ';
                 if ($str == '') {
                  * If we were in a box, group with the box. Otherwise it gets its
                  * own group.
                 if (count($boxQueue) > 0) {
                     $t->setOption('stroke', 'none');
                     $t->setOption('style', "font-family:LMMono10,monospace;font-size:{$fSize}px");
                     $boxQueue[count($boxQueue) - 1]->addText($t);
                 } else {