function link_callback($value, $row) { $replace = new Replace(); if ($row->type == 'link_url') { return site_url() . $row->link_url . '.html'; } else { $query = $this->db->get_where('pages', array('id_pages' => $row->static_pages))->row(); return site_url() . 'pages' . '/' . $row->static_pages . '/' . $replace->CleanUrl(substr($query->title, 0, 70)) . '.html'; } }
public function menu_frontend($parent = 0, $hasil, $cls_css = NULL) { $replace = new Replace(); $where['parent'] = $parent; $w = $this->db->get_where("nav_menu", $where); $w_q = $this->db->get_where("nav_menu", $where)->row(); if ($w->num_rows() > 0) { $hasil .= "<ul class='" . $cls_css . "'>"; } foreach ($w->result() as $h) { $where_sub['parent'] = $h->id_menu; $w_sub = $this->db->get_where("nav_menu", $where_sub); if ($w_sub->num_rows() > 0) { if ($h->type == 'link_url') { $hasil .= "<li><a href='" . base_url() . "" . $h->link_url . "'>" . $h->title . "</a>"; } else { $spages = $this->db->get_where('pages', array('id_pages' => $h->static_pages))->row(); $hasil .= "<li><a href='" . base_url('pages') . "/" . $h->static_pages . "/" . $replace->CleanUrl($spages->title) . ".html'>" . $h->title . "</a>"; } } else { if ($h->parent == 0) { if ($h->type == 'link_url') { $hasil .= "<li><a href='" . base_url() . "" . $h->link_url . "'>" . $h->title . "</a>"; } else { $spages = $this->db->get_where('pages', array('id_pages' => $h->static_pages))->row(); $hasil .= "<li><a href='" . base_url('pages') . "/" . $h->static_pages . "/" . $replace->CleanUrl($spages->title) . ".html'>" . $h->title . "</a>"; } } else { if ($h->type == 'link_url') { $hasil .= "<li><a href='" . base_url() . "" . $h->link_url . "'>" . $h->title . "</a>"; } else { $spages = $this->db->get_where('pages', array('id_pages' => $h->static_pages))->row(); $hasil .= "<li><a href='" . base_url('pages') . "/" . $h->static_pages . "/" . $replace->CleanUrl($spages->title) . ".html'>" . $h->title . "</a>"; } } } $hasil = $this->menu_frontend($h->id_menu, $hasil); $hasil .= "</li>"; } if ($w->num_rows > 0) { $hasil .= "</ul>"; } return $hasil; }
<div class="listing post-listing"> <header class="listing-header"> <h3>IM News</h3> </header> <section class="listing-cont"> <ul> <?php $replace = new Replace(); $this->db->order_by('id_news', 'desc'); $query = $this->db->get_where('news', array('publish' => 'publish'), 5); foreach ($query->result() as $row) { ?> <li class="item post"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4"> <a href="<?php echo site_url(); ?> assets/uploads/news/<?php echo $row->thumb; ?> " class="media-box" data-rel="prettyPhoto[Gallery]"> <img src="<?php echo site_url(); ?> assets/uploads/news/<?php echo $row->thumb; ?> " alt="" class="img-thumbnail"> </a></div> <div class="col-md-8"> <div class="post-title"> <h2><a href="<?php echo base_url('news') . "/" . $row->id_news . "/" . $replace->CleanUrl($row->title);
/** * Taken partially from phpMyAdmin and partially from * Alain Wolf, Zurich - Switzerland * Website: * Modified by Scott Merrill ( * to use the WordPress $wpdb object * * @param string $search * @param string $replace * @param string $table * @param string $new_table_prefix * * @return array $table_report Reports the changes made to the db. */ public function backup_table($search = '', $replace = '', $table, $new_table_prefix = '') { $table_report = array('table_name' => $table, 'rows' => 0, 'change' => 0, 'changes' => array()); //do we need to replace the prefix? $table_prefix = $this->dbm->get_base_prefix(); $new_table = $table; if ('' !== $new_table_prefix) { $new_table = $this->get_new_table_name($table, $new_table_prefix); } // Create the SQL statements $this->stow('# --------------------------------------------------------' . "\n"); $this->stow('# ' . sprintf(__('Table: %s', 'search-and-replace'), $this->backquote($new_table)) . "\n"); $table_structure = $this->dbm->get_table_structure($table); if (!$table_structure) { $this->errors->add(1, __('Error getting table details', 'search-and-replace') . ": {$table}"); return $table_report; } $this->stow("\n\n"); $this->stow("#\n"); $this->stow('# ' . sprintf(__('Delete any existing table %s', 'search-and-replace'), $this->backquote($new_table)) . "\n"); $this->stow("#\n"); $this->stow("\n"); $this->stow('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $this->backquote($new_table) . ';' . "\n"); // Table structure // Comment in SQL-file $this->stow("\n\n"); $this->stow("#\n"); $this->stow('# ' . sprintf(__('Table structure of table %s', 'search-and-replace'), $this->backquote($new_table)) . "\n"); $this->stow("#\n"); $this->stow("\n"); /** @var array $create_table */ $create_table = $this->dbm->get_create_table_statement($table); if ($create_table === FALSE) { $err_msg = sprintf(__('Error with SHOW CREATE TABLE for %s.', 'search-and-replace'), $table); $this->errors->add(2, $err_msg); $this->stow("#\n# {$err_msg}\n#\n"); } //replace prefix if necessary if ('' !== $new_table_prefix) { $create_table[0][1] = str_replace($table, $new_table, $create_table[0][1]); } $this->stow($create_table[0][1] . ' ;'); if ($table_structure === FALSE) { $err_msg = sprintf(__('Error getting table structure of %s', 'search-and-replace'), $table); $this->errors->add(3, $err_msg); $this->stow("#\n# {$err_msg}\n#\n"); } // Comment in SQL-file $this->stow("\n\n"); $this->stow("#\n"); $this->stow('# ' . sprintf(__('Data contents of table %s', 'search-and-replace'), $this->backquote($new_table)) . "\n"); $this->stow("#\n"); $defs = array(); $ints = array(); foreach ($table_structure as $struct) { if (0 === strpos($struct->Type, 'tinyint') || 0 === strpos(strtolower($struct->Type), 'smallint') || 0 === strpos(strtolower($struct->Type), 'mediumint') || 0 === strpos(strtolower($struct->Type), 'int') || 0 === strpos(strtolower($struct->Type), 'bigint')) { $defs[strtolower($struct->Field)] = NULL === $struct->Default ? 'NULL' : $struct->Default; $ints[strtolower($struct->Field)] = '1'; } } //split columns array in primary key string and columns array $columns = $this->dbm->get_columns($table); $primary_key = $columns[0]; $row_count = $this->dbm->get_rows($table); $page_size = $this->page_size; $pages = ceil($row_count / $page_size); for ($page = 0; $page < $pages; $page++) { $start = $page * $page_size; $table_data = $this->dbm->get_table_content($table, $start, $page_size); $entries = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->backquote($new_table) . ' VALUES ('; // \x08\\x09, not required $hex_search = array("", "\n", "\r", ""); $hex_replace = array('\\0', '\\n', '\\r', '\\Z'); if ($table_data) { foreach ($table_data as $row) { $values = array(); $table_report['rows']++; foreach ($row as $column => $value) { //if "change database prefix" is set we have to look for occurrences of the old prefix in the db entries and change them if ($new_table !== $table) { $value = $this->replace->recursive_unserialize_replace($table_prefix, $new_table_prefix, $value); } //skip replace if no search pattern //check if we need to replace something //skip primary_key if ($search !== '' && $column !== $primary_key) { $edited_data = $this->replace->recursive_unserialize_replace($search, $replace, $value); // Something was changed if ($edited_data !== $value) { $table_report['change']++; // log changes $table_report['changes'][] = array('row' => $table_report['rows'], 'column' => $column, 'from' => $value, 'to' => $edited_data); $value = $edited_data; } } if (isset($ints[strtolower($column)])) { // make sure there are no blank spots in the insert syntax, // yet try to avoid quotation marks around integers $value = NULL === $value || '' === $value ? $defs[strtolower($column)] : $value; $values[] = '' === $value ? "''" : $value; } else { $values[] = "'" . str_replace($hex_search, $hex_replace, $this->sql_addslashes($value)) . "'"; } } $this->stow(" \n" . $entries . implode(', ', $values) . ');'); } } } // Create footer/closing comment in SQL-file $this->stow("\n"); $this->stow("#\n"); $this->stow('# ' . sprintf(__('End of data contents of table %s', 'search-and-replace'), $this->backquote($new_table)) . "\n"); $this->stow("# --------------------------------------------------------\n"); $this->stow("\n"); return $table_report; }
function uploadfilejpg() { if (isset($_FILES['image'])) { $data = $_FILES['image']; $total = count($data['name']); $data2 = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) { $data2[] = array('name' => $data['name'][$i], 'type' => $data['type'][$i], 'tmp_name' => $data['tmp_name'][$i], 'error' => $data['error'][$i], 'size' => $data['size'][$i], 'id_ktg' => $_POST['id_ktg'], 'id_mf' => $_POST['id_mf'], 'deskripsi' => $_POST['deskripsi'][$i]); } //echo'<pre>';print_r($data2); $replace = new Replace(); $no = 0; foreach ($data2 as $row) { $acak = rand(1, 9999999999); $config['file_name'] = $replace->NamaFile($row['deskripsi']) . '-' . $acak; $config['upload_path'] = './asset/fileupload/img'; $config['allowed_types'] = 'png|jpg'; $this->load->library('multi_upload'); $this->multi_upload->initialize($config); if ($this->multi_upload->do_upload($data2[$no])) { $image_data = $this->multi_upload->data(); //Proses input data $in['id_ktg'] = $row['id_ktg']; $in['id_mf'] = $row['id_mf']; $in['nfile'] = $image_data['file_name']; $in['jfile'] = $image_data['file_ext']; $in['deskripsi'] = $row['deskripsi']; $in['deo_id'] = $_SESSION['username']; $in['deo_tg'] = date('Y-m-d'); $this->db->insert("pptx_jpg", $in); } $no++; } } }
$navigation[] = array("url" => 'profile', "title" => 'Восстановление пароля'); $page_found = true; $template = 'restore_pwd.html'; break; case $url[$n] == 'history_orders' && count($url) == 2: if (empty($_SESSION['fw_user'])) { header("Location: /cabinet/"); exit; } $navigation[] = array("url" => 'history_orders', "title" => 'История заказов'); $page_found = true; $profile = $db->get_single("SELECT *,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fw_orders WHERE AS orders FROM fw_users u WHERE'" . $_SESSION['fw_user']['id'] . "'"); $profile = String::unformat_array($profile, 'front'); $orders_list = $db->get_all("SELECT,a.user,a.insert_date,a.status,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tb.product_id,b.order_id,b.product_count,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\,c.small_description,c.price,c.article FROM fw_products\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tas c INNER JOIN (fw_orders as a INNER JOIN fw_orders_products as b\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON ON\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE a.user='******'fw_user']['id'] . "'"); $search = array("'<FONT[^>]*?>'", "'</FONT>'", "'<font[^>]*?>'", "'</font>'"); $replace = new Replace(); if (count($orders_list)) { foreach ($orders_list as $key => $val) { $price = $orders_list[$key]['price']; $orders_list[$key]['price'] = number_format($orders_list[$key]['price'] * $cur_admin['kurs'] / $cur_site['kurs'], 2); $orders_list[$key]['price2'] = number_format($price * $cur_admin['kurs'] / $cur_site2['kurs'], 2); $orders_list[$key]['small_description'] = $replace->getReplace($search, "", $orders_list[$key]['small_description']); } } if (count($orders_list) > 0) { $orders_list = String::unformat_array($orders_list, 'front'); $smarty->assign("orders_list", $orders_list); } $template = 'cabinet_orders.html'; break; default:
<?php require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/../src/FAR.php'; $app = new Silex\Application(); $app->register(new Silex\Provider\TwigServiceProvider(), array('twig.path' => __DIR__ . '/../views')); $app->get('/', function () use($app) { return $app['twig']->render('find_and_replace.html.twig'); }); $app->get('far', function () use($app) { $to_far = new Replace($_GET['phrase']); $replaced = $to_far->find_and_replace($_GET['word'], $_GET['replace']); return $app['twig']->render('found_and_replaced.html.twig', array('replaced' => $replaced)); }); return $app;
<?php defined('BASEPATH') or exit('No direct script access allowed'); ?> <ul class="grid-holder col-3 events-grid"> <?php $replace = new Replace(); foreach ($tampil as $row) { ?> <li class="grid-item format-standard"> <div class="grid-item-inner"> <a href="<?php echo base_url('gallery') . "/" . $row->id . "/" . $replace->CleanUrl($row->subject); ?> " class="media-box"> <img src="<?php echo site_url(); ?> assets/uploads/gallery/<?php echo $row->cover; ?> " alt=""> </a> <div class="grid-content"> <h3><a href="<?php echo base_url('gallery') . "/" . $row->id . "/" . $replace->CleanUrl($row->subject); ?> "><?php echo $row->subject; ?> </a></h3> <p><?php echo $row->deskripsi; ?>
public function __construct($pattern) { parent::__construct($pattern, ''); }
<div class="listing events-listing"> <header class="listing-header"> <h3>IM Events</h3> </header> <section class="listing-cont"> <ul> <?php $replace = new Replace(); $this->db->order_by('id_event', 'desc'); $query = $this->db->get_where('event', array('publish' => 'publish'), 5); foreach ($query->result() as $row) { ?> <li class="item event-item"> <div class="event-date"> <span class="date"><?php echo substr($row->tanggal, 8, 2); ?> </span> <span class="month"><?php echo substr(getBulan(substr($row->tanggal, 5, 2)), 0, 3); ?> </span> </div> <div class="event-detail"> <h4><a href="<?php echo base_url('event') . "/" . $row->id_event . "/" . $replace->CleanUrl($row->title); ?> "><?php echo $row->title; ?> </a></h4> <span class="event-dayntime meta-data"><?php echo $row->jam; ?>