  * Default action handler for this page
  * @param	SS_HTTPRequest	$request
  * @return	Object			AfterPurchasePage
 public function afterPurchase(SS_HTTPRequest $request)
     if ($request->isGET()) {
         if ($this->validateClickBankRequest) {
             $cbreceipt = $request->getVar('cbreceipt');
             $cbpop = $request->getVar('cbpop');
             $name = $request->getVar('cname');
             $email = $request->getVar('cemail');
             if (!empty($cbreceipt) && !empty($cbpop)) {
                 if (ClickBankManager::validate_afterpurchase_request($request->getVars())) {
                     $member = DataObject::get_one('Member', "Email = '{$email}'");
                     // make the member status to logged-in
                     if ($member && $this->loginAfterClickBankRequestIsValid) {
                     // few handy replacement texts
                     $content = $this->Content;
                     $content = str_replace('$CBReceipt', $cbreceipt, $content);
                     $content = str_replace('$CBName', $name, $content);
                     $data = array('Title' => $this->Title, 'Content' => $content);
                     return $this->customise($data)->renderWith(array('AfterPurchasePage' => 'Page'));
         } else {
             $data = array('Title' => $this->Title, 'Content' => $this->Content);
             return $this->customise($data)->renderWith(array('AfterPurchasePage' => 'Page'));
     return $this->redirect('/server-error');
  * Check that the payment was successful using "Process Response" API (http://www.paymentexpress.com/Technical_Resources/Ecommerce_Hosted/PxPay.aspx).
  * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request Request from the gateway - transaction response
  * @return PaymentGateway_Result
 public function check($request)
     $data = $request->getVars();
     $url = $request->getVar('url');
     $result = $request->getVar('result');
     $userID = $request->getVar('userid');
     //Construct the request to check the payment status
     $request = new PxPayLookupRequest();
     //Get encrypted URL from DPS to redirect the user to
     $request_string = $this->makeCheckRequest($request, $data);
     //Obtain output XML
     $response = new MifMessage($request_string);
     //Parse output XML
     $success = $response->get_element_text('Success');
     if ($success && is_numeric($success) && $success > 0) {
         return new PaymentGateway_Success();
     } else {
         if (is_numeric($success) && $success == 0) {
             return new PaymentGateway_Failure();
         } else {
             return new PaymentGateway_Incomplete();
 public function index(SS_HTTPRequest $r)
     $p = SchedPresentation::get()->filter(array('DisplayOnSite' => true));
     $k = $r->getVar('Keywords');
     $cat = $r->getVar('Category');
     $speaker = $r->getVar('Speaker');
     $summit = $r->getVar('Summit');
     $tag = $r->getVar('Tag');
     if (!empty($k)) {
         $p = $p->filterAny(array('Title:PartialMatch' => $k, 'Description:PartialMatch' => $k, 'Tags.Title:ExactMatch' => $k));
     if (!empty($cat)) {
         $p = $p->filter(array('CategoryID' => $cat));
     if (!empty($speaker)) {
         $p = $p->filter(array('PresentationSpeakers.ID' => $speaker));
     if (!empty($summit)) {
         $p = $p->filter(array('SummmitID' => $summit));
     if (!empty($tag)) {
         $p = $p->filter(array('Tags.Title' => $tag));
     return array('Results' => new PaginatedList($p, $this->request));
  * OAuth callback handler.
  * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request
 public function OAuth($request)
     $code = $request->getVar('code');
     $state = $request->getVar('state');
     if (!$code || !$state) {
         return Controller::curr()->redirect($this->Link());
     $client = InstagramAccount::getNewInstagramClient();
     $form = $this->getEditForm();
     try {
         $token = $client->getAccessToken($code);
         $instagramAccountID = $this->getInstagramAccountIDFromSession($state);
         // Find the matching InstagramAccount.
         if (!$instagramAccountID || !($instagramAccount = InstagramAccount::get()->byId($instagramAccountID))) {
             return $this->handleOAuthError($form);
         try {
             $instagramAccount->updateAccessToken(Convert::raw2json($token), $state);
             $form->sessionMessage(_t('Instagram.MessageOAuthSuccess', 'Successfully authorised your account.'), 'good');
             return Controller::curr()->redirect($this->Link());
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             return $this->handleOAuthError($form, _t('Instagram.MessageOAuthErrorUserConflict', 'Unable to authorise account. Make sure you are logged out of Instagram and ' . 'your username is spelled correctly.'));
     } catch (InstagramIdentityProviderException $e) {
         return $this->handleOAuthError($form);
  * Request nodes from the server
  * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request
  * @return JSONString
 public function childnodes($request)
     $data = array();
     $rootObjectType = 'SiteTree';
     if ($request->param('ID')) {
         $rootObjectType = $request->param('ID');
     if ($request->getVar('search')) {
         return $this->performSearch($request->getVar('search'), $rootObjectType);
     $parentId = $request->getVar('id');
     if (!$parentId) {
         $parentId = $rootObjectType . '-0';
     $selectable = null;
     if ($request->param('OtherID')) {
         $selectable = explode(',', $request->param('OtherID'));
     list($type, $id) = explode('-', $parentId);
     if (!$type || $id < 0) {
         $data = array(0 => array('data' => 'An error has occurred'));
     } else {
         $children = null;
         if ($id == 0) {
             $children = DataObject::get($rootObjectType, 'ParentID = 0');
         } else {
             $object = DataObject::get_by_id($type, $id);
             $children = $this->childrenOfNode($object);
         $data = array();
         if ($children && count($children)) {
             foreach ($children as $child) {
                 if ($child->ID < 0) {
                 $haskids = $child->numChildren() > 0;
                 $nodeData = array('title' => isset($child->MenuTitle) ? $child->MenuTitle : $child->Title);
                 if ($selectable && !in_array($child->ClassName, $selectable)) {
                     $nodeData['clickable'] = false;
                 $thumbs = null;
                 if ($child->ClassName == 'Image') {
                     $thumbs = $this->generateThumbnails($child);
                     $nodeData['icon'] = $thumbs['x16'];
                 } else {
                     if (!$haskids) {
                         $nodeData['icon'] = 'frontend-editing/images/page.png';
                 $nodeEntry = array('attributes' => array('id' => $child->ClassName . '-' . $child->ID, 'title' => Convert::raw2att($nodeData['title']), 'link' => $child->RelativeLink()), 'data' => $nodeData, 'state' => $haskids ? 'closed' : 'open');
                 if ($thumbs) {
                     $nodeEntry['thumbs'] = $thumbs;
                 $data[] = $nodeEntry;
     return Convert::raw2json($data);
 public function tree(SS_HTTPRequest $request)
     $oldSubsiteID = Session::get('SubsiteID');
     if ($request->getVar($this->name . '_SubsiteID')) {
         $this->subsiteID = $request->getVar($this->name . '_SubsiteID');
     Session::set('SubsiteID', $this->subsiteID);
     $results = parent::tree($request);
     Session::set('SubsiteID', $oldSubsiteID);
     return $results;
 public function format(SS_HTTPRequest $request)
     $rawNumber = $request->getVar('number');
     $country = $request->getVar('country');
     $format = $request->getVar('format');
     try {
         return LibPhoneNumberField::formatPhoneNumber($rawNumber, $country, $format);
     } catch (\libphonenumber\NumberParseException $e) {
         SS_Log::log($e->getMessage(), SS_Log::DEBUG);
         return $this->httpError(400, $e->getMessage());
 public function postRequest(\SS_HTTPRequest $request, \SS_HTTPResponse $response, \DataModel $model)
     if ($request->getVar('clear') && Member::currentUserID() && Permission::check('ADMIN')) {
         $key = trim($request->getVar('url'), '/');
         $key = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : '') . '/' . $key;
         $item = $this->dynamicCache->get($key);
         if ($item) {
             $response->addHeader('X-SilverStripe-Cache', 'deleted ' . $key);
  * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request
  * @return bool
 public function run($request)
     /* @var $permissionChecker AnnotatePermissionChecker */
     $permissionChecker = Injector::inst()->get('AnnotatePermissionChecker');
     if (!$permissionChecker->environmentIsAllowed()) {
         return false;
     /* @var $annotator DataObjectAnnotator */
     $annotator = DataObjectAnnotator::create();
     return true;
 public function handleGetAllPresentations(SS_HTTPRequest $r)
     $limit = $r->getVar('limit') ?: 50;
     if ($limit > 50) {
         $limit = 50;
     $start = $r->getVar('page') ?: 0;
     $presentations = Member::currentUser() ? Member::currentUser()->getRandomisedPresentations() : Presentation::get()->filter(array('SummitEvent.SummitID' => Summit::get_active()->ID));
     if ($r->getVar('category')) {
         $presentations = $presentations->filter('CategoryID', (int) $r->getVar('category'));
     if ($r->getVar('keyword')) {
         $k = $r->getVar('keyword');
         $presentations = $presentations->filterAny(array('Title:PartialMatch' => $k, 'Description:PartialMatch' => $k, 'Speakers.FirstName:PartialMatch' => $k, 'Speakers.LastName:PartialMatch' => $k));
     if ($r->getVar('voted') == "true") {
         $presentations = $presentations->leftJoin("PresentationVote", "PresentationVote.PresentationID = Presentation.ID")->where("IFNULL(PresentationVote.MemberID,0) = " . Member::currentUserID());
     if ($r->getVar('voted') == "false") {
         $presentations = $presentations->leftJoin("PresentationVote", "PresentationVote.PresentationID = Presentation.ID")->where("IFNULL(PresentationVote.MemberID,0) != " . Member::currentUserID());
     $count = $presentations->count();
     $presentations = $presentations->limit($limit, $start * $limit);
     $data = array('results' => array(), 'has_more' => $count > $limit * ($start + 1), 'total' => $count, 'remaining' => $count - $limit * ($start + 1));
     foreach ($presentations as $p) {
         $data['results'][] = array('id' => $p->ID, 'title' => $p->Title, 'user_vote' => $p->getUserVote() ? $p->getUserVote()->Vote : null);
     return (new SS_HTTPResponse(Convert::array2json($data), 200))->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
  * Determins if the given request is from a bot
  * Google ranks sites with the same content on different URLs lower.
  * This makes the site deliver single pages to bots
  * @link http://www.beautifulcoding.com/snippets/178/a-simple-php-bot-checker-are-you-human/
  * @return boolean
 public static function isRequsetBot(\SS_HTTPRequest $request)
     $bots = Config::inst()->get('AllInOnePage', 'Bots');
     $result = $request->getVar("mockBot") == "true";
     if (!$result) {
         foreach ($bots as $spider) {
             //If the spider text is found in the current user agent, then return true
             if (stripos($request->getHeader("User-Agent"), $spider) !== false) {
                 $result = true;
     //        echo '<pre class="debug"> "$result"' . PHP_EOL . print_r($result ? "yes" : "no", true) . PHP_EOL . '</pre>';
     return $result || $request->getVar("mockBot") == "true";
 public function delete(SS_HTTPRequest $request)
     $rid = $request->getVar('RID');
     $record = TestObject::get()->filter(array('ID' => $rid))->first();
     return $this->customise(new ArrayData(array('Title' => 'Orient DB Demo', 'SubTitle' => "Deleted Record {$rid}", 'Content' => $content)))->renderWith(array('OrientController', 'AppController'));
  * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request
 public function run($request)
     echo 'Pass ?refresh=1 to refresh your members<br/>';
     echo '<hr/>';
     $refresh = $request->getVar('refresh');
     if ($refresh) {
         DB::alteration_message("Resetting all members location");
         DB::query('UPDATE Member SET Latitude = 0, Longitude = 0');
     $Members = Member::get()->filter(array('Latitude' => 0));
     foreach ($Members as $Member) {
         DB::alteration_message('Processing member #' . $Member->ID . ' - ' . $Member->getTitle());
         if (!$Member->Latitude) {
             if ($Member->canBeGeolocalized()) {
                 if (!$Member->CountryCode) {
                     DB::alteration_message("Warning ! This member has no country code", "error");
                 /* @var $res Geocoder\Model\Address */
                 $res = $Member->Geocode();
                 if ($res) {
                     DB::alteration_message('Geocode success on ' . $res->getLatitude() . ',' . $res->getLongitude() . ' : ' . $res->getStreetNumber() . ', ' . $res->getStreetName() . ' ' . $res->getPostalCode() . ' ' . $res->getLocality() . ' ' . $res->getCountry(), 'created');
                 } else {
                     DB::alteration_message('Geocode error', 'error');
             } else {
                 DB::alteration_message('Cannot be geolocalized', 'error');
         } else {
             DB::alteration_message('Already geolocalized', 'error');
  * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request
 public function run($request)
     /** =========================================
          * @var Page $page
     if (class_exists('Page')) {
         if (Page::has_extension('TwitterCardMeta')) {
             // Should we overwrite?
             $overwrite = $request->getVar('overwrite') ? true : false;
             echo sprintf('Overwrite is %s', $overwrite ? 'enabled' : 'disabled') . $this->eol . $this->eol;
             $pages = Page::get();
             foreach ($pages as $page) {
                 $id = $page->ID;
                 echo $this->hr;
                 echo 'Updating page: ' . $page->Title . $this->eol;
                 foreach ($this->fields_to_update as $fieldName) {
                     $oldData = DB::query("SELECT {$fieldName} FROM Page WHERE ID = {$id}")->column($fieldName);
                     $newData = DB::query("SELECT {$fieldName} FROM SiteTree WHERE ID = {$id}")->column($fieldName);
                     if (!empty($oldData)) {
                         // If new data has been saved and we don't want to overwrite, exit the loop
                         if (!empty($newData) && $overwrite === false) {
                         DB::query("UPDATE SiteTree SET {$fieldName} = '{$oldData[0]}' WHERE ID = {$id}");
                     } else {
                         echo 'Field "' . $fieldName . '" empty.' . $this->eol;
Beispiel #15
 public function doGetProperties(SS_HTTPRequest $request)
     $range = $request->getVar('range');
     $list = $this->PropertyList()->filter(array('Latitude:LessThan' => floatval($range[0]), 'Latitude:GreaterThan' => floatval($range[2]), 'Longitude:LessThan' => floatval($range[1]), 'Longitude:GreaterThan' => floatval($range[3])));
     $json = JSONDataFormatter::create()->convertDataObjectSet($list);
     return $json;
 protected static function getDefault(SS_HTTPRequest $request, $var, $default)
     if ($value = $request->getVar($var)) {
         return $value;
     return $default;
  * Returns a JSON string of tags, for lazy loading.
  * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request
  * @return SS_HTTPResponse
 public function suggest(SS_HTTPRequest $request)
     $members = $this->getMembers($request->getVar('term'));
     $response = new SS_HTTPResponse();
     $response->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     return $response;
  * Accepts a list of ids in form of comma separated string via GET parameter. If any of these payments is no longer
  * pending, this method returns true, false otherwise.
  * @param $gridField
  * @param \SS_HTTPRequest|null $request
  * @return bool
 public function handleCheckPaymentPending($gridField, \SS_HTTPRequest $request = null)
     if (!$request) {
         return false;
     $ids = preg_split('/[^\\d]+/', $request->getVar('ids'));
     return \Payment::get()->filter('ID', $ids)->exclude('Status', array('PendingVoid', 'PendingCapture', 'PendingRefund'))->count() > 0;
 public function index(SS_HTTPRequest $request)
     $screenshots = ModuleScreenshot::get()->limit(20);
     if ($search = $request->getVar('Title')) {
         $screenshots = $screenshots->filter(array('Title:PartialMatch' => $search));
     return array('Results' => $screenshots);
  * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request
  * @return string
 public function run($request)
     $target = urldecode($request->getVar('target'));
     if (!$target) {
         return "Please provide a target as GET param.";
     $parsedData = WebsiteParser::parse($target);
  * Handles returning the JSON events data for a time range.
  * @param  SS_HTTPRequest $request
  * @return SS_HTTPResponse
 public function eventsdata($request)
     $start = $request->getVar('start');
     $end = $request->getVar('end');
     // for testing
     if (!$end) {
         $end = '2013-12-12';
     $events = $this->owner->data()->getEventList(sfDate::getInstance($start)->date(), sfDate::getInstance($end)->date(), null, null);
     $result = array();
     if ($events) {
         foreach ($events as $event) {
             $result[] = array('id' => $event->ID, 'title' => $event->getTitle(), 'start' => strtotime("{$event->StartDate} {$event->StartTime}"), 'end' => strtotime("{$event->EndDate} {$event->EndTime}"), 'startTime' => $event->getFormattedStartTime(), 'endTime' => $event->getFormattedEndTime(), 'allDay' => (bool) $event->AllDay, 'url' => $event->Link());
     $this->owner->getRequest()->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     return Convert::array2json($result);
  * Returns the limit, either given in request by `limit` or from the default settings in the controller.
  * @param \SS_HTTPRequest $request
  * @return int the limit value
 public function limit($request)
     $limit = (int) $request->getVar('limit');
     if ($limit && is_int($limit) && $limit > 0) {
         return $limit;
     } else {
         return static::$default_limit;
  * @param \SS_HTTPRequest $request
  * @throws \Exception
 public function run($request)
     if ($request->getVar('module')) {
         $this->setModulePath(BASE_PATH . $ds . $request->getVar('module'));
     if (!is_dir($this->modulePath)) {
         throw new \Exception("Invalid module path: {$this->modulePath}");
     $iterator = new \GlobIterator($this->modulePath . $ds . $this->sourceDir . $ds . '*.json');
     foreach ($iterator as $item) {
         $translations = file_get_contents($item->getPathName());
         $locale = preg_replace('/\\.json/', '', $item->getFilename());
         $targetPath = $this->modulePath . $ds . $this->targetDir . $ds . $locale . '.js';
         echo "Generating {$targetPath}\n";
         file_put_contents($targetPath, str_replace(array('%TRANSLATIONS%', '%FILE%', '%LOCALE%'), array($translations, $this->sourceDir . $ds . $item->getFilename(), $locale), $this->getTemplate()));
 public function getReport(SS_HTTPRequest $request)
     if (!Director::is_ajax()) {
         return $this->forbiddenError();
     $template_id = (int) $request->param('SURVEY_TEMPLATE_ID');
     $section_id = (int) $request->getVar('section_id');
     $filters = json_decode($request->getVar('filters'));
     try {
         $survey_template = SurveyTemplate::get_by_id('SurveyTemplate', $template_id);
         if (is_null($survey_template)) {
             return $this->httpError(404);
         $section = $survey_template->Report()->Sections()->filter('ID', $section_id)->first();
         return $this->ok($section->mapSection($filters));
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         return $ex->getMessage();
  * Check if we should merge
  * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request
 protected function getIsMerge($request)
     $merge = $request->getVar('merge');
     // Default to false if not given
     if (!isset($merge)) {
         Deprecation::notice("4.0", "merge will be enabled by default in 4.0. Please use merge=false if you do not want to merge.");
         return false;
     // merge=0 or merge=false will disable merge
     return !in_array($merge, array('0', 'false'));
Beispiel #26
  * Action to render results for an autocomplete filter.
  * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request
  * @return void
 function filter($request)
     //$model = singleton($this->modelClass);
     $context = $this->dataObject->getDefaultSearchContext();
     $value = $request->getVar('q');
     $results = $context->getResults(array("Name" => $value));
     header("Content-Type: text/plain");
     foreach ($results as $result) {
         echo $result->Name . "\n";
  * Action: get info about product set to help you determine how to appropriately use /products
  * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request
 function getinfo($request)
     $limit = $request->getVar('limit') ? $request->getVar('limit') : 1000;
     $products = $this->ProductList();
     $productsItems = PaginatedList::create($products, $request)->setPageLength($limit)->setPaginationGetVar('start');
     $count = $products->Count();
     $sets = floor($count / $limit);
     $setcount = $sets;
     echo '<p>There are a total of <strong>' . $count . '</strong> products.</p>';
     echo '<p>Google should be provided with <strong>' . $setcount . '</strong> different feeds, showing ' . $limit . ' per page.</strong>';
     for ($i = 0; $i <= $sets; $i++) {
         $counter = $limit * $i;
         $link = Director::absoluteURL('/googlebase/products/?limit=' . $limit);
         if ($i > 0) {
             $link .= '&start=' . $counter;
         echo '<p><a href="' . $link . '" target="_blank">' . $link . '</a></p>';
Beispiel #28
 public function index(SS_HTTPRequest $request)
     $products = Product::get();
     if ($search = $request->getVar('Keywords')) {
         $products = $products->filter(array('Title:PartialMatch' => $search));
     if ($minPrice = $request->getVar('MinPrice')) {
         $products = $products->filter(array('Price:GreaterThanOrEqual' => $minPrice));
     if ($maxPrice = $request->getVar('MaxPrice')) {
         $products = $products->filter(array('Price:LessThanOrEqual' => $maxPrice));
     $paginatedProducts = PaginatedList::create($products, $request)->setPageLength(6);
     $data = array('Results' => $paginatedProducts);
         return $this->customise(array(
             'Results' => $paginatedProducts
     if ($request->isAjax()) {
         return $this->customise($data)->renderWith('ProductSearchResults');
     return $data;
 public function index(SS_HTTPRequest $request)
     $properties = Property::get();
     if ($search = $request->getVar('Keywords')) {
         $properties = $properties->filter(array('Title:PartialMatch' => $search));
     if ($arrival = $request->getVar('ArrivalDate')) {
         $arrivalStamp = strtotime($arrival);
         $nightAdder = '+' . $request->getVar('Nights') . ' days';
         $startDate = date('Y-m-d', $arrivalStamp);
         $endDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($nightAdder, $arrivalStamp));
         $properties = $properties->filter(array('AvailableStart:LessThanOrEqual' => $startDate, 'AvailableEnd:GreaterThanOrEqual' => $endDate));
     if ($bedrooms = $request->getVar('Bedrooms')) {
         $properties = $properties->filter(array('Bedrooms:GreaterThanOrEqual' => $bedrooms));
     if ($bathrooms = $request->getVar('Bathrooms')) {
         $properties = $properties->filter(array('Bathrooms:GreaterThanOrEqual' => $bathrooms));
     if ($minPrice = $request->getVar('MinPrice')) {
         $properties = $properties->filter(array('PricePerNight:GreaterThanOrEqual' => $minPrice));
     if ($maxPrice = $request->getVar('MaxPrice')) {
         $properties = $properties->filter(array('PricePerNight:LessThanOrEqual' => $maxPrice));
     $paginatedProperties = PaginatedList::create($properties, $request)->setPageLength(15)->setPaginationGetVar('s');
     $data = array('Results' => $paginatedProperties);
     if ($request->isAjax()) {
         return $this->customise($data)->renderWith('PropertySearchResults');
     return $data;
 public function index(SS_HTTPRequest $request)
     $properties = Property::get();
     $filters = ArrayList::create();
     if ($search = $request->getVar('Keywords')) {
         $filters->push(ArrayData::create(array('Label' => "Keywords: '{$search}'", 'RemoveLink' => HTTP::setGetVar('Keywords', null))));
         $properties = $properties->filter(array('Title:PartialMatch' => $search));
     if ($arrival = $request->getVar('ArrivalDate')) {
         $arrivalStamp = strtotime($arrival);
         $nightAdder = '+' . $request->getVar('Nights') . ' days';
         $startDate = date('Y-m-d', $arrivalStamp);
         $endDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($nightAdder, $arrivalStamp));
         $properties = $properties->filter(array('AvailableStart:GreaterThanOrEqual' => $startDate, 'AvailableEnd:LessThanOrEqual' => $endDate));
     if ($bedrooms = $request->getVar('Bedrooms')) {
         $filters->push(ArrayData::create(array('Label' => "{$bedrooms} bedrooms", 'RemoveLink' => HTTP::setGetVar('Bedrooms', null))));
         $properties = $properties->filter(array('Bedrooms:GreaterThanOrEqual' => $bedrooms));
     if ($bathrooms = $request->getVar('Bathrooms')) {
         $filters->push(ArrayData::create(array('Label' => "{$bathrooms} bathrooms", 'RemoveLink' => HTTP::setGetVar('Bathrooms', null))));
         $properties = $properties->filter(array('Bathrooms:GreaterThanOrEqual' => $bathrooms));
     if ($minPrice = $request->getVar('MinPrice')) {
         $filters->push(ArrayData::create(array('Label' => "Min. \${$minPrice}", 'RemoveLink' => HTTP::setGetVar('MinPrice', null))));
         $properties = $properties->filter(array('PricePerNight:GreaterThanOrEqual' => $minPrice));
     if ($maxPrice = $request->getVar('MaxPrice')) {
         $filters->push(ArrayData::create(array('Label' => "Max. \${$maxPrice}", 'RemoveLink' => HTTP::setGetVar('MaxPrice', null))));
         $properties = $properties->filter(array('PricePerNight:LessThanOrEqual' => $maxPrice));
     $paginatedProperties = PaginatedList::create($properties, $request)->setPageLength(15)->setPaginationGetVar('s');
     return array('Results' => $paginatedProperties, 'ActiveFilters' => $filters);