</li> <li data-content="#general-firstslide" class="dontshowonhero"><?php _e('1st Slide', REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </li> <li data-content="#general-misc"><?php _e('Misc.', REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </li> </ul> <!-- GENERAL MISC. --> <div id="general-misc" style="display:none"> <?php if (RevSliderWpml::isWpmlExists()) { ?> <!-- MULTI LANGUANGE --> <span id="label_use_wpml" class="label" origtitle="<?php _e("Show multi language controls across the slider. Only available when wpml plugin exists.", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> "><?php _e("Use Multi Language (WPML)", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <input type="checkbox" class="tp-moderncheckbox withlabel" id="use_wpml" name="use_wpml" data-unchecked="off" <?php checked(RevSliderFunctions::getVal($arrFieldsParams, 'use_wpml', 'off'), "on"); ?> > <div class="clearfix"></div> <?php
/** * * add language (add slide that connected to current slide) from data */ private function addLangFromData($data) { $sliderID = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($data, "sliderid"); $slideID = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($data, "slideid"); $lang = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($data, "lang"); //duplicate slide $slider = new RevSlider(); $slider->initByID($sliderID); $newSlideID = $slider->duplicateSlide($slideID); //update new slide $this->initByID($newSlideID); $arrUpdate = array(); $arrUpdate["lang"] = $lang; $arrUpdate["parentid"] = $slideID; $this->updateParamsInDB($arrUpdate); $urlIcon = RevSliderWpml::getFlagUrl($lang); $title = RevSliderWpml::getLangTitle($lang); $newSlide = new RevSlide(); $newSlide->initByID($slideID); $arrLangCodes = $newSlide->getArrChildLangCodes(); $isAll = RevSliderWpml::isAllLangsInArray($arrLangCodes); $html = "<li>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<img id=\"icon_lang_" . $newSlideID . "\" class=\"icon_slide_lang\" src=\"" . $urlIcon . "\" title=\"" . $title . "\" data-slideid=\"" . $newSlideID . "\" data-lang=\"" . $lang . "\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"icon_lang_loader loader_round\" style=\"display:none\"></div>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t</li>"; $response = array(); $response["operation"] = "add"; $response["isAll"] = $isAll; $response["html"] = $html; return $response; }
public function previewOutputMarkup($sliderID, $output = null) { if ($sliderID == "empty_output") { $this->loadingMessageOutput(); exit; } if ($output == null) { $output = new RevSliderOutput(); } $slider = new RevSlider(); $slider->initByID($sliderID); $isWpmlExists = RevSliderWpml::isWpmlExists(); $useWpml = $slider->getParam("use_wpml", "off"); $wpmlActive = false; if ($isWpmlExists && $useWpml == "on") { $wpmlActive = true; $arrLanguages = RevSliderWpml::getArrLanguages(false); //set current lang to output $currentLang = RevSliderFunctions::getPostGetVariable("lang"); if (empty($currentLang)) { $currentLang = RevSliderWpml::getCurrentLang(); } if (empty($currentLang)) { $currentLang = $arrLanguages[0]; } $output->setLang($currentLang); $selectLangChoose = RevSliderFunctions::getHTMLSelect($arrLanguages, $currentLang, "id='select_langs'", true); } $output->setPreviewMode(); //put the output html $urlPlugin = "http://yourpluginpath/"; $urlPreviewPattern = RevSliderBase::$url_ajax_actions . "&client_action=preview_slider&only_markup=true&sliderid=" . $sliderID . "&lang=[lang]&nonce=[nonce]"; $nonce = wp_create_nonce("revslider_actions"); $setBase = is_ssl() ? "https://" : "http://"; $http = is_ssl() ? 'https' : 'http'; $operations = new RevSliderOperations(); $arrValues = $operations->getGeneralSettingsValues(); $set_diff_font = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($arrValues, "change_font_loading", ''); if ($set_diff_font !== '') { $font_url = $set_diff_font; } else { $font_url = $http . '://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family='; } ?> <html> <head> <script type='text/javascript' src='<?php echo $setBase; ?> ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js'></script> </head> <body style="padding:0px;margin:0px;"> <?php if ($wpmlActive == true) { ?> <div style="margin-bottom:10px;text-align:center;"> <?php _e("Choose language", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> : <?php echo $selectLangChoose; ?> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var g_previewPattern = '<?php echo $urlPreviewPattern; ?> '; jQuery("#select_langs").change(function(){ var lang = this.value; var nonce = "<?php echo $nonce; ?> "; var pattern = g_previewPattern; var urlPreview = pattern.replace("[lang]",lang).replace("[nonce]",nonce); location.href = urlPreview; }); jQuery('body').on('click', '#rev_replace_images', function(){ var from = jQuery('input[name="orig_image_path"]').val(); var to = jQuery('input[name="replace_image_path"]').val(); jQuery('#rev_script_content').val(jQuery('#rev_script_content').val().replace(from, to)); jQuery('#rev_the_content').val(jQuery('#rev_the_content').val().replace(from, to)); jQuery('#rev_style_content').val(jQuery('#rev_style_content').val().replace(from, to)); jQuery('#rev_head_content').val(jQuery('#rev_head_content').val().replace(from, to)); }); </script> <?php } ?> <?php ob_start(); ?> <link rel='stylesheet' href='<?php echo $urlPlugin; ?> css/settings.css?rev=<?php echo RevSliderGlobals::SLIDER_REVISION; ?> ' type='text/css' media='all' /> <script type='text/javascript' src='<?php echo $urlPlugin; ?> js/jquery.themepunch.tools.min.js?rev=<?php echo RevSliderGlobals::SLIDER_REVISION; ?> '></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='<?php echo $urlPlugin; ?> js/jquery.themepunch.revolution.min.js?rev=<?php echo RevSliderGlobals::SLIDER_REVISION; ?> '></script> <?php $head_content = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); ob_end_clean(); ob_start(); $custom_css = RevSliderOperations::getStaticCss(); echo $custom_css . "\n\n"; echo '/*****************' . "\n"; echo ' ** ' . __('CAPTIONS CSS', REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN) . "\n"; echo ' ****************/' . "\n\n"; $db = new RevSliderDB(); $styles = $db->fetch(RevSliderGlobals::$table_css); echo RevSliderCssParser::parseDbArrayToCss($styles, "\n"); $style_content = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); ob_end_clean(); ob_start(); $output->putSliderBase($sliderID); $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); ob_end_clean(); $script_content = substr($content, strpos($content, '<script type="text/javascript">'), strpos($content, '</script>') + 9 - strpos($content, '<script type="text/javascript">')); $content = htmlentities(str_replace($script_content, '', $content)); $script_content = str_replace(' ', '', $script_content); $script_content = str_replace(array('<script type="text/javascript">', '</script>'), '', $script_content); ?> <style> body { font-family:sans-serif; font-size:12px;} textarea { background:#f1f1f1; border:#ddd; font-size:10px; line-height:16px; margin-bottom:40px; padding:10px;} .rev_cont_title { color:#000; text-decoration:none;font-size:14px; line-height:24px; font-weight:800;background: #D5D5D5;padding: 10px;} .rev_cont_title a, .rev_cont_title a:visited { margin-left:25px;font-size:12px;line-height:12px;float:right;background-color:#8e44ad; color:#fff; padding:8px 10px;text-decoration:none;} .rev_cont_title a:hover { background-color:#9b59b6;} </style> <p><?php $dir = wp_upload_dir(); if (!isset($dir['baseurl'])) { $dir['baseurl'] = ''; } ?> <?php _e('Replace image path:', REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> <?php _e('From:', REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> <input type="text" name="orig_image_path" value="<?php echo $dir['baseurl']; ?> " /> <?php _e('To:', REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> <input type="text" name="replace_image_path" value="" /> <input id="rev_replace_images" type="button" name="replace_images" value="<?php _e('Replace', REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> " /> </p> <div class="rev_cont_title"><?php _e('Header', REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> <a class="button-primary revpurple export_slider_standalone copytoclip" data-idt="rev_head_content" href="javascript:void(0);" original-title=""><?php _e('Mark to Copy', REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </a><div style="clear:both"></div></div> <textarea id="rev_head_content" readonly="true" style="width: 100%; height: 100px; color:#3498db"><?php echo $head_content; ?> </textarea> <div class="rev_cont_title"><?php _e('CSS', REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> <a class="button-primary revpurple export_slider_standalone copytoclip" data-idt="rev_style_content" href="javascript:void(0);" original-title=""><?php _e('Mark to Copy', REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </a></div> <textarea id="rev_style_content" readonly="true" style="width: 100%; height: 100px;"><?php echo $style_content; ?> </textarea> <div class="rev_cont_title"><?php _e('Body', REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> <a class="button-primary revpurple export_slider_standalone copytoclip" data-idt="rev_the_content" href="javascript:void(0);" original-title=""><?php _e('Mark to Copy', REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </a></div> <textarea id="rev_the_content" readonly="true" style="width: 100%; height: 100px;"><?php echo $content; ?> </textarea> <div class="rev_cont_title"><?php _e('Script', REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> <a class="button-primary revpurple export_slider_standalone copytoclip" data-idt="rev_script_content" href="javascript:void(0);" original-title=""><?php _e('Mark to Copy', REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </a></div> <textarea id="rev_script_content" readonly="true" style="width: 100%; height: 100px;"><?php echo $script_content; ?> </textarea> <script> jQuery('body').on('click','.copytoclip',function() { jQuery("#"+jQuery(this).data('idt')).select(); }); </script> </body> </html> <?php exit; }
$style_wrapper .= "background-size: " . $bgFitX . '% ' . $bgFitY . '%;'; } else { $style_wrapper .= "background-size: " . $bgFit . ";"; } if ($bgPosition == 'percentage') { $style_wrapper .= "background-position: " . $bgPositionX . '% ' . $bgPositionY . '%;'; } else { $style_wrapper .= "background-position: " . $bgPosition . ";"; } $style_wrapper .= "background-repeat: " . $bgRepeat . ";"; break; } $slideTitle = $slide->getParam("title", "Slide"); $slideOrder = $slide->getOrder(); //treat multilanguage $isWpmlExists = RevSliderWpml::isWpmlExists(); $useWpml = $slider->getParam("use_wpml", "off"); $wpmlActive = false; if (!$slide->isStaticSlide()) { if ($isWpmlExists && $useWpml == "on") { $wpmlActive = true; $parentSlide = $slide->getParentSlide(); $arrChildLangs = $parentSlide->getArrChildrenLangs(); } } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> /* * Copyright 2015 Small Batch, Inc. *
<div class="col-handle-inside"> <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s"></span> </div> </span> <div class="clear"></div> <?php if ($showLangs == true) { ?> <ul class="list_slide_icons"> <?php foreach ($arrChildLangs as $arrLang) { $isParent = RevSliderFunctions::boolToStr($arrLang["isparent"]); $childSlideID = $arrLang["slideid"]; $lang = $arrLang["lang"]; $urlFlag = RevSliderWpml::getFlagUrl($lang); $langTitle = RevSliderWpml::getLangTitle($lang); ?> <li> <img id="icon_lang_<?php echo $childSlideID; ?> " class="icon_slide_lang" src="<?php echo $urlFlag; ?> " title="<?php echo $langTitle; ?> " data-slideid="<?php echo $childSlideID; ?> " data-lang="<?php
/** * * get posts by some category * could be multiple */ public static function getPostsByCategory($slider_id, $catID, $sortBy = self::SORTBY_ID, $direction = self::ORDER_DIRECTION_DESC, $numPosts = -1, $postTypes = "any", $taxonomies = "category", $arrAddition = array()) { //get post types if (strpos($postTypes, ",") !== false) { $postTypes = explode(",", $postTypes); if (array_search("any", $postTypes) !== false) { $postTypes = "any"; } } if (empty($postTypes)) { $postTypes = "any"; } if (strpos($catID, ",") !== false) { $catID = explode(",", $catID); } else { $catID = array($catID); } if (RevSliderWpml::isWpmlExists()) { //translate categories to languages $newcat = array(); foreach ($catID as $id) { $newcat[] = icl_object_id($id, 'category', true); } $catID = $newcat; } $query = array('order' => $direction, 'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1, 'posts_per_page' => $numPosts, 'showposts' => $numPosts, 'post_type' => $postTypes); //add sort by (could be by meta) if (strpos($sortBy, "meta_num_") === 0) { $metaKey = str_replace("meta_num_", "", $sortBy); $query["orderby"] = "meta_value_num"; $query["meta_key"] = $metaKey; } else { if (strpos($sortBy, "meta_") === 0) { $metaKey = str_replace("meta_", "", $sortBy); $query["orderby"] = "meta_value"; $query["meta_key"] = $metaKey; } else { $query["orderby"] = $sortBy; } } //get taxonomies array $arrTax = array(); if (!empty($taxonomies)) { $arrTax = explode(",", $taxonomies); } if (!empty($taxonomies)) { $taxQuery = array(); //add taxomonies to the query if (strpos($taxonomies, ",") !== false) { //multiple taxomonies $taxonomies = explode(",", $taxonomies); foreach ($taxonomies as $taxomony) { $taxArray = array('taxonomy' => $taxomony, 'field' => 'id', 'terms' => $catID); $taxQuery[] = $taxArray; } } else { //single taxomony $taxArray = array('taxonomy' => $taxonomies, 'field' => 'id', 'terms' => $catID); $taxQuery[] = $taxArray; } $taxQuery['relation'] = 'OR'; $query['tax_query'] = $taxQuery; } //if exists taxanomies if (!empty($arrAddition)) { $query = array_merge($query, $arrAddition); } $query = apply_filters('revslider_get_posts', $query, $slider_id); $objQuery = new WP_Query($query); $arrPosts = $objQuery->posts; foreach ($arrPosts as $key => $post) { if (method_exists($post, "to_array")) { $arrPost = $post->to_array(); } else { $arrPost = (array) $post; } $arrPostCats = self::getPostCategories($post, $arrTax); $arrPost["categories"] = $arrPostCats; $arrPosts[$key] = $arrPost; } return $arrPosts; }
/** * * preview slider output * if output object is null - create object */ public function previewOutput($sliderID, $output = null) { if ($sliderID == "empty_output") { $this->loadingMessageOutput(); exit; } if ($output == null) { $output = new RevSliderOutput(); } $slider = new RevSlider(); $slider->initByID($sliderID); $isWpmlExists = RevSliderWpml::isWpmlExists(); $useWpml = $slider->getParam("use_wpml", "off"); $wpmlActive = false; if ($isWpmlExists && $useWpml == "on") { $wpmlActive = true; $arrLanguages = RevSliderWpml::getArrLanguages(false); //set current lang to output $currentLang = RevSliderFunctions::getPostGetVariable("lang"); if (empty($currentLang)) { $currentLang = RevSliderWpml::getCurrentLang(); } if (empty($currentLang)) { $currentLang = $arrLanguages[0]; } $output->setLang($currentLang); $selectLangChoose = RevSliderFunctions::getHTMLSelect($arrLanguages, $currentLang, "id='select_langs'", true); } $output->setPreviewMode(); //put the output html $urlPlugin = RS_PLUGIN_URL . 'public/assets/'; $urlPreviewPattern = RevSliderBase::$url_ajax_actions . "&client_action=preview_slider&sliderid=" . $sliderID . "&lang=[lang]&nonce=[nonce]"; $nonce = wp_create_nonce("revslider_actions"); $setBase = is_ssl() ? "https://" : "http://"; ?> <html> <head> <link rel='stylesheet' href='<?php echo $urlPlugin; ?> css/settings.css?rev=<?php echo RevSliderGlobals::SLIDER_REVISION; ?> ' type='text/css' media='all' /> <link rel='stylesheet' href='<?php echo $urlPlugin; ?> fonts/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css?rev=<?php echo RevSliderGlobals::SLIDER_REVISION; ?> ' type='text/css' media='all' /> <link rel='stylesheet' href='<?php echo $urlPlugin; ?> fonts/pe-icon-7-stroke/css/pe-icon-7-stroke.css?rev=<?php echo RevSliderGlobals::SLIDER_REVISION; ?> ' type='text/css' media='all' /> <?php $db = new RevSliderDB(); $styles = $db->fetch(RevSliderGlobals::$table_css); $styles = RevSliderCssParser::parseDbArrayToCss($styles, "\n"); $styles = RevSliderCssParser::compress_css($styles); echo '<style type="text/css">' . $styles . '</style>'; //.$stylesinnerlayers $http = is_ssl() ? 'https' : 'http'; $operations = new RevSliderOperations(); $arrValues = $operations->getGeneralSettingsValues(); $set_diff_font = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($arrValues, "change_font_loading", ''); if ($set_diff_font !== '') { $font_url = $set_diff_font; } else { $font_url = $http . '://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family='; } $custom_css = RevSliderOperations::getStaticCss(); echo '<style type="text/css">' . RevSliderCssParser::compress_css($custom_css) . '</style>'; ?> <script type='text/javascript' src='<?php echo $setBase; ?> code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='<?php echo $urlPlugin; ?> js/jquery.themepunch.tools.min.js?rev=<?php echo RevSliderGlobals::SLIDER_REVISION; ?> '></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='<?php echo $urlPlugin; ?> js/jquery.themepunch.revolution.min.js?rev=<?php echo RevSliderGlobals::SLIDER_REVISION; ?> '></script> </head> <body style="padding:0px;margin:0px;width:100%;height:100%;position:relative;"> <?php if ($wpmlActive == true) { ?> <div style="margin-bottom:10px;text-align:center;"> <?php _e("Choose language", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> : <?php echo $selectLangChoose; ?> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var g_previewPattern = '<?php echo $urlPreviewPattern; ?> '; jQuery("#select_langs").change(function(){ var lang = this.value; var nonce = "<?php echo $nonce; ?> "; var pattern = g_previewPattern; var urlPreview = pattern.replace("[lang]",lang).replace("[nonce]",nonce); location.href = urlPreview; }); </script> <?php } ?> <?php $output->putSliderBase($sliderID); ?> </body> </html> <?php exit; }
/** * * put html slider on the html page. * @param $data - mixed, can be ID ot Alias. */ public function putSliderBase($sliderID, $gal_ids = array(), $markup_export = false, $settings = array(), $order = array()) { $this->markup_export = $markup_export; try { $slver = apply_filters('revslider_remove_version', RevSliderGlobals::SLIDER_REVISION); self::$sliderSerial++; $this->slider = new RevSlider(); if ($sliderID !== '-99') { $this->slider->initByMixed($sliderID); } else { //do default $this->slider->initByMixed($sliderID); } //modify settings if there are any special settings given through the shortcode if (!empty($settings)) { $this->modify_settings($settings); } //modify settings for admin preview mode if ($this->previewMode == true) { $this->modifyPreviewModeSettings(); } //set slider language $isWpmlExists = RevSliderWpml::isWpmlExists(); $useWpml = $this->slider->getParam("use_wpml", "off"); if ($isWpmlExists && $useWpml == "on") { if ($this->previewMode == false) { $this->sliderLang = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getCurrentLangCode(); } } //edit html before slider $htmlBeforeSlider = ""; if ($markup_export === true) { $htmlBeforeSlider .= '<!-- FONT -->'; } if ($this->slider->getParam("load_googlefont", "false") == "true") { $googleFont = $this->slider->getParam("google_font"); if (is_array($googleFont)) { foreach ($googleFont as $key => $font) { } } else { $htmlBeforeSlider .= RevSliderOperations::getCleanFontImport($googleFont); } } $gfonts = $this->slider->getParam("google_font", array()); if (!empty($gfonts) && is_array($gfonts)) { foreach ($gfonts as $gf) { $gf = str_replace(array('"', '+'), array('', ' '), $gf); $htmlBeforeSlider .= RevSliderOperations::getCleanFontImport($gf); } } //add all google fonts of layers $gfsubsets = $this->slider->getParam("subsets", array()); $gf = $this->slider->getUsedFonts(false); foreach ($gf as $gfk => $gfv) { $tcf = $gfk . ':'; if (!empty($gfv['variants'])) { $mgfirst = true; foreach ($gfv['variants'] as $mgvk => $mgvv) { if (!$mgfirst) { $tcf .= ','; } $tcf .= $mgvk; $mgfirst = false; } } if (!empty($gfv['subsets'])) { $mgfirst = true; foreach ($gfv['subsets'] as $ssk => $ssv) { if (array_search(esc_attr($gfk . '+' . $ssv), $gfsubsets) !== false) { if ($mgfirst) { $tcf .= '&subset='; } if (!$mgfirst) { $tcf .= ','; } $tcf .= $ssv; $mgfirst = false; } } } $htmlBeforeSlider .= RevSliderOperations::getCleanFontImport($tcf); } if ($markup_export === true) { $htmlBeforeSlider .= '<!-- /FONT -->'; } //pub js to body handle if ($this->slider->getParam("js_to_body", "false") == "true") { $operations = new RevSliderOperations(); $arrValues = $operations->getGeneralSettingsValues(); $enable_logs = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($arrValues, "enable_logs", 'off'); if ($markup_export === true) { $htmlBeforeSlider .= '<!-- SCRIPTINCLUDE -->'; } if ($enable_logs == 'on') { $urlIncludeJS = RS_PLUGIN_URL . 'public/assets/js/jquery.themepunch.enablelog.js?rev=' . $slver; $htmlBeforeSlider .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $urlIncludeJS . '"></script>'; } $urlIncludeJS = RS_PLUGIN_URL . 'public/assets/js/jquery.themepunch.tools.min.js?rev=' . $slver; $htmlBeforeSlider .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $urlIncludeJS . '"></script>'; $urlIncludeJS = RS_PLUGIN_URL . 'public/assets/js/jquery.themepunch.revolution.min.js?rev=' . $slver; $htmlBeforeSlider .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $urlIncludeJS . '"></script>'; if ($markup_export === true) { $htmlBeforeSlider .= '<!-- /SCRIPTINCLUDE -->'; } } //the initial id can be alias $sliderID = $this->slider->getID(); $bannerWidth = $this->slider->getParam("width", null, RevSlider::VALIDATE_NUMERIC, "Slider Width"); $bannerHeight = $this->slider->getParam("height", null, RevSlider::VALIDATE_NUMERIC, "Slider Height"); $sliderType = $this->slider->getParam("slider_type"); $slider_type = $this->slider->getParam("slider-type"); //set wrapper height $wrapperHeigh = 0; $wrapperHeigh += $this->slider->getParam("height"); //add thumb height if ($this->slider->getParam('enable_thumbnails', 'off') == 'on') { $wrapperHeigh += $this->slider->getParam('thumb_height'); } $slider_id = $this->slider->getParam('slider_id', ''); if (trim($slider_id) !== '') { $this->sliderHtmlID = $slider_id; } else { $this->sliderHtmlID = 'rev_slider_' . $sliderID . '_' . self::$sliderSerial; } $this->sliderHtmlID_wrapper = $this->sliderHtmlID . '_wrapper'; $containerStyle = ""; $sliderPosition = $this->slider->getParam("position", "center"); $do_overflow = ''; //set position: if ($sliderType != "fullscreen") { switch ($sliderPosition) { case "center": default: $containerStyle .= "margin:0px auto;"; break; case "left": $containerStyle .= "float:left;"; break; case "right": $containerStyle .= "float:right;"; break; } if ($this->slider->getParam('main_overflow_hidden', 'on') == 'on') { $do_overflow = ' tp-overflow-hidden'; } } //add background color $backgroundColor = esc_attr(trim($this->slider->getParam('background_color'))); if (!empty($backgroundColor)) { $containerStyle .= 'background-color:' . $backgroundColor . ';'; } //set padding $containerStyle .= 'padding:' . esc_attr($this->slider->getParam('padding', '0')) . 'px;'; //set margin: if ($sliderType != 'fullscreen') { if ($sliderPosition != 'center') { $containerStyle .= 'margin-left:' . esc_attr($this->slider->getParam('margin_left', '0', RevSlider::FORCE_NUMERIC)) . 'px;'; $containerStyle .= 'margin-right:' . esc_attr($this->slider->getParam('margin_right', '0', RevSlider::FORCE_NUMERIC)) . 'px;'; } $containerStyle .= 'margin-top:' . esc_attr($this->slider->getParam('margin_top', '0', RevSlider::FORCE_NUMERIC)) . 'px;'; $containerStyle .= 'margin-bottom:' . esc_attr($this->slider->getParam('margin_bottom', '0', RevSlider::FORCE_NUMERIC)) . 'px;'; } //set height and width: $bannerStyle = 'display:none;'; //add background image (to banner style) $showBackgroundImage = $this->slider->getParam('show_background_image', 'off'); if ($showBackgroundImage == 'true' || $showBackgroundImage == 'on') { $backgroundImage = esc_attr($this->slider->getParam('background_image')); $backgroundFit = esc_attr($this->slider->getParam('bg_fit', $this->slider->getParam('def-background_fit', 'cover'))); $backgroundRepeat = esc_attr($this->slider->getParam('bg_repeat', $this->slider->getParam('def-bg_repeat', 'no-repeat'))); $backgroundPosition = esc_attr($this->slider->getParam('bg_position', $this->slider->getParam('def-bg_position', 'center center'))); if (!empty($backgroundImage)) { $containerStyle .= "background-image:url(" . $backgroundImage . ");background-repeat:" . $backgroundRepeat . ";background-size:" . $backgroundFit . ";background-position:" . $backgroundPosition . ";"; } } //set wrapper and slider class: $sliderWrapperClass = "rev_slider_wrapper"; $sliderClass = "rev_slider"; switch ($sliderType) { case "responsitive": //@since 5.0: obsolete now, was custom //@since 5.0: obsolete now, was custom case "fixed": //@since 5.0: obsolete now //@since 5.0: obsolete now case 'auto': case 'fullwidth': $sliderWrapperClass .= " fullwidthbanner-container"; $sliderClass .= " fullwidthabanner"; // KRISZTIAN REMOVED SOME LINE //$bannerStyle .= "max-height:".$bannerHeight."px;height:".$bannerHeight."px;"; //$containerStyle .= "max-height:".$bannerHeight."px;"; break; case 'fullscreen': $sliderWrapperClass .= " fullscreen-container"; $sliderClass .= " fullscreenbanner"; break; default: $bannerStyle .= "height:" . $bannerHeight . "px;width:" . $bannerWidth . "px;"; $containerStyle .= "height:" . $bannerHeight . "px;width:" . $bannerWidth . "px;"; break; } $maxWidth = $this->slider->getParam('max_width', '0', RevSlider::FORCE_NUMERIC); if ($maxWidth > 0 && $this->slider->getParam('slider_type') == 'auto') { $containerStyle .= 'max-width:' . $maxWidth . 'px;'; } $htmlTimerBar = ""; $enable_progressbar = $this->slider->getParam('enable_progressbar', 'on'); $timerBar = $this->slider->getParam('show_timerbar', 'top'); $progress_height = $this->slider->getParam('progress_height', '5'); $progress_opa = $this->slider->getParam('progress_opa', '15'); $progressbar_color = $this->slider->getParam('progressbar_color', '#000000'); if ($enable_progressbar !== 'on' || $slider_type == 'hero') { $timerBar = 'hide'; } $progress_style = ' style="height: ' . esc_attr($progress_height) . 'px; background-color: ' . RevSliderFunctions::hex2rgba($progressbar_color, $progress_opa) . ';"'; switch ($timerBar) { case "top": $htmlTimerBar = '<div class="tp-bannertimer"' . $progress_style . '></div>'; break; case "bottom": $htmlTimerBar = '<div class="tp-bannertimer tp-bottom"' . $progress_style . '></div>'; break; case "hide": $htmlTimerBar = '<div class="tp-bannertimer tp-bottom" style="visibility: hidden !important;"></div>'; break; } //check inner / outer border $paddingType = $this->slider->getParam("padding_type", "outer"); if ($paddingType == "inner") { $sliderWrapperClass .= " tp_inner_padding"; } global $revSliderVersion; $add_alias = ''; if (is_super_admin() || is_admin_bar_showing()) { if (current_user_can('edit_theme_options')) { $add_alias = ' data-alias="' . esc_attr($this->slider->getAlias()) . '"'; } } echo $htmlBeforeSlider . "\n"; echo '<div id="' . $this->sliderHtmlID_wrapper . '" class="' . $sliderWrapperClass . '"' . $add_alias; $show_alternate = $this->slider->getParam("show_alternative_type", "off"); if ($show_alternate !== 'off') { $show_alternate_image = $this->slider->getParam("show_alternate_image", ""); echo ' data-aimg="' . $show_alternate_image . '" '; if ($show_alternate == 'mobile' || $show_alternate == 'mobile-ie8') { echo ' data-amobile="enabled" '; } else { echo ' data-amobile="disabled" '; } if ($show_alternate == 'mobile-ie8' || $show_alternate == 'ie8') { echo ' data-aie8="enabled" '; } else { echo ' data-aie8="disabled" '; } } echo ' style="' . $containerStyle . '">' . "\n"; echo '<!-- START REVOLUTION SLIDER ' . $revSliderVersion . ' ' . $sliderType . ' mode -->' . "\n"; echo ' <div id="' . $this->sliderHtmlID . '"'; echo ' class="' . $sliderClass . $do_overflow . '"'; echo ' style="' . $bannerStyle . '"'; echo ' data-version="' . $revSliderVersion . '">' . "\n"; echo $this->putSlides($gal_ids, $order); echo $htmlTimerBar; echo ' </div>' . "\n"; $this->putJS($markup_export); echo '</div>'; echo '<!-- END REVOLUTION SLIDER -->'; } catch (Exception $e) { $message = $e->getMessage(); $this->putErrorMessage($message); } }
_e("Unpublished", 'revslider'); ?> </option> </select> <span class="description"><?php _e("The state of the slide. The unpublished slide will be excluded from the slider.", 'revslider'); ?> </span> </p> <!-- SLIDE LANGUAGE SELECTOR --> <?php if (isset($slider) && $slider->isInited()) { $isWpmlExists = RevSliderWpml::isWpmlExists(); $useWpml = $slider->getParam("use_wpml", "off"); if ($isWpmlExists && $useWpml == "on") { $arrLangs = RevSliderWpml::getArrLanguages(); $curset_lang = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($slideParams, "lang", "all"); ?> <p> <label><?php _e("Language", 'revslider'); ?> </label> <select name="lang"> <?php if (!empty($arrLangs) && is_array($arrLangs)) { foreach ($arrLangs as $lang_handle => $lang_name) { $sel = $lang_handle === $curset_lang ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; echo '<option value="' . $lang_handle . '"' . $sel . '>' . $lang_name . '</option>'; } }
/** * * get slides for output * one level only without children */ public function getSlidesForOutput($publishedOnly = false, $lang = 'all') { $isSlidesFromPosts = $this->isSlidesFromPosts(); $isSlidesFromStream = $this->isSlidesFromStream(); if (RevSliderWpml::isWpmlExists()) { global $sitepress; $sitepress->switch_lang($lang); } if ($isSlidesFromPosts) { $arrParentSlides = $this->getSlidesFromPosts($publishedOnly); } elseif ($isSlidesFromStream !== false) { $arrParentSlides = $this->getSlidesFromStream($publishedOnly); } else { $arrParentSlides = $this->getSlides($publishedOnly); } if ($lang == 'all' || $isSlidesFromPosts || $isSlidesFromStream) { return $arrParentSlides; } $arrSlides = array(); foreach ($arrParentSlides as $parentSlide) { $parentLang = $parentSlide->getLang(); if ($parentLang == $lang) { $arrSlides[] = $parentSlide; } $childAdded = false; $arrChildren = $parentSlide->getArrChildren(); foreach ($arrChildren as $child) { $childLang = $child->getLang(); if ($childLang == $lang) { $arrSlides[] = $child; $childAdded = true; break; } } if ($childAdded == false && $parentLang == "all") { $arrSlides[] = $parentSlide; } } return $arrSlides; }
/** * * get slides for output * one level only without children */ public function getSlidesForOutput($publishedOnly = false, $lang = 'all', $gal_ids = array()) { $isSlidesFromPosts = $this->isSlidesFromPosts(); $isSlidesFromStream = $this->isSlidesFromStream(); if (RevSliderWpml::isWpmlExists() && $this->getParam('use_wpml', 'off') == 'on') { global $sitepress; $cur_lang = ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE; $sitepress->switch_lang($lang); /* NEW: $wpml_current_language = apply_filters( 'wpml_current_language', null ); do_action( 'wpml_switch_language', $lang ); */ } if ($isSlidesFromPosts) { $arrParentSlides = $this->getSlidesFromPosts($publishedOnly, $gal_ids); } elseif ($isSlidesFromStream !== false) { $arrParentSlides = $this->getSlidesFromStream($publishedOnly); } else { $arrParentSlides = $this->getSlides($publishedOnly); } if (RevSliderWpml::isWpmlExists() && $this->getParam('use_wpml', 'off') == 'on') { //switch language back global $sitepress; $sitepress->switch_lang($cur_lang); // NEW: do_action( 'wpml_switch_language', $wpml_current_language ); } if ($lang == 'all' || $isSlidesFromPosts || $isSlidesFromStream) { return $arrParentSlides; } $arrSlides = array(); foreach ($arrParentSlides as $parentSlide) { $parentLang = $parentSlide->getLang(); if ($parentLang == $lang) { $arrSlides[] = $parentSlide; } $childAdded = false; $arrChildren = $parentSlide->getArrChildren(); foreach ($arrChildren as $child) { $childLang = $child->getLang(); if ($childLang == $lang) { $arrSlides[] = $child; $childAdded = true; break; } } if ($childAdded == false && $parentLang == "all") { $arrSlides[] = $parentSlide; } } return $arrSlides; }