Beispiel #1
	function __construct($role_id, $locale_code = "en-us", $config = null, $restricted = null)
		// TODO: finish changing this into a params array being passed in
		// $this->role_id = $params['role_id'];
		// $this->locale_code = $params['locale_code'];

		$this->role_id = $role_id;
		$this->locale_code = $locale_code;

		if (is_array($this->role_id))
			$all_roles = $this->role_id;
			$all_roles = array($this->role_id);
  		$roles_table = new Roles();
		foreach ($all_roles as $role)
			$all_roles = array_merge($all_roles, $roles_table->getAllAncestors($role));
		$this->all_roles = array_unique($all_roles);
		return parent::__construct($config);
Beispiel #2
 function __construct($role_id, $locale_code = "en-us", $config = null, $restricted = null)
     $this->locale_code = $locale_code;
     $this->role_id = $role_id;
     if (is_array($this->role_id)) {
         $all_roles = $this->role_id;
     } else {
         $all_roles = array($this->role_id);
     $roles_table = new Roles();
     foreach ($all_roles as $role) {
         $all_roles = array_merge($all_roles, $roles_table->getAllAncestors($role));
     $this->all_roles = array_unique($all_roles);
     return parent::__construct($config);
Beispiel #3
	static function isAllowed($resource,$module = "default",$username = null,$controller = null){
		$users_roles_table = new UsersRoles();
		$roles_table = new Roles();
			$users_roles_db = $users_roles_table->fetchAll($users_roles_table->select()->where("username = ?",$username));
			if(count($users_roles_db) > 0){
				$user_roles = array();
				$users_roles_db = $users_roles_db->toArray();
				foreach($users_roles_db as $role){
					$ancs = $roles_table->getAllAncestors($role['role_id']);
					foreach ($ancs as $anc => $value) {
						$user_roles[] = $value;
					array_push($user_roles, $role['role_id']);
				$user_roles = array_unique($user_roles);
		} else {
			$user_roles = array($roles_table->getIdByShortname("guest"));			
		if (is_null($controller)) {
			$controller = "@@EXTRA";
		$resource_name = $module ."-". $controller ."-". $resource;
		$out = array();
			$acl = Zend_Registry::get('acl');
				foreach($user_roles as $role){
					if($acl->isAllowed($role, $resource_name)){
						$out[] = $role;
		return $out;	
Beispiel #4
	protected function _checkMatch($match) {
		$roles_resources_table = new RolesResources();
		$roles_table = new Roles();
		$this_access = array();
		$request = $this->getRequest();
		$resource_name = 	$request->getModuleName() . "-" .ucfirst(strtolower($request->getControllerName())) . "-" .$request->getActionName();
			$acl = Zend_Registry::get('acl');


				if($acl->isAllowed($match, $resource_name)){
					$this_access[] = $match;

				$indirect = $roles_table->getAllAncestors($match); //maybe they inherit access
				$indirect_access = array();

				foreach($indirect as $role){
					if($acl->isAllowed($role, $resource_name)){
						$this_access[] = $role;
						$this_access[] = $match;


		return array_unique($this_access); // in not null, they inherit access
Beispiel #5
 function editAction()
     $request = new Bolts_Request($this->getRequest());
     $roles_table = new Roles();
     $role = null;
     if ($request->has('id')) {
         if (!is_null($request->id)) {
             $role = $roles_table->fetchRow($roles_table->select()->where("id = ?", $request->id));
             if (!is_null($role)) {
                 // we do not edit the guest role
                 if ($role->shortname == "guest") {
                 $this->view->role = $role->toArray();
                 $this->view->role_tree = $roles_table->getRoleTree(null, $role->id);
                 $this->view->inherited_ids = $roles_table->getInheritedRoles($role->id);
     if (is_null($role)) {
         $this->view->role_tree = $roles_table->getRoleTree();
     if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
         $errors = array();
         if ($request->has('inherit_role')) {
             $parents = array();
             foreach ($request->inherit_role as $inherit_role) {
                 $parents = array_merge($parents, $roles_table->getAllAncestors($inherit_role));
             $inherit_ids = array();
             foreach ($request->inherit_role as $inherit_role) {
                 if (!in_array($inherit_role, $parents)) {
                     $inherit_ids[] = $inherit_role;
         if ($request->has('shortname')) {
             $shortname = $request->shortname;
             if (!Bolts_Validate::checkLength($request->shortname, 1, 255)) {
                 $errors[] = $this->_T("Shortname must be between 1 and 255 chars.");
         } else {
             $errors[] = $this->_T("Shortname is a requried field.");
         $description = $request->description;
         $isadmin = (int) $request->checkbox('isadmin');
         if (count($errors) == 0) {
             $data = array('shortname' => $shortname, 'description' => $description, 'isadmin' => $isadmin);
             //If we have an id, this is an update.
             $id = (int) $this->_request->getPost('id');
             if ($id != 0) {
                 $where = 'id = ' . $id;
                 $roles_table->update($data, $where);
             } else {
                 //We don't, this is an insert.
                 $id = $roles_table->insert($data);
             foreach ($inherit_ids as $in_id) {
                 $roles_table->setInheritedRole($id, $in_id);
         } else {
             $this->view->errors = $errors;
     if ($request->has('id')) {
         // this is an edit
         $id = $request->id;
         if ($id > 0) {
             $this->view->role = $roles_table->fetchRow('id = ' . $id)->toArray();
         $this->view->inherited_ids = $roles_table->getInheritedRoles($id);
     } else {
         foreach ($roles_table->fetchAll()->toArray() as $role) {
             $role_choices[$role['id']] = $role['shortname'];
         $this->view->role_choices = $role_choices;
	protected function isExtraResourceInherited($module, $resource, $role_id)
		$inheritsResource = false;
		$roles_table = new Roles();
		$roles_roles_table = new RolesRoles();
		$roles_res_extra_table = new RolesResourcesExtra();
		$inherited_ids = $roles_table->getAllAncestors($role_id);
		if (count($inherited_ids) > 0)
			foreach ($inherited_ids as $inherited_id)
				// determine if parent has access to this resource
				$select = $roles_res_extra_table->select();
				$select->where("role_id = ?", $inherited_id);
				$select->where("module = ?", $module);
				$select->where("resource = ?", $resource);
				$roles_resource = $roles_res_extra_table->fetchRow($select);
				if (!is_null($roles_resource))
					//parent has it, role is inherited
					$inheritsResource = true;
		return $inheritsResource;
Beispiel #7
 function init()
     $params = array('username' => null);
     $modules_table = new Modules("core");
     $roles_table = new Roles();
     $enabled_modules = $modules_table->getEnabledModules();
     foreach ($enabled_modules as $enabled_module) {
         $this->view->{"module_" . $enabled_module} = true;
     if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
         $this->view->is_ssl = true;
         $this->_is_ssl = true;
     } else {
         $this->view->is_ssl = false;
         $this->_is_ssl = false;
     $this->_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     $this->_host_id = Zend_Registry::get('host_id');
     $this->view->host_id = $this->_host_id;
     $this->view->session_id = Zend_Session::getId();
     $this->view->site_url = Bolts_Registry::get('site_url');
     $this->view->site_name = Bolts_Registry::get('site_name');
     $this->registry = Zend_Registry::getInstance();
     $this->session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('Default');
     $this->_mca = $this->_request->getModuleName() . "_" . $this->_request->getControllerName() . "_" . $this->_request->getActionName();
     $this->view->mca = str_replace("_", "-", $this->_mca);
     $this->view->controller_name = $this->_request->getControllerName();
     $this->module_name = $this->_request->getModuleName();
     $this->view->module_name = $this->_request->getModuleName();
     $this->view->action_name = $this->_request->getActionName();
     $this->_auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
     if ($this->_auth->hasIdentity()) {
         $this->_identity = $this->_auth->getIdentity();
         $this->view->isLoggedIn = true;
         $params['username'] = $this->_identity->username;
         $users_table = new Users();
         $loggedInUser = $users_table->fetchByUsername($this->_identity->username);
         if (!is_null($loggedInUser)) {
             $this->_loggedInUser = $loggedInUser;
             $this->view->loggedInUser = $loggedInUser->toArray();
         $this->view->loggedInUsername = $this->_identity->username;
         $this->view->loggedInFullName = $this->_identity->full_name;
         $loggedInRoleIds = $roles_table->getRoleIdsByUsername($this->_identity->username);
         $this->view->loggedInRoleIds = $loggedInRoleIds;
         foreach ($loggedInRoleIds as $role_id) {
             $role = $roles_table->fetchRow('id = ' . $role_id);
             if ((bool) $role->isadmin) {
                 $this->view->isAdmin = true;
                 $this->_identity->isAdmin = true;
     } else {
         $this->_identity = null;
         $this->view->isLoggedIn = false;
     $appNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace('Bolts_Temp');
     $this->view->last_login = $appNamespace->last_login;
     $this->_Bolts_plugin = Bolts_Plugin::getInstance();
     $this->_theme_locations = Zend_Registry::get('theme_locations');
     // Theme filter block: Allow plugin's to alter the current theme based on request, locale, etc.
     $theme_params = array('request' => $this->_request, 'admin' => array('current_theme' => $this->_theme_locations['admin']['current_theme']), 'frontend' => array('current_theme' => $this->_theme_locations['frontend']['current_theme']));
     $theme_params = $this->_Bolts_plugin->doFilter('current_themes', $theme_params);
     if (file_exists($theme_params['admin']['current_theme']['path'])) {
         $this->_theme_locations['admin']['current_theme'] = $theme_params['admin']['current_theme'];
     if (file_exists($theme_params['frontend']['current_theme']['path'])) {
         $this->_theme_locations['frontend']['current_theme'] = $theme_params['frontend']['current_theme'];
         $template_path = $this->_theme_locations['frontend']['current_theme']['path'] . "/modules/" . $this->getRequest()->getModuleName();
     // Theme filter block: End.
     $this->view->theme_path = $this->_theme_locations['frontend']['current_theme']['path'];
     $this->view->theme_url = $this->_theme_locations['frontend']['current_theme']['url'];
     $this->view->theme_global_path = $this->_theme_locations['frontend']['current_theme']['path'] . "/global";
     $this->view->theme_global = $this->view->theme_global_path;
     $this->view->theme_controller_path = $this->_theme_locations['frontend']['current_theme']['path'] . '/modules/' . $this->getRequest()->getModuleName() . "/" . $this->getRequest()->getControllerName();
     $this->view->theme_module_path = $this->_theme_locations['frontend']['current_theme']['path'] . '/modules/' . $this->getRequest()->getModuleName();
     $this->view->default_theme_path = $this->_theme_locations['frontend']['default_theme']['path'];
     $this->view->default_theme_url = $this->_theme_locations['frontend']['default_theme']['url'];
     $this->view->default_theme_global_path = $this->_theme_locations['frontend']['default_theme']['path'] . "/global";
     $this->view->default_theme_controller_path = $this->_theme_locations['frontend']['default_theme']['path'] . '/modules/' . $this->getRequest()->getModuleName() . "/" . $this->getRequest()->getControllerName();
     $this->view->default_theme_module_path = $this->_theme_locations['frontend']['default_theme']['path'] . '/modules/' . $this->getRequest()->getModuleName();
     Bolts_Log::report("Current path " . $this->_mca, null, Zend_Log::INFO);
     $this->view->isAdminController = false;
     $this->view->title_prefix = Bolts_Registry::get('title_prefix');
     $locale_is_valid = true;
     $default_locale_code = str_replace('_', '-', trim(strtolower(Bolts_Registry::get('default_locale'))));
     $this->locale_code = $default_locale_code;
     if (Bolts_Registry::get('enable_localization') == '1') {
         // to set the locale code, look in the URL, not in the cookie
         // the only thing that should check the cookie is the home page and optionally the locale chooser page
         $locales_table = new Locales();
         $db_locales_full = $locales_table->getLocaleCodesArray(true);
         $db_locales = array_keys($db_locales_full);
         // Get the locales allowed in the config
         $allowed_locales = explode(',', Bolts_Registry::get('allowed_locales'));
         if (!empty($allowed_locales) && (bool) array_filter($allowed_locales)) {
             $allowed_locales = array_map('trim', $allowed_locales);
             $allowed_locales = array_map('strtolower', $allowed_locales);
             $allowed_locales = str_replace('_', '-', $allowed_locales);
         } else {
             throw new Exception('Localization is enabled, but no locales are set in `allowed_locales`');
         // Load the allowed locales into Smarty for the admin drop down
         $all_locales = array();
         foreach ($db_locales_full as $code => $name) {
             if (in_array($code, $allowed_locales)) {
                 $all_locales[$code] = $name;
         $this->view->locale_codes = $all_locales;
         // Get the locales allowed on the frontend in the config
         $live_locales = explode(',', Bolts_Registry::get('live_locales'));
         if (!empty($live_locales) && (bool) array_filter($live_locales)) {
             $live_locales = array_map('trim', $live_locales);
             $live_locales = array_map('strtolower', $live_locales);
             $live_locales = str_replace('_', '-', $live_locales);
             $this->live_locales = $live_locales;
         } else {
             throw new Exception('Localization is enabled, but no locales are set in `live_locales`');
         if ($this->_request->has('locale') && $this->_request->locale != '') {
             $locale_code = $this->_request->get('locale');
             if ($locale_code !== $default_locale_code) {
                 if (ereg("^..-.{2,5}", $locale_code) !== false) {
                     // Get the locales out of the database
                     if (!in_array($locale_code, $db_locales) || !in_array($locale_code, $allowed_locales)) {
                         $locale_is_valid = false;
                     if ($this->view->isAdmin !== true) {
                         if (!in_array($locale_code, $this->live_locales)) {
                             $locale_is_valid = false;
                 } else {
                     $locale_is_valid = false;
             if ($locale_is_valid) {
                 $store_locales = explode(',', Bolts_Registry::get('store_enabled_locales'));
                 if (!empty($store_locales) && (bool) array_filter($store_locales)) {
                     $store_locales = array_map('trim', $store_locales);
                     $store_locales = array_map('strtolower', $store_locales);
                     $store_locales = str_replace('_', '-', $store_locales);
                     if (!in_array($locale_code, $store_locales)) {
                         $this->view->store_enabled = false;
                     } else {
                         $this->view->store_enabled = true;
                 } else {
                     $this->view->store_enabled = false;
             $locale_params = array('request' => $this->_request, 'locale_code' => $locale_code, 'locale_is_valid' => $locale_is_valid);
             $locale_params = $this->_Bolts_plugin->doFilter('validate_locale', $locale_params);
             // FILTER HOOK
             $locale_code = $locale_params['locale_code'];
             $locale_is_valid = $locale_params['locale_is_valid'];
             if ($locale_is_valid == true) {
                 // The locale is good.
                 $this->locale_code = $locale_code;
                 $this->default_locale_code = $default_locale_code;
                 $this->view->locale_code = $locale_code;
                 $this->view->default_locale_code = $default_locale_code;
                 $this->view->request_locale = $locale_code;
                 $this->view->default_locale_code = $default_locale_code;
             } else {
                 if (strtolower($locale_code) !== $locale_code) {
                     // The locale is probably just upper case. Try lower case.
                     $this->locale_code = strtolower($locale_code);
                     $url = str_replace("/{$locale_code}/", '/', $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']);
                     // See Apache Quirks:
                     $this->_redirect($url, array('code' => 301));
                 } else {
                     // This locale is just bad.
                     $this->locale_code = $default_locale_code;
                     $this->view->locale_code = $default_locale_code;
                     // Checking hasIdentity() here would be incorrect, as guests do not have identities, but may have access to this action
                     if (@Bolts_ResourceCheck::isAllowed("choose", "default", $this->_identity->username, 'Locale')) {
                     } else {
                         if (empty($this->_request->locale)) {
                             $this->_redirect("/", array('code' => 301));
                         } else {
         } elseif ($this->_mca == "default_index_index" && isset($_COOKIE['locale_code'])) {
             $this->_redirect("/" . $_COOKIE['locale_code'] . "/", array(), false);
         } else {
             // Checking hasIdentity() here would be incorrect, as guests do not have identities, but may have access to this action
             if (@Bolts_ResourceCheck::isAllowed("choose", "default", $this->_identity->username, 'Locale')) {
                 $this->_redirect($default_locale_code . "/bolts/locale/choose/");
             } else {
                 $this->_redirect($default_locale_code . "/bolts/auth/missing/");
     $this->view->custom_metadata = Bolts_Registry::get('custom_metadata');
     $language = substr($this->locale_code, 0, strpos($this->locale_code, '-'));
     // TODO - these should not be hardcoded here
     switch ($language) {
         case 'de':
             $this->view->format_date = "%e. %b. %Y, %l:%M Uhr";
             $this->view->format_datetime = "%A, %e. %B %Y um %l:%M:%S%p Uhr";
             $this->view->format_datetime_small = "%e %b %Y, %l:%M%p";
         case 'fr':
             $this->view->format_date = "%e %b %Y, %l:%M:%S";
             $this->view->format_datetime = "%A %e %B %Y à %l:%M:%S%p";
             $this->view->format_datetime_small = "%e %b %Y, %l:%M%p";
             $this->view->format_date = Bolts_Registry::get('format_date');
             $this->view->format_datetime = Bolts_Registry::get('format_datetime');
             $this->view->format_datetime_small = Bolts_Registry::get('format_datetime_small');
     $this->view->current_year = date("Y");
     // SAVED FOR FUTURE USE - changing the language pack based on locale
     // $locale_table = new Locales();
     // $locale_data = $locale_table->fetchByLocaleCode($this->view->locale_code);
     // if (count($locale_data) > 0) {
     // 	$this->locale_data = $locale_data['0'];
     // 	$this->view->locale_data = $this->locale_data;
     // 	$lan_pk = $this->locale_data['language_code'].'_'.$this->locale_data['country_code'].'.UTF-8';
     // 	setlocale(LC_ALL, $lan_pk);
     // 	setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 'en_US.UTF-8');
     // 	setlocale(LC_COLLATE, 'en_US.UTF-8');
     // }
     // this is a way to force the browser to reload some scripts
     if (Bolts_Registry::get('uncache_css_js_version')) {
         $this->view->uncache_version = "?v=" . Bolts_Registry::get('uncache_css_js_version');
     if (Bolts_Registry::get('uncache_flash_version')) {
         $this->view->uncache_flash = "?v=" . Bolts_Registry::get('uncache_flash_version');
     // Set the content type to UTF-8
     header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
     // get navigation items from database or cache
     // check for role of identity, if we don't have one, use guest.
     // TODO - move this to the place where role is determined, there should only be one place
     if ($this->_auth->hasIdentity()) {
         $tmp_ids = $loggedInRoleIds;
         $this->my_roles = $roles_table->fetchRolesByUsername($this->_identity->username)->toArray();
         $username = $this->_identity->username;
         $this->view->username = $username;
     } else {
         $tmp_ids = array($roles_table->getIdByShortname("guest"));
         $this->my_roles = array(0 => array("id" => "1", "shortname" => "guest", "description" => "Guest", "is_admin" => "0", "isguest" => "1", "isdefault" => "0"));
     $this->view->my_roles = $this->my_roles;
     // find the parent roles, add the parent role IDs to the nav_role_ids for inheritance.
     $nav_parent_role_ids = array();
     foreach ($tmp_ids as $nav_role) {
         $nav_parent_role_ids = array_merge($nav_parent_role_ids, $roles_table->getAllAncestors($nav_role));
     $nav_role_ids = array();
     $nav_role_ids = array_merge($nav_parent_role_ids, $tmp_ids);
     $unique_ids = array_unique($nav_role_ids);
     $nav_table = new Navigation($unique_ids, $this->locale_code);
     $cache_name = 'navigation_' . $this->locale_code . '-' . md5(implode($unique_ids, "-"));
     // MD5 The Unique IDs to shorten the cache name
     $cache_tags = array('navigation', $this->locale_code);
     $nav_items_temp = false;
     if (Bolts_Registry::get('enable_navigation_cache') == '1') {
         $nav_items_temp = Bolts_Cache::load($cache_name);
     if ($nav_items_temp === false || !isset($nav_items_temp)) {
         $nav_items_temp = array();
         foreach ($unique_ids as $nav_role_id) {
             $nav_items_temp = array_merge($nav_items_temp, $nav_table->getNavTree($nav_role_id));
         if (Bolts_Registry::get('enable_navigation_cache') == '1') {
             Bolts_Cache::save($nav_items_temp, $cache_name, $cache_tags);
     $navparams = array('nav_items' => $nav_items_temp, 'request' => $this->_request, 'locale_code' => $this->locale_code);
     $navparams = $this->_Bolts_plugin->doFilter('controller_nav', $navparams);
     $this->view->nav_items = $navparams['nav_items'];
     // TODO - Rich fix this
     // // VIEW STATES
     // if (!$this->session->view_states) {
     // 	$this->session->view_states = array();
     // }
     // // TODO - allow use of regular expressions such as /auth/*
     // $last_visited_pages_filter = explode('|', Bolts_Registry::get('last_visited_pages_filter'));
     // if (!in_array($this->_uri, $last_visited_pages_filter)) {
     // 	$this->session->view_states['last_visited'] = $this->_uri;
     // }
     // $this->view->view_states = $this->session->view_states;
     $params['request'] = $this->_request;
     $params['locale_code'] = $this->locale_code;
     $params['session'] = $this->session;
     $additional = $this->_Bolts_plugin->doFilter('controller_init', $params);
     // we don't want to send the request to the view
     if (isset($additional['filter_redirect'])) {
     foreach ($additional as $key => $value) {
         $this->view->{$key} = $value;
Beispiel #8
	public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
		$frontController = Zend_Controller_Front :: getInstance();
		$auth = Zend_Auth :: getInstance();
		$roles_table = new Roles();

		$appNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace('RivetyCore_Temp');

		if (Zend_Registry :: isRegistered('acl'))
			$acl = Zend_Registry :: get('acl');
			$acl = new RivetyCore_Acl($auth);
			Zend_Registry::set('acl', $acl);

		// determine role
		if ($auth->hasIdentity())
			$user = Zend_Auth :: getInstance()->getIdentity();
			$users_roles_table = new UsersRoles();
			$users_roles_db = $users_roles_table->fetchAll($users_roles_table->select()->where("username = ?", $user->username));
			$user_roles = array();
			if (count($users_roles_db) > 0)
				foreach ($users_roles_db as $role)
					$user_roles[] = $role->role_id;
					$user_roles = array_merge($user_roles, $roles_table->getAllAncestors($role->role_id));
			$user_roles = array_unique($user_roles);
			$user_is_guest = false;
            $defaultNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace('Zend_Auth');

			$user_roles = array($roles_table->getIdByShortname("guest"));
			$user_is_guest = true;

		$requested = $request->getModuleName() . "-" . ucfirst(strtolower($request->getControllerName())) . "-" . $request->getActionName();
		$url = $frontController->getBaseUrl() . "/";

		if (!$acl->has($requested))
			// this doesn't exist, throw to 404
			$isAllowed = array();
			foreach ($user_roles as $user_role)
				$isAllowed[$user_role] = $acl->isAllowed($user_role, $requested);

				// if ($acl->isAllowed($user_role, $requested))
				// {
				// 	$isAllowed[$user_role] = true;
				// }
				// else
				// {
				// 	$isAllowed[$user_role] = false;
				// }
			if (!in_array(true, $isAllowed))
				if ($user_is_guest)
					$url .= $request->getModuleName() . "/";
					$url .= $request->getControllerName() . "/";
					$url .= $request->getActionName() . "/";

					$params = $request->getParams();

					while ($param = current($params))
				    	if (key($params) != "module" && key($params) != "controller" && key($params) != "action") $url .= key($params) . '/' . $param . "/";
					if (substr($url,strlen($url) - 1, 1) == "/")
						$url = substr($url, 0, strlen($url) - 1);

					// place requested url in the session, unless this is the login controller

					if ($request->getControllerName() != "auth")
						$request->setParam('ourl', base64_encode($url));
						// $appNamespace->requestedUrl = $url;

					$blockedActions = RivetyCore_Registry::get('disable_login_redirect');
					if (!empty($blockedActions)) $blockedActions = explode(',', $blockedActions);
					$mca = $request->getModuleName() . "_" . $request->getControllerName() . "_" . $request->getActionName();
					if (is_array($blockedActions) && in_array($mca, $blockedActions))
						// forward to the 401 Unauthorized page
						// forward to the login script
					$admin = "default-Admin-index";
					$isAdmin = array();
					foreach($user_roles as $user_role)
						$isAdmin[$user_role] = $acl->isAllowed($user_role, $admin);

						// if ($acl->isAllowed($user_role, $admin))
						// {
						// 	$isAdmin[$user_role] = true;
						// }
						// else
						// {
						// 	$isAdmin[$user_role] = false;
						// }
					if (!in_array(true, $isAdmin))
Beispiel #9
 public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
     $frontController = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
     $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
     $roles_table = new Roles();
     $appNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace('Bolts_Temp');
     if (Zend_Registry::isRegistered('acl')) {
         $acl = Zend_Registry::get('acl');
     } else {
         $acl = new Bolts_Acl($auth);
         Zend_Registry::set('acl', $acl);
     // determine role
     if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
         $user = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity();
         $users_roles_table = new UsersRoles();
         $users_roles_db = $users_roles_table->fetchAll($users_roles_table->select()->where("username = ?", $user->username));
         $user_roles = array();
         if (count($users_roles_db) > 0) {
             foreach ($users_roles_db as $role) {
                 $user_roles[] = $role->role_id;
                 $user_roles = array_merge($user_roles, $roles_table->getAllAncestors($role->role_id));
         $user_roles = array_unique($user_roles);
         $user_is_guest = false;
         $defaultNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace('Zend_Auth');
     } else {
         $user_roles = array($roles_table->getIdByShortname("guest"));
         $user_is_guest = true;
     $requested = $request->getModuleName() . "-" . ucfirst(strtolower($request->getControllerName())) . "-" . $request->getActionName();
     $url = $frontController->getBaseUrl() . "/";
     if (!$acl->has($requested)) {
         // this doesn't exist, throw to 404
     } else {
         $isAllowed = array();
         foreach ($user_roles as $user_role) {
             if ($acl->isAllowed($user_role, $requested)) {
                 $isAllowed[$user_role] = true;
             } else {
                 $isAllowed[$user_role] = false;
         if (!in_array(true, $isAllowed)) {
             if ($user_is_guest) {
                 $url .= $request->getModuleName() . "/";
                 $url .= $request->getControllerName() . "/";
                 $url .= $request->getActionName() . "/";
                 $params = $request->getParams();
                 while ($param = current($params)) {
                     if (key($params) != "module" and key($params) != "controller" and key($params) != "action") {
                         $url .= key($params) . '/' . $param . "/";
                 if (substr($url, strlen($url) - 1, 1) == "/") {
                     $url = substr($url, 0, strlen($url) - 1);
                 // place requested url in the sesson,
                 // unless this is the login controller
                 if ($request->getControllerName() != "auth") {
                     $request->setParam('url', base64_encode($url));
                     //$appNamespace->requestedUrl = $url;
                 // send on to the login scipt
             } else {
                 $admin = "bolts-Admin-index";
                 $isAdmin = array();
                 foreach ($user_roles as $user_role) {
                     if ($acl->isAllowed($user_role, $admin)) {
                         $isAdmin[$user_role] = true;
                     } else {
                         $isAdmin[$user_role] = false;
                 if (!in_array(true, $isAdmin)) {
                 } else {