  * Gets the line where the class definition ends
  * @return Integer
 public function getEndLine()
     $e = $this->reflection->getEndLine();
     if (!$e || !$this->getFileName()) {
         return NULL;
     return $e;
Beispiel #2
  * Возвращает тело класса/интерфейса
 public function getClassBody()
     $lines = $this->di->getFileLines(true, true);
     $firstLine = $this->rc->getStartLine();
     $endLine = $this->rc->getEndLine();
     if ($endLine <= $firstLine + 1) {
         return '';
     return trim(implode('', array_slice($lines, $firstLine, $endLine - $firstLine - 1)));
Beispiel #3
 public function reflect()
     $reflect = new ReflectionClass('CI_Calendar');
     echo $reflect->getStartLine();
     $path = $reflect->getFileName();
     $temp = @file($path);
     echo $reflect->getEndLine();
     $len = $reflect->getEndLine() - $reflect->getStartLine() + 1;
     echo implode(array_slice($temp, $reflect->getStartLine() - 1, $len));
     // foreach ($func->getParameters() as $param)
     // {
     //     echo $param,'<br>';
     // }
Beispiel #4
 public function buildAllFile() : array
     $path = $this->getPath();
     if (!is_file($path)) {
         throw new \Exception("The file {$path} not found!");
     if (!is_readable($path)) {
         throw new \Exception("The file {$path} not readable!");
     if (!is_writeable($path)) {
         throw new \Exception("The file {$path} not writable!");
     $endLine = $this->reflection->getEndLine();
     $insertLine = $endLine - 1;
     $handle = @fopen($path, 'r');
     $index = 0;
     $result = [];
     while (($buffer = fgets($handle, 4096)) !== false) {
         $result[] = $buffer;
         if ($index === $insertLine) {
             $result[] = $this->buildMethodBody($this->method);
     return $result;
 public function generate($withTargets = true)
     $shortClassName = $this->reflectionClass->getShortName();
     EntityCodeGenerator::process($this->twigEngine, $this->reflectionClass->getFileName(), $this->getMethodsStartLine($this->reflectionClass, $this->reflectionClass->getFileName()), $this->reflectionClass->getEndLine(), $this->reflectionClass->getNamespaceName(), $this->namespace, $this->getExistMethods($this->reflectionClass), $this->getExistProperties($this->reflectionClass), $this->properties);
     if (!$withTargets) {
     foreach ($this->usedTargets as $targetName) {
         $target = $this->targets[$targetName];
         /* @var $target Target */
         $namespace = $target->getNamespace() . ($this->localNamespace ? '\\' . $this->localNamespace : '');
         $filename = $this->srcDir . '/' . str_replace('\\', '/', $namespace) . '/' . $shortClassName . '.php';
         $className = $namespace . '\\' . $shortClassName;
         if (is_readable($filename)) {
             if (!class_exists($className)) {
                 throw $this->getClassException('Filename "' . $filename . '" exists but class "$s" not. Fix it or remove class file before generation.');
             $isNew = false;
         } else {
             if (class_exists($className)) {
                 throw $this->getClassException('Filename "' . $filename . '" not exists but class "$s" is. Fix it before generating.');
             $isNew = true;
         $properties = $this->getPropertiesForTarget($target->getName());
         if ($isNew) {
             EntityCodeGenerator::processNew($this->twigEngine, $filename, $namespace, $target->getNamespace(), $shortClassName, $properties, $target->isWithAnnotations(), $target->isUseClassNotations(), $target->isWithInitFunction());
         } else {
             $reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($className);
             EntityCodeGenerator::process($this->twigEngine, $reflectionClass->getFileName(), $this->getMethodsStartLine($reflectionClass, $reflectionClass->getFileName()), $reflectionClass->getEndLine(), $reflectionClass->getNamespaceName(), $target->getNamespace(), $this->getExistMethods($reflectionClass), $this->getExistProperties($reflectionClass), $properties, $target->isWithAnnotations(), $target->isUseClassNotations());
Beispiel #6
 static function getClassSource(ReflectionClass $class)
     $path = $class->getFileName();
     $lines = @file($path);
     $from = $class->getStartLine();
     $to = $class->getEndLine();
     $len = $to - $from + 1;
     return implode(array_slice($lines, $from - 1, $len));
 public function appendContent($class, $content)
     $reflection = new ReflectionClass($class);
     $lastLine = $reflection->getEndLine() - 1;
     $file = file($reflection->getFileName());
     $beginning = array_slice($file, 0, $lastLine);
     $end = array_slice($file, $lastLine);
     return (bool) file_put_contents($reflection->getFileName(), implode('', $beginning) . PHP_EOL . $content . PHP_EOL . implode('', $end));
Beispiel #8
  * @param ReflectionClass $reflection
 protected function _createFromReflection($reflection)
     $this->_className = $reflection->getName();
     $this->_endLine = $reflection->getEndLine();
     $this->_filePath = $reflection->getFileName();
     foreach ($reflection->getMethods() as $method) {
         //Method::create($this, $method);
         $this->addMethod(Method::create($this, $method));
 public function getCodeInClass($className)
     $class = new \ReflectionClass($className);
     $startLine = $class->getStartLine() - 1;
     // getStartLine() seems to start after the {, we want to include the signature
     $endLine = $class->getEndLine();
     $numLines = $endLine - $startLine;
     $namespace = $this->getNamespaceOfClass($className);
     $classCode = "namespace {$namespace};\n\n" . implode("\n", array_slice(explode("\n", $this->fileContent), $startLine, $numLines)) . "\n";
     return $classCode;
Beispiel #10
 static function getClassSource(ReflectionClass $class)
     // принимаем объект класса ReflectionClass
     $path = $class->getFileName();
     // получаем путь к файлу
     $lines = @file($path);
     // получаем массив с кодом
     $from = $class->getStartLine();
     // получаем строку где начинается нужный код
     $to = $class->getEndLine();
     //получаем строку где заканчивается нужный код
     $len = $to - $from + 1;
     // получаем длинну
     return implode(array_slice($lines, $from - 1, $len));
     // обрезаем массив, и переводим в строку
Beispiel #11
  * method for making a single file of most used doctrine runtime components
  * including the compiled file instead of multiple files (in worst
  * cases dozens of files) can improve performance by an order of magnitude
  * @throws Doctrine_Compiler_Exception      if something went wrong during the compile operation
  * @return void
 public static function compile($target = null)
     $path = Doctrine::getPath();
     $it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path), RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY);
     foreach ($it as $file) {
         $e = explode('.', $file->getFileName());
         // we don't want to require versioning files
         if (end($e) === 'php' && strpos($file->getFileName(), '.inc') === false) {
             require_once $file->getPathName();
     $classes = array_merge(get_declared_classes(), get_declared_interfaces());
     $ret = array();
     foreach ($classes as $class) {
         $e = explode('_', $class);
         if ($e[0] !== 'Doctrine') {
         $refl = new ReflectionClass($class);
         $file = $refl->getFileName();
         print 'Adding ' . $file . PHP_EOL;
         $lines = file($file);
         $start = $refl->getStartLine() - 1;
         $end = $refl->getEndLine();
         $ret = array_merge($ret, array_slice($lines, $start, $end - $start));
     if ($target == null) {
         $target = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Doctrine.compiled.php';
     // first write the 'compiled' data to a text file, so
     // that we can use php_strip_whitespace (which only works on files)
     $fp = @fopen($target, 'w');
     if ($fp === false) {
         throw new Doctrine_Compiler_Exception("Couldn't write compiled data. Failed to open {$target}");
     fwrite($fp, "<?php " . implode('', $ret));
     $stripped = php_strip_whitespace($target);
     $fp = @fopen($target, 'w');
     if ($fp === false) {
         throw new Doctrine_Compiler_Exception("Couldn't write compiled data. Failed to open {$file}");
     fwrite($fp, $stripped);
Beispiel #12
print "\n";
print "--- getConstants() ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- getConstructor() ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- getDocComment() ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- getStartLine() ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- getEndLine() ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- getFileName() ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- getInterfaceNames() ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- getInterfaces() ---\n";
# Very verbose.
print "\n";
print "--- getMethod() ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- getMethods() ---\n";
  * Copies the given method and all needed use statements into an existing class. The target class name will be
  * built based on the given $replace argument.
  * @param string $sourceClassName
  * @param string $methodName
  * @param array $replace
 protected function copyTemplateMethodToExisitingClass($sourceClassName, $methodName, $replace)
     $targetClassName = $this->replaceContent($replace, $sourceClassName);
     if (Development::methodExists($targetClassName, $methodName)) {
         // we do not want to add the same method twice
     Development::checkMethodExists($sourceClassName, $methodName, 'Cannot copy template method: ');
     $targetClass = new \ReflectionClass($targetClassName);
     $file = new \SplFileObject($targetClass->getFileName());
     $methodCode = Development::getMethodSourceCode($sourceClassName, $methodName);
     $methodCode = $this->replaceContent($replace, $methodCode);
     $methodLine = $targetClass->getEndLine() - 1;
     $sourceUses = Development::getUseStatements($sourceClassName);
     $targetUses = Development::getUseStatements($targetClassName);
     $usesToAdd = array_diff($sourceUses, $targetUses);
     if (empty($usesToAdd)) {
         $useCode = '';
     } else {
         $useCode = "\nuse " . implode("\nuse ", $usesToAdd) . "\n";
     // search for namespace line before the class starts
     $useLine = 0;
     foreach (new \LimitIterator($file, 0, $targetClass->getStartLine()) as $index => $line) {
         if (0 === strpos(trim($line), 'namespace ')) {
             $useLine = $index + 1;
     $newClassCode = '';
     foreach (new \LimitIterator($file) as $index => $line) {
         if ($index == $methodLine) {
             $newClassCode .= $methodCode;
         if (0 !== $useLine && $index == $useLine) {
             $newClassCode .= $useCode;
         $newClassCode .= $line;
     file_put_contents($targetClass->getFileName(), $newClassCode);
Beispiel #14
  * Create a syntax highlighted diagram of a class, including parent dependencies,  memebers and functions.
  * @param   object  $obj  The object to explore.
  * @return  string        The formatted diagram of the object.
 public static function classes($obj)
     echo self::$is_themed ? '' : self::$theme;
     $current_class = new \ReflectionObject($obj);
     $class = new \ReflectionClass($current_class->getName());
     $parents = array();
     while ($parent = $class->getParentClass()) {
         $mod = "<h3><b class='rtn'>{$parstr}</b>" . implode(' ', \Reflection::getModifierNames($class->getModifiers()));
         $nam = "Class <b class='nam'>" . $class->getName() . "</b></h3>";
         $lin = self::get_func_url($class->getStartLine(), $class->getEndLine(), $class->getFileName());
         $doc = self::clean_docblok($class->getdocComment(), false, "Undocumented {$parstr}" . "Class");
         $parents[] = "<div class='method'>";
         $parents[] = $lin;
         $parents[] = Syntax::php(trim($mod . $nam), 'all');
         $parents[] = "<b class='com'>{$doc}</b>";
         $properties = implode($class->getProperties());
         $properties = str_replace('<default>', '', $properties);
         $properties = str_replace('Property [ ', '', $properties);
         $properties = str_replace(' ]', '', $properties);
         $properties = explode(' ', $properties);
         $len = 0;
         foreach ($properties as $k => $v) {
             if ($k % 2 !== 0) {
                 $test = strlen($v);
                 $len = $test > $len ? $test + 1 : $len;
         foreach ($properties as $k => $v) {
             $properties[$k] = ltrim(sprintf("%-{$len}s", $v));
         $properties = implode('', $properties);
         $properties = explode("\n", $properties);
         $properties = "<h4>Properties:</h4>" . implode("\n", $properties);
         $parents[] = Syntax::php($properties, 'all');
         if ($parstr !== 'Parent ') {
             $parents[] = self::build_func_list($obj);
         $parents[] = "</div>";
         $parstr = "Parent ";
         $class = $parent;
     $class_info = "Parents: " . implode(", ", $parents);
     $class_info = Syntax::php($class_info, 'all');
     $classinfo = implode($parents);
     echo $classinfo;
     	$class = new \ReflectionObject($obj);
     	$test  = new \ReflectionClass($obj);
     	echo 'getConstants()        '; print_r(         $class->getConstants()                ) .PHP_EOL;
     	echo 'getDefaultProperties()'; print_r(         $class->getDefaultProperties()        ) .PHP_EOL;
     	echo 'getInterfaceNames()   '; print_r(         $class->getInterfaceNames()           ) .PHP_EOL;
     	echo 'getInterfaces()       '; print_r(         $class->getInterfaces()               ) .PHP_EOL;
     	echo 'getMethods()          '; print_r(         $class->getMethods()                  ) .PHP_EOL;
     	echo 'getProperties()       '; print_r(         $class->getProperties()               ) .PHP_EOL;
     	echo 'getStaticProperties() '; print_r(         $class->getStaticProperties()         ) .PHP_EOL;
     	echo 'getTraitAliases()     '; print_r(         $class->getTraitAliases()             ) .PHP_EOL;
     	echo 'getTraitNames()       '; print_r(         $class->getTraitNames()               ) .PHP_EOL;
     	echo 'getTraits()           '; print_r(         $class->getTraits()                   ) .PHP_EOL;
     	echo 'hasConstant()         '. AT::boolstr( $class->hasConstant($class->getName())) .PHP_EOL;
     	echo 'inNamespace()         '. AT::boolstr( $class->inNamespace()                 ) .PHP_EOL;
     	echo 'isAbstract()          '. AT::boolstr( $class->isAbstract()                  ) .PHP_EOL;
     	echo 'isCloneable()         '. AT::boolstr( $class->isCloneable()                 ) .PHP_EOL;
     	echo 'isFinal()             '. AT::boolstr( $class->isFinal()                     ) .PHP_EOL;
     	echo 'isInstantiable()      '. AT::boolstr( $class->isInstantiable()              ) .PHP_EOL;
     	echo 'isInterface()         '. AT::boolstr( $class->isInterface()                 ) .PHP_EOL;
     	echo 'isInternal()          '. AT::boolstr( $class->isInternal()                  ) .PHP_EOL;
     	echo 'isIterateable()       '. AT::boolstr( $class->isIterateable()               ) .PHP_EOL;
     	echo 'isTrait()             '. AT::boolstr( $class->isTrait()                     ) .PHP_EOL;
     	echo 'isUserDefined()       '. AT::boolstr( $class->isUserDefined()               ) .PHP_EOL;
     	echo 'getEndLine()          '.                  $class->getEndLine()                    .PHP_EOL;
     	echo 'getModifiers()        '.                  $class->getModifiers()                  .PHP_EOL;
     	echo 'getStartLine()        '.                  $class->getStartLine()                  .PHP_EOL;
     	echo 'getDocComment()       '.                  $class->getDocComment()                 .PHP_EOL;
     	echo 'getExtensionName()    '.                  $class->getExtensionName()              .PHP_EOL;
     	echo 'getFileName()         '.                  $class->getFileName()                   .PHP_EOL;
     	echo 'getName()             '.                  $class->getName()                       .PHP_EOL;
     	echo 'getNamespaceName()    '.                  $class->getNamespaceName()              .PHP_EOL;
     	echo 'getShortName()        '.                  $class->getShortName()                  .PHP_EOL;
Beispiel #15
  * Add all methods in a module override to the override class
  * @param string $classname
  * @return bool
 public function addOverride($classname)
     $path = Autoload::getInstance()->getClassPath($classname . 'Core');
     // Check if there is already an override file, if not, we just need to copy the file
     if (Autoload::getInstance()->getClassPath($classname)) {
         // Check if override file is writable
         $override_path = _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/' . Autoload::getInstance()->getClassPath($classname);
         if (!file_exists($override_path) && !is_writable(dirname($override_path)) || file_exists($override_path) && !is_writable($override_path)) {
             throw new Exception(sprintf(Tools::displayError('file (%s) not writable'), $override_path));
         // Get a uniq id for the class, because you can override a class (or remove the override) twice in the same session and we need to avoid redeclaration
         do {
             $uniq = uniqid();
         } while (class_exists($classname . 'OverrideOriginal_remove', false));
         // Make a reflection of the override class and the module override class
         $override_file = file($override_path);
         eval(preg_replace(array('#^\\s*<\\?(?:php)?#', '#class\\s+' . $classname . '\\s+extends\\s+([a-z0-9_]+)(\\s+implements\\s+([a-z0-9_]+))?#i'), array(' ', 'class ' . $classname . 'OverrideOriginal' . $uniq), implode('', $override_file)));
         $override_class = new ReflectionClass($classname . 'OverrideOriginal' . $uniq);
         $module_file = file($this->getLocalPath() . 'override' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path);
         eval(preg_replace(array('#^\\s*<\\?(?:php)?#', '#class\\s+' . $classname . '(\\s+extends\\s+([a-z0-9_]+)(\\s+implements\\s+([a-z0-9_]+))?)?#i'), array(' ', 'class ' . $classname . 'Override' . $uniq), implode('', $module_file)));
         $module_class = new ReflectionClass($classname . 'Override' . $uniq);
         // Check if none of the methods already exists in the override class
         foreach ($module_class->getMethods() as $method) {
             if ($override_class->hasMethod($method->getName())) {
                 throw new Exception(sprintf(Tools::displayError('The method %1$s in the class %2$s is already overriden.'), $method->getName(), $classname));
         // Check if none of the properties already exists in the override class
         foreach ($module_class->getProperties() as $property) {
             if ($override_class->hasProperty($property->getName())) {
                 throw new Exception(sprintf(Tools::displayError('The property %1$s in the class %2$s is already defined.'), $property->getName(), $classname));
         // Insert the methods from module override in override
         $copy_from = array_slice($module_file, $module_class->getStartLine() + 1, $module_class->getEndLine() - $module_class->getStartLine() - 2);
         array_splice($override_file, $override_class->getEndLine() - 1, 0, $copy_from);
         $code = implode('', $override_file);
         file_put_contents($override_path, $code);
     } else {
         $override_src = $this->getLocalPath() . 'override' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path;
         $override_dest = _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'override' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path;
         if (!is_writable(dirname($override_dest))) {
             throw new Exception(sprintf(Tools::displayError('directory (%s) not writable'), dirname($override_dest)));
         copy($override_src, $override_dest);
         // Re-generate the class index
     return true;
 protected static function weaveMock($classNameMock_, \ReflectionClass $mock_, \ReflectionClass $type_)
     $mock = @file_get_contents($mock_->getFileName());
     $type = @file_get_contents($type_->getFileName());
     $typeMTime = @filemtime($type_->getFileName());
     $method = [];
     $methods = [];
     foreach (token_get_all($type) as $token) {
         if (count($method) && ('{' == $token || ';' == $token)) {
             $methods[] = $method;
             $method = [];
         } else {
             if (count($method)) {
                 $method[] = $token;
         if (T_FUNCTION == $token[0]) {
             $method[] = $token;
     $signatures = [];
     foreach ($methods as $tokens) {
         $tokens = array_slice($tokens, 2);
         $nameToken = array_shift($tokens);
         $name = $nameToken[1];
         $signature = '';
         foreach ($tokens as $token) {
             if (false === is_array($token)) {
                 $signature .= $token;
             if (T_WHITESPACE == $token[0]) {
             if (in_array($token[0], self::$m_tokensMethodSignature)) {
                 $signature .= $token[1];
                 if (T_STRING == $token[0]) {
                     $signature .= ' ';
         $signatures[$name] = $signature;
     $source = explode(Io::LINE_SEPARATOR_DEFAULT, $mock);
     $source = array_slice($source, 0, $mock_->getEndLine() - 1);
     foreach ($signatures as $methodName => $signature) {
         $method = $type_->getMethod($methodName);
         if ($method->isStatic() || $method->isFinal()) {
         $parameters = [];
         foreach ($method->getParameters() as $parameter) {
             $parameters[] = '$' . $parameter->name;
         if ($method->isConstructor()) {
             $source[] = "public function {$methodName}{$signature} {parent::{$methodName}(" . implode(', ', $parameters) . ");}";
         $visibility = 'public';
         if ($method->isPrivate()) {
             $visibility = 'private';
         } else {
             if ($method->isProtected()) {
                 $visibility = 'protected';
         $sourceMethod = "{$visibility} function {$methodName}{$signature} {if(\$this->mocked('{$methodName}')) return \$this->__call('{$methodName}', func_get_args());";
         if (false === $type_->isInterface() && false === $method->isAbstract()) {
             $sourceMethod .= " return parent::{$methodName}(" . implode(', ', $parameters) . ");";
         $source[] = $sourceMethod . "}";
     $source = implode(Io::LINE_SEPARATOR_DEFAULT, $source) . Io::LINE_SEPARATOR_DEFAULT . '  }' . Io::LINE_SEPARATOR_DEFAULT . '?>';
     $inheritance = $type_->isInterface() ? 'implements' : 'extends';
     return str_replace('class Mock', "class {$classNameMock_} {$inheritance} \\{$type_->name}", $source);
Beispiel #17
 public static final function common_has_code($module_name, $version)
     $class_name = $module_name . 'Common';
     $file = 'modules/' . self::get_module_dir_path($module_name) . '/' . self::get_module_file_name($module_name) . 'Common_' . $version . '.php';
     if (!class_exists($class_name, false)) {
         self::include_common($module_name, $version);
     if (!file_exists($file)) {
         return false;
     $start = $end = -1;
     if (class_exists($class_name, false)) {
         $rc = new ReflectionClass($class_name);
         $start = $rc->getStartLine() - 1;
         $end = $rc->getEndLine();
     $file_content = '';
     $file_lines = file($file);
     $VA_regex = '/Direct access forbidden/i';
     foreach ($file_lines as $i => $line) {
         if ($i >= $start && $i < $end) {
         if (preg_match($VA_regex, $line)) {
         $file_content .= $line;
     $tmp_file = tmpfile();
     fwrite($tmp_file, $file_content);
     $info = stream_get_meta_data($tmp_file);
     $stripped_file = php_strip_whitespace($info['uri']);
     // heuristic to get info about code. Some very short code can be ommited.
     if (strlen($stripped_file) > 20) {
         return true;
     return false;
Beispiel #18
  * Add all methods in a module override to the override class
  * @param string $classname
  * @return bool
 public function addOverride($classname)
     $orig_path = $path = PrestaShopAutoload::getInstance()->getClassPath($classname . 'Core');
     if (!$path) {
         $path = 'modules' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $classname . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $classname . '.php';
     $path_override = $this->getLocalPath() . 'override' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path;
     if (!file_exists($path_override)) {
         return false;
     } else {
         file_put_contents($path_override, preg_replace('#(\\r|\\r\\n)#ism', "\n", file_get_contents($path_override)));
     $pattern_escape_com = '#(\\/\\/.*?\\n|\\/\\*(?!\\n\\s+\\* module:.*?\\* date:.*?\\* version:.*?\\*\\/).*?\\*\\/)#ism';
     // Check if there is already an override file, if not, we just need to copy the file
     if ($file = PrestaShopAutoload::getInstance()->getClassPath($classname)) {
         // Check if override file is writable
         $override_path = _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/' . $file;
         if (!file_exists($override_path) && !is_writable(dirname($override_path)) || file_exists($override_path) && !is_writable($override_path)) {
             throw new Exception(sprintf(Tools::displayError('file (%s) not writable'), $override_path));
         // Get a uniq id for the class, because you can override a class (or remove the override) twice in the same session and we need to avoid redeclaration
         do {
             $uniq = uniqid();
         } while (class_exists($classname . 'OverrideOriginal_remove', false));
         // Make a reflection of the override class and the module override class
         $override_file = file($override_path);
         eval(preg_replace(array('#^\\s*<\\?(?:php)?#', '#class\\s+' . $classname . '\\s+extends\\s+([a-z0-9_]+)(\\s+implements\\s+([a-z0-9_]+))?#i'), array(' ', 'class ' . $classname . 'OverrideOriginal' . $uniq), implode('', $override_file)));
         $override_class = new ReflectionClass($classname . 'OverrideOriginal' . $uniq);
         $module_file = file($path_override);
         eval(preg_replace(array('#^\\s*<\\?(?:php)?#', '#class\\s+' . $classname . '(\\s+extends\\s+([a-z0-9_]+)(\\s+implements\\s+([a-z0-9_]+))?)?#i'), array(' ', 'class ' . $classname . 'Override' . $uniq), implode('', $module_file)));
         $module_class = new ReflectionClass($classname . 'Override' . $uniq);
         // Check if none of the methods already exists in the override class
         foreach ($module_class->getMethods() as $method) {
             if ($override_class->hasMethod($method->getName())) {
                 $method_override = $override_class->getMethod($method->getName());
                 if (preg_match('/module: (.*)/ism', $override_file[$method_override->getStartLine() - 5], $name) && preg_match('/date: (.*)/ism', $override_file[$method_override->getStartLine() - 4], $date) && preg_match('/version: ([0-9.]+)/ism', $override_file[$method_override->getStartLine() - 3], $version)) {
                     throw new Exception(sprintf(Tools::displayError('The method %1$s in the class %2$s is already overridden by the module %3$s version %4$s at %5$s.'), $method->getName(), $classname, $name[1], $version[1], $date[1]));
                 throw new Exception(sprintf(Tools::displayError('The method %1$s in the class %2$s is already overridden.'), $method->getName(), $classname));
             } else {
                 $module_file = preg_replace('/((:?public|private|protected)\\s+(static\\s+)?function\\s+(?:\\b' . $method->getName() . '\\b))/ism', "/*\n\t* module: " . $this->name . "\n\t* date: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n\t* version: " . $this->version . "\n\t*/\n\t\$1", $module_file);
         // Check if none of the properties already exists in the override class
         foreach ($module_class->getProperties() as $property) {
             if ($override_class->hasProperty($property->getName())) {
                 throw new Exception(sprintf(Tools::displayError('The property %1$s in the class %2$s is already defined.'), $property->getName(), $classname));
             } else {
                 $module_file = preg_replace('/(:?public|private|protected|const)\\s+(static\\s+)?(\\$?\\b' . $property->getName() . '\\b)/ism', "/*\n\t* module: " . $this->name . "\n\t* date: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n\t* version: " . $this->version . "\n\t*/\n\t\$1 \$2\$3", $module_file);
         // Insert the methods from module override in override
         $copy_from = array_slice($module_file, $module_class->getStartLine() + 1, $module_class->getEndLine() - $module_class->getStartLine() - 2);
         array_splice($override_file, $override_class->getEndLine() - 1, 0, $copy_from);
         $code = implode('', $override_file);
         file_put_contents($override_path, preg_replace($pattern_escape_com, '', $code));
     } else {
         $override_src = $path_override;
         $override_dest = _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'override' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path;
         $dir_name = dirname($override_dest);
         if (!$orig_path && !is_dir($dir_name)) {
             $oldumask = umask(00);
             @mkdir($dir_name, 0777);
         if (!is_writable($dir_name)) {
             throw new Exception(sprintf(Tools::displayError('directory (%s) not writable'), $dir_name));
         $module_file = file($override_src);
         if ($orig_path) {
             do {
                 $uniq = uniqid();
             } while (class_exists($classname . 'OverrideOriginal_remove', false));
             eval(preg_replace(array('#^\\s*<\\?(?:php)?#', '#class\\s+' . $classname . '(\\s+extends\\s+([a-z0-9_]+)(\\s+implements\\s+([a-z0-9_]+))?)?#i'), array(' ', 'class ' . $classname . 'Override' . $uniq), implode('', $module_file)));
             $module_class = new ReflectionClass($classname . 'Override' . $uniq);
             // Add foreach function a comment with the module name and the module version
             foreach ($module_class->getMethods() as $method) {
                 $module_file = preg_replace('/((:?public|private|protected)\\s+(static\\s+)?function\\s+(?:\\b' . $method->getName() . '\\b))/ism', "/*\n\t* module: " . $this->name . "\n\t* date: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n\t* version: " . $this->version . "\n\t*/\n\t\$1", $module_file);
             // same as precedent but for variable
             foreach ($module_class->getProperties() as $property) {
                 $module_file = preg_replace('/(:?public|private|protected|const)\\s+(static\\s+)?(\\$?\\b' . $property->getName() . '\\b)/ism', "/*\n\t* module: " . $this->name . "\n\t* date: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n\t* version: " . $this->version . "\n\t*/\n\t\$1 \$2\$3", $module_file);
         file_put_contents($override_dest, preg_replace($pattern_escape_com, '', $module_file));
         // Re-generate the class index
     return true;
Beispiel #19
  * 构造函数
  * @param mixed $class
 private function __construct($class)
     if (!$class instanceof ReflectionClass) {
         $class = new ReflectionClass($class);
     $this->name = $class->getName();
     $this->filename = $class->getFilename();
     $this->is_interface = $class->isInterface();
     $this->is_abstract = $class->isAbstract();
     $this->is_final = $class->isFinal();
     $this->is_iterateable = $class->isIterateable();
     $this->start_line = $class->getStartLine();
     $this->end_line = $class->getEndLine();
     $this->_reflection_class = $class;
Beispiel #20
  * method for making a single file of most used doctrine runtime components
  * including the compiled file instead of multiple files (in worst
  * cases dozens of files) can improve performance by an order of magnitude
  * @throws Doctrine_Compiler_Exception      if something went wrong during the compile operation
  * @return $target Path the compiled file was written to
 public static function compile($target = null, $includedDrivers = array())
     if (!is_array($includedDrivers)) {
         $includedDrivers = array($includedDrivers);
     $excludedDrivers = array();
     // If we have an array of specified drivers then lets determine which drivers we should exclude
     if (!empty($includedDrivers)) {
         $drivers = array('db2', 'mssql', 'mysql', 'oracle', 'pgsql', 'sqlite');
         $excludedDrivers = array_diff($drivers, $includedDrivers);
     $path = Doctrine_Core::getPath();
     $it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path . '/Doctrine'), RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY);
     foreach ($it as $file) {
         $e = explode('.', $file->getFileName());
         //@todo what is a versioning file? do we have these anymore? None
         //exists in my version of doctrine from svn.
         // we don't want to require versioning files
         if (end($e) === 'php' && strpos($file->getFileName(), '.inc') === false && strpos($file->getFileName(), 'sfYaml') === false) {
             require_once $file->getPathName();
     $classes = array_merge(get_declared_classes(), get_declared_interfaces());
     $ret = array();
     foreach ($classes as $class) {
         $e = explode('_', $class);
         if ($e[0] !== 'Doctrine') {
         // Exclude drivers
         if (!empty($excludedDrivers)) {
             foreach ($excludedDrivers as $excludedDriver) {
                 $excludedDriver = ucfirst($excludedDriver);
                 if (in_array($excludedDriver, $e)) {
                     continue 2;
         $refl = new ReflectionClass($class);
         $file = $refl->getFileName();
         $lines = file($file);
         $start = $refl->getStartLine() - 1;
         $end = $refl->getEndLine();
         $ret = array_merge($ret, array_slice($lines, $start, $end - $start));
     if ($target == null) {
         $target = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Doctrine.compiled.php';
     // first write the 'compiled' data to a text file, so
     // that we can use php_strip_whitespace (which only works on files)
     $fp = @fopen($target, 'w');
     if ($fp === false) {
         throw new Doctrine_Compiler_Exception("Couldn't write compiled data. Failed to open {$target}");
     fwrite($fp, "<?php " . implode('', $ret));
     $stripped = php_strip_whitespace($target);
     $fp = @fopen($target, 'w');
     if ($fp === false) {
         throw new Doctrine_Compiler_Exception("Couldn't write compiled data. Failed to open {$file}");
     fwrite($fp, $stripped);
     return $target;
Beispiel #21
  * Get all info about class (object)
  * @param   string|object $data Object or class name
  * @return  JBDump
 protected static function _getClass($data)
     // check arg
     if (is_object($data)) {
         $className = get_class($data);
     } elseif (is_string($data)) {
         $className = $data;
     } else {
         return false;
     if (!class_exists($className) && !interface_exists($className)) {
         return false;
     // create ReflectionClass object
     $class = new ReflectionClass($data);
     // get basic class info
     $result['name'] = $class->name;
     $result['type'] = $class->isInterface() ? 'interface' : 'class';
     if ($classComment = $class->getDocComment()) {
         $result['comment'] = $classComment;
     if ($classPath = $class->getFileName()) {
         $result['path'] = $classPath . ' ' . $class->getStartLine() . '/' . $class->getEndLine();
     if ($classExtName = $class->getExtensionName()) {
         $result['extension'] = $classExtName;
     if ($class->isAbstract()) {
         $result['abstract'] = true;
     if ($class->isFinal()) {
         $result['final'] = true;
     // get all parents of class
     $class_tmp = $class;
     $result['parents'] = array();
     while ($parent = $class_tmp->getParentClass()) {
         if (isset($parent->name)) {
             $result['parents'][] = $parent->name;
             $class_tmp = $parent;
     if (count($result['parents']) == 0) {
     // reflecting class interfaces
     $interfaces = $class->getInterfaces();
     if (is_array($interfaces)) {
         foreach ($interfaces as $property) {
             $result['interfaces'][] = $property->name;
     // reflection class constants
     $constants = $class->getConstants();
     if (is_array($constants)) {
         foreach ($constants as $key => $property) {
             $result['constants'][$key] = $property;
     // reflecting class properties
     $properties = $class->getProperties();
     if (is_array($properties)) {
         foreach ($properties as $key => $property) {
             if ($property->isPublic()) {
                 $visible = "public";
             } elseif ($property->isProtected()) {
                 $visible = "protected";
             } elseif ($property->isPrivate()) {
                 $visible = "private";
             } else {
                 $visible = "public";
             $propertyName = $property->getName();
             $result['properties'][$visible][$propertyName]['comment'] = $property->getDocComment();
             $result['properties'][$visible][$propertyName]['static'] = $property->isStatic();
             $result['properties'][$visible][$propertyName]['default'] = $property->isDefault();
             $result['properties'][$visible][$propertyName]['class'] = $property->class;
     // get source
     $source = null;
     if (isset($result['path']) && $result['path']) {
         $source = @file($class->getFileName());
         if (!empty($source)) {
             $result['source::source'] = implode('', $source);
     // reflecting class methods
     foreach ($class->getMethods() as $key => $method) {
         if ($method->isPublic()) {
             $visible = "public";
         } elseif ($method->isProtected()) {
             $visible = "protected";
         } elseif ($method->isPrivate()) {
             $visible = "protected";
         } else {
             $visible = "public";
         $result['methods'][$visible][$method->name]['name'] = $method->getName();
         if ($method->isAbstract()) {
             $result['methods'][$visible][$method->name]['abstract'] = true;
         if ($method->isFinal()) {
             $result['methods'][$visible][$method->name]['final'] = true;
         if ($method->isInternal()) {
             $result['methods'][$visible][$method->name]['internal'] = true;
         if ($method->isStatic()) {
             $result['methods'][$visible][$method->name]['static'] = true;
         if ($method->isConstructor()) {
             $result['methods'][$visible][$method->name]['constructor'] = true;
         if ($method->isDestructor()) {
             $result['methods'][$visible][$method->name]['destructor'] = true;
         $result['methods'][$visible][$method->name]['declaringClass'] = $method->getDeclaringClass()->name;
         if ($comment = $method->getDocComment()) {
             $result['methods'][$visible][$method->name]['comment'] = $comment;
         $startLine = $method->getStartLine();
         $endLine = $method->getEndLine();
         if ($startLine && $source) {
             $from = (int) ($startLine - 1);
             $to = (int) ($endLine - $startLine + 1);
             $slice = array_slice($source, $from, $to);
             $phpCode = implode('', $slice);
             $result['methods'][$visible][$method->name]['source::source'] = $phpCode;
         if ($params = self::_getParams($method->getParameters(), $method->isInternal())) {
             $result['methods'][$visible][$method->name]['parameters'] = $params;
     // get all methods
     $result['all_methods'] = get_class_methods($className);
     // sorting properties and methods
     if (isset($result['properties']['protected'])) {
     if (isset($result['properties']['private'])) {
     if (isset($result['properties']['public'])) {
     if (isset($result['methods']['protected'])) {
     if (isset($result['methods']['private'])) {
     if (isset($result['methods']['public'])) {
     return $result;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getEndLine()
     return $this->reflectionClass->getEndLine();

# Recipe 2-19
# More involved Reflection API example
$class = 'myUser';
require_once "C:\\web\\registry\\apps\\frontend\\lib\\myUser.class.php";
$rc = new ReflectionClass($class);
printf("<p>Name: *%s*<br />\n", $rc->getName());
printf("Defined in file '%s', lines %d - %d<br />\n", $rc->getFileName(), $rc->getStartLine(), $rc->getEndLine());
printf("<p>Contains the comments:<pre>%s</pre></p>", $rc->getDocComment());
printf("%s is %san interface.<br />\n", $rc->getName(), $rc->isInterface() ? '' : 'not ');
printf("%s is %sinstantiable.<br />\n", $rc->getName(), $rc->isInstantiable() ? '' : 'not ');
printf("%s is %sabstract.<br />\n", $rc->getName(), $rc->isAbstract() ? '' : 'not ');
printf("%s is %sfinal.</p>\n", $rc->getName(), $rc->isFinal() ? '' : 'not ');
$constants = $rc->getConstants();
$num_constants = count($constants);
printf("%s defines %d constant%s", $rc->getName(), $num_constants == 0 ? 'no' : $num_constants, $num_constants != 1 ? 's' : '');
if ($num_constants > 0) {
    printf(":<pre>%s</pre>", print_r($constants, TRUE));
$props = $rc->getProperties();
$num_props = count($props);
printf("%s defines %d propert%s", $rc->getName(), $num_props == 0 ? 'no' : $num_props, $num_props == 1 ? 'y' : 'ies');
if ($num_props > 0) {
    print ':';
    foreach ($props as $prop) {
        print "<pre>";
        print "</pre>";
Beispiel #24
    public function IspatchedOverrides($classname)
        switch ($classname) {
            case 'Order':
                $path = Autoload::getInstance()->getClassPath($classname . 'Core');
                // Check if there is already an override file, if not, we just need to copy the file
                if (Autoload::getInstance()->getClassPath($classname)) {
                    // Check if override file is writable
                    $override_path = _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/' . Autoload::getInstance()->getClassPath($classname);
                    if (file_exists($override_path) && !is_writable($override_path)) {
                        throw new Exception(sprintf(Tools::displayError('file (%s) not writable'), $override_path));
                    // Get a uniq id for the class, because you can override a class (or remove the override) twice in the same session and we need to avoid redeclaration
                    do {
                        $uniq = uniqid();
                    } while (class_exists($classname . 'OverrideOriginal_remove', false));
                    // Make a reflection of the override class and the module override class
                    $override_file = file($override_path);
                    eval(preg_replace(array('#^\\s*<\\?php#', '#class\\s+' . $classname . '\\s+extends\\s+([a-z0-9_]+)(\\s+implements\\s+([a-z0-9_]+))?#i'), array('', 'class ' . $classname . 'OverrideOriginal' . $uniq), implode('', $override_file)));
                    $override_class = new ReflectionClass($classname . 'OverrideOriginal' . $uniq);
                    $module_file = file($this->getLocalPath() . 'override' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path);
                    eval(preg_replace(array('#^\\s*<\\?php#', '#class\\s+' . $classname . '(\\s+extends\\s+([a-z0-9_]+)(\\s+implements\\s+([a-z0-9_]+))?)?#i'), array('', 'class ' . $classname . 'Override' . $uniq), implode('', $module_file)));
                    $module_class = new ReflectionClass($classname . 'Override' . $uniq);
                    // Check if none of the methods already exists in the override class
                    $methodpatched = array('add' => array('patched' => false, 'method' => '
	public function add($autodate = true, $null_values = true)
		$cart = new Cart($this->id_cart);
		Hook::exec(\'actionBeforeAddOrder\', array(\'order\'=>$this,\'cart\'=>$cart));

		if (ObjectModel::add($autodate, $null_values))
			return SpecificPrice::deleteByIdCart($this->id_cart);
		return false;
'), 'setLastInvoiceNumber' => array('patched' => false, 'method' => '
	public static function setLastInvoiceNumber($order_invoice_id, $id_shop)
		if (!$order_invoice_id)
			return false;

		$number = Configuration::get(\'PS_INVOICE_START_NUMBER\', null, null, $id_shop);
		// If invoice start number has been set, you clean the value of this configuration
		if ($number)
			Configuration::updateValue(\'PS_INVOICE_START_NUMBER\', false, false, null, $id_shop);
		$order_invoice = new OrderInvoice($order_invoice_id);
		$order = new Order($order_invoice->id_order);
		$cart = new Cart($order->id_cart);
		if($ref = Hook::exec(\'actionBeforeAddOrderInvoice\', array(\'order_invoice\'=>$order_invoice,\'order\'=>$order,\'cart\'=>$cart)))
			$number = $ref;

		$sql = \'UPDATE `\'._DB_PREFIX_.\'order_invoice` SET number =\';

		if ($number)
			$sql .= (int)$number;
			$sql .= \'(SELECT new_number FROM (SELECT (MAX(`number`) + 1) AS new_number
			FROM `\'._DB_PREFIX_.\'order_invoice`) AS result)\';

		$sql .=\' WHERE `id_order_invoice` = \'.(int)$order_invoice_id;

		return Db::getInstance()->execute($sql);
							'), 'setDeliveryNumber' => array('patched' => false, 'method' => '
	public function setDeliveryNumber($order_invoice_id, $id_shop)
		if (!$order_invoice_id)
			return false;

		$number = Configuration::get(\'PS_DELIVERY_NUMBER\', null, null, $id_shop);
		// If invoice start number has been set, you clean the value of this configuration
		if ($number)
			Configuration::updateValue(\'PS_DELIVERY_NUMBER\', false, false, null, $id_shop);
		$order_invoice = new OrderInvoice($order_invoice_id);
		$order = new Order($order_invoice->id_order);
		$cart = new Cart($order->id_cart);
		if($ref = Hook::exec(\'actionBeforeAddDeliveryNumber\', array(\'order\'=>$order,\'cart\'=>$cart,\'number\'=>$number)))
			$number = $ref;

		$sql = \'UPDATE `\'._DB_PREFIX_.\'order_invoice` SET delivery_number =\';

		if ($number)
			$sql .= (int)$number;
			$sql .= \'(SELECT new_number FROM (SELECT (MAX(`delivery_number`) + 1) AS new_number
			FROM `\'._DB_PREFIX_.\'order_invoice`) AS result)\';

		$sql .=\' WHERE `id_order_invoice` = \'.(int)$order_invoice_id;

		return Db::getInstance()->execute($sql);
                    foreach ($module_class->getMethods() as $method) {
                        if ($override_class->hasMethod($method->getName())) {
                            $methodpatched[$method->getName()]['patched'] = true;
                    // Insert the methods from module override in override
                    foreach ($methodpatched as $patched) {
                        if (!$patched['patched']) {
                            $copy_from[] = $patched['method'];
                    array_splice($override_file, $override_class->getEndLine() - 1, 0, $copy_from);
                    $code = implode('', $override_file);
                    file_put_contents($override_path, $code);
                    return true;
                } else {
                    return false;
            case 'OrderInvoice':
                if (file_exists(_PS_OVERRIDE_DIR_ . 'classes/Order/OrderInvoice.php')) {
                    $cont = file_get_contents(_PS_OVERRIDE_DIR_ . 'classes/Order/OrderInvoice.php');
                    if (strpos($cont, 'actionBeforeAddOrderInvoice') === false) {
                        return false;
                    } else {
                        return true;
                } else {
                    return false;
            case 'OrderPayment':
                if (file_exists(_PS_OVERRIDE_DIR_ . 'classes/Order/OrderPayment.php')) {
                    $cont = file_get_contents(_PS_OVERRIDE_DIR_ . 'classes/Order/OrderPayment.php');
                    if (strpos($cont, '\'order_reference\' => 	array(\'type\' => self::TYPE_STRING, \'validate\' => \'isAnything\', \'size\' => 100),') === false) {
                        return false;
                    } else {
                        return true;
                } else {
                    return false;
                return false;
Beispiel #25
 private static function get_reflection_source(\ReflectionClass $r)
     return implode(array_slice(file($r->getFileName()), $r->getStartLine(), $r->getEndLine() - $r->getStartLine() - 1));
Beispiel #26
 	Tells weeDocumentor to get data of the specified class.
 	The class must be declared before calling this method.
 	@param	$sClassName	The class to get data from.
 	@return	$this		For chained calls.
 public function docClass($sClassName)
     $oClass = new ReflectionClass($sClassName);
     $a = array('name' => $oClass->getName(), 'parent' => $oClass->getParentClass() == null ? null : $oClass->getParentClass()->getName(), 'type' => $oClass->isInterface() ? 'interface' : ($oClass->isAbstract() ? 'abstract' : ($oClass->isFinal() ? 'final' : null)), 'filename' => substr($oClass->getFileName(), strlen(getcwd()) + 1), 'startline' => $oClass->getStartLine(), 'endline' => $oClass->getEndLine(), 'consts' => $oClass->getConstants());
     // Get DocComment data
     $this->parseDocComment($this->trimDocComment($oClass->getDocComment()), $aParsedData);
     $a = array_merge($a, $aParsedData);
     // Interfaces
     $aImplement = $oClass->getInterfaces();
     $a['implements'] = array();
     foreach ($aImplement as $o) {
         $a['implements'][] = $o->getName();
     // Methods
     $aMethods = $oClass->getMethods();
     $a['methods'] = array();
     foreach ($aMethods as $o) {
         $aMethod = array('name' => $o->getName(), 'type' => $o->isStatic() ? 'static' : ($o->isAbstract() ? 'abstract' : ($o->isFinal() ? 'final' : null)), 'visibility' => $o->isPublic() ? 'public' : ($o->isPrivate() ? 'private' : 'protected'), 'internal' => $o->isInternal(), 'startline' => $o->getStartLine(), 'endline' => $o->getEndLine(), 'numreqparams' => $o->getNumberOfRequiredParameters());
         if (!$aMethod['internal']) {
             $aHints = self::getParametersTypeHints($o);
         $sFilename = substr($o->getFileName(), strlen(getcwd()) + 1);
         if (!empty($sFilename) && $sFilename != $a['filename']) {
             $aMethod['filename'] = $sFilename;
         // Get DocComment data
         $this->parseDocComment($this->trimDocComment($o->getDocComment()), $aParsedData);
         $aMethod = array_merge($aMethod, $aParsedData);
         if (!empty($aFunc['return'])) {
             $aFunc['return']['ref'] = $o->returnsReference();
         $aMethod['params'] = array();
         foreach ($o->getParameters() as $oParameter) {
             $aParameter = array('name' => $oParameter->getName(), 'ref' => $oParameter->isPassedByReference(), 'null' => $oParameter->allowsNull(), 'default' => $oParameter->isDefaultValueAvailable() ? var_export($oParameter->getDefaultValue(), true) : null);
             if (isset($aMethod['paramscomment'][$aParameter['name']])) {
                 $aParameter['comment'] = $aMethod['paramscomment'][$aParameter['name']];
             if ($aMethod['internal']) {
                 if ($oParameter->isArray()) {
                     $aParameter['hint'] = 'array';
             } else {
                 $aParameter['type'] = $this->getVariableType($aParameter['name']);
                 if (isset($aHints[$aParameter['name']])) {
                     $aParameter['hint'] = $aHints[$aParameter['name']];
             $aMethod['params'][] = $aParameter;
         $a['methods'][] = $aMethod;
     // Properties
     $aProperties = $oClass->getProperties();
     $a['properties'] = array();
     foreach ($aProperties as $o) {
         $aProperty = array('name' => $o->getName(), 'static' => $o->isStatic(), 'visibility' => $o->isPublic() ? 'public' : ($o->isPrivate() ? 'private' : 'protected'));
         // Get DocComment data
         $this->parseDocComment($this->trimDocComment($o->getDocComment()), $aParsedData);
         $aProperty = array_merge($aProperty, $aParsedData);
         $a['properties'][] = $aProperty;
     // Sort child arrays
     usort($a['implements'], 'weeDocumentor::nameCmp');
     usort($a['methods'], 'weeDocumentor::nameCmp');
     usort($a['properties'], 'weeDocumentor::nameCmp');
     // Finally store the data
     $this->aClasses[] = $a;
     return $this;
  * Applies the @covers annotation filtering.
  * @param array $data
  * @param mixed $id
 protected function applyCoversAnnotationFilter(&$data, $id)
     if ($id instanceof PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase) {
         $testClassName = get_class($id);
         $linesToBeCovered = PHP_CodeCoverage_Util::getLinesToBeCovered($testClassName, $id->getName());
         if ($this->mapTestClassNameToCoveredClassName && empty($linesToBeCovered)) {
             $testedClass = substr($testClassName, 0, -4);
             if (class_exists($testedClass)) {
                 $class = new ReflectionClass($testedClass);
                 $linesToBeCovered = array($class->getFileName() => range($class->getStartLine(), $class->getEndLine()));
     } else {
         $linesToBeCovered = array();
     if (!empty($linesToBeCovered)) {
         $data = array_intersect_key($data, $linesToBeCovered);
         foreach (array_keys($data) as $filename) {
             $data[$filename] = array_intersect_key($data[$filename], array_flip($linesToBeCovered[$filename]));
     } else {
         if ($this->forceCoversAnnotation) {
             $data = array();
 public static function AnalyzeClass($ClassName)
     if (!isset(self::$AnalyzeClassCache[$ClassName])) {
         $RefClass = new ReflectionClass($ClassName);
         if ($RefClass->isInternal()) {
             throw new Exception('SCAD_Analyze: cant analyze internal classes');
         $RefClassMethods = $RefClass->getMethods();
         $RefClassInterfaces = $RefClass->getInterfaces();
         $Constants = $RefClass->getConstants();
         $RefClassProperties = $RefClass->getProperties();
         if ($RefClassParent = $RefClass->getParentClass()) {
             $ParentMethods = $RefClassParent->getMethods();
             $ParentMethodsList = array();
             foreach ($ParentMethods as $ParentMethod) {
                 $ParentMethodsList[] = $ParentMethod->getName();
             foreach ($RefClassMethods as $Key => $RefClassMethod) {
                 if (in_array($RefClassMethod->getName(), $ParentMethodsList)) {
             $ParentConstants = $RefClassParent->getConstants();
             foreach ($Constants as $ConstantName => $ConstantValue) {
                 if (key_exists($ConstantName, $ParentConstants)) {
             $ParentProperties = $RefClassParent->getProperties();
             $ParentPropertiesList = array();
             foreach ($ParentProperties as $ParentProperty) {
                 $ParentPropertiesList[] = $ParentProperty->getName();
             foreach ($RefClassProperties as $Key => $RefClassProperty) {
                 if (in_array($RefClassProperty->getName(), $ParentPropertiesList)) {
             $ParentInterfaces = $RefClassParent->getInterfaces();
             $ParentInterfacesList = array();
             foreach ($ParentInterfaces as $ParentInterface) {
                 $ParentInterfacesList[] = $ParentInterface->getName();
             foreach ($RefClassInterfaces as $Key => $RefClassInterface) {
                 if (in_array($RefClassInterface->getName(), $ParentInterfacesList)) {
         $ClassFileName = $RefClass->getFileName();
         $ClassFileArray = file($ClassFileName);
         $Methods = array();
         foreach ($RefClassMethods as $RefMethod) {
             $NewMethod = array();
             $Code = "";
             foreach (range($RefMethod->getStartLine(), $RefMethod->getEndLine()) as $Line) {
                 $Code .= $ClassFileArray[$Line - 1];
             $NewMethod['Code'] = $Code;
             $NewMethod['Name'] = $RefMethod->getName();
             $NewMethod['Constructor'] = $RefMethod->isConstructor();
             $NewMethod['Destructor'] = $RefMethod->isDestructor();
             $NewMethod['Final'] = $RefMethod->isFinal();
             $NewMethod['Start'] = $RefMethod->getStartLine();
             $NewMethod['End'] = $RefMethod->getEndLine();
             if ($RefMethod->isPrivate()) {
                 $NewMethod['Scope'] = self::SCOPE_PRIVATE;
             } elseif ($RefMethod->isProtected()) {
                 $NewMethod['Scope'] = self::SCOPE_PROTECTED;
             } else {
                 $NewMethod['Scope'] = self::SCOPE_PUBLIC;
             $Methods[$RefMethod->getName()] = $NewMethod;
         $Properties = array();
         if (!empty($RefClassProperties)) {
             $MagicInstance = self::generateMagicInstance($ClassName, $RefClass->getStartLine() - 1, $RefClass->getEndLine() - 1, $Methods, $RefClassProperties, $ClassFileArray);
             foreach ($RefClassProperties as $RefProperty) {
                 $NewProperty = array();
                 if ($RefProperty->isPrivate()) {
                     $NewProperty['Scope'] = self::SCOPE_PRIVATE;
                 } elseif ($RefProperty->isProtected()) {
                     $NewProperty['Scope'] = self::SCOPE_PROTECTED;
                 } else {
                     $NewProperty['Scope'] = self::SCOPE_PUBLIC;
                 // This value is totally useless for our situation
                 // $NewProperty['Default'] = $RefProperty->isDefault();
                 $NewProperty['Static'] = $RefProperty->isStatic();
                 $NewProperty['Value'] = $MagicInstance->get($RefProperty->getName());
                 $NewProperty['Name'] = $RefProperty->getName();
                 $Properties[$RefProperty->getName()] = $NewProperty;
         if (!empty($RefClassInterfaces)) {
             $Interfaces = array();
             foreach ($RefClassInterfaces as $RefClassInterface) {
                 $Interfaces[] = $RefClassInterface->getName();
             $Result['Interfaces'] = $Interfaces;
         $Result = array();
         $Result['Methods'] = $Methods;
         $Result['Properties'] = $Properties;
         $Result['Constants'] = $Constants;
         $Result['FileName'] = $RefClass->getFileName();
         $Result['Start'] = $RefClass->getStartLine();
         $Result['End'] = $RefClass->getEndLine();
         if ($RefClassParent) {
             $Result['Extends'] = $RefClassParent->getName();
         $Result['Abstract'] = $RefClass->isAbstract();
         $Result['Final'] = $RefClass->isFinal();
         $Result['Interface'] = $RefClass->isInterface();
         $Result['Instantiable'] = $RefClass->isInstantiable();
         $Result['Name'] = $RefClass->getName();
         self::$AnalyzeClassCache[$ClassName] = $Result;
     return self::$AnalyzeClassCache[$ClassName];
Beispiel #29
 public function getSource()
     $reflector = new ReflectionClass($this);
     $file = $reflector->getFileName();
     if (!file_exists($file)) {
     $source = file($file, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
     array_splice($source, 0, $reflector->getEndLine());
     $i = 0;
     while (isset($source[$i]) && '/* */' === substr_replace($source[$i], '', 3, -2)) {
         $source[$i] = str_replace('*//* ', '*/', substr($source[$i], 3, -2));
     array_splice($source, $i);
     return implode("\n", $source);
  * {@inheritDoc}
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $kernel = $this->getApplication()->getKernel();
     $bundle = $kernel->getBundle('App');
     $name = $input->getArgument('name');
     $twig = $this->createTwig();
     $dialog = $this->getHelperSet()->get('dialog');
     $controller = $name;
     $action = null;
     if (2 === count($parts = explode(':', $name))) {
         list($controller, $action) = $parts;
     $class = sprintf('%sController', str_replace('/', '\\', $controller));
     $subns = dirname(str_replace('\\', '/', $class));
     $namespace = sprintf('%s\\Controller%s', $bundle->getNamespace(), '.' !== $subns ? '\\' . $subns : '');
     $classPath = sprintf('%s/Controller/%s.php', $bundle->getPath(), str_replace('\\', '/', $class));
     $class = basename(str_replace('\\', '/', $class));
     $fqcn = sprintf('%s\\%s', $namespace, $class);
     $name = basename(str_replace('\\', '/', $controller));
     $output->writeLn(sprintf('- <comment>App:%s</comment> controller:', str_replace('/', '\\', $controller)));
     if (!class_exists($fqcn)) {
         $this->writeFile($classPath, $twig->render('controller.php.twig', array('namespace' => $namespace, 'class' => $class, 'name' => $name)));
         $output->writeLn('  class <info>generated</info>');
     } else {
         $output->writeLn('  class <info>already exists</info>');
     if (null === $action) {
     $output->writeLn(sprintf("\n" . '- <comment>App:%s:%s</comment> action:', str_replace('/', '\\', $controller), $action));
     $refl = new \ReflectionClass($fqcn);
     if (!$refl->hasMethod($action)) {
         $prefix = '';
         $lineToAppend = $refl->getEndLine();
         foreach ($refl->getMethods(\ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC) as $method) {
             if ($refl->getName() !== $method->getDeclaringClass()->getName()) {
             $prefix = "\n";
             $lineToAppend = $method->getEndLine() + 1;
         $this->appendToFile($refl->getFileName(), $lineToAppend - 2, $prefix . $twig->render('action.php.twig', array('action' => $action)));
         $output->writeLn('  method <info>generated</info>');
     } else {
         $output->writeLn('  method <info>already exists</info>');
     $viewPath = sprintf('%s/Resources/views/%s/%s.html.twig', $bundle->getPath(), str_replace('\\', '/', $controller), $action);
     $output->writeLn(sprintf("\n" . '- <comment>App:%s:%s.html.twig</comment> view:', str_replace('\\', '/', $controller), $action));
     if (!file_exists($viewPath)) {
         $this->writeFile($viewPath, $twig->render('view.html.twig'));
         $output->writeLn('  view <info>generated</info>');
     } else {
         $output->writeLn('  view <info>already exists</info>');
     $routingPath = sprintf('%s/Resources/config/routing.yml', $bundle->getPath());
     $routeName = $this->underscore($name) . '_' . $this->underscore($action);
     $routePath = '/' . $this->underscore($name) . '/' . $this->underscore($action);
     $controller = 'App:' . str_replace('/', '\\', $controller) . ':' . $action;
     $output->writeLn(sprintf("\n" . '- <comment>%s</comment> route:', $routePath));
     if (!file_exists($routingPath)) {
         $output->writeLn(sprintf('  file <info>%s</info> does not exist.', $routingPath));
         if (!$dialog->askConfirmation($output, '  do you want me to create it? [Y/n] ', 'y')) {
         $this->writeFile($routingPath, '');
     $content = file_get_contents($routingPath);
     if (!preg_match('/' . preg_quote($controller, '/') . '[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', $content)) {
         $this->appendToFile($routingPath, null, $twig->render('routing.yml.twig', array('routeName' => $routeName, 'routePath' => $routePath, 'controller' => $controller)));
         $output->writeLn('  route <info>added</info>');
     } else {
         $output->writeLn('  route <info>already exists</info>');