Beispiel #1
  * Apply cookies for request
  * @param Request $req
 public function applyCookie($req)
     // fetch cookies
     $host = $req->getHeader('host');
     $path = $req->getUrlParam('path');
     $cookies = $this->fetchCookieToSend($host, $path);
     if ($this !== $req) {
         $cookies = array_merge($cookies, $req->fetchCookieToSend($host, $path));
     // add to header
     $req->setHeader('cookie', null);
     foreach (array_chunk(array_values($cookies), 3) as $chunk) {
         $req->addHeader('cookie', implode('; ', $chunk));
Beispiel #2
 public function execute()
     $from_class = $this->from;
     $url = new URL($this->app, $from_class::getResourceURI());
     $request = new Request($this->app, $url, Request::METHOD_GET);
     $where = $this->getWhere();
     if (!empty($where)) {
         $request->setParameter('where', $where);
     if ($this->order !== null) {
         $request->setParameter('order', $this->order);
     if ($this->modifiedAfter !== null) {
         $request->setHeader('If-Modified-Since', $this->modifiedAfter);
     if ($this->page !== null) {
         $request->setParameter('page', $this->page);
     if ($this->offset !== null) {
         $request->setParameter('offset', $this->offset);
     $elements = array();
     foreach ($request->getResponse()->getElements() as $element) {
         $built_element = new $from_class($this->app);
         $elements[] = $built_element;
     return $elements;
  * Returns the layer structure for the map.
  * @param int $id
 protected function getRoutingResponse($intProfileId = 0, $strParams)
     $strRoutingUrl = "";
     if ($intProfileId > 0) {
         $objMapsProfile = \C4gMapProfilesModel::findBy('id', $intProfileId);
         if ($objMapsProfile !== null) {
             if ($objMapsProfile->router_viaroute_url) {
                 $strRoutingUrl = $objMapsProfile->router_viaroute_url;
     $REQUEST = new \Request();
     if ($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) {
         $REQUEST->setHeader('Referer', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
     if ($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) {
         $REQUEST->setHeader('User-Agent', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
     $REQUEST->send($strRoutingUrl . '?' . $strParams);
     return $REQUEST->response;
Beispiel #4
 public function delete($file)
     $encodedEntryURI = $this->policy->encodedEntryURI($file);
     $url = '' . $encodedEntryURI;
     $access_token = $this->policy->genAccessToken($url);
     $HttpReuqst = new Request($url, 'POST');
     $HttpReuqst->setHeader('Authorization', 'QBox ' . $access_token);
     $response = $HttpReuqst->send();
     $code = $response->getStatus();
     if ($code == 599) {
         $body = print_r($response->getRequestHeader(), true) . $response->getBody();
         $mail = new Mailer();
     } elseif ($code != 200) {
         return false;
     return true;
  * processPayment function.
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function processPayment()
     $objOrder = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT * FROM tl_iso_orders WHERE cart_id=?")->limit(1)->execute($this->Isotope->Cart->id);
     $arrPaymentData = deserialize($objOrder->payment_data);
     $arrBillingSubdivision = explode('-', $this->Isotope->Cart->billingAddress['subdivision']);
     $arrShippingSubdivision = explode('-', $this->Isotope->Cart->shippingAddress['subdivision']);
     //$strExp = str_replace('/','',$_SESSION['CHECKOUT_DATA']['payment'][$this->id]['cc_exp']);
     switch ($_SESSION['CHECKOUT_DATA']['payment'][$this->id]['cc_type']) {
         case 'mc':
             $strCardType = 'MasterCard';
         case 'visa':
             $strCardType = 'Visa';
         case 'amex':
             $strCardType = 'Amex';
         case 'discover':
             $strCardType = 'Discover';
         case 'jcb':
             $strCardType = 'Jcb';
         case 'diners':
             $strCardType = 'Diners';
         case 'maestro':
             $strCardType = 'Maestro';
     $arrData = array('USER' => $this->payflowpro_user, 'VENDOR' => $this->payflowpro_vendor, 'PARTNER' => $this->payflowpro_partner, 'PWD' => $this->payflowpro_password, 'TENDER' => 'C', 'TRXTYPE' => 'S', 'ACCT' => $_SESSION['CHECKOUT_DATA']['payment'][$this->id]['cc_num'], 'EXPDATE' => $_SESSION['CHECKOUT_DATA']['payment'][$this->id]['cc_exp_month'] . $_SESSION['CHECKOUT_DATA']['payment'][$this->id]['cc_exp_year'], 'NAME' => $strCardType, 'AMT' => round($this->Isotope->Cart->grandTotal, 2), 'CURRENCY' => $this->Isotope->Config->currency, 'COMMENT1' => '', 'FIRSTNAME' => $this->Isotope->Cart->billingAddress['firstname'], 'LASTNAME' => $this->Isotope->Cart->billingAddress['lastname'], 'STREET' => $this->Isotope->Cart->billingAddress['street_1'] . "\n" . $this->Isotope->Cart->billingAddress['street_2'] . "\n" . $this->Isotope->Cart->billingAddress['street_3'], 'CITY' => $this->Isotope->Cart->billingAddress['city'], 'STATE' => $arrBillingSubdivision[1], 'ZIP' => $this->Isotope->Cart->billingAddress['postal'], 'COUNTRY' => strtoupper($this->Isotope->Cart->billingAddress['country']), 'NOTIFYURL' => $this->Environment->base . 'system/modules/isotope/postsale.php?mod=pay&id=' . $this->id);
     if ($this->requireCCV) {
         $arrData['CVV2'] = $_SESSION['CHECKOUT_DATA']['payment'][$this->id]['cc_ccv'];
     if ($this->Isotope->Config->country == 'UK') {
         if ($this->Isotope->Cart->billingAddress['country'] == 'UK' && ($_SESSION['CHECKOUT_DATA']['payment'][$this->id]['cc_type'] == 'maestro' || $_SESSION['CHECKOUT_DATA']['payment'][$this->id]['cc_type'] == 'solo')) {
             $arrData['STARTDATE'] = $_SESSION['CHECKOUT_DATA']['payment'][$this->id]['cc_start_date'];
             $arrData['ISSUENUMBER'] = $_SESSION['CHECKOUT_DATA']['payment'][$this->id]['cc_issue_number'];
     $arrData['CLIENTIP'] = $this->Environment->ip;
     $arrData['VERBOSITY'] = 'MEDIUM';
     //$arrFinal = array_map(array($this,'urlEncodeVars'), $arrData);
     foreach ($arrData as $k => $v) {
         $arrNVP[] .= $k . '[' . strlen($v) . ']=' . $v;
     $tempstr = $_SESSION['CHECKOUT_DATA']['payment'][$this->id]['cc_num'] . $this->Isotope->Cart->grandTotal . date('YmdGis') . "1";
     $request_id = md5($tempstr);
     $objRequest = new Request();
     $arrHeaders = array('Content-Type' => 'text/namevalue', 'X-VPS-Request-ID' => $request_id, 'X-VPS-Timeout' => '45', 'X-VPS-VIT-Client-Type' => 'PHP/cURL', 'X-VPS-VIT-Client-Version' => '0.01', 'X-VPS-VIT-Client-Architecture' => 'x86', 'X-VPS-VIT-Integration-Product' => 'Isotope E-commerce', 'X-VPS-VIT-Integration-Version' => '0.01');
     foreach ($arrHeaders as $k => $v) {
         $objRequest->setHeader($k, $v);
     $objRequest->send('https://' . ($this->debug ? 'pilot-' : '') . '', implode('&', $arrNVP), 'post');
     $pfpro = explode('&', $objRequest->response);
     foreach ($pfpro as $row) {
         $arrPair = explode('=', $row);
         $arrResponse[$arrPair[0]] = $arrPair[1];
     if (isset($arrResponse['RESULT']) && $arrResponse['RESULT'] == 0) {
         return true;
     } else {
         $_SESSION['CHECKOUT_DATA']['payment'][$this->id]['error'] = $arrResponse['RESPMSG'];
  * Send Postmark request message
  * @param   Message
  * @param   array
  * @param   string
  * @return  bool
 public function send(Message $objMessage, array $arrTokens, $strLanguage = '')
     if ($this->objModel->postmark_key == '') {
         \System::log(sprintf('Please provide the Postmark API key for message ID "%s"', $objMessage->id), __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
         return false;
      * @var $objDraft \NotificationCenter\MessageDraft\PostmarkMessageDraft
     $objDraft = $this->createDraft($objMessage, $arrTokens, $strLanguage);
     // return false if no language found for BC
     if ($objDraft === null) {
         return false;
     $strFrom = $objDraft->getSenderEmail();
     // Generate friendly name from address if possible
     if ($strSenderName = $objDraft->getSenderName()) {
         // Don't do this if the sender name contains the email address
         if ($strFrom !== $strSenderName) {
             $strFrom = $strSenderName . ' <' . $strFrom . '>';
     // Recipients
     $arrTo = $objDraft->getRecipientEmails();
     $arrCc = $objDraft->getCcRecipientEmails();
     $arrBcc = $objDraft->getBccRecipientEmails();
     if (count(array_merge($arrTo, $arrCc, $arrBcc)) >= 20) {
         \System::log(sprintf('The Postmark gateway does not support sending to more than 20 recipients (CC and BCC included) for message ID "%s".', $objMessage->id), __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
         return false;
     // Set basic data
     $arrData = array('From' => $strFrom, 'To' => implode(',', $arrTo), 'Subject' => $objDraft->getSubject(), 'HtmlBody' => $objDraft->getHtmlBody(), 'TextBody' => $objDraft->getTextBody(), 'TrackOpens' => $objDraft->getTrackOpen());
     // Set CC recipients
     if (!empty($arrCc)) {
         $arrData['Cc'] = implode(',', $arrCc);
     // Set BCC recipients
     if (!empty($arrBcc)) {
         $arrData['Bcc'] = implode(',', $arrBcc);
     // Set reply-to address
     if ($strReplyTo = $objDraft->getReplyToEmail()) {
         $arrData['ReplyTo'] = $strReplyTo;
     // Set the Postmark tag
     if ($strTag = $objDraft->getTag()) {
         $arrData['Tag'] = $strTag;
     $strData = json_encode($arrData);
     $objRequest = new \Request();
     $objRequest->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     $objRequest->setHeader('X-Postmark-Server-Token', $this->objModel->postmark_test ? 'POSTMARK_API_TEST' : $this->objModel->postmark_key);
     $objRequest->send(($this->objModel->postmark_ssl ? 'https://' : 'http://') . '', $strData, 'POST');
     // Postmark uses HTTP status code 10 for wrong API keys. The contao request class cannot handle this and thus returns 0.
     $code = $objRequest->code;
     if ($code == 0) {
         $code = 10;
     if ($objRequest->hasError()) {
         \System::log(sprintf('Error sending the Postmark request for message ID "%s". HTTP Response status code: %s. JSON data sent: %s', $objMessage->id, $code, $strData), __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
         return false;
     } else {
         $strWouldHave = $this->objModel->postmark_test ? ' would have (test mode)' : '';
         \System::log(sprintf('The Postmark API accepted the request and%s sent %s emails. HTTP Response status code: %s. JSON data sent: %s', $strWouldHave, count($arrTo), $code, $strData), __METHOD__, TL_GENERAL);
     return true;
  * Returns the layer structure for the map.
  * @param int $id
 protected function getNominatimResponse($intProfileId = 0, $arrParams)
     $intSearchEngine = 0;
     if ($intProfileId > 0) {
         $objMapsProfile = \C4gMapProfilesModel::findBy('id', $intProfileId);
         if ($objMapsProfile !== null) {
             if ($objMapsProfile->geosearch_engine) {
                 $intSearchEngine = $objMapsProfile->geosearch_engine;
     $strParams = "";
     switch ($intSearchEngine) {
         case '4':
             if (!empty($objMapsProfile->geosearch_key)) {
                 $strSearchUrl = 'http://' . $objMapsProfile->geosearch_key . '';
             } else {
                 //ToDo error handling
         case '3':
             if (!$objMapsProfile->geosearch_customengine_url) {
                 $strSearchUrl = '';
             } else {
                 $strSearchUrl = $objMapsProfile->geosearch_customengine_url;
             if (!empty($objMapsProfile->geosearch_key)) {
                 $strParams = "key=" . $objMapsProfile->geosearch_key;
         case '2':
             $strSearchUrl = '';
             if (!empty($objMapsProfile->geosearch_key)) {
                 $strParams = "key=" . $objMapsProfile->geosearch_key;
         case '1':
             $strSearchUrl = '';
     if (sizeof($arrParams) > 0) {
         foreach ($arrParams as $strKey => $strValue) {
             if (strpos($strSearchUrl, '') !== false && $strKey == 'format') {
                 if (strpos($strSearchUrl, 'json') !== true && strpos($strSearchUrl, 'geojson') !== true && strpos($strSearchUrl, 'xml') !== true && strpos($strSearchUrl, 'map') !== true && strpos($strSearchUrl, 'google-v3-json') !== true) {
                     $strSearchUrl = addslashes($strSearchUrl) . 'json';
             if (strlen($strParams) > 0) {
                 $strParams .= "&";
             $strParams .= $strKey . "=" . urlencode($strValue);
     $REQUEST = new \Request();
     if ($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) {
         $REQUEST->setHeader('Referer', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
     if ($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) {
         $REQUEST->setHeader('User-Agent', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
     $REQUEST->send($strSearchUrl . '?' . $strParams);
     return $REQUEST->response;
  * Tests whether custom headers are used when included in the API call.
 public function testCustomRequestHeaders()
     $instance = $this->_getStub();
     $customHeaders = array('Foo: Bar', 'Dingus: Drungle');
     $request = new Request('');
     foreach ($customHeaders as $header) {
     $instance->callGetResponse($request, false);
     $curlOpts = $instance->getCurlOptions();
     $this->assertEquals($customHeaders, $curlOpts[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER]);
Beispiel #9
  * Send a PayComplete request to the Saferpay terminal
  * @param string $strId
  * @param string $strToken
  * @param bool   $blnCancel
  * @return bool
 protected function sendPayComplete($strId, $strToken, $blnCancel = false)
     $params = array('ID' => $strId, 'ACCOUNTID' => $this->saferpay_accountid, 'ACTION' => $blnCancel ? 'Cancel' : 'Settlement', 'TOKEN' => $strToken);
     // This is only for the sandbox mode where a password is required
     if (substr($this->saferpay_accountid, 0, 6) == '99867-') {
         $params['spPassword'] = '******';
     $objRequest = new \Request();
     $objRequest->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
     $objRequest->send(static::payCompleteURI, http_build_query($params, null, '&'), 'POST');
     // Stop if capture was not successful
     if ($objRequest->hasError() || strtoupper(substr($objRequest->response, 0, 3)) != 'OK:') {
         \System::log(sprintf('Saferpay PayComplete failed. See log files for further details.'), __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
         log_message(sprintf('Saferpay PayComplete failed. Message was: "%s".', $objRequest->response), 'isotope_saferpay.log');
         return false;
     return true;
  * Confirms that cURL options are returned as expected.
 public function testCurlOptions()
     $request = new Request('', array('composer' => 'brahms'));
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $request->getCurlOptions());
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $request->getCurlOptions());
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $request->getCurlOptions());
     $postContent = 'aosidfjoaisdfjoiasdfj';
     $expected[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = $postContent;
     // When the payload is a string, the content type should be this
     $expected[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER] = array('Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $request->getCurlOptions());
     // WHen it's an array, it's this
     $postContent = array('foo' => 'bar');
     $expected[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER] = array('Content-Type: multipart/form-data');
     $expected[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = $postContent;
     $request->setBasicAuthentication('max', 'mypassword123');
     $expected[CURLOPT_USERPWD] = 'max:mypassword123';
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $request->getCurlOptions());
     $request->setHeader('Foo: bar');
     $expected[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER][] = 'Foo: bar';
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $request->getCurlOptions());
Beispiel #11
 public function testGetHeaders()
     $request = new Request('', 'GET');
     $request->setHeader('foo', 'bar');
     $request->setHeader('foo2', array('bar', 'bar2'));
     $this->assertEquals(array('foo: bar', 'foo2: bar,bar2'), $request->getHeaders());