  * Serialize data associated to a specific page. This method works on the
  * level of pages, i.e. it serialises parts of SMW content and implements
  * features like recursive export or backlinks that are available for this
  * type of data.
  * The recursion depth means the following. Depth of 1 or above means
  * the object is serialised with all property values, and referenced
  * objects are serialised with depth reduced by 1. Depth 0 means that only
  * minimal declarations are serialised, so no dependencies are added. A
  * depth of -1 encodes "infinite" depth, i.e. a complete recursive
  * serialisation without limit.
  * @param SMWDIWikiPage $diWikiPage specifying the page to be exported
  * @param integer $recursiondepth specifying the depth of recursion
 protected function serializePage(SMWDIWikiPage $diWikiPage, $recursiondepth = 1)
     if ($this->isPageDone($diWikiPage, $recursiondepth)) {
         // do not export twice
     $this->markPageAsDone($diWikiPage, $recursiondepth);
     $semData = $this->getSemanticData($diWikiPage, $recursiondepth == 0);
     // Don't try to serialize an empty page that cause an incomplete exp-data set
     // (e.g. _REDI as no property page hence DBKey is empty)
     if ($semData === null || $diWikiPage->getDBKey() === '') {
         return null;
     $expData = SMWExporter::getInstance()->makeExportData($semData);
     $this->serializer->serializeExpData($expData, $recursiondepth);
     foreach ($semData->getSubSemanticData() as $subobjectSemData) {
     // let other extensions add additional RDF data for this page
     $additionalDataArray = array();
     \Hooks::run('smwAddToRDFExport', array($diWikiPage, &$additionalDataArray, $recursiondepth != 0, $this->add_backlinks));
     foreach ($additionalDataArray as $additionalData) {
         // serialise
     if ($recursiondepth != 0) {
         $subrecdepth = $recursiondepth > 0 ? $recursiondepth - 1 : ($recursiondepth == 0 ? 0 : -1);
         foreach ($expData->getProperties() as $property) {
             if ($property->getDataItem() instanceof SMWWikiPageValue) {
                 $this->queuePage($property->getDataItem(), 0);
                 // no real recursion along properties
             $wikipagevalues = false;
             foreach ($expData->getValues($property) as $valueExpElement) {
                 $valueResource = $valueExpElement instanceof SMWExpData ? $valueExpElement->getSubject() : $valueExpElement;
                 if (!$wikipagevalues && $valueResource->getDataItem() instanceof SMWWikiPageValue) {
                     $wikipagevalues = true;
                 } elseif (!$wikipagevalues) {
                 $this->queuePage($valueResource->getDataItem(), $subrecdepth);
         // Add backlinks:
         // Note: Backlinks are different from recursive serialisations, since
         // stub declarations (recdepth==0) still need to have the property that
         // links back to the object. So objects that would be exported with
         // recdepth 0 cannot be put into the main queue but must be done right
         // away. They also might be required many times, if they link back to
         // many different objects in many ways (we cannot consider them "Done"
         // if they were serialised at recdepth 0 only).
         if ($this->add_backlinks) {
             $inprops = \SMW\StoreFactory::getStore()->getInProperties($diWikiPage);
             foreach ($inprops as $inprop) {
                 $propWikiPage = $inprop->getCanonicalDiWikiPage();
                 if (!is_null($propWikiPage)) {
                     $this->queuePage($propWikiPage, 0);
                     // no real recursion along properties
                 $inSubs = \SMW\StoreFactory::getStore()->getPropertySubjects($inprop, $diWikiPage);
                 foreach ($inSubs as $inSub) {
                     if (!$this->isPageDone($inSub, $subrecdepth)) {
                         $semdata = $this->getSemanticData($inSub, true);
                         if (!$semdata instanceof SMWSemanticData) {
                         $semdata->addPropertyObjectValue($inprop, $diWikiPage);
                         $expData = SMWExporter::getInstance()->makeExportData($semdata);
                         $this->serializer->serializeExpData($expData, $subrecdepth);
             if (NS_CATEGORY === $diWikiPage->getNamespace()) {
                 // also print elements of categories
                 $options = new SMWRequestOptions();
                 $options->limit = 100;
                 // Categories can be large, always use limit
                 $instances = \SMW\StoreFactory::getStore()->getPropertySubjects(new SMW\DIProperty('_INST'), $diWikiPage, $options);
                 $pinst = new SMW\DIProperty('_INST');
                 foreach ($instances as $instance) {
                     if (!array_key_exists($instance->getHash(), $this->element_done)) {
                         $semdata = $this->getSemanticData($instance, true);
                         if (!$semdata instanceof SMWSemanticData) {
                         $semdata->addPropertyObjectValue($pinst, $diWikiPage);
                         $expData = SMWExporter::getInstance()->makeExportData($semdata);
                         $this->serializer->serializeExpData($expData, $subrecdepth);
             } elseif (SMW_NS_CONCEPT === $diWikiPage->getNamespace()) {
                 // print concept members (slightly different code)
                 $desc = new SMWConceptDescription($diWikiPage);
                 $desc->addPrintRequest(new PrintRequest(PrintRequest::PRINT_THIS, ''));
                 $query = new SMWQuery($desc);
                 $res = \SMW\StoreFactory::getStore()->getQueryResult($query);
                 $resarray = $res->getNext();
                 $pinst = new SMW\DIProperty('_INST');
                 while ($resarray !== false) {
                     $instance = end($resarray)->getNextDataItem();
                     if (!$instance instanceof \SMWDataItem) {
                         $resarray = $res->getNext();
                     if (!array_key_exists($instance->getHash(), $this->element_done)) {
                         $semdata = $this->getSemanticData($instance, true);
                         if (!$semdata instanceof \SMW\SemanticData) {
                             $resarray = $res->getNext();
                         $semdata->addPropertyObjectValue($pinst, $diWikiPage);
                         $expData = SMWExporter::getInstance()->makeExportData($semdata);
                     $resarray = $res->getNext();
Beispiel #2
 public static function getAllPagesForConcept($conceptName, $substring = null)
     global $sfgMaxAutocompleteValues, $sfgAutocompleteOnAllChars;
     $store = smwfGetStore();
     $conceptTitle = Title::makeTitleSafe(SMW_NS_CONCEPT, $conceptName);
     if (!is_null($substring)) {
         $substring = strtolower($substring);
     // Escape if there's no such concept.
     if ($conceptTitle == null || !$conceptTitle->exists()) {
         return "Could not find concept: {$conceptName}";
     $conceptDI = SMWDIWikiPage::newFromTitle($conceptTitle);
     $desc = new SMWConceptDescription($conceptDI);
     $printout = new SMWPrintRequest(SMWPrintRequest::PRINT_THIS, "");
     $query = new SMWQuery($desc);
     $query_result = $store->getQueryResult($query);
     $pages = array();
     while ($res = $query_result->getNext()) {
         $pageName = $res[0]->getNextText(SMW_OUTPUT_WIKI);
         if (is_null($substring)) {
             $pages[] = $pageName;
         } else {
             // Filter on the substring manually. It would
             // be better to do this filtering in the
             // original SMW query, but that doesn't seem
             // possible yet.
             $lowercasePageName = strtolower($pageName);
             if ($sfgAutocompleteOnAllChars) {
                 if (strpos($lowercasePageName, $substring) >= 0) {
                     $pages[] = $pageName;
             } else {
                 if (strpos($lowercasePageName, $substring) === 0 || strpos($lowercasePageName, ' ' . $substring) > 0) {
                     $pages[] = $pageName;
     return $pages;