  * Return the {@link SQLQuery} that provides your report data.
 function sourceQuery($params)
     $sqlQuery = new SQLQuery();
     $sqlQuery->selectField('CalendarEvent.Title', 'Event');
     $sqlQuery->addInnerJoin('CalendarEventDate', '"CalendarEventDate"."CalendarEventID" = "CalendarEvent"."ID"');
     if (isset($params['DateFrom'])) {
         $fromDate = new SS_DateTime('FromDate');
         $sqlQuery->addWhere(array('Date >= ?' => $fromDate->Format("Y-m-d")));
     if (isset($params['DateTo'])) {
         $toDate = new SS_DateTime('ToDate');
         $sqlQuery->addWhere(array('Date <= ?' => $toDate->Format("Y-m-d")));
     if (isset($params['PrivateBookings'])) {
         if ($params['PrivateBookings'] == 'Private') {
             $sqlQuery->addWhere('Private = 1');
         } elseif ($params['PrivateBookings'] == 'Public') {
             $sqlQuery->addWhere('Private = 0');
     return $sqlQuery;
 public function Meetings()
     $meetings = new ArrayList();
     $year = date('Y');
     $month = date('n');
     $months = array(1 => 'January', 2 => 'February', 3 => 'March', 4 => 'April', 5 => 'May', 6 => 'June', 7 => 'July', 8 => 'August', 9 => 'September', 10 => 'October', 11 => 'November', 12 => 'December');
     for ($i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) {
         // Get the second and fourth Saturdays and add them to the array.
         $firstSaturday = strtotime($months[$month] . ' ' . $year . ' Saturday');
         $meeting = $firstSaturday + 7.5 * 24 * 60 * 60;
         for ($j = 0; $j < 2; $j++) {
             // Hack - this should be done with a modeladmin for removed and
             // added dates.
             $skipDay = false;
             if ($year == 2013 && $month == 8 && $j == 0) {
                 $skipDay = true;
             $meetingTime = $meeting;
             if ($skipDay) {
                 $meetingTime += 24 * 60 * 60;
             $date = new SS_DateTime();
             $date->setValue(date('d/m/Y', $meetingTime));
             $meetings->push(new ArrayData(array('StartDate' => $date, 'Title' => 'Club Meeting', 'Location' => 'club')));
             $meeting += 14 * 24 * 60 * 60;
         // Increment the month
         if ($month > 12) {
             $month = 1;
     return $meetings;
  * Determines whether the token is still valid (from days since it was created).
  * @return bool
 public function isExpired()
     $createdSeconds = strtotime($this->Created);
     $validForSeconds = (int) $this->ValidForDays * 24 * 60 * 60;
     $nowSeconds = strtotime(SS_DateTime::now()->Format("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
     return $createdSeconds + $validForSeconds <= $nowSeconds;
  * @return SS_HTTPRequest
 public function backup()
     $name = 'assets_' . SS_DateTime::now()->Format('Y-m-d') . '.zip';
     $tmpName = TEMP_FOLDER . '/' . $name;
     $zip = new ZipArchive();
     if (!$zip->open($tmpName, ZipArchive::OVERWRITE)) {
         user_error('Asset Export Extension: Unable to read/write temporary zip archive', E_USER_ERROR);
     $files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(ASSETS_PATH, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS));
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $local = str_replace(ASSETS_PATH . '/', '', $file);
         $zip->addFile($file, $local);
     if (!$zip->status == ZipArchive::ER_OK) {
         user_error('Asset Export Extension: ZipArchive returned an error other than OK', E_USER_ERROR);
     if (ob_get_length()) {
     $content = file_get_contents($tmpName);
     return SS_HTTPRequest::send_file($content, $name);
  * Creates a guestbook entry with default values.
  * @return \GuestbookEntry
 public static function create()
     $entry = new GuestbookEntry();
     $entry->Date = SS_DateTime::now()->getValue();
     $entry->IpAddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     $entry->Host = gethostbyaddr($entry->IpAddress);
     return $entry;
  * @param string $queue
  * @return null|QueuedJobDescriptor
 protected function getNextJobDescriptorWithoutMutex($queue)
     $list = QueuedJobDescriptor::get()->filter('JobType', $queue)->sort('ID', 'ASC');
     $descriptor = $list->filter('JobStatus', QueuedJob::STATUS_WAIT)->first();
     if ($descriptor) {
         return $descriptor;
     return $list->filter('JobStatus', QueuedJob::STATUS_NEW)->where(sprintf('"StartAfter" < \'%s\' OR "StartAfter" IS NULL', SS_DateTime::now()->getValue()))->first();
 public function spellcheck(SS_HTTPRequest $request)
     $this->owner->request->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
     $this->owner->request->addHeader('Content-Encoding', 'UTF-8');
     $this->owner->request->addHeader('Expires', 'Mon, 26 Jul 1007 05:00:00 GMT');
     $this->owner->request->addHeader('Last-Modified', SS_DateTime::now()->Format('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT');
     $this->owner->request->addHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');
     $this->owner->request->addHeader('Cache-Control', 'post-check=0, pre-check=0');
     $this->owner->request->addHeader('Pragma', 'no-cache');
     $engine = self::$engine;
     $shell = self::$shell;
     if (!defined('SPELLCHECK_POST_SS3')) {
         $engine = Config::inst()->get('CMSSpellChecker', 'engine') ?: $engine;
         $shell = Config::inst()->get('CMSSpellChecker', 'shell') ?: $shell;
     if (!defined('PSPELL_FAST')) {
         define('PSPELL_FAST', 1);
     # Fast mode (least number of suggestions)
     if (!defined('PSPELL_NORMAL')) {
         define('PSPELL_NORMAL', 2);
     # Normal mode (more suggestions)
     if (!defined('PSPELL_BAD_SPELLERS')) {
         define('PSPELL_BAD_SPELLERS', 3);
     # Slow mode (a lot of suggestions)
     $config['general.engine'] = $engine;
     $config['PSpell.mode'] = PSPELL_FAST;
     $config['PSpell.spelling'] = '';
     $config['PSpell.jargon'] = '';
     $config['PSpell.encoding'] = '';
     $config['PSpellShell.mode'] = PSPELL_FAST;
     $config['PSpellShell.aspell'] = $shell;
     $config['PSpellShell.tmp'] = '/tmp';
     $output = array('id' => null, 'result' => null, 'error' => null);
     $raw = $request->requestVar('json_data') ?: '';
     if (!$raw) {
         $raw = '' . file_get_contents('php://input');
     if (!$raw) {
         $output['error'] = array('errstr' => 'Could not get raw post data', 'errfile' => '', 'errline' => null, 'errcontext' => '', 'level' => 'FATAL');
         echo json_encode($output);
     $input = json_decode($raw, true);
     if (isset($config['general.engine'])) {
         $spellchecker = new $config['general.engine']($config);
         $result = call_user_func_array(array($spellchecker, $input['method']), $input['params']);
     $output['id'] = $input['id'];
     $output['result'] = $result;
     echo json_encode($output);
 function testRecentlyEdited()
     SS_Datetime::set_mock_now('31-06-2009 00:00:00');
     $after = $this->objFromFixture('SiteTree', 'after');
     $before = $this->objFromFixture('SiteTree', 'before');
     $r = new SideReport_RecentlyEdited();
     // check if contains only elements not older than $daysAgo days
     $this->assertContains($after->ID, $r->records(array())->column('ID'));
     $this->assertNotContains($before->ID, $r->records(array())->column('ID'));
 public function run()
     SapphireTransactionManager::getInstance()->transaction(function () {
         $unprocessedVideos = PresentationVideo::get()->filter(['Processed' => false])->limit(50);
         if (!$unprocessedVideos->exists()) {
         $summit = Summit::get_active();
         $dateUTC = $summit->convertDateFromTimeZone2UTC(SS_DateTime::now()->Rfc2822());
         $dateUTCTimestamp = strtotime($dateUTC);
         $maxAge = SummitVideoApp::config()->abandon_unprocessed_videos_after;
         $ids = [];
         foreach ($unprocessedVideos as $video) {
             $age = $dateUTCTimestamp - strtotime($video->DateUploaded);
             if ($age > $maxAge) {
                 SS_Log::log("Video {$video->Title} has been unprocessed for a long time. ({$age} seconds). It should be deleted.", SS_Log::WARN);
             $ids[] = $video->YouTubeID;
         try {
             $response = $this->api->getVideoStatusById($ids);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             SS_Log::log("YouTube check for status failed" . $e->getMessage(), SS_Log::ERR);
         $body = $response->getBody()->getContents();
         $data = Convert::json2array($body);
         $items = $data['items'];
         if (empty($items)) {
             echo "No videos are marked as processing. Exiting.\n";
         foreach ($items as $item) {
             $currentStatus = $item['status']['uploadStatus'];
             if ($currentStatus == 'processed') {
                 $video = PresentationVideo::get()->filter(['YouTubeID' => $item['id']])->first();
                 if (!$video) {
                     SS_Log::log("Tried to update processing status for " . $item['id'] . " but no PresentationVideo with that YouTubeID was found.", SS_Log::WARN);
                 $video->Processed = true;
         echo "{$this->videosUpdated} videos updated.\n";
 public function testExpiredRememberMeHashAutologin()
     $m1 = $this->objFromFixture('Member', 'noexpiry');
     $firstHash = RememberLoginHash::get()->filter('MemberID', $m1->ID)->First();
     // re-generates the hash so we can get the token
     $firstHash->Hash = $firstHash->getNewHash($m1);
     $token = $firstHash->getToken();
     $firstHash->ExpiryDate = '2000-01-01 00:00:00';
     SS_DateTime::set_mock_now('1999-12-31 23:59:59');
     $response = $this->get('Security/login', $this->session(), null, array('alc_enc' => $m1->ID . ':' . $token, 'alc_device' => $firstHash->DeviceID));
     $message = _t('Member.LOGGEDINAS', "You're logged in as {name}.", array('name' => $m1->FirstName));
     $this->assertContains($message, $response->getBody());
     $this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', null);
     // re-generates the hash so we can get the token
     $firstHash->Hash = $firstHash->getNewHash($m1);
     $token = $firstHash->getToken();
     $firstHash->ExpiryDate = '2000-01-01 00:00:00';
     SS_DateTime::set_mock_now('2000-01-01 00:00:01');
     $response = $this->get('Security/login', $this->session(), null, array('alc_enc' => $m1->ID . ':' . $token, 'alc_device' => $firstHash->DeviceID));
     $this->assertNotContains($message, $response->getBody());
     $this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', null);
  * @param $id
  * @return array
 public function getVideoDetail($id)
     $video = PresentationVideo::get()->filter(['Presentation.Slug' => $id, 'DisplayOnSite' => true, 'Processed' => true])->first();
     if (!$video) {
         $video = PresentationVideo::get()->filter(['ID' => $id, 'DisplayOnSite' => true, 'Processed' => true])->first();
     if ($video) {
         $cutoff = time() - SummitVideoApp::config()->video_view_staleness;
         $videoStaleness = strtotime($video->ViewsLastUpdated);
         // Refresh the views if they're not of acceptable staleness
         if (!$video->ViewsLastUpdated || $videoStaleness < $cutoff) {
             // Set the last updated regardless of the outcome, so we don't get
             // unthrottled failures.
             $video->ViewsLastUpdated = SS_DateTime::now()->Rfc2822();
             try {
                 $response = $this->youTube->getVideoStatsById($video->YouTubeID);
                 if ($response) {
                     $data = Convert::json2array($response->getBody()->getContents());
                     if (!empty($data['items'])) {
                         $videoData = $data['items'][0];
                         $video->Views = $videoData['statistics']['viewCount'];
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 SS_Log::log("Summit video app tried to get video {$video->YouTubeID}: {$e->getMessage()}", SS_Log::ERR);
         $json = $this->createVideoJSON($video);
         $json['description'] = $video->Presentation()->ShortDescription ?: $video->Presentation()->Description;
         return $json;
  * Get the items, per month/year/author
  * If no month or year is set, current month/year is assumed
  * @todo cleanup the month-method maybe?
  * @return Array $filter Filtering for the allNews getter
 public function generateAddedFilter()
     $mapping = self::$url_handlers;
     $params = $this->getURLParams();
     /** @var array $filter Generic/default filter */
     $filter = array('Live' => 1);
     if (isset($params['Action'])) {
         switch ($mapping[$params['Action']]) {
             /** Archive */
             case 'archive':
                 if (!isset($params['ID'])) {
                     $month = SS_DateTime::now()->Format('m');
                     $year = SS_DateTime::now()->Format('Y');
                 } elseif (!isset($params['OtherID']) && isset($params['ID'])) {
                     $year = $params['ID'];
                     $month = '';
                 } else {
                     $year = $params['ID'];
                     $month = date_parse('01-' . $params['OtherID'] . '-1970');
                     $month = str_pad((int) $month['month'], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
                 $filter['PublishFrom:PartialMatch'] = $year . '-' . $month;
                 /** Author */
             /** Author */
             case 'author':
                 $filter['AuthorHelper.URLSegment:ExactMatch'] = $params['ID'];
     return $filter;
 public function handleApplyVideo(SS_HTTPRequest $r)
     if (!Permission::check('VIDEO_UPLOADER')) {
         return $this->httpError(403, 'You do not have permission to use this method');
     // Only allow one writeable property here
     if ($youTube = $r->postVar('youtubeid')) {
         $video = $this->presentation->Materials()->filter('ClassName', 'PresentationVideo')->first();
         if (!$video) {
             $video = PresentationVideo::create();
         $dateUTC = $this->presentation->Summit()->convertDateFromTimeZone2UTC(SS_DateTime::now()->Rfc2822());
         $video->PresentationID = $this->presentation->ID;
         $video->DateUploaded = $dateUTC;
         $video->Name = $this->presentation->Title;
         $video->DisplayOnSite = true;
         $video->YouTubeID = $youTube;
         return new SS_HTTPResponse("OK", 200);
     return $this->httpError(400, "You must provide a youtubeid parameter in the POST request");
  * A user formatted date
  * @return string
 public function getDateTime()
     $date = new SS_DateTime();
     return Convert::raw2xml($date->FormatFromSettings());
 public function activeNews()
     $now = SS_DateTime::now()->Format('Y-m-d');
     return $this->News()->filter(array('Live' => true))->exclude(array('PublishFrom:GreaterThan' => $now));
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function onAfterWrite()
     $siteConfig = SiteConfig::current_site_config();
      * This is related to another module of mine.
      * Check it at my repos: Silverstripe-Social.
      * It auto-tweets your new Newsitem. If the TwitterController exists ofcourse.
      * It doesn't auto-tweet if the publish-date is in the future. Also, it won't tweet when it's that date!
      * @todo refactor this to a facebook/twitter oAuth method that a dev spent more time on developing than I did on my Social-module.
     if (class_exists('TwitterController')) {
         $date = SS_DateTime::now()->Format('Y-m-d');
         if ($this->Live && $this->PublishDate <= $date && !$this->Tweeted && $siteConfig->TweetOnPost) {
             $this->Tweeted = true;
  * Tests if the video gets stamped even when the YouTube service fails
 public function testItWillUpdateTheLastViewsUpdatedWhenServiceFails()
     Config::inst()->update('SummitVideoApp', 'video_view_staleness', 3600);
     $video1 = $this->objFromFixture('PresentationVideo', 'Video1');
     $video1->Views = 10;
     $video1->ViewsLastUpdated = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('-2 hours'));
     $mockService = $this->createMockYouTubeService(['getVideoStatsByID' => function ($self) {
         return $self->once();
     }], $this->returnValue(new Exception('It failed spectacularly')));
     $backend = new SummitVideoAppBackend($mockService);
     $videoDetail = $backend->getVideoDetail($video1->ID);
     $video1 = PresentationVideo::get()->filter('YouTubeID', $video1->YouTubeID)->first();
     $this->assertEquals(10, $video1->Views);
     // In all likelihood, the diff should be 0, here. Timestamp is set to now.
     // But for testing we'll have a bit of tolerance.
     $diff = strtotime(SS_DateTime::now()->Rfc2822()) - strtotime($video1->ViewsLastUpdated);
     $this->assertLessThan(10, $diff);
  * Called by responseSave function
  * Saves any client script errors to the database
  * @param $saved set to true if data is saved
 private function responseSaveScript(&$saved)
     $this->log("TenonAjax.responseSaveScript", "count=" . count($this->tenon_response->clientScriptErrors));
     if (count($this->tenon_response->clientScriptErrors) > 0) {
         foreach ($this->tenon_response->clientScriptErrors as $csError) {
             $result = new TenonResult();
             $timestamp = new SS_DateTime();
             $timestamp->setValue(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
             $result->setField('PageURL', $this->tenon_page);
             $result->setField('ResultType', 'Script');
             $result->setField('Timestamp', $timestamp);
             if (isset($this->tenon_response->resultSummary->errorDensity)) {
                 $result->setField('PageDensity', $this->tenon_response->resultSummary->errorDensity / 100);
             $result->setField('Title', $this->tenon_page . 'script error');
             $result->setField('ErrorTitle', 'Script error');
             $result->setField('Description', $csError->message);
             if (isset($csError->stacktrace)) {
                 $stFiles = $this->responseSaveScriptCollate($csError->stacktrace, 'file');
                 $stFunctions = $this->responseSaveScriptCollate($csError->stacktrace, 'function');
                 $stLines = $this->responseSaveScriptCollate($csError->stacktrace, 'line');
                 $result->setField('Snippet', "{$stFiles}<br />{$stFunctions}");
                 $result->setField('Location', "{$stLines}");
         $saved = true;
     $this->log("TenonAjax.responseSaveScript", "count=" . count($this->tenon_response->clientScriptErrors));
Beispiel #19
 public function getNextDate()
     $date = $this->getDate();
     if ($date->isToday()) {
     $endDate = $this->obj('EndDate');
     if ($date->format('Y') > $endDate->format('Y') || $date->format('n') > $endDate->format('n') || $date->format('j') >= $endDate->format('j')) {
     $nextDate = new SS_DateTime('NextDate');
     do {
         $nextDate->setValue($nextDate->next_day($nextDate->format('Y'), $nextDate->format('n'), $nextDate->format('j')));
     } while ($nextDate->format('N') >= 6);
     // Skip past weekends.
     // If, after we skipped the weekend, we've shot past the current day or the end of sprint,
     // then return.
     if ($nextDate->inFuture()) {
     if ($nextDate->format('Y') > $endDate->format('Y') || $nextDate->format('n') > $endDate->format('n') || $nextDate->format('j') > $endDate->format('j')) {
     return $nextDate;
  * Check the current job queues and see if any of the jobs currently in there should be started. If so,
  * return the next job that should be executed
  * @param string $type Job type
  * @return QueuedJobDescriptor
 public function getNextPendingJob($type = null)
     // Filter jobs by type
     $type = $type ?: QueuedJob::QUEUED;
     $list = QueuedJobDescriptor::get()->filter('JobType', $type)->sort('ID', 'ASC');
     // see if there's any blocked jobs that need to be resumed
     $waitingJob = $list->filter('JobStatus', QueuedJob::STATUS_WAIT)->first();
     if ($waitingJob) {
         return $waitingJob;
     // If there's an existing job either running or pending, the lets just return false to indicate
     // that we're still executing
     $runningJob = $list->filter('JobStatus', array(QueuedJob::STATUS_INIT, QueuedJob::STATUS_RUN))->first();
     if ($runningJob) {
         return false;
     // Otherwise, lets find any 'new' jobs that are waiting to execute
     $newJob = $list->filter('JobStatus', QueuedJob::STATUS_NEW)->where(sprintf('"StartAfter" < \'%s\' OR "StartAfter" IS NULL', SS_DateTime::now()->getValue()))->first();
     return $newJob;
  * @return SS_HTTPRequest
 public function export()
     // get folder
     $folder = $this->owner->currentPage();
     $fn = $folder->exists() && $folder->getFilename() ? str_replace(ASSETS_DIR, '', $folder->getFilename()) : '';
     $path = realpath(ASSETS_PATH . $fn);
     // init zip
     $fn = preg_replace('/-+/', '-', 'assets-' . preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/', '-', $fn) . '-' . SS_DateTime::now()->Format('Y-m-d') . '.zip');
     $tmpName = TEMP_FOLDER . '/' . $fn;
     $zip = new ZipArchive();
     // create zip file for writing
     if ($zip->open($tmpName, ZipArchive::CREATE | ZipArchive::OVERWRITE) !== true) {
         user_error('Asset Export Extension: Unable to read/write temporary zip archive', E_USER_ERROR);
     // get whitelisted files
     $files = $this->getDirContents($path);
     // build zip
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $local = trim(str_replace($path, '', $file), '/');
         $zip->addFile($file, $local);
     // check the status
     if (!$zip->status == ZipArchive::ER_OK) {
         user_error('Asset Export Extension: ZipArchive returned an error other than OK', E_USER_ERROR);
     if (ob_get_length()) {
     $content = file_get_contents($tmpName);
     return SS_HTTPRequest::send_file($content, $fn);