Beispiel #1
  * Constructor
  * Sets up the client
 public function __construct()
     $this->restClient = Services::get('restclient');
     $this->restClient->addHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
     $this->restClient->addParam('key', $this->getConfig('key'));
Beispiel #2
  * Reset the class state to its default
 public function reset()
     $this->restClient->addParam('key', $this->getConfig('key'));
     $this->params = array();
     $this->result = array();
     $this->vistaMethod = '';
     $this->requestMethod = 'get';
  * Creates the RESTClient
  * @param string $url=null [optional]
  * @return RestClient
 public static function createClient($url=null) {
     $client = new RestClient;
     if($url != null) {
     return $client;

include '../includes/';
include '../fcts/restclient.class.php';
$rest = new RestClient();
if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "logout") {
    $_SESSION = array();
    if (ini_get("session.use_cookies")) {
        $params = session_get_cookie_params();
        setcookie(session_name(), '', time() - 42000, $params["path"], $params["domain"], $params["secure"], $params["httponly"]);
if (isset($_GET['code'])) {
    $_SESSION['meetupToken'] = $_GET['code'];
    $authorisationData = array("client_id" => $_CONFIG['meetupKey'], "client_secret" => $_CONFIG['meetupSecret'], "grant_type" => "authorization_code", "redirect_uri" => $_CONFIG['meetupWebsite'], "code" => $_SESSION['meetupToken']);
    //Reset application authorisation
    $reply = $rest->setUrl('')->post($authorisationData);
    $_SESSION['access_token'] = $reply['access_token'];
    //Read profile
    $profil = $rest->setUrl('' . $_SESSION['access_token'])->get();
    $_SESSION['name'] = $profil['name'];
    $_SESSION['thumb_link'] = $profil['photo']['thumb_link'];
    $_SESSION['id'] = $profil['id'];

include '../includes/';
include '../includes/';
include '../fcts/hiking.fct.php';
include '../fcts/restclient.class.php';
include '../fcts/event.fct.php';
//If the user is logged and the event id is set
if (isAuthenticated() && $_SESSION['id'] == $GLOBALS['organiserId'] && isset($_GET['id'])) {
    $event = readEventId($bdd, $_GET['id']);
    $venueId = $event['venueId'];
    $accessData = array("access_token" => $_SESSION['access_token']);
    $rest = new RestClient();
    if ($event['venueId'] == 0) {
        $venueData = array("name" => $event['venueName'], "address_1" => $event['venueAddress'], "city" => $event['venueCity'], "country" => $event['venueCountry']);
        $data = $rest->setUrl('' . $GLOBALS['group_urlname'] . '/venues')->post($venueData, $accessData);
        $venueId = $data['id'];
    $eventData = array("name" => $event['name'], "group_id" => $GLOBALS['group_id'], "group_urlname" => $GLOBALS['group_urlname'], "description" => $event['description'], "event_hosts" => $event['event_organiser'], "rsvp_limit" => $event['rsvp_limit'], "how_to_find_us" => $event['how_to_find_us'], "time" => strtotime($event['time']) * 1000, "venue_id" => $venueId);
    $data = $rest->setUrl('')->post($eventData, $accessData);
} else {
    header("HTTP/1.1 403 Access denied");
    echo 'Access denied';
Beispiel #6
  * submit the http request to the node server to generate the thumbnail
  * @param $assetHref
  * @return boolean
 public function requestThumbnail($assetHref)
     $url = Configure::read('Chaucer.thumbnailHost');
     if (strlen($url) > 0) {
         $pageKey = Configure::read('Chaucer.rootFolder') . $this->bookId . '/' . $this->epub->epubRoot() . dirname($this->epub->EpubSpine->getContentOpfLocation()) . '/' . $assetHref;
         $rest = new RestClient();
         $bookItem = $this->bookData->getBookItem();
         $width = (int) $bookItem['ChChaucerBookVersion']['book_width'];
         $height = (int) $bookItem['ChChaucerBookVersion']['book_height'];
         if (!$width) {
             $width = 768;
             $height = 1024;
         CakeLog::debug('[ImportProcessor::requestThumbnail] Requesting thumbnail from ' . $url . ' for path ' . $pageKey . ' height: ' . $height . ' width:' . $width);
         $response = $rest->setUrl($url)->setData(array('path' => $pageKey, 'height' => $height, 'width' => $width, 'bucket' => Configure::read('Chaucer.s3Bucket')))->get();
         return $rest->isGoodResponse();
     return false;