Beispiel #1

 * Task add screen
$win = new SDPanel();
$win->setCaption("Add Task");
//Items definition
$id = new InputNumeric();
$name = new InputText();
$name->setInviteMessage("Task name");
$description = new InputText();
$date = new InputDate();
$date->setLabelCaption("Task date");
$addToCalendar = new InputBoolean();
$addToCalendar->setLabelCaption("Add to my calendar");
//Main table definition
$table = new Table();
$table_form = new Table();
$table_form->addControl($name, 1, 1, 1, 2);
$table_form->addControl($date, 2, 1, 1, 2);
Beispiel #2

 * Main object.
 * @author Kikapp
 * @version 1.0
$win = new SDPanel();
$win->setCaption("First Facebook Post!");
$actionBar = new ActionBar();
$mainTable = new Table();
$input = new InputText();
//create input
$input->setLabelCaption("Write your thoughts");
$button = new Button();
$button->setCaption("Post on Facebook");
$mainTable->addControl($input, 1, 1, 1, 1, "Center", "Middle");
$mainTable->addControl($button, 2, 1, 1, 1, "Center", "Middle");
function facebook()
    Facebook::PostToWall("First post", "Caption", $input, "", "");
Beispiel #3

$win = new SDPanel();
$maintable = new Table();
$label_budget = new Label();
$label_budget->setCaption("Add Budget");
$label_income = new Label();
$label_outcome = new Label();
$maintable->addControl($label_budget, 1, 1, 1, 1, "Center", "Middle");
$maintable->addControl($label_income, 2, 1, 1, 1, "Center", "Middle");
$maintable->addControl($label_outcome, 3, 1, 1, 1, "Center", "Middle");
function budget()
function income()
Beispiel #4

 * Main object.
 * @author Kikapp
 * @version 1.0
$win = new SDPanel();
$win->setCaption("Global Example!");
$actionBar = new ActionBar();
$mainTable = new Table();
$table_home = new Table();
$img_home = new Image();
$lbl_home = new Label();
$table_home->addControl($img_home, 1, 1, 1, 1, "Center", "Middle");
$table_home->addControl($lbl_home, 1, 2, 1, 1, "Left", "Middle");
$table_facebook = new Table();
$img_facebook = new Image();
$lbl_facebook = new Label();
Beispiel #5

 * Main object.
 * @author Kikapp
 * @version 1.0
$win = new SDPanel();
$mainTable = new Table();
$audio_url = new InputText();
$button = new Button();
$button->setCaption("Click me!");
$mainTable->addControl($button, 1, 1);
function clickme()
    $audio_url = "";
Beispiel #6

 * Detail of product
$win = new SDPanel();
$win->setCaption("Task Detail");
$id = new InputNumeric();
$name = new InputText();
$status = new InputBoolean();
$imagen = new InputImage();
//$name -> setClass("inputForm");
Data::getParm($id, $name, $status);
$table = new Table();
$table_form = new Table();
$btn_save = new Button();
$table_form->addControl($id, 1, 1);
$table_form->addControl($name, 2, 1);
$table_form->addControl($imagen, 3, 1);
$table_form->addControl($status, 4, 1);
$table_button = new Table();
$table_button->addControl($btn_save, 1, 1);
Beispiel #7

$win = new SDPanel();
$win->setCaption("Add Budget");
$token = new InputText(80);
$table = new Table();
$table_form = new Table();
$money_value = new InputNumeric(15);
$input_date = new InputDate();
$button = new Button();
$table_form->addControl($money_value, 1, 1, 1, 1, "Center", "Middle");
$table_form->addControl($input_date, 2, 1, 1, 1, "Center", "Middle");
$table_button = new Table();
$table_button->addControl($button, 1, 1, 1, 1, "Center", "Middle");
$table->addControl($table_form, 1, 1);
$table->addControl($table_button, 2, 1);
function confirm()
    $token = StorageAPI::Get("token");
Beispiel #8

 * Main object.
 * @author Kikapp
 * @version 1.0
$win = new SDPanel();
$win->setCaption("Scanner API");
$mainTable = new Table();
$button = new Button();
$mainTable->addControl($button, 1, 1);
function scanner()
    $code = new InputText();
    $code = ScannerAPI::ScanBarcode();
    echo "code " . $code;
Beispiel #9

 * Main object.
 * @author Kikapp
 * @version 1.0
$win = new SDPanel();
$actionBar = new ActionBar();
$mainTable = new Table();
$label = new Label();
$label->setCaption("Welcome to the Global Example!");
$label2 = new Label();
$label2->setCaption("Use the Slide to open Facebook, Twitter and Map!");
$image = new Image();
$mainTable->addControl($label, 2, 1, 1, 1, "Center", "Middle");
$mainTable->addControl($label2, 3, 1, 1, 1, "Center", "Middle");
$mainTable->addControl($image, 4, 1, 1, 1, "Center", "Middle");

 * Update company.
 * @author KikApp
 * @version 1.0
$win = new SDPanel();
$token = new InputText(80);
$idMov_trans = new InputNumeric();
Data::getParm($token, $idMov_trans);
//Action bar and buttons bar
$acb = new ActionBar();
$btn_update = new ButtonBar();
$btn_cancel = new ButtonBar();
$mainTable = new Table();
$table = new Table();
Beispiel #11

 * Main object.
 * @author Kikapp
 * @version 1.0
$win = new SDPanel();
$win->setCaption("Horizontal Grid!");
$mainTable = new Table();
$actionBar = new ActionBar();
$grid_home = new HorizontalGrid();
$table_grid = new Canvas();
//inputs and controls
$title = new InputText(150);
$image = new InputImage();
$desc = new InputText(300);
$price = new InputText(10);
$table_desc = new Table();
$table_desc->addControl($title, 1, 1);
Beispiel #12

 * Main object.
 * @author Kikapp
 * @version 1.0
$win = new SDPanel();
$win->setCaption("Combo Box!");
$mainTable = new Table();
$actionBar = new ActionBar();
$button = new Button();
$button->setCaption("Click me!");
$combo_box = new ComboBox();
$combo_box->setEmptyItemText("Choose options");
$combo_box->setValues("Option 1:1, Option 2:2, Option 3:3");
$mainTable->addControl($combo_box, 1, 1);
$mainTable->addControl($button, 5, 1);
function clickme()
    echo "You have selected option number " . $combo_box->getValue();
Beispiel #13

 * Main object.
 * @author Kikapp
 * @version 1.0
$win = new SDPanel();
$win->setCaption("Radio Button!");
$mainTable = new Table();
$actionBar = new ActionBar();
$radio_button = new RadioButton();
$radio_button->setTitle("Where are you from?");
$button = new Button();
$button->setCaption("Click me!");
$mainTable->addControl($radio_button, 1, 1);
$mainTable->addControl($button, 5, 1);
function clickme()
    if ($radio_button->getValue() == "1") {
        echo "You are from Uruguay!";
    if ($radio_button->getValue() == "2") {
        echo "You are from US!";
Beispiel #14

 * Main object.
 * @author Kikapp
 * @version 1.0
$win = new SDPanel();
$win->setCaption("First Label");
$mainTable = new Table();
$label = new Label();
$label->setCaption("My first label!");
$mainTable->addControl($label, 1, 1);
Beispiel #15

 * Home.
$win = new SDPanel();
$token = new InputText(80);
$maintable = new Table();
$table_first = new Table();
$table_canvas = new Table();
$canvas = new Canvas();
$label_account = new Label();
$input_account = new InputNumeric(11);
Beispiel #16

 * Main object.
 * @author Kikapp
 * @version 1.0
$win = new SDPanel();
$table = new Table();
function array_data_type()
    //supose that your json has this structure:
    //your ArrayDataType should look like this:
    $struct = array(array("id" => type::Numeric(6), "name" => type::Character(150)));
function another_array()
    //supose that your json has this structure:
    //your ArrayDataType should look like this:
    $struct1 = array("login" => type::Numeric(8));
Beispiel #17

 * Navigation Style - Slide.
 * Main screen.
$win = new SDPanel();
$table = new Table();
$table_home = new Table();
$img_home = new Image();
$lbl_home = new Label();
$table_home->addControl($img_home, 1, 1, 1, 1, "Center", "Middle");
$table_home->addControl($lbl_home, 1, 2, 1, 1, "Left", "Middle");
$table_account = new Table();
$table_account->setInvisibleMode("Collapse Space");
$img_account = new Image();
$lbl_account = new Label();

 * List of companies
 * @author KikApp
 * @version 1.0
$win = new SDPanel();
$mainTable = new Table();
$canvas = new Canvas();
$img_add = new Image();
$list = new Grid();
$table_list = new Table();
//Controls in grid.
$image = new InputImage();
$name = new InputText();
$address = new InputText();
$table_info = new Table();
$table_info->addControl($name, 1, 1, 1, 1, "Left", "Bottom");
$table_info->addControl($address, 2, 1);
Beispiel #19

 * Main object.
 * @author Kikapp
 * @version 1.0
$win = new SDPanel();
$mainTable = new Table();
$switch1 = new SwitchControl();
$button = new Button();
$button->setCaption("Click me!");
$mainTable->addControl($switch1, 1, 1, 1, 1, "Center", "Middle");
$mainTable->addControl($button, 2, 1);
function clickme()
    echo $switch1->getValue();
Beispiel #20

 * Main object.
 * @author Kikapp
 * @version 1.0
$win = new SDPanel();
$mainTable = new Table();
$video_url = new InputText();
$button = new Button();
$button->setCaption("Click me!");
$mainTable->addControl($button, 1, 1);
function clickme()
    $video_url = "";
Beispiel #21

 * Login
$win = new SDPanel();
$table = new Table();
$table_form = new Table();
$username = new InputEmail();
$password = new InputText();
$label = new Label();
$btn_save = new Button();
$btn_save->setCaption("Log in");
$btn_register = new Button();
$btn_register->setCaption("Sign up");
Beispiel #22
$button = new Button();
$button -> setCaption("Click me!");
$button -> onTap(clickme());

$mainTable -> addControl($button,1,1);
$win -> addControl($mainTable);

function clickme(){
	echo "Hello !";
 * Listado de categorias.
$win = new SDPanel();
$win->setCaption("Tasks list");
$table = new Table();
$table_home = new Table();
$img_home = new Image();
$lbl_home = new Label();
//$table_home -> addControl($img_home,1,1,1,1,"Center","Middle");
$table_home->addControl($lbl_home, 1, 2, 1, 1, "Left", "Middle");
$table->addControl($table_home, 2, 1);
Beispiel #23

 * Register.
$win = new SDPanel();
$win->setCaption("Create an account");
$table = new Table();
$table_form = new Table();
$email = new InputEmail();
$password = new InputText();
$password_2 = new InputText();
$password_2->setInviteMessage("Confirm your Password");
$table_form->addControl($email, 1, 1);
$table_form->addControl($password, 2, 1);
$table_form->addControl($password_2, 3, 1);
$btn_save = new Button();
$btn_save->setCaption("SIGN UP");
Beispiel #24

 * Main object.
 * @author Kikapp
 * @version 1.0
$win = new SDPanel();
$table = new Table();
$actionBar = new ActionBar();
$actionGroup = new ActionGroup();
$buttonBar = new ButtonBar();
$buttonBar->setCaption("Button 1");
$buttonBar_2 = new ButtonBar();
$buttonBar_2->setCaption("Button 2");
function functonClick()
    echo "On click button 1!";
Beispiel #25

 * Main object.
 * @author Kikapp
 * @version 1.0
$win = new SDPanel();
$actionBar = new ActionBar();
$mainTable = new Table();
$input_message = new InputText();
$input_message->setLabelCaption("Write the message");
$input_phone = new InputPhone();
$input_phone->setLabelCaption("Write the phone number");
$button_sms = new Button();
$button_sms->setCaption("Send SMS!");
$mainTable->addControl($input_message, 1, 1);
$mainTable->addControl($input_phone, 2, 1);
$mainTable->addControl($button_sms, 3, 1);
function sms()
    Interop::SendSMS($input_phone, $input_message);
Beispiel #26

 * Main object.
 * @author Kikapp
 * @version 1.0
$win = new SDPanel();
$win->setCaption("Image control");
$tabMain = new Table();
$img_arrow = new Image();
$tabMain->addControl($img_arrow, 1, 1);
Beispiel #27

 * Edit my data.
$win = new SDPanel();
$win->setCaption("My Account");
$token = new InputText(80);
$table = new Table();
$table_form = new Table();
$name = new InputText();
$last_name = new InputText();
$email = new InputEmail();
$btn_save = new Button();
$table_form->addControl($name, 1, 1);
$table_form->addControl($last_name, 2, 1);
$table_form->addControl($email, 3, 1);
$table_button = new Table();
$table_button->addControl($btn_save, 1, 1);
$table->addControl($table_form, 1, 1);
$table->addControl($table_button, 2, 1);
Beispiel #28

 * Main object.
 * @author Kikapp
 * @version 1.0
$win = new SDPanel();
$win->setCaption("Address Book");
$actionBar = new ActionBar();
$mainTable = new Table();
$btn_contact_add = new Button();
$btn_contact_add->setCaption("Add Contact");
$btn_contact_viewAll = new Button();
$btn_contact_viewAll->setCaption("View All Contact");
$input_name = new InputText();
$input_lastname = new InputText();
$input_lastname->setLabelCaption("Last Name");
$input_email = new InputEmail();
$input_phone = new InputPhone();
$input_work = new InputText();
$input_message = new InputText();
$mainTable->addControl($input_name, 1, 1);
Beispiel #29

 * Main object.
 * @author Kikapp
 * @version 1.0
$win = new SDPanel();
$win->setCaption("Hello world!");
$mainTable = new Table();
$video = new InputVideo();
$mainTable->addControl($video, 1, 1);
function clientStart()
Beispiel #30

 * Example Image Gallery
 * @author KikApp
 * @version 1.0
$win = new SDPanel();
$win->setCaption("Image Gallery");
$mainTable = new Table();
//Create Inputs
$id = new InputNumeric();
$title = new InputText();
$desc = new InputText();
$image = new InputImage();
//Create Image Gallery
$grid = new ImageGallery();
$mainTable->addControl($grid, 1, 1);
function load_images()
    $url = "";
    $httpClient = new httpClient();
    $result = $httpClient->Execute('GET', $url);
    $struct = array(array("id" => DataType::Numeric(6), "name" => DataType::Character(150), "description" => DataType::Character(300), "pirce" => DataType::Character(10), "thumb" => DataType::Character(200)));
    Data::FromJson($struct, $result);