Beispiel #1
 public function __toString()
     // $attr = $this->_html_attr;
     // $attr['class'] = $this->css_class();
     // $attr['type'] = $this->field_type();
     // return Form::checkbox($this->name(), null, (bool)$this->value(), $attr);
     if (array_key_exists('recaptcha', Kohana::modules())) {
         $recap = Recaptcha::instance();
         return $recap->get_html();
     } else {
         return "";
Beispiel #2
 public function action_index()
     if (Auth::instance()->get_user()) {
         $this->template->current_user_id = Auth::instance()->get_user();
         $this->template->current_user = ORM::factory('user', Auth::instance()->get_user());
     $this->layout->page_title = 'Register an account';
     $this->layout->scripts = array('sourcemap-core', 'sourcemap-template');
     $f = Sourcemap_Form::load('/register');
     $this->template->form = $f;
     if (strtolower(Request::$method) === 'post') {
         $validate = $f->validate($_POST);
         if (array_key_exists('recaptcha', Kohana::modules())) {
             $recap = Recaptcha::instance();
             $revalid = (bool) $recap->is_valid($_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]);
             $validate = $validate && $revalid;
         if ($validate) {
             $p = $f->values();
             // check for username in use
             $exists = ORM::factory('user')->where('username', '=', $p['username'])->find()->loaded();
             if ($exists) {
                 Message::instance()->set('That username is taken.');
             // check for email in use
             $exists = ORM::factory('user')->where('email', '=', $p['email'])->find()->loaded();
             if ($exists) {
                 Message::instance()->set('An account exists for that email address.');
             $new_user = ORM::factory('user');
             $new_user->username = $p['username'];
             $new_user->email = $p['email'];
             $new_user->password = $p['password'];
             if (!$new_user->id) {
                 Message::instance()->set('Could not complete registration. Please contact support.');
                 return $this->request->redirect('register');
             //send a notification
             $subj = 'Re: Your New Account on Open Supply Chains';
             $h = md5(sprintf('%s-%s', $new_user->username, $new_user->email));
             $lid = strrev(base64_encode($new_user->username));
             $url = URL::site("register/confirm?t={$lid}-{$h}", true);
             $msgbody = "Dear {$new_user->username},\n\n";
             $msgbody .= 'Welcome to Open Supply Chains! ';
             $msgbody .= "Go to the url below to activate your account.\n\n";
             $msgbody .= $url . "\n\n";
             $msgbody .= "If you have any questions, please contact us.\n";
             $addlheaders = "From: Open Supply Chains\r\n";
             try {
                 $sent = mail($new_user->email, $subj, $msgbody, $addlheaders);
                 Message::instance()->set('Please check your email for further instructions.', Message::INFO);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 Message::instance()->set('Sorry, could not complete registration. Please contact support.');
             return $this->request->redirect('register');
         } else {
             Message::instance()->set('Check the information below and try again.');
     } else {
         /* pass */