  * Runs the action.
 public function run()
     foreach (Yii::app()->log->routes as $route) {
         if ($route instanceof CWebLogRoute || $route instanceof CFileLogRoute || $route instanceof YiiDebugToolbarRoute) {
             $route->enabled = false;
     $asset = $_GET['path'];
     $SAECommon = new SAECommon();
     $path = $SAECommon->saedisk_decrypt($asset);
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, Yii::t('yii', 'The asset "{asset}" to be published does not exist.', array('{asset}' => $asset)));
     // 浏览器根据etag来缓存,增加 date('H') 则为一小时更新
     $etag = md5($path + date('d'));
     header("ETag: {$etag}");
     $offset = 60 * 60 * 24;
     $expire = "expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + $offset) . " GMT";
     $type = CFileHelper::getMimeType($path);
     header("content-type: {$type}; charset: UTF-8");
     #header ("cache-control: max-age=$offset,must-revalidate");
     header("cache-control: max-age={$offset}");
     #header ("Pragma:");
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) and $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] == $etag) {
         #header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified');
         header('Etag:' . $etag, true, 304);
     } else {
         if (extension_loaded('zlib')) {
         echo file_get_contents($path);
         if (extension_loaded('zlib')) {
Beispiel #2
  * Publishes a file or a directory.
  * This method will copy the specified asset to a web accessible directory
  * and return the URL for accessing the published asset.
  * <ul>
  * <li>If the asset is a file, its file modification time will be checked
  * to avoid unnecessary file copying;</li>
  * <li>If the asset is a directory, all files and subdirectories under it will
  * be published recursively. Note, in case $forceCopy is false the method only checks the
  * existence of the target directory to avoid repetitive copying.</li>
  * </ul>
  * Note: On rare scenario, a race condition can develop that will lead to a
  * one-time-manifestation of a non-critical problem in the creation of the directory
  * that holds the published assets. This problem can be avoided altogether by 'requesting'
  * in advance all the resources that are supposed to trigger a 'publish()' call, and doing
  * that in the application deployment phase, before system goes live. See more in the following
  * discussion: http://code.google.com/p/yii/issues/detail?id=2579
  * @param string $path the asset (file or directory) to be published
  * @param boolean $hashByName whether the published directory should be named as the hashed basename.
  * If false, the name will be the hash taken from dirname of the path being published and path mtime.
  * Defaults to false. Set true if the path being published is shared among
  * different extensions.
  * @param integer $level level of recursive copying when the asset is a directory.
  * Level -1 means publishing all subdirectories and files;
  * Level 0 means publishing only the files DIRECTLY under the directory;
  * level N means copying those directories that are within N levels.
  * @param boolean $forceCopy whether we should copy the asset file or directory even if it is already published before.
  * This parameter is set true mainly during development stage when the original
  * assets are being constantly changed. The consequence is that the performance
  * is degraded, which is not a concern during development, however.
  * This parameter has been available since version 1.1.2.
  * @return string an absolute URL to the published asset
  * @throws CException if the asset to be published does not exist.
 public function publish($path, $hashByName = false, $level = -1, $forceCopy = false)
     if (isset($this->_published[$path])) {
         return $this->_published[$path];
     } else {
         if (($src = realpath($path)) !== false) {
             $SAECommon = new SAECommon();
             $path = $SAECommon->saedisk_encrypt($src);
             $path_test = Yii::app()->createUrl('site/assets', array('path' => $path));
             //createUrl 后自动转义,再转换回/
             $path_test = str_replace('%2F', '/', $path_test);
             return $this->_published[$path] = $path_test;
     throw new CException(Yii::t('yii', 'The asset "{asset}" to be published does not exist.', array('{asset}' => $path)));