public function createFromUrl($url)
     $dom = new DOMDocument();
     $dom->preserveWhitespace = false;
     $success = $dom->load($url);
     if (!$success) {
         new mb_exception(__FILE__ . ": createFromUrl(): Could not load " . $url);
         return null;
     $nodeList = $dom->getElementsByTagName("rss");
     if ($nodeList->length > 0) {
         $node = $nodeList->item(0);
         if ($node->hasAttribute("xmlns:georss")) {
             $geoRssFactory = new GeoRssFactory();
             return $geoRssFactory->createFromUrl($url);
     $rssFactory = new RssFactory();
     return $rssFactory->createFromUrl($url);
 protected function parseItem($node, $item)
     $item = parent::parseItem($node, $item);
     foreach ($node->childNodes as $childNode) {
         switch ($childNode->tagName) {
             case "georss:box":
                 $coordinateString = trim($childNode->nodeValue);
                 $coordinateArray = explode(" ", $coordinateString);
                 if (count($coordinateArray) === 4) {
                     $bbox = new Mapbender_bbox(floatval($coordinateArray[0]), floatval($coordinateArray[1]), floatval($coordinateArray[2]), floatval($coordinateArray[3]), "EPSG:4326");
     return $item;
 $success = true;
 echo "<br><br>";
 echo "Bounding box of item #3 should be: " . BBOX . "<br>";
 $box = $geoRss->getItem(2)->getBbox();
 $boxString = $box->min->x . " " . $box->min->y . " " . $box->max->x . " " . $box->max->y;
 echo "Bounding box of item #3  is: " . $boxString . "<br>";
 if ($boxString !== BBOX) {
     $success = false;
     echo "FAIL :-(";
 echo "OK :-)";
 // create RSS at
 $success = true;
 echo "<br><br>";
 $aSecondRssFactory = new RssFactory();
 $randomRss = str_replace(".xml", "_" . rand() . ".xml", RANDOM_GEORSS);
 echo "Create random GeoRSS at: " . $randomRss . "<br>";
 $anotherRss = $aSecondRssFactory->createAt($randomRss);
 if (is_null($anotherRss)) {
     $success = false;
     echo "FAIL :-(";
 echo "OK :-)";
 // create RSS from URL
 $success = true;
 echo "<br><br>";
 $yetAnotherRss = $someRssFactory->createFromUrl($randomRss);
 echo "Random RSS should be of type: Rss<br>";
 echo "Random RSS is of type: " . get_class($yetAnotherRss) . "<br>";