Beispiel #1
  * Once the proxy has been constructed the runtime passes in
  * the information associated with the reference that the proxy
  * represents
  * @param SCA_ReferenceType $reference_type Reference type
  * @return null
 public function addReferenceType(SCA_ReferenceType $reference_type)
     $this->reference_type = $reference_type;
     // If there are type descriptions create and XML DAS and add them
     if (count($reference_type->getTypes()) > 0) {
         // Some XSD types are specified with the reference
         // annotation so use these XSDs to build the XML DAS
         $this->xml_das = $reference_type->getXmlDas();
         // get the list of types that have been loaded into
         // the XML DAS
         $this->type_list = SCA_Helper::getAllXmlDasTypes($this->xml_das);
     } else {
         // No XSDs are specified so we assume that XML strings
         // are passed in instead of SDOs
Beispiel #2
  * Get full reference
  * @return mixed
 public function getReferenceFull()
     $reference_type = new SCA_ReferenceType();
     // get the binding info from the reference comment
     $binding = null;
     if (($bindingType = $this->getBinding()) != null) {
         $binding = $this->_getSingleWordFollowing(self::BINDING);
     } else {
         throw new SCA_RuntimeException("An @reference was found with no following" . " @binding, or an invalid @binding");
     // get any extra type info from the reference comment
     $types = $this->getXsdTypes();
     return $reference_type;
Beispiel #3
  * TODO - We need to think about where to put this method but I need the
  * SMD file and access to the references so here will have to
  * do fo now. I want a cleaner abstraction of JsonRpcClient and
  * JsonProxy.
  * @param SCA_ReferenceType $reference_type Reference type
  * @return null
 public function addReferenceType(SCA_ReferenceType $reference_type)
     $this->reference_type = $reference_type;
     // Add type descriptions to the Json DAS. We use XSDs if they
     // are prvoided. If not we used the SMD and assume the default
     // namespace provided by the JSON DAS
     if (count($reference_type->getTypes()) > 0) {
         // Some XSD types are specified with the reference
         // annotation so use these XSDs to build the JSON DAS
         $this->json_das = $this->getJsonDas($reference_type->getTypes(), $reference_type->getClassName());
         // get the list of types that have been loaded into
         // the JSON DAS in this case
         $this->type_list = SCA_Helper::getAllXmlDasTypes($this->json_das->getXmlDas());
     } else {
         // No XSDs are specified with the reference annotation
         // so use the SMD to build the JSON DAS
         $this->json_das = new SDO_DAS_Json();
Beispiel #4
  * TODO - We need to think about where to put this method
  * @param SCA_ReferenceType $reference_type Reference Type
  * @return null
 public function addReferenceType(SCA_ReferenceType $reference_type)
     $this->reference_type = $reference_type;
     // Add type descriptions to the XML DAS. We use XSDs if they
     // are prvoided.
     if (count($reference_type->getTypes()) > 0) {
         // Some XSD types are specified with the reference
         // annotation so use these XSDs to build the XMLDAS
         $this->xmldas = $reference_type->getXmlDas();
         // get the list of types that have been loaded into
         // the XMLDAS in this case
         $this->type_list = SCA_Helper::getAllXmlDasTypes($this->xmldas);
     } else {
         //TODO: This is where we end up if we don't specify @types on a client side atom component with an @reference!
         //TODO: refactor this and check routes to this part of the code result in proper response
         $this->xmldas = SDO_DAS_XML::create(dirname(__FILE__) . '/Atom1.0.xsd');
Beispiel #5
  * Create XMLRPCDAS
  * @param SCA_ReferenceType $reference_type Reference type
  * @return object
 protected function createXmlRpcDas($reference_type)
     $xsds = $reference_type->getTypes();
     $xmlrpc_das = new SCA_Bindings_Xmlrpc_DAS();
     foreach ($xsds as $index => $xsds) {
         list($namespace, $xsdfile) = $xsds;
         if (SCA_Helper::isARelativePath($xsdfile)) {
             $xsd = SCA_Helper::constructAbsolutePath($xsdfile, $reference_type->getClassName());
     return $xmlrpc_das;