Beispiel #1
 function getJReviews_Rating($listing_id, $tmpl_suffix = '')
     # Populate $params array with module settings
     $JreParams['data']['extension'] = 'com_joomla_lms';
     $JreParams['data']['tmpl_suffix'] = $tmpl_suffix;
     $JreParams['data']['controller'] = 'everywhere';
     $JreParams['data']['action'] = 'category';
     $JreParams['data']['listing_id'] = $listing_id;
     // Load dispatch class
     $Dispatcher = new S2Dispatcher('jreviews');
     $jreCategory = $Dispatcher->dispatch($JreParams);
     $rating = false;
     if ($jreCategory) {
         $rating = $jreCategory['output'];
     return $rating;
Beispiel #2
  * Calls a controller's method from any location.
  * @param string $url URL in the form of Cake URL ("/controller/method/parameter")
  * @param array $extra if array includes the key "return" it sets the AutoRender to true.
  * @return mixed Success (true/false) or contents if 'return' is set in $extra
  * @access public
 function requestAction($url, $extra = array())
     $app = Sanitize::getString($extra, 'app', 'jreviews');
     if (empty($url)) {
         return false;
     if (!class_exists('S2Dispatcher')) {
         require S2_FRAMEWORK . DS . 'dispatcher.php';
     if (in_array('return', $extra, true)) {
         $extra = array_merge($extra, array('return' => 0, 'autoRender' => 1));
     $params = array_merge(array('token' => cmsFramework::formIntegrityToken($extra, array('module', 'module_id', 'form', 'data'), false), 'autoRender' => 0, 'return' => 1, 'bare' => 1, 'requested' => 1), $extra);
     $disable404 = true;
     $dispatcher = new S2Dispatcher($app, null, $disable404);
     return $dispatcher->dispatch($url, $params);
 function _getPage($userId, $params, $cacheSetting)
     if (!$cacheSetting) {
         # MVC initalization script
         if (!defined('DS')) {
             define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
         require 'components' . DS . 'com_jreviews' . DS . 'jreviews' . DS . 'framework.php';
     Configure::write('Libraries.disableJS', array('jquery'));
     # Populate $params array with module settings
     $eParams['page'] = 1;
     $eParams['user'] = $userId;
     $eParams['module'] = stringToArray($params->_raw);
     $eParams['module']['community'] = true;
     $eParams['module_id'] = 'plugin_myfavorites' . $userId;
     $eParams['page'] = 1;
     $eParams['data']['module'] = true;
     $eParams['data']['controller'] = 'community_listings';
     $eParams['data']['action'] = 'favorites';
     $eParams['data']['module_limit'] = $params->get('limit', 10);
     $Dispatcher = new S2Dispatcher('jreviews', true, false);
     return $Dispatcher->dispatch($eParams);
Beispiel #4
    $url = str_replace('menu', '', $url);
    $db = cmsFramework::getDB();
    $query = "SELECT * FROM #__menu WHERE id = " . $menu_id;
    $menu = end($db->loadObjectList());
    $mparams = getCmsVersion() == CMS_JOOMLA16 ? json_decode($menu->params, true) : stringToArray($menu->params);
    if (isset($mparams['action'])) {
        $action = paramsRoute((int) $mparams['action']);
        $_REQUEST['Itemid'] = $_GET['Itemid'] = $menu->id;
        // For default - home page menu
        $menu_params['data'] = $mparams;
        $filters = array('dir' => 'dirid', 'section' => 'sectionid', 'cat' => 'catid', 'criteria' => 'criteriaid');
        foreach ($filters as $key => $key2) {
            $menu_params[$key] = Sanitize::getVar($mparams, $key2);
            is_array($menu_params[$key]) and $menu_params[$key] = implode(',', $menu_params[$key]);
        //        $menu_params['url'] = 'menu';
        $menu_params['data']['component_menu'] = true;
        $menu_params['data']['controller'] = $action[0];
        $menu_params['data']['action'] = $action[1];
$Dispatcher = new S2Dispatcher('jreviews');
echo $Dispatcher->dispatch($menu_params);
unset($db, $User, $menu, $Dispatcher);
function paramsRoute($action)
    $a = array("100" => "m", "0" => array('directories', 'index'), "1" => array('categories', 'section'), "2" => array('categories', 'category'), "3" => array('listings', 'create'), "4" => array('categories', 'toprated'), "5" => array('categories', 'topratededitor'), "6" => array('categories', 'latest'), "7" => array('categories', 'popular'), "8" => array('categories', 'mostreviews'), "9" => array('categories', 'featured'), "10" => array('reviews', 'myreviews'), "11" => array('search', 'index'), "12" => array('categories', 'mylistings'), "13" => array('categories', 'favorites'), "14" => array('reviews', 'latest'), "15" => array('reviews', 'latest_user'), "16" => array('reviews', 'latest_editor'), "17" => array('discussions', 'latest'), "18" => array('reviews', 'rankings'), "19" => array('paidlistings', 'myaccount'), "20" => array('paidlistings_plans', 'index'), "21" => array('categories', 'custom'));
    return $a[$action];
Beispiel #5

 * jReviews - Reviews Extension
 * Copyright (C) 2006 ClickFWD LLC
 * This is not free software, do not distribute it.
 * For licencing information visit
 * or contact
defined('_VALID_MOS') || defined('_JEXEC') or die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.');
# MVC initalization script
require JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_jreviews' . DS . 'jreviews' . DS . 'framework.php';
# Populate $params array with module settings
$module_params = isset($params->_raw) ? stringToArray($params->_raw) : $params->toArray();
$moduleParams['module'] = $module_params;
$moduleParams['module_id'] = $module->id;
$moduleParams['page'] = 1;
$moduleParams['data']['module'] = true;
$moduleParams['data']['controller'] = 'module_totals';
$moduleParams['data']['action'] = 'index';
$moduleParams['token'] = cmsFramework::formIntegrityToken($moduleParams, array('module', 'module_id', 'form', 'data'), false);
$Dispatcher = new S2Dispatcher('jreviews');
echo $Dispatcher->dispatch($moduleParams);
Beispiel #6
 function onPrepareContent(&$article, &$params)
     if (!class_exists('cmsFramework')) {
     // Check whether to perform the replacement or not
     $option = Sanitize::getString($_REQUEST, 'option', '');
     $view = Sanitize::getString($_REQUEST, 'view', '');
     $layout = Sanitize::getString($_REQUEST, 'layout', '');
     $id = Sanitize::getInt($_REQUEST, 'id');
     if ($option == 'com_content' && in_array($view, array('article', 'category', 'section', 'frontpage')) && ($layout != '' || in_array($view, array('article', 'frontpage')))) {
         $row =& $article;
         if ((isset($row->params) || isset($row->parameters)) && isset($row->id) && isset($row->catid) && isset($row->sectionid) && $row->id > 0 && $row->catid > 0 && $row->sectionid > 0) {
             $Dispatcher = new S2Dispatcher('jreviews', true);
             if ($option == 'com_content' && $view == 'article' & $id > 0) {
                 $_GET['url'] = 'com_content/com_content_view';
             } elseif ($option == 'com_content' && (($layout == 'blog' || $layout == 'blogfull') && ($view == 'category' || $view == 'section') || $view == 'frontpage')) {
                 $_GET['url'] = 'com_content/com_content_blog';
             $passedArgs = array('params' => $params, 'row' => $row, 'component' => 'com_content');
             $passedArgs['cat'] = $row->catid;
             $passedArgs['section'] = $row->sectionid;
             $passedArgs['listing_id'] = $row->id;
             $output = $Dispatcher->dispatch($passedArgs);
             if ($output) {
                 $row =& $output['row'];
                 $params =& $output['params'];
              * Store a copy of the $listing and $crumbs arrays in memory for use in the onBeforeDisplayContent method
             $_this =& cmsFramework::getInstance();
             $_this->listing =& $output['listing'];
             $_this->crumbs =& $output['crumbs'];
             // Destroy pathway
             if (isset($_this->crumbs) && !empty($_this->crumbs)) {
        $install_bypass = isset($_GET['bypass']) ? true : false;
        if ($install_bypass === false) {
            $adapter = JArchive::getAdapter('zip');
            $result = @$adapter->extract($package, $target);
        if (file_exists($target . 'jreviews' . DS . 'index.php')) {
            // If extracted, run installer
            @unlink($path_app_admin . 'jreviews.s2');
            require $path_root . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_jreviews' . DS . 'jreviews' . DS . 'framework.php';
            $Dispatcher = new S2Dispatcher('jreviews');
            $Dispatcher->dispatch('install/index', array());
    } else {
        // Can't install app
        <div style="font-size:12px;border:1px solid #000;background-color:#FBFBFB;padding:10px;">
        There was a problem extracting the jReviews. <br />
        1) Locate the jreviews.s2 file in the component installation package you just tried to install.<br />
        2) Rename it to and extract it to your hard drive<br />
        3) Upload it to the frontend /components/com_jreviews/ directory.
function adminGetCmsVersion()
Beispiel #8
  * Calls a controller's method from any location.
  * @param string $url URL in the form of Cake URL ("/controller/method/parameter")
  * @param array $extra if array includes the key "return" it sets the AutoRender to true.
  * @return mixed Success (true/false) or contents if 'return' is set in $extra
  * @access public
 function requestAction($url, $extra = array())
     $app = Sanitize::getString($extra, 'app', 'jreviews');
     $xajax = Sanitize::getVar($extra, 'xajax', false);
     if (empty($url)) {
         return false;
     if (!class_exists('S2Dispatcher')) {
         require S2_FRAMEWORK . DS . 'dispatcher.php';
     if (in_array('return', $extra, true)) {
         $extra = array_merge($extra, array('return' => 0, 'autoRender' => 1));
     $params = array_merge(array('autoRender' => 0, 'return' => 1, 'bare' => 1, 'requested' => 1), $extra);
     $disable404 = true;
     $dispatcher = new S2Dispatcher($app, $xajax, $disable404);
     return $dispatcher->dispatch($url, $params);
 function _getPage($userId, $params, $cacheSetting)
     if (!$cacheSetting) {
         # MVC initalization script
         if (!defined('DS')) {
             define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
         require 'components' . DS . 'com_jreviews' . DS . 'jreviews' . DS . 'framework.php';
     Configure::write('Libraries.disableJS', array('jquery'));
     # Populate $params array with module settings
     $eParams['data']['extension'] = $params->get('integration', 'com_community_access');
     // Access | Field
     $eParams['data']['tmpl_suffix'] = '';
     $eParams['data']['controller'] = 'everywhere';
     $eParams['data']['action'] = 'index';
     $eParams['data']['listing_id'] = $userId;
     $eParams['data']['limit_special'] = $params->get('list_limit', 10);
     // Load dispatch class
     $Dispatcher = new S2Dispatcher('jreviews', true);
     $eDetail = $Dispatcher->dispatch($eParams);
     if ($eDetail) {
         $form = $eDetail['output'];
         return $form;