  * Page のプロセス.
  * @return void
 function process()
     $objCustomer = new SC_Customer();
     // クッキー管理クラス
     $objCookie = new SC_Cookie(COOKIE_EXPIRE);
     // ログイン判定
     if ($objCustomer->isLoginSuccess()) {
         $this->tpl_login = true;
         $this->tpl_user_point = $objCustomer->getValue('point');
         $this->tpl_name1 = $objCustomer->getValue('name01');
         $this->tpl_name2 = $objCustomer->getValue('name02');
     } else {
         // クッキー判定
         $this->tpl_login_email = $objCookie->getCookie('login_email');
         if ($this->tpl_login_email != "") {
             $this->tpl_login_memory = "1";
         // POSTされてきたIDがある場合は優先する。
         if ($_POST['login_email'] != "") {
             $this->tpl_login_email = $_POST['login_email'];
     $this->tpl_disable_logout = $this->lfCheckDisableLogout();
     $objSubView = new SC_SiteView();
     $this->transactionid = $this->getToken();
  * Page のプロセス(モバイル).
  * @return void
 function mobileProcess()
     $objView = new SC_MobileView();
     $objQuery = new SC_Query();
     $objCustomer = new SC_Customer();
     $objDb = new SC_Helper_DB_Ex();
     $from = "dtb_order";
     $where = "del_flg = 0 AND customer_id = ? AND order_id = ? ";
     $arrval = array($objCustomer->getValue('customer_id'), $_POST['order_id']);
     $cnt = $objQuery->count($from, $where, $arrval);
     if (!$objCustomer->isLoginSuccess(true) or $cnt == 0) {
         SC_Utils_Ex::sfDispSiteError(CUSTOMER_ERROR, "", false, "", true);
     } else {
         $this->arrDisp = $this->lfGetOrderData($_POST['order_id']);
         // 支払い方法の取得
         $this->arrPayment = $objDb->sfGetIDValueList("dtb_payment", "payment_id", "payment_method");
         // 配送時間の取得
         $arrRet = $objDb->sfGetDelivTime($this->arrDisp['payment_id']);
         $this->arrDelivTime = SC_Utils_Ex::sfArrKeyValue($arrRet, 'time_id', 'deliv_time');
         $this->CustomerName1 = $objCustomer->getvalue('name01');
         $this->CustomerName2 = $objCustomer->getvalue('name02');
         $this->CustomerPoint = $objCustomer->getvalue('point');
  * Page のアクション.
  * @return void
 function action()
     $objCustomer = new SC_Customer();
     $objFormParam = new SC_FormParam_Ex();
     if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
         $this->arrErr = $this->lfCheckError($objFormParam);
         if (empty($this->arrErr)) {
             $email_mobile = $this->lfRegistEmailMobile(strtolower($objFormParam->getValue('email_mobile')), $objCustomer->getValue('customer_id'));
             $objCustomer->setValue('email_mobile', $email_mobile);
             $this->tpl_mainpage = 'entry/email_mobile_complete.tpl';
             $this->tpl_title = '携帯メール登録完了';
     $this->tpl_name = $objCustomer->getValue('name01');
     $this->arrForm = $objFormParam->getFormParamList();
  * Page のプロセス.
  * @return void
 function process()
     $objView = new SC_SiteView();
     $objCustomer = new SC_Customer();
     if (!$objCustomer->isLoginSuccess()) {
     } else {
         $this->CustomerName1 = $objCustomer->getvalue('name01');
         $this->CustomerName2 = $objCustomer->getvalue('name02');
         $this->CustomerPoint = $objCustomer->getvalue('point');
     // レイアウトデザインを取得
     $objLayout = new SC_Helper_PageLayout_Ex();
     $objLayout->sfGetPageLayout($this, false, "mypage/index.php");
     $mode = isset($_POST['mode']) ? $_POST['mode'] : '';
     $customerId = $objCustomer->getValue('customer_id');
     switch ($mode) {
         // お届け先の削除
         case 'delete':
             $objForm = $this->initParam();
             if ($objForm->checkError()) {
             $this->deleteOtherDeliv($customerId, $objForm->getValue('other_deliv_id'));
             // お届け先の表示
         // お届け先の表示
     $this->arrOtherDeliv = $this->getOtherDeliv($customerId);
     $this->tpl_linemax = count($this->arrOtherDeliv);
  * Page のプロセス.
  * @return void
 function process()
     $objView = new SC_SiteView();
     $objQuery = new SC_Query();
     $objCustomer = new SC_Customer();
     $objDb = new SC_Helper_DB_Ex();
     // レイアウトデザインを取得
     $objLayout = new SC_Helper_PageLayout_Ex();
     $objLayout->sfGetPageLayout($this, false, "mypage/index.php");
     $from = "dtb_order";
     $where = "del_flg = 0 AND customer_id = ? AND order_id = ? ";
     $arrval = array($objCustomer->getValue('customer_id'), $_POST['order_id']);
     $cnt = $objQuery->count($from, $where, $arrval);
     if (!$objCustomer->isLoginSuccess() || $cnt == 0) {
     } else {
         $this->arrDisp = $this->lfGetOrderData($_POST['order_id']);
         // 支払い方法の取得
         $this->arrPayment = $objDb->sfGetIDValueList("dtb_payment", "payment_id", "payment_method");
         // 配送時間の取得
         $arrRet = $objDb->sfGetDelivTime($this->arrDisp['payment_id']);
         $this->arrDelivTime = SC_Utils_Ex::sfArrKeyValue($arrRet, 'time_id', 'deliv_time');
         $this->CustomerName1 = $objCustomer->getvalue('name01');
         $this->CustomerName2 = $objCustomer->getvalue('name02');
         $this->CustomerPoint = $objCustomer->getvalue('point');
     $masterData = new SC_DB_MasterData_Ex();
     $this->arrPref = $masterData->getMasterData("mtb_pref", array("pref_id", "pref_name", "rank"));
  * 配送住所のプルダウン用連想配列を取得する.
  * 会員ログイン済みの場合は, 会員登録住所及び追加登録住所を取得する.
  * 非会員の場合は, 「お届け先の指定」画面で入力した住所を取得する.
  * @param SC_Customer $objCustomer SC_Customer インスタンス
  * @param SC_Helper_Purchase $objPurchase SC_Helper_Purchase インスタンス
  * @param integer $uniqid 受注一時テーブルのユニークID
  * @return array 配送住所のプルダウン用連想配列
 function getDelivAddrs(&$objCustomer, &$objPurchase, $uniqid)
     $masterData = new SC_DB_MasterData();
     $arrPref = $masterData->getMasterData('mtb_pref');
     $arrResults = array('' => '選択してください');
     // 会員ログイン時
     if ($objCustomer->isLoginSuccess(true)) {
         $arrAddrs = $objCustomer->getCustomerAddress($objCustomer->getValue('customer_id'));
         foreach ($arrAddrs as $val) {
             $other_deliv_id = SC_Utils_Ex::isBlank($val['other_deliv_id']) ? 0 : $val['other_deliv_id'];
             $arrResults[$other_deliv_id] = $val['name01'] . $val['name02'] . " " . $arrPref[$val['pref']] . $val['addr01'] . $val['addr02'];
     } else {
         $arrShippings = $objPurchase->getShippingTemp();
         foreach ($arrShippings as $shipping_id => $val) {
             $arrResults[$shipping_id] = $val['shipping_name01'] . $val['shipping_name02'] . " " . $arrPref[$val['shipping_pref']] . $val['shipping_addr01'] . $val['shipping_addr02'];
     return $arrResults;
  * 複数配送情報を一時保存する.
  * 会員ログインしている場合は, その他のお届け先から住所情報を取得する.
  * @param  integer            $uniqid       一時受注テーブルのユニークID
  * @param  SC_FormParam       $objFormParam SC_FormParam インスタンス
  * @param  SC_Customer        $objCustomer  SC_Customer インスタンス
  * @param  SC_Helper_Purchase $objPurchase  SC_Helper_Purchase インスタンス
  * @return void
 public function saveMultipleShippings($uniqid, &$objFormParam, &$objCustomer, &$objPurchase, &$objAddress)
     $arrParams = $objFormParam->getSwapArray();
     foreach ($arrParams as $arrParam) {
         $other_deliv_id = $arrParam['shipping'];
         if ($objCustomer->isLoginSuccess(true)) {
             if ($other_deliv_id != 0) {
                 $otherDeliv = $objAddress->getAddress($other_deliv_id, $objCustomer->getValue('customer_id'));
                 if (!$otherDeliv) {
                     SC_Utils_Ex::sfDispSiteError(FREE_ERROR_MSG, '', false, "入力値が不正です。<br />正しい値を入力してください。");
                 foreach ($otherDeliv as $key => $val) {
                     $arrValues[$other_deliv_id]['shipping_' . $key] = $val;
             } else {
                 $objPurchase->copyFromCustomer($arrValues[0], $objCustomer, 'shipping');
         } else {
             $arrValues = $objPurchase->getShippingTemp();
         $arrItemTemp[$other_deliv_id][$arrParam['product_class_id']] += $arrParam['quantity'];
     foreach ($arrValues as $shipping_id => $arrVal) {
         $objPurchase->saveShippingTemp($arrVal, $shipping_id);
     foreach ($arrItemTemp as $other_deliv_id => $arrProductClassIds) {
         foreach ($arrProductClassIds as $product_class_id => $quantity) {
             if ($quantity == 0) {
             $objPurchase->setShipmentItemTemp($other_deliv_id, $product_class_id, $quantity);
     foreach ($_SESSION['shipping'] as $id => $arrShipping) {
         if (!isset($arrShipping['shipment_item'])) {
     // $arrValues[0] には, 購入者の情報が格納されている
     $objPurchase->saveOrderTemp($uniqid, $arrValues[0], $objCustomer);
  * 配送住所のプルダウン用連想配列を取得する.
  * 会員ログイン済みの場合は, 会員登録住所及び追加登録住所を取得する.
  * 非会員の場合は, 「お届け先の指定」画面で入力した住所を取得する.
  * @param SC_Customer $objCustomer SC_Customer インスタンス
  * @param SC_Helper_Purchase $objPurchase SC_Helper_Purchase インスタンス
  * @param integer $uniqid 受注一時テーブルのユニークID
  * @return array 配送住所のプルダウン用連想配列
 function getDelivAddrs(&$objCustomer, &$objPurchase, &$objAddress, $uniqid)
     $masterData = new SC_DB_MasterData_Ex();
     $arrPref = $masterData->getMasterData('mtb_pref');
     $arrResults = array('' => '選択してください');
     // 会員ログイン時
     if ($objCustomer->isLoginSuccess(true)) {
         $addr = array(array('other_deliv_id' => NULL, 'customer_id' => $objCustomer->getValue('customer_id'), 'name01' => $objCustomer->getValue('name01'), 'name02' => $objCustomer->getValue('name02'), 'kana01' => $objCustomer->getValue('kana01'), 'kana02' => $objCustomer->getValue('kana02'), 'zip01' => $objCustomer->getValue('zip01'), 'zip02' => $objCustomer->getValue('zip02'), 'pref' => $objCustomer->getValue('pref'), 'addr01' => $objCustomer->getValue('addr01'), 'addr02' => $objCustomer->getValue('addr02'), 'tel01' => $objCustomer->getValue('tel01'), 'tel02' => $objCustomer->getValue('tel02'), 'tel03' => $objCustomer->getValue('tel03')));
         $arrAddrs = array_merge($addr, $objAddress->getList($objCustomer->getValue('customer_id')));
         foreach ($arrAddrs as $val) {
             $other_deliv_id = SC_Utils_Ex::isBlank($val['other_deliv_id']) ? 0 : $val['other_deliv_id'];
             $arrResults[$other_deliv_id] = $val['name01'] . $val['name02'] . ' ' . $arrPref[$val['pref']] . $val['addr01'] . $val['addr02'];
     } else {
         $arrShippings = $objPurchase->getShippingTemp();
         foreach ($arrShippings as $shipping_id => $val) {
             $arrResults[$shipping_id] = $val['shipping_name01'] . $val['shipping_name02'] . ' ' . $arrPref[$val['shipping_pref']] . $val['shipping_addr01'] . $val['shipping_addr02'];
     return $arrResults;
  * 決済確定
  * @param array $config
  * @param SC_Customer $objCustomer
  * @param bool $auth_and_sold
 function doAuthorySold($config, SC_Customer $objCustomer, $auth_and_sold = true, $add_point = true)
     if (!$objCustomer->isLoginSuccess()) {
     $objQuery = SC_Query_Ex::getSingletonInstance();
     $customer_id = $objCustomer->getValue("customer_id");
     $open_id = $objCustomer->getValue("au_open_id");
     $transactionId = $_GET["transactionId"];
     $ammount = $_GET["ammount"];
     $ammount_in_tax = $_GET["ammount_in_tax"];
     // $result_code = $_GET ["X-ResultCd"];
     // $paymtd = $_GET ["paymtd"];
     $curl = $this->curl_init();
     if ($auth_and_sold) {
         // FIXME オーソリ+確定
         $post = $this->getPost("AuthorySold", $config, compact("transactionId"));
         $name = "都度課金/%s円(税込み)";
     } else {
         // FIXME 継続課金 登録
         $post = $this->getPost("ContBill", $config, compact("transactionId"));
         $name = "月額課金/%s円(税込み) コース";
     $name = sprintf($name, number_format($ammount_in_tax));
     $post_history = array();
     $post_history[] = $post;
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($post));
     $result = $this->curl_result($curl);
     $result["body"]["transactionId"] = $transactionId;
     $result["post_history"] = $post_history;
     $this->check_result($result, false);
     $memberManageNo = $result["body"]["memberManageNo"];
     if (strlen($memberManageNo) && $objQuery->exists("cp_dtb_customer_transaction", "\n                customer_id = ?\n            AND member_manage_no = ?\n        ", array($customer_id, $memberManageNo))) {
         $add_point = false;
     $arrData = array("id" => $objQuery->nextVal("cp_dtb_customer_transaction_id"), "customer_id" => $customer_id, "au_open_id" => $open_id, "continue_account_id" => $result["body"]["continueAccountId"], "pay_info_no" => $result["body"]["payInfoNo"], "member_manage_no" => $memberManageNo, "process_day" => $result["body"]["processDay"], "process_time" => $result["body"]["processTime"], "transaction_id" => $transactionId, "transaction_status" => "40", "pay_status" => "20", "ammount" => $ammount, "ammount_in_tax" => $ammount_in_tax);
     $objQuery->insert("cp_dtb_customer_transaction", $arrData);
     $this->doConditionInquiryForPayTranStat($config, $arrData, false);
     if ($add_point) {
         $lost_point = 0;
         $updatePoint = array("point" => min($this->tpl_point + $ammount, AU_MAXPOINT));
         if ($updatePoint["point"] == AU_MAXPOINT) {
             $lost_point = max($this->tpl_point + $ammount, AU_MAXPOINT) - AU_MAXPOINT;
         SC_Helper_Customer_Ex::sfEditCustomerData($updatePoint, $this->tpl_customer_id);
         $objQuery->insert("cp_dtb_point_history", array("id" => $objQuery->nextVal("cp_dtb_point_history_id"), "customer_id" => $customer_id, "add_point" => $ammount, "use_point" => 0, "lost_point" => $lost_point, "order_id" => 0, "name" => $name, "create_date" => "NOW()", "update_date" => "NOW()"));
     header("Location: " . $_SESSION[$_SESSION["return_to_key"]]);
  * Page のプロセス(モバイル).
  * @return void
 function mobileProcess()
     $objView = new SC_MobileView();
     $objCustomer = new SC_Customer();
     $objQuery = new SC_Query();
     if (!$objCustomer->isLoginSuccess(true)) {
         SC_Utils_Ex::sfDispSiteError(CUSTOMER_ERROR, "", false, "", true);
     } else {
         $this->CustomerName1 = $objCustomer->getvalue('name01');
         $this->CustomerName2 = $objCustomer->getvalue('name02');
         $this->CustomerPoint = $objCustomer->getvalue('point');
     if (isset($_POST['no'])) {
         $this->sendRedirect($this->getLocation("./index.php"), true);
     } elseif (isset($_POST['complete'])) {
         $objQuery->exec("UPDATE dtb_customer SET del_flg=1, update_date=now() WHERE customer_id=?", array($objCustomer->getValue('customer_id')));
         $where = "email = ?";
         $this->sendRedirect($this->getLocation("./refusal_complete.php"), true);
Beispiel #11
 function sfSendOrderMail($order_id, $template_id, $subject = "", $header = "", $footer = "", $send = true)
     $objPage = new LC_Page();
     $objSiteInfo = new SC_SiteInfo();
     $arrInfo = $objSiteInfo->data;
     $objPage->arrInfo = $arrInfo;
     $objQuery = new SC_Query();
     if ($subject == "" && $header == "" && $footer == "") {
         // メールテンプレート情報の取得
         $where = "template_id = ?";
         $arrRet = $objQuery->select("subject, header, footer", "dtb_mailtemplate", $where, array($template_id));
         $objPage->tpl_header = $arrRet[0]['header'];
         $objPage->tpl_footer = $arrRet[0]['footer'];
         $tmp_subject = $arrRet[0]['subject'];
     } else {
         $objPage->tpl_header = $header;
         $objPage->tpl_footer = $footer;
         $tmp_subject = $subject;
     // 受注情報の取得
     $where = "order_id = ?";
     $arrRet = $objQuery->select("*", "dtb_order", $where, array($order_id));
     $arrOrder = $arrRet[0];
     $arrOrderDetail = $objQuery->select("*", "dtb_order_detail", $where, array($order_id));
     $objPage->Message_tmp = $arrOrder['message'];
     // 顧客情報の取得
     $customer_id = $arrOrder['customer_id'];
     $arrRet = $objQuery->select("point", "dtb_customer", "customer_id = ?", array($customer_id));
     $arrCustomer = isset($arrRet[0]) ? $arrRet[0] : "";
     $objPage->arrCustomer = $arrCustomer;
     $objPage->arrOrder = $arrOrder;
     if ($arrOrder['memo02'] != "") {
         $arrOther = unserialize($arrOrder['memo02']);
         foreach ($arrOther as $other_key => $other_val) {
             if (SC_Utils_Ex::sfTrim($other_val["value"]) == "") {
                 $arrOther[$other_key]["value"] = "";
         $objPage->arrOther = $arrOther;
     // 都道府県変換
     $objPage->arrOrder['deliv_pref'] = $this->arrPref[$objPage->arrOrder['deliv_pref']];
     $objPage->arrOrderDetail = $arrOrderDetail;
     $objCustomer = new SC_Customer();
     $objPage->tpl_user_point = $objCustomer->getValue('point');
     $objMailView = new SC_SiteView();
     // メール本文の取得
     $body = $objMailView->fetch($this->arrMAILTPLPATH[$template_id]);
     // メール送信処理
     $objSendMail = new SC_SendMail_Ex();
     $bcc = $arrInfo['email01'];
     $from = $arrInfo['email03'];
     $error = $arrInfo['email04'];
     $tosubject = $this->sfMakeSubject($objQuery, $objMailView, $objPage, $tmp_subject);
     $objSendMail->setItem('', $tosubject, $body, $from, $arrInfo['shop_name'], $from, $error, $error, $bcc);
     $objSendMail->setTo($arrOrder["order_email"], $arrOrder["order_name01"] . " " . $arrOrder["order_name02"] . " 様");
     // 送信フラグ:trueの場合は、送信する。
     if ($send) {
         if ($objSendMail->sendMail()) {
             $this->sfSaveMailHistory($order_id, $template_id, $tosubject, $body);
     return $objSendMail;
Beispiel #12
  * Page のプロセス(モバイル).
  * @return void
 function mobileProcess()
     $objView = new SC_MobileView();
     $objQuery = new SC_Query();
     $objCustomer = new SC_Customer();
     // クッキー管理クラス
     $objCookie = new SC_Cookie(COOKIE_EXPIRE);
     // パラメータ管理クラス
     $objFormParam = new SC_FormParam();
     // パラメータ情報の初期化
     // POST値の取得
     // 携帯端末IDが一致する会員が存在するかどうかをチェックする。
     $this->tpl_valid_phone_id = $objCustomer->checkMobilePhoneId();
     if (!isset($_POST['mode'])) {
         $_POST['mode'] = "";
     // ログイン処理
     if ($_POST['mode'] == 'login') {
         $arrErr = $objFormParam->checkError();
         $arrForm = $objFormParam->getHashArray();
         // クッキー保存判定
         if ($arrForm['login_memory'] == "1" && $arrForm['login_email'] != "") {
             $objCookie->setCookie('login_email', $_POST['login_email']);
         } else {
             $objCookie->setCookie('login_email', '');
         if (count($arrErr) == 0) {
             if ($objCustomer->getCustomerDataFromMobilePhoneIdPass($arrForm['login_pass']) || $objCustomer->getCustomerDataFromEmailPass($arrForm['login_pass'], $arrForm['login_email'], true)) {
                 // ログインが成功した場合は携帯端末IDを保存する。
                  * email がモバイルドメインでは無く,
                  * 携帯メールアドレスが登録されていない場合
                 $objMobile = new SC_Helper_Mobile_Ex();
                 if (!$objMobile->gfIsMobileMailAddress($objCustomer->getValue('email'))) {
                     if (!$objCustomer->hasValue('email_mobile')) {
                         $this->sendRedirect($this->getLocation("../entry/email_mobile.php"), true);
             } else {
                 $objQuery = new SC_Query();
                 $where = "(email = ? OR email_mobile = ?) AND status = 1 AND del_flg = 0";
                 $ret = $objQuery->count("dtb_customer", $where, array($arrForm['login_email'], $arrForm['login_email']));
                 if ($ret > 0) {
                     SC_Utils_Ex::sfDispSiteError(TEMP_LOGIN_ERROR, "", false, "", true);
                 } else {
                     SC_Utils_Ex::sfDispSiteError(SITE_LOGIN_ERROR, "", false, "", true);
      * ログインチェック
      * 携帯メールの登録を必須にする場合は isLoginSuccess(false) にする
     if (!$objCustomer->isLoginSuccess(true)) {
         $this->tpl_mainpage = 'mypage/login.tpl';
         if (empty($arrErr)) {
             $arrErr = array();
         $objView->assignArray(array("arrErr" => $arrErr));
     } else {
         $this->CustomerName1 = $objCustomer->getvalue('name01');
         $this->CustomerName2 = $objCustomer->getvalue('name02');
  * Page のプロセス.
  * @return void
 function process()
     $objView = new SC_SiteView(false);
     $objQuery = new SC_Query();
     $objCustomer = new SC_Customer();
     $ParentPage = MYPAGE_DELIVADDR_URL;
     // GETでページを指定されている場合には指定ページに戻す
     if (isset($_GET['page'])) {
         $ParentPage = htmlspecialchars($_GET['page'], ENT_QUOTES);
     } else {
         if (isset($_POST['ParentPage'])) {
             $ParentPage = htmlspecialchars($_POST['ParentPage'], ENT_QUOTES);
     $this->ParentPage = $ParentPage;
     if (!$objCustomer->isLoginSuccess()) {
     if (!isset($_POST['mode'])) {
         $_POST['mode'] = "";
     if (!isset($_GET['other_deliv_id'])) {
         $_GET['other_deliv_id'] = "";
     if ($_POST['mode'] == "") {
         $_SESSION['other_deliv_id'] = $_GET['other_deliv_id'];
     if ($_GET['other_deliv_id'] != "") {
         $flag = $objQuery->count("dtb_other_deliv", "customer_id=? AND other_deliv_id=?", array($objCustomer->getValue("customer_id"), $_SESSION['other_deliv_id']));
         if (!$objCustomer->isLoginSuccess() || $flag == 0) {
     $arrRegistColumn = array(array("column" => "name01", "convert" => "aKV"), array("column" => "name02", "convert" => "aKV"), array("column" => "kana01", "convert" => "CKV"), array("column" => "kana02", "convert" => "CKV"), array("column" => "zip01", "convert" => "n"), array("column" => "zip02", "convert" => "n"), array("column" => "pref", "convert" => "n"), array("column" => "addr01", "convert" => "aKV"), array("column" => "addr02", "convert" => "aKV"), array("column" => "tel01", "convert" => "n"), array("column" => "tel02", "convert" => "n"), array("column" => "tel03", "convert" => "n"));
     if ($_GET['other_deliv_id'] != "") {
         $arrOtherDeliv = $objQuery->select("*", "dtb_other_deliv", "other_deliv_id=? ", array($_SESSION['other_deliv_id']));
         $this->arrForm = $arrOtherDeliv[0];
     switch ($_POST['mode']) {
         case 'edit':
             $_POST = $this->lfConvertParam($_POST, $arrRegistColumn);
             $this->arrErr = $this->lfErrorCheck($_POST);
             if ($this->arrErr) {
                 foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
                     if ($val != "") {
                         $this->arrForm[$key] = $val;
             } else {
                 $deliv_count = $objQuery->count("dtb_other_deliv", "customer_id=?", array($objCustomer->getValue('customer_id')));
                 if ($deliv_count < DELIV_ADDR_MAX or isset($_POST['other_deliv_id'])) {
                     if (strlen($_POST['other_deliv_id'] != 0)) {
                         $deliv_count = $objQuery->count("dtb_other_deliv", "customer_id=? and other_deliv_id = ?", array($objCustomer->getValue('customer_id'), $_POST['other_deliv_id']));
                         if ($deliv_count == 0) {
                         } else {
                             $this->lfRegistData($_POST, $arrRegistColumn, $objCustomer);
                     } else {
                         $this->lfRegistData($_POST, $arrRegistColumn, $objCustomer);
                 if ($_POST['ParentPage'] == MYPAGE_DELIVADDR_URL || $_POST['ParentPage'] == URL_DELIV_TOP) {
                     $this->tpl_onload = "fnUpdateParent('" . $this->getLocation($_POST['ParentPage']) . "'); window.close();";
                 } else {
  * Add product to authenticated user's favorites. (for Smart phone)
  * @param  SC_Customer $objCustomer
  * @return void
 public function doAddFavoriteSphone(SC_Customer $objCustomer)
     // ログイン中のユーザが商品をお気に入りにいれる処理(スマートフォン用)
     if ($objCustomer->isLoginSuccess() === true && $this->objFormParam->getValue('favorite_product_id') > 0) {
         $this->arrErr = $this->lfCheckError($this->mode, $this->objFormParam);
         if (count($this->arrErr) == 0) {
             if ($this->lfRegistFavoriteProduct($this->objFormParam->getValue('favorite_product_id'), $objCustomer->getValue('customer_id'))) {
                 $objPlugin = SC_Helper_Plugin_Ex::getSingletonInstance($this->plugin_activate_flg);
                 $objPlugin->doAction('LC_Page_Products_Detail_action_add_favorite_sphone', array($this));
                 print 'true';
         print 'error';
 function lfCheckError()
     if ($_POST['mode'] == "add_favorite") {
         $objCustomer = new SC_Customer();
         $objErr = new SC_CheckError();
         $customer_id = $objCustomer->getValue('customer_id');
         if (SC_Helper_DB_Ex::sfDataExists('dtb_customer_favorite_products', 'customer_id = ? AND product_id = ?', array($customer_id, $favorite_product_id))) {
             $objErr->arrErr['add_favorite' . $favorite_product_id] = "※ この商品は既にお気に入りに追加されています。<br />";
     } else {
         // 入力データを渡す。
         $arrRet = $this->objFormParam->getHashArray();
         $objErr = new SC_CheckError($arrRet);
         $objErr->arrErr = $this->objFormParam->checkError();
         // 複数項目チェック
         if ($this->tpl_classcat_find1) {
             $objErr->doFunc(array("規格1", "classcategory_id1"), array("EXIST_CHECK"));
         if ($this->tpl_classcat_find2) {
             $objErr->doFunc(array("規格2", "classcategory_id2"), array("EXIST_CHECK"));
     return $objErr->arrErr;
Beispiel #16
  * 会員情報から SQL文の値を生成する.
  * @param string $uniqid ユニークID
  * @param array $sqlval SQL の値の配列
  * @return array 会員情報を含んだ SQL の値の配列
 function sfGetCustomerSqlVal($uniqid, $sqlval)
     $objCustomer = new SC_Customer();
     // 会員情報登録処理
     if ($objCustomer->isLoginSuccess(true)) {
         // 登録データの作成
         $sqlval['order_temp_id'] = $uniqid;
         $sqlval['update_date'] = 'Now()';
         $sqlval['customer_id'] = $objCustomer->getValue('customer_id');
         $sqlval['order_name01'] = $objCustomer->getValue('name01');
         $sqlval['order_name02'] = $objCustomer->getValue('name02');
         $sqlval['order_kana01'] = $objCustomer->getValue('kana01');
         $sqlval['order_kana02'] = $objCustomer->getValue('kana02');
         $sqlval['order_sex'] = $objCustomer->getValue('sex');
         $sqlval['order_zip01'] = $objCustomer->getValue('zip01');
         $sqlval['order_zip02'] = $objCustomer->getValue('zip02');
         $sqlval['order_pref'] = $objCustomer->getValue('pref');
         $sqlval['order_addr01'] = $objCustomer->getValue('addr01');
         $sqlval['order_addr02'] = $objCustomer->getValue('addr02');
         $sqlval['order_tel01'] = $objCustomer->getValue('tel01');
         $sqlval['order_tel02'] = $objCustomer->getValue('tel02');
         $sqlval['order_tel03'] = $objCustomer->getValue('tel03');
         if (defined('MOBILE_SITE')) {
             $email_mobile = $objCustomer->getValue('email_mobile');
             if (empty($email_mobile)) {
                 $sqlval['order_email'] = $objCustomer->getValue('email');
             } else {
                 $sqlval['order_email'] = $email_mobile;
         } else {
             $sqlval['order_email'] = $objCustomer->getValue('email');
         $sqlval['order_job'] = $objCustomer->getValue('job');
         $sqlval['order_birth'] = $objCustomer->getValue('birth');
     return $sqlval;
  * Page のプロセス.
  * @return void
 function process()
     global $objCampaignSess;
     $objView = new SC_SiteView(false);
     $objQuery = new SC_Query();
     $objCustomer = new SC_Customer();
     $objCampaignSess = new SC_CampaignSession();
     // クッキー管理クラス
     $objCookie = new SC_Cookie(COOKIE_EXPIRE);
     $objLoginFormParam = new SC_FormParam();
     // ログインフォーム用
     // 初期設定
     // POST値の取得
     // ディレクトリ名を取得
     $dir_name = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
     $arrDir = split('/', $dir_name);
     $dir_name = $arrDir[count($arrDir) - 1];
     /* セッションにキャンペーンデータを書き込む */
     // キャンペーンからの遷移という情報を保持
     // キャンペーンIDを保持
     $campaign_id = $objQuery->get("dtb_campaign", "campaign_id", "directory_name = ? AND del_flg = 0", array($dir_name));
     // キャンペーンディレクトリ名を保持
     // キャンペーンが開催中かをチェック
     if ($this->lfCheckActive($dir_name, $objQuery)) {
         $status = CAMPAIGN_TEMPLATE_ACTIVE;
         $this->is_active = true;
     } else {
         $status = CAMPAIGN_TEMPLATE_END;
         $this->is_active = false;
     switch ($_POST['mode']) {
         // ログインチェック
         case 'login':
             $this->arrErr = $objLoginFormParam->checkError();
             $arrForm = $objLoginFormParam->getHashArray();
             // クッキー保存判定
             if ($arrForm['login_memory'] == "1" && $arrForm['login_email'] != "") {
                 $objCookie->setCookie('login_email', $_POST['login_email']);
             } else {
                 $objCookie->setCookie('login_email', '');
             if (count($this->arrErr) == 0) {
                 // ログイン判定
                 if (!$objCustomer->getCustomerDataFromEmailPass($arrForm['login_pass'], $arrForm['login_email'])) {
                     // 仮登録の判定
                     $where = "email = ? AND status = 1 AND del_flg = 0";
                     $ret = $objQuery->count("dtb_customer", $where, array($arrForm['login_email']));
                     if ($ret > 0) {
                     } else {
                 } else {
                     // 重複申込チェック
                     $orverlapping_flg = $objQuery->get("dtb_campaign", "orverlapping_flg", "campaign_id = ?", array($objCampaignSess->getCampaignId()));
                     if ($orverlapping_flg) {
                         if ($this->lfOverlappingCheck($objCustomer->getValue('customer_id'), $objQuery)) {
                             $this->arrErr['login_email'] = "※ 複数回ご応募することは出来ません。";
                     if (count($this->arrErr) == 0) {
                         // 申込情報を登録
                         $this->lfRegistCampaignOrder($objCustomer->getValue('customer_id'), $objQuery);
                         // 完了ページへリダイレクト
                         $this->sendRedirect($this->getLocation(CAMPAIGN_URL . "{$dir_name}/complete.php"));
     // 入力情報を渡す
     $this->arrForm = $_POST;
     $this->dir_name = $dir_name;
     $this->tpl_dir_name = CAMPAIGN_TEMPLATE_PATH . $dir_name . "/" . $status;
     //---- ページ表示
  * 会員情報を受注情報にコピーする.
  * ユーザーがログインしていない場合は何もしない.
  * 会員情報を $dest の order_* へコピーする.
  * customer_id は強制的にコピーされる.
  * @param array $dest コピー先の配列
  * @param SC_Customer $objCustomer SC_Customer インスタンス
  * @param string $prefix コピー先の接頭辞. デフォルト order
  * @param array $keys コピー対象のキー
  * @return void
 function copyFromCustomer(&$dest, &$objCustomer, $prefix = 'order', $keys = array('name01', 'name02', 'kana01', 'kana02', 'sex', 'zip01', 'zip02', 'pref', 'addr01', 'addr02', 'tel01', 'tel02', 'tel03', 'job', 'birth', 'email'))
     if ($objCustomer->isLoginSuccess(true)) {
         foreach ($keys as $key) {
             if (in_array($key, $keys)) {
                 $dest[$prefix . '_' . $key] = $objCustomer->getValue($key);
         if (Net_UserAgent_Mobile::isMobile() && in_array('email', $keys)) {
             $email_mobile = $objCustomer->getValue('email_mobile');
             if (empty($email_mobile)) {
                 $dest[$prefix . '_email'] = $objCustomer->getValue('email');
             } else {
                 $dest[$prefix . '_email'] = $email_mobile;
         $dest['customer_id'] = $objCustomer->getValue('customer_id');
         $dest['update_date'] = 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP';
 function lfGetOrderDetail($order_id)
     $objQuery = new SC_Query();
     $objCustomer = new SC_Customer();
     $customer_id = $objCustomer->getValue("customer_id");
     $order_count = $objQuery->count("dtb_order", "order_id = ? and customer_id = ?", array($order_id, $customer_id));
     if ($order_count != 1) {
         return array();
     $col = "product_id, classcategory_id1, classcategory_id2, quantity";
     $where = "order_id = ?";
     $objQuery->setorder("classcategory_id1, classcategory_id2");
     $arrRet = $objQuery->select($col, "dtb_order_detail", $where, array($order_id));
     return $arrRet;
  * 会員情報を受注情報にコピーする.
  * ユーザーがログインしていない場合は何もしない.
  * 会員情報を $dest の order_* へコピーする.
  * customer_id は強制的にコピーされる.
  * @param  array       $dest        コピー先の配列
  * @param  SC_Customer $objCustomer SC_Customer インスタンス
  * @param  string      $prefix      コピー先の接頭辞. デフォルト order
  * @param  array       $keys        コピー対象のキー
  * @return void
 public function copyFromCustomer(&$dest, &$objCustomer, $prefix = 'order', $keys = array('name01', 'name02', 'kana01', 'kana02', 'company_name', 'sex', 'zip01', 'zip02', 'country_id', 'zipcode', 'pref', 'addr01', 'addr02', 'tel01', 'tel02', 'tel03', 'fax01', 'fax02', 'fax03', 'job', 'birth', 'email'))
     if ($objCustomer->isLoginSuccess(true)) {
         foreach ($keys as $key) {
             if (in_array($key, $keys)) {
                 $dest[$prefix . '_' . $key] = $objCustomer->getValue($key);
         if (SC_Display_Ex::detectDevice() == DEVICE_TYPE_MOBILE && in_array('email', $keys)) {
             $email_mobile = $objCustomer->getValue('email_mobile');
             if (empty($email_mobile)) {
                 $dest[$prefix . '_email'] = $objCustomer->getValue('email');
             } else {
                 $dest[$prefix . '_email'] = $email_mobile;
         $dest['customer_id'] = $objCustomer->getValue('customer_id');
         $dest['update_date'] = 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP';
  * Page のプロセス(モバイル).
  * @return void
 function mobileProcess()
     $objView = new SC_MobileView();
     $objSiteSess = new SC_SiteSession();
     $objCartSess = new SC_CartSession();
     $objCustomer = new SC_Customer();
     // クッキー管理クラス
     $objCookie = new SC_Cookie(COOKIE_EXPIRE);
     // パラメータ管理クラス
     $this->objFormParam = new SC_FormParam();
     // パラメータ情報の初期化
     // POST値の取得
     $this->objLoginFormParam = new SC_FormParam();
     // ログインフォーム用
     // 初期設定
     // POST値の取得
     // ユーザユニークIDの取得と購入状態の正当性をチェック
     $uniqid = SC_Utils_Ex::sfCheckNormalAccess($objSiteSess, $objCartSess);
     $this->tpl_uniqid = $uniqid;
     if (!isset($_POST['mode'])) {
         $_POST['mode'] = "";
     // ログインチェック
     if ($_POST['mode'] != 'login' && !$objCustomer->isLoginSuccess(true)) {
         // 不正アクセスとみなす
         SC_Utils_Ex::sfDispSiteError(CUSTOMER_ERROR, "", false, "", true);
     switch ($_POST['mode']) {
         case 'login':
             $this->arrErr = $this->objLoginFormParam->checkError();
             $arrForm = $this->objLoginFormParam->getHashArray();
             // クッキー保存判定
             if ($arrForm['login_memory'] == "1" && $arrForm['login_email'] != "") {
                 $objCookie->setCookie('login_email', $_POST['login_email']);
             } else {
                 $objCookie->setCookie('login_email', '');
             if (count($this->arrErr) == 0) {
                 // ログイン判定
                 if (!$objCustomer->getCustomerDataFromMobilePhoneIdPass($arrForm['login_pass']) && !$objCustomer->getCustomerDataFromEmailPass($arrForm['login_pass'], $arrForm['login_email'], true)) {
                     // 仮登録の判定
                     $objQuery = new SC_Query();
                     $where = "(email = ? OR email_mobile = ?) AND status = 1 AND del_flg = 0";
                     $ret = $objQuery->count("dtb_customer", $where, array($arrForm['login_email'], $arrForm['login_email']));
                     if ($ret > 0) {
                         SC_Utils_Ex::sfDispSiteError(TEMP_LOGIN_ERROR, "", false, "", true);
                     } else {
                         SC_Utils_Ex::sfDispSiteError(SITE_LOGIN_ERROR, "", false, "", true);
             } else {
                 // ログインページに戻る
                 $this->sendRedirect($this->getLocation(MOBILE_URL_SHOP_TOP), true);
             // ログインが成功した場合は携帯端末IDを保存する。
              * 携帯メールアドレスが登録されていない場合は,
              * 携帯メールアドレス登録画面へ遷移
             $objMobile = new SC_Helper_Mobile_Ex();
             if (!$objMobile->gfIsMobileMailAddress($objCustomer->getValue('email'))) {
                 if (!$objCustomer->hasValue('email_mobile')) {
                     $this->sendRedirect($this->getLocation("../entry/email_mobile.php"), true);
             // 削除
         // 削除
         case 'delete':
             if (SC_Utils_Ex::sfIsInt($_POST['other_deliv_id'])) {
                 $objQuery = new SC_Query();
                 $where = "other_deliv_id = ?";
                 $arrRet = $objQuery->delete("dtb_other_deliv", $where, array($_POST['other_deliv_id']));
                 $this->objFormParam->setValue('select_addr_id', '');
             // 会員登録住所に送る
         // 会員登録住所に送る
         case 'customer_addr':
             // お届け先がチェックされている場合には更新処理を行う
             if ($_POST['deli'] != "") {
                 // 会員情報の住所を受注一時テーブルに書き込む
                 $this->lfRegistDelivData($uniqid, $objCustomer);
                 // 正常に登録されたことを記録しておく
                 // お支払い方法選択ページへ移動
                 $this->sendRedirect($this->getLocation(MOBILE_URL_SHOP_PAYMENT), true);
             } else {
                 // エラーを返す
                 $arrErr['deli'] = '※ お届け先を選択してください。';
             // 登録済みの別のお届け先に送る
         // 登録済みの別のお届け先に送る
         case 'other_addr':
             // お届け先がチェックされている場合には更新処理を行う
             if ($_POST['deli'] != "") {
                 if (SC_Utils_Ex::sfIsInt($_POST['other_deliv_id'])) {
                     $objQuery = new SC_Query();
                     $deliv_count = $objQuery->count("dtb_other_deliv", "customer_id=? and other_deliv_id = ?", array($objCustomer->getValue('customer_id'), $_POST['other_deliv_id']));
                     if ($deliv_count != 1) {
                     // 登録済みの別のお届け先を受注一時テーブルに書き込む
                     $this->lfRegistOtherDelivData($uniqid, $objCustomer, $_POST['other_deliv_id']);
                     // 正常に登録されたことを記録しておく
                     // お支払い方法選択ページへ移動
                     $this->sendRedirect($this->getLocation(MOBILE_URL_SHOP_PAYMENT), true);
             } else {
                 // エラーを返す
                 $arrErr['deli'] = '※ お届け先を選択してください。';
             // 前のページに戻る
         // 前のページに戻る
         case 'return':
             // 確認ページへ移動
             $this->sendRedirect($this->getLocation(MOBILE_URL_CART_TOP), true);
             $objQuery = new SC_Query();
             $where = "order_temp_id = ?";
             $arrRet = $objQuery->select("*", "dtb_order_temp", $where, array($uniqid));
     /** 表示処理 **/
     // 会員登録住所の取得
     $col = "name01, name02, pref, addr01, addr02, zip01, zip02";
     $where = "customer_id = ?";
     $objQuery = new SC_Query();
     $arrCustomerAddr = $objQuery->select($col, "dtb_customer", $where, array($_SESSION['customer']['customer_id']));
     // 別のお届け先住所の取得
     $col = "other_deliv_id, name01, name02, pref, addr01, addr02, zip01, zip02";
     $objQuery->setorder("other_deliv_id DESC");
     $objOtherAddr = $objQuery->select($col, "dtb_other_deliv", $where, array($_SESSION['customer']['customer_id']));
     $this->arrAddr = $arrCustomerAddr;
     $cnt = 1;
     foreach ($objOtherAddr as $val) {
         $this->arrAddr[$cnt] = $val;
     // 入力値の取得
     if (!isset($arrErr)) {
         $arrErr = array();
     $this->arrForm = $this->objFormParam->getFormParamList();
     $this->arrErr = $arrErr;