  * Handles a REST POST request.
  * Stores the bean described in the payload array in the database.
  * Returns an array formatted according to RedBeanPHP REST BeanCan
  * formatting specifications.
  * Format of the payload array:
  * array(
  *        'bean' => array( property => value pairs )
  * )
  * @return array
 private function post()
     if (!isset($this->payload['bean'])) {
         return $this->resp(NULL, self::C_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'Missing parameter \'bean\'.');
     if (!is_array($this->payload['bean'])) {
         return $this->resp(NULL, self::C_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'Parameter \'bean\' must be object/array.');
     foreach ($this->payload['bean'] as $key => $value) {
         if (!is_string($key) || !is_string($value)) {
             return $this->resp(NULL, self::C_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'Object \'bean\' invalid.');
     $newBean = $this->oodb->dispense($this->type);
     if (strpos($this->list, 'shared-') === FALSE) {
         $listName = 'own' . ucfirst($this->list);
     } else {
         $listName = 'shared' . ucfirst(substr($this->list, 7));
     array_push($this->bean->{$listName}, $newBean);
     $newBean = $this->oodb->load($newBean->getMeta('type'), $newBean->id);
     return $this->resp($newBean->export());
  * Tries to load a bean from cache, if this fails, it asks
  * the oodb object to load the bean from the database.
  * @param string $type
  * @param integer $id
  * @return RedBean_OODB $bean
 public function load($type, $id)
     $bean = $this->fetchFromCacheByTypeID($type, $id);
     if ($bean) {
         return $bean;
     } else {
         $bean = $this->oodb->load($type, $id);
         return $bean;
  * Loads bean, recurses if one of the property appears to be a list.
  * @param array   $array       data array to import as a bean
  * @param boolean $filterEmpty if TRUE empty STRING values are converted to NULL (default FALSE)
  * @return RedBean_OODBBean
  * @throws RedBean_Exception_Security
 private function loadBean(&$array, $filterEmpty)
     $type = $array['type'];
     if (isset($array['id'])) {
         // Do we need to load the bean?
         if (self::$loadBeans) {
             $bean = $this->redbean->load($type, (int) $array['id']);
         } else {
             throw new RedBean_Exception_Security('Attempt to load a bean in Cooker. Use enableBeanLoading to override but please read security notices first.');
     } else {
         $bean = $this->redbean->dispense($type);
     foreach ($array as $property => $value) {
         if (is_array($value)) {
             $bean->{$property} = $this->graph($value, $filterEmpty);
         } else {
             $bean->{$property} = $value == '' && self::$useNULLForEmptyString ? NULL : $value;
     return $bean;
  * Loads a bean by type and id. If the bean cannot be found an
  * empty bean will be returned instead. This is a cached version
  * of the loader, if the bean has been cached it will be served
  * from cache, otherwise the bean will be retrieved from the database
  * as usual an a new cache entry will be added..
  * @param string  $type type of bean you are looking for
  * @param integer $id   identifier of the bean
  * @return RedBean_OODBBean $bean the bean object found
 public function load($type, $id)
     if (isset($this->cache[$type][$id])) {
         $bean = $this->cache[$type][$id];
     } else {
         $bean = parent::load($type, $id);
         if ($bean->id) {
             if (!isset($this->cache[$type])) {
                 $this->cache[$type] = array();
             $this->cache[$type][$id] = $bean;
     return $bean;
Beispiel #5
  * Loads the bean with the given type and id and returns it.
  * @param string  $type type
  * @param integer $id   id of the bean you want to load
  * @return RedBean_OODBBean $bean
 public static function load($type, $id)
     return self::$redbean->load($type, $id);
Beispiel #6
  * Loads the Bean internally
  * @param integer $id
 public function find($id)
     $this->bean = $this->redbean->load($this->bean->getMeta("type"), (int) $id);
Beispiel #7
 $writer2 = new MyWriter($adapter);
 $redbean2 = new RedBean_OODB($writer2);
 $movie = $redbean2->dispense("movie");
 asrt(isset($movie->movie_id), true);
 $movie->name = "movie 1";
 $movieid = $redbean2->store($movie);
 asrt($movieid > 0, true);
 $columns = array_keys($writer->getColumns("movie"));
 asrt(in_array("movie_id", $columns), true);
 asrt(in_array("id", $columns), false);
 $movie2 = $redbean2->dispense("movie");
 asrt(isset($movie2->movie_id), true);
 $movie2->name = "movie 2";
 $movieid2 = $redbean2->store($movie2);
 $movie1 = $redbean2->load("movie", $movieid);
 asrt($movie->name, "movie 1");
 $movie2 = $redbean2->load("movie", $movieid2);
 asrt($movie2->name, "movie 2");
 $movies = $redbean2->batch("movie", array($movieid, $movieid2));
 asrt(count($movies), 2);
 asrt($movies[$movieid]->name, "movie 1");
 asrt($movies[$movieid2]->name, "movie 2");
 $toolbox2 = new RedBean_ToolBox($redbean2, $adapter, $writer2);
 $a2 = new RedBean_AssociationManager($toolbox2);
 $a2->associate($movie1, $movie2);
 $movies = $a2->related($movie1, "movie");
 asrt(count($movies), 1);
 asrt((int) $movies[0], (int) $movieid2);
 $movies = $a2->related($movie2, "movie");
 asrt(count($movies), 1);
  * Loads a bean from the object database.
  * It searches for a RedBean_OODBBean Bean Object in the
  * database. It does not matter how this bean has been stored.
  * RedBean uses the primary key ID $id and the string $type
  * to find the bean. The $type specifies what kind of bean you
  * are looking for; this is the same type as used with the
  * dispense() function. If RedBean finds the bean it will return
  * the RedBean_OODB Bean object; if it cannot find the bean
  * RedBean will return a new bean of type $type and with
  * primary key ID 0. In the latter case it acts basically the
  * same as dispense().
  * Important note:
  * If the bean cannot be found in the database a new bean of
  * the specified type will be generated and returned.
  * @param string  $type type of bean you want to load
  * @param integer $id   ID of the bean you want to load
  * @throws RedBean_Exception_SQL
  * @return RedBean_OODBBean
 public function load($type, $id)
     return $this->redbean->load($type, $id);
Beispiel #9
 public function getParent(RedBean_OODBBean $bean)
     return $this->oodb->load($bean->getMeta("type"), (int) $bean->parent_id);