Beispiel #1

return array('before' => function () {
    // Do stuff before every request to your application.
    Asset::add('bootsrap', 'css/bootstrap.min.css');
    Asset::add('mycss', 'css/my.css');
    Asset::add('jquery', 'js/jquery.js');
}, 'after' => function ($response) {
    // Do stuff after every request to your application.
}, 'auth' => function () {
    if (Auth::guest()) {
        return Redirect::to_login();
}, 'csrf' => function () {
    if (Request::forged()) {
        return Response::error('500');
Beispiel #2

return array('before' => function ($method, $uri) {
    // Do stuff before every request to your application.
}, 'after' => function ($response, $method, $uri) {
    // Do stuff after every request to your application.
}, 'auth' => function () {
    return !Auth::check() ? Redirect::to_login() : null;
}, 'csrf' => function () {
    return Input::get('csrf_token') !== Form::raw_token() ? Response::error('500') : null;