Beispiel #1
 public function Render()
     $extPath = SMExtensionManager::GetExtensionPath($this->context->GetExtensionName());
     SMEnvironment::GetMasterTemplate()->RegisterResource(SMTemplateResource::$StyleSheet, $extPath . "/JSShop/Views/Basket.css", true);
     $output = "\n\t\t<div id=\"" . $this->context->GetExtensionName() . "BasketContainer\"></div>\n\t\t<br>\n\t\t<div id=\"" . $this->context->GetExtensionName() . "OrderFormContainer\"></div>\n\n\t\t<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\n\t\tJSShop.Initialize(function()\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tvar b = new JSShop.Presenters.Basket();\n\t\t\tb.Render(document.getElementById(\"" . $this->context->GetExtensionName() . "BasketContainer\"));\n\n\t\t\tvar o = new JSShop.Presenters.OrderForm();\n\t\t\to.Render(document.getElementById(\"" . $this->context->GetExtensionName() . "OrderFormContainer\"));\n\t\t});\n\n\t\t</script>\n\t\t";
     return $output;
Beispiel #2
 public function Render()
     // Get Category ID
     $catId = SMEnvironment::GetQueryValue("SMShopCategory");
     // Load products
     $ds = new SMDataSource("SMShopProducts");
     $where = $catId !== null && $catId !== "Overview" ? "CategoryId = '" . $ds->Escape($catId) . "'" : "";
     $products = $ds->Select("*", $where);
     if ($catId !== "Overview" && count($products) > 0 && $products[0]["CategoryId"] !== $catId) {
         // SEO: Make CategoryId case sensitive
         $products = array();
     // Add additional data
     foreach ($products as $prod) {
         // Notice: Data in DataSource uses lowercase keys.
         // Therefore place holders in template, to which data is mapped,
         // will be transformed to lowercase keys (see lowerCasePlaceHolders(..)).
         // Entries added below therefore also have to use lowercase keys.
         if ($prod["Vat"] === "" || (double) $prod["Vat"] === 0.0) {
             $prod["fullprice"] = $prod["Price"];
         } else {
             $prod["fullprice"] = (string) round((double) $prod["Price"] + (double) $prod["Price"] * ((double) $prod["Vat"] / 100), 2);
         $prod["buy"] = $this->lang->GetTranslation("Buy");
         $prod["readmore"] = $this->lang->GetTranslation("ReadMore");
     // Set page title
     $title = $catId === "Overview" ? $this->lang->GetTranslation("Overview") : (count($products) > 0 ? $products[0]["Category"] : $this->lang->GetTranslation("NoProducts"));
     $this->context->GetTemplate()->ReplaceTag(new SMKeyValue("Title", $title));
     $output = "<h1>" . $title . "</h1>";
     // Load view and populate data
     $extPath = SMExtensionManager::GetExtensionPath($this->context->GetExtensionName());
     SMEnvironment::GetMasterTemplate()->RegisterResource(SMTemplateResource::$StyleSheet, $extPath . "/JSShop/Views/ProductList.css", true);
     $view = new SMTemplate($extPath . "/JSShop/Views/ProductList.html");
     // Data in DataSource uses lowercase keys, so place holders must use the same casing
     $view->ReplaceTagsRepeated("Products", $products);
     // Insert images
     $images = array();
     foreach ($products as $prod) {
         if ($prod["Images"] === "") {
         $images = array();
         foreach (explode(";", $prod["Images"]) as $src) {
             $images[] = new SMKeyValueCollection();
             $images[count($images) - 1]["image"] = $src;
         $view->ReplaceTagsRepeated("Images" . $prod["Id"], $images);
     // Add JSShop init script
     $output .= "\n\t\t<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\n\t\tJSShop.Initialize(function()\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tJSShop.Presenters.ProductList.Initialize(document.getElementById('JSShopProductList'));\n\t\t});\n\n\t\t</script>\n\t\t";
     // Return result
     return $output . $view->GetContent();
Beispiel #3

// Security
if ($SMCallback !== true) {
    echo "Unauthorized!";
    // Not executed in the context of Sitemagic
$ip = SMEnvironment::GetEnvironmentValue("REMOTE_ADDR");
$ip = $ip !== null ? $ip : "";
// DataSource definitions.
// NOTICE: Some fields have MaxLength multiplied by 8 to support the length of encoded Unicode characters.
$dataSourcesAllowed = array("SMShopProducts" => array("AuthRequired" => array("Create", "Update", "Delete"), "XmlLockRequired" => array(), "XmlTimeOut" => -1, "XmlMemoryRequired" => -1, "OrderBy" => "Category ASC, Title ASC", "Fields" => array("Id" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 30 * 8), "Category" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 50 * 8), "CategoryId" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 50 + 20), "Title" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 250 * 8), "Description" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 1000 * 8), "Images" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 1000), "Price" => array("DataType" => "number", "MaxLength" => 100), "Vat" => array("DataType" => "number", "MaxLength" => 100), "Currency" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 3), "Weight" => array("DataType" => "number", "MaxLength" => 100), "WeightUnit" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 3), "DeliveryTime" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 50 * 8), "DiscountExpression" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 250), "DiscountMessage" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 250 * 8))), "SMShopOrders" => array("AuthRequired" => array("Retrieve", "Update", "Delete", "RetrieveAll"), "XmlLockRequired" => array("Create", "Update", "Delete"), "XmlTimeOut" => 180, "XmlMemoryRequired" => 512, "OrderBy" => "", "Fields" => array("Id" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 50), "Time" => array("DataType" => "number", "MaxLength" => 15, "ForceInitialValue" => (string) (time() * 1000)), "ClientIp" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 45, "ForceInitialValue" => $ip), "Company" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 50 * 8), "FirstName" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 50 * 8), "LastName" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 50 * 8), "Address" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 50 * 8), "ZipCode" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 20), "City" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 50 * 8), "Email" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 50 * 8), "Phone" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 20), "Message" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 250 * 8), "AltCompany" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 50 * 8), "AltFirstName" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 50 * 8), "AltLastName" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 50 * 8), "AltAddress" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 50 * 8), "AltZipCode" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 20), "AltCity" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 50 * 8), "Price" => array("DataType" => "number", "MaxLength" => 100), "Vat" => array("DataType" => "number", "MaxLength" => 100), "Currency" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 3), "Weight" => array("DataType" => "number", "MaxLength" => 100), "WeightUnit" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 3), "ShippingExpense" => array("DataType" => "number", "MaxLength" => 100), "ShippingVat" => array("DataType" => "number", "MaxLength" => 100), "ShippingMessage" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 250 * 8), "PaymentMethod" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 50), "TransactionId" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 100), "State" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 20)), "Callbacks" => array("File" => dirname(__FILE__) . "/DSCallbacks/Order.php", "Functions" => array("Create" => "SMShopProcessNewOrder", "CreateCompleted" => "SMShopFinalizeNewOrder", "Retrieve" => null, "RetrieveAll" => null, "Update" => null, "Delete" => "SMShopDeleteOrderEntries"))), "SMShopOrderEntries" => array("AuthRequired" => array("Retrieve", "Update", "Delete", "RetrieveAll"), "XmlLockRequired" => array("Create", "Update", "Delete"), "XmlTimeOut" => 180, "XmlMemoryRequired" => 512, "OrderBy" => "", "Fields" => array("Id" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 50), "OrderId" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 50), "ProductId" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 30 * 8), "UnitPrice" => array("DataType" => "number", "MaxLength" => 100), "Vat" => array("DataType" => "number", "MaxLength" => 100), "Currency" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 3), "Units" => array("DataType" => "number", "MaxLength" => 100), "Discount" => array("DataType" => "number", "MaxLength" => 100), "DiscountMessage" => array("DataType" => "string", "MaxLength" => 250 * 8))));
// Functions
// Important:
// XMLHttpRequest communicates in UTF-8, always!
// UTF-8 comes in, UTF-8 must come out.
// Whenever data is passed to parts of Sitemagic,
// make sure data is transformed to ISO-8859-1!
function SMShopGetJsonData()
    $data = file_get_contents("php://input");
    // Read JSON data sent to server without a POST key
    $json = json_decode($data, true);
    // XMLHttpRequest always sends UTF-8 which is also what json_decode(..) expects
    $json = SMShopDecodeArrayFromUtf8ToLatin1($json);
    // Convert data to ISO-8859-1
    return $json;
function SMShopDecodeArrayFromUtf8ToLatin1($arr)
Beispiel #4
// Step 2: PSP invokes callback to let us know payment was received.
$operation = SMEnvironment::GetQueryValue("PaymentOperation");
if ($operation === null) {
    $orderId = SMEnvironment::GetQueryValue("OrderId");
    $order = getOrder($orderId);
    if ($order["State"] !== "Initial") {
        header("HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error");
        echo "Order with ID '" . $orderId . "' has already been processed";
    $amount = (int) round(((double) $order["Price"] + (double) $order["Vat"]) * 100);
    // Amount in smallest possible unit (e.g. USD 10095 = USD 100.95)
    $currency = $order["Currency"];
    $continueUrl = SMEnvironment::GetExternalUrl();
    $continueUrl .= SMAttributes::GetAttribute("SMShopReceiptPage") !== null && SMAttributes::GetAttribute("SMShopReceiptPage") !== "" ? "/" . SMAttributes::GetAttribute("SMShopReceiptPage") : "";
    $callbackUrl = SMEnvironment::GetExternalUrl() . "/" . SMExtensionManager::GetCallbackUrl(SMExtensionManager::GetExecutingExtension(), "Callbacks/Payment") . "&PaymentOperation=Auth";
    $p = PSP::GetPaymentProvider($order["PaymentMethod"]);
    $p->RedirectToPaymentForm($orderId, $amount, $currency, $continueUrl, $callbackUrl);
} else {
    if ($operation === "Auth") {
        $data = PSP::GetCallbackData();
        // Securely obtain data passed to callback
        $transactionId = $data["TransactionId"];
        // String
        $orderId = $data["OrderId"];
        // String
        //$amount = $data["Amount"];				// Integer
        //$currency = $data["Currency"];			// String
        $order = getOrder($orderId);
        $order["TransactionId"] = $transactionId;
        $order["State"] = "Authorized";
Beispiel #5
        // Should never be true - Guids ought to be unique
        $newFilename = SMRandom::CreateGuid() . $extension;
    // Move file
    if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["SelectedFile"]["tmp_name"], $dir . "/" . $newFilename) === false) {
        header("HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error");
        echo "Error moving temporary file";
    echo $dir . "/" . $newFilename;
    // Write new filename back to client on success
} else {
    if ($command === "Remove") {
        $paths = null;
        $file = SMEnvironment::GetPostValue("File");
        $files = SMEnvironment::GetPostValue("Files");
        if ($file !== null) {
            $paths = array($file);
        } else {
            if ($files !== null) {
                $paths = explode(";", $files);
        if ($paths === null) {
            header("HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error");
            echo "Error - unable to remove files - no path(s) given";
        foreach ($paths as $path) {
            // Make sure $path is a safe path (e.g. does not contain ../../), and make sure the file referenced is found in $imagesFolder
            if (SMStringUtilities::Validate($path, SMValueRestriction::$SafePath) === false || strpos($path, $imagesFolder) !== 0) {
Beispiel #6
 public function Render()
     if (SMEnvironment::GetQueryValue("SMShopEditProducts") !== null) {
         if (SMAuthentication::Authorized() === false) {
         $frm = new SMShopFrmShop($this->context);
         return $frm->Render();
     if (SMEnvironment::GetQueryValue("SMShopBasket") !== null) {
         $frm = new SMShopFrmBasket($this->context);
         return $frm->Render();
     } else {
         $frm = new SMShopFrmProducts($this->context);
         return $frm->Render();