Beispiel #1

// Apart from the runs to the database via commands, for the most part this is a copy-paste hack-job of list-pages.php
// You might find a few variables/functions that say 'news' when they mean 'event' here, but function/variable names are all the same to the user, and we have deadlines!
include '../init.php';
//setup some helpers
include 'inc/fckeditor/fckeditor.php';
$fh = RequestRegistry::getFormHelper();
//if we're getting an event id out of $_GET['newsevent-id'], set $newsevent to that
if (isset($_GET['newsevent-id'])) {
    $newsevent = CommandRunner::run('get-news-event')->get('newsevent');
//if we're saving an event, send it to the database and set it as the event to show in the form
if (isset($_POST['save-button'])) {
    $parameters = array('newsevent-id' => $_POST['id']);
    $newsevent = CommandRunner::run('get-news-event', $parameters)->get('newsevent');
    CommandRunner::run('update-news-event', array('newsevent' => $newsevent));
//if not then we'll take either the most forthcoming event (the one nearest in the future)
//or we'll take the most recent if we can't find one, remember this is deciding what to display initially in the form
if (!isset($newsevent)) {
    $newsevent = CommandRunner::run('get-soonest-event')->get('newsevent');
    if ($newsevent == null) {