  * This test was needed because of the wierd type casting issues with 0 and 1 and '1' and '0' as keys in an array.
  * '0' and '1' turn into integers which they shouldn't and this messes up the oneOf sql query builder. Additionally
  * on some versions of MySQL, 0,1 in a NOT IN, will evaluate true to 'abc' which it shouldn't.  As a result
  * the 0/1 boolean values have been removed from the BooleanSanitizerUtil::getAcceptableValues().
 public function testBooleanAcceptableValuesMappingAndSqlOneOfString()
     $string = SQLOperatorUtil::resolveOperatorAndValueForOneOf('oneOf', BooleanSanitizerUtil::getAcceptableValues());
     $compareString = "IN('false','true','y','n','yes','no','0','1','')";
     // Not Coding Standard
     $this->assertEquals($compareString, $string);
  * @see DataAnalyzerInterface::runAndMakeMessages()
 public function runAndMakeMessages(AnalyzerSupportedDataProvider $dataProvider, $columnName)
     $acceptableValues = BooleanSanitizerUtil::getAcceptableValues();
     $inPart = SQLOperatorUtil::resolveOperatorAndValueForOneOf('oneOf', $acceptableValues);
     $where = DatabaseCompatibilityUtil::lower($columnName) . ' NOT ' . $inPart;
     $count = $dataProvider->getCountByWhere($where);
     if ($count > 0) {
         $label = '{count} value(s) have invalid check box values. ';
         $label .= 'These values will be set to false upon import.';
         $this->addMessage(Zurmo::t('ImportModule', $label, array('{count}' => $count)));
 public static function userAddedToRole(User $user)
     assert('$user->role->id > 0');
     foreach (self::getMungableModelClassNames() as $modelClassName) {
         $mungeTableName = self::getMungeTableName($modelClassName);
         $userId = $user->id;
         $sql = "select securableitem_id\n                        from   ownedsecurableitem\n                        where  owner__user_id = {$userId}";
         $securableItemIds = R::getCol($sql);
         //Increment the parent roles for securableItems that the user is the owner on.
         self::bulkIncrementParentRolesCounts($mungeTableName, $securableItemIds, $user->role);
         //Get all downstream groups the user is in including any groups that are in those groups recursively.
         //Then for each group found, add weight for the user's upstream roles.
         $groupMungeIds = array();
         foreach ($user->groups as $group) {
             $groupMungeIds[] = 'G' . $group->id;
             self::getAllUpstreamGroupsRecursively($group, $groupMungeIds);
         if (count($groupMungeIds) > 0) {
             $inSqlPart = SQLOperatorUtil::resolveOperatorAndValueForOneOf('oneOf', $groupMungeIds, true);
             $sql = "select distinct {$mungeTableName}.securableitem_id\n                            from   {$mungeTableName}\n                            where  {$mungeTableName}.munge_id {$inSqlPart}";
             $securableItemIds = R::getCol($sql);
             self::bulkIncrementParentRolesCounts($mungeTableName, $securableItemIds, $user->role);
 public function testResolveOperatorAndValueForOneOfWithEscapedContent()
     $queryPart = SQLOperatorUtil::resolveOperatorAndValueForOneOf('oneOf', array('a', "b'd", 'c'));
     $compareQueryPart = "IN('a','b\\'d','c')";
     // Not Coding Standard
     $this->assertEquals($compareQueryPart, $queryPart);
  * Given an operator type and value, SQL is constructed. Example
  * return would be '>= 5'.
  * @return string
 public static function getOperatorAndValueWherePart($operatorType, $value)
     if (!SQLOperatorUtil::isValidOperatorTypeByValue($operatorType, $value)) {
         throw new NotSupportedException('value: ' . $value . ' operator type: ' . $operatorType);
     if (is_string($value)) {
         return self::resolveToLowerForStringComparison($operatorType, self::escape($value));
     } elseif (is_array($value) && count($value) > 0) {
         return SQLOperatorUtil::resolveOperatorAndValueForOneOf($operatorType, $value);
     } elseif ($value !== null) {
         return SQLOperatorUtil::getOperatorByType($operatorType) . " " . self::escape($value);
     } elseif ($value === null) {
         return SQLOperatorUtil::resolveOperatorAndValueForNullOrEmpty($operatorType);